This problem is global as all fishes will suffer heavymetal intoxication in different concentrations. It's just like DFF?(chemical used in the 70's and forbidden short after), which is still in the foodchain all over the world after 30 years,
Do you mean DDT, the pesticide once widely used to kill mosquitoes?
Do you have any point at all to make Foolkiller ... other than disagreeing with me?
Well, I was agreeing with you about Palin and Limbaugh. I was just making sure your snarky comments at their expense weren't directed to anyone participating in this thread.
You won't get an argument from me that the Democrats, as a political institution, are subject to the same kind of influence peddling, corruption, short-sightedness & stupidity as the Republicans.
I don’t believe this is true at all. The Democrats (whatever you may think of their actual policies) have always advocated a more nuanced, complex approach to policy-making.
However, the GOP, thanks to the increasing influence of people like Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck & Palin have raised (or lowered) the bar to a whole new level.
I think that you first have to determine if these people, none of which are serving in office right now, speak for the party. They are professional commentators and they don't represent the GOP any more than Matthews, Olberman, or Maddow do the DNC. Oh, hang on. I forgot a former office holder: Tom Daschle. They might be able to, via their media influence, control the direction of the public discussion, but none of them are some form of official spokespeople, despite how it may look at times.
You may fundamentally disagree with the President's economic position, but there are many economists who do not.
And many that do disagree, publicly, with full page ads in national newspapers.
The version that made it in papers (PDF)
That is not a "big lie", but a legitimate difference of opinion on policy.
Claiming that spending nearly a trillion dollars would
keep unemployment below 8% is not a difference of opinion. After that fails,
continuing to say stimulus is working as we went well beyond that 8% mark is not a difference of opinion. Touting the May employment numbers of
431,000 new jobs and saying, "this report is a sign that our economy is getting stronger by the day," when 411,000 of them are temporary Census government jobs, is not a difference of opinion.
Sure, it may have been bad economic science on their part, and not a lie, but the constant repeating that it is working now is a lie. Claiming that jobs that they know won't exist in August is growth is a lie. They should have just paid them to go dig holes for no reason for all the good it has actually done.
"Drill, baby drill" was an idiotic slogan, because it misrepresented the economic significance of increased drilling in American waters, while dismissing the environmental risks - (which have now become readily apparent). Going on to try & pin the "blame" on environmentalists is beyond the pale, & really is in the best tradition of Goebbels.
I agree with all of the above, but I will call the Obama Administration out on similar tactics.
As far as SUVs are concerned - freedom of choice for the consumer is all very well, but the US auto makers pinned their whole financial strategy on promoting the SUV - a relatively impractical, fuel-inefficient, expensive & unsafe vehicle. The advertising successfully imprinted itself on the American public so that sales soared, until oil prices went up & the the SUV market collapsed. Good marketing ... not good common-sense.
Would you have suggested that during the multi-year boom for SUVs, which gained popularity because soccer moms found them cooler than minivans, that automakers not have sold and marketed SUVs?
(I didn't really picture you driving around in a Chevy Suburban.
I actually despise SUVs. When my mom bought a Lexus SUV she got a long and drawn out lecture about the uselessness of a car designed as if it were going off road, but built with the intention of always staying on pavement.
But I understand the appeal to people trying to avoid the mom-mobile stigma. Granted, I don't get it as I rode many years in the back of a Beetle and Chevette, and personal experience has taught me that two child seats can fit in the backseat of a Golf.