Nope. Completely irrelevant. Anyone modifying the game and creating whatever they like occurs outside the express permission of Sony and without any support by them.
This is all about the Gran Turismo brand.
There's this odd notion that the auto makers have a hotline to Sony. In all likelihood, they don't even know that people are modding cars. If there isn't money being made, they don't pay attention.
So to explain a trademark:
"If you were to fill a container that features a trademark with a generic product this would be
trademark infringement, even if the buyer knows that he is not getting the original product. The refilled product as such is not the same as the original product as sold by the trademark holder.
Somebody else might see the refilled product in use, and if the refilled product did not work as well as the original product,
the image of the trademark holder would be damaged in the eyes of that somebody else."
Now so far this sort of means that you are correct,
but (should know there's always going to be a but

" ..
So Ferrari may have been a bad example, so let's take Nissan this time, they have put a lot of time and dependence into the GT series, with GT Academy, exclusive rights, so on and so fourth. When Nissan forms GT Academy they are relying heavily on the acurate performance of their product on GT5. If said product was to be altered (regardless of who did it) and released to individuals whom find themselves driving a Nissan in the game, and find it to be "crap" because they have recieved a counterfeit product, can then demand refunds, file complaints, so on and so fourth to PD/Sony.
Now for the theoretical part during this time word has spread that GT5 is a poor product, "I have a Nissan 370Z and it is nothing like in the game, the car in the game handles like a '77 F250 and it's stats say it has 103hp, ultimate simulator my 🤬 " .. Time goes by, Nissan has not recieved any interest, or at least not enough in GT Academy, 87 year old Billy-Jo-Bob takes the win for GT Academy since the other people who participated did not meet qualifications. He then forgets where he is in the middle of his first race due to Altheimer's disease (undetectable by GT Academy testing) he forgets where he is, stops and injures (or worse) himself and 5 fellow racers. Then, their new , extra cheap, and same performance GTR-1 is exclusively released to the GT Series
what was a multi-million fanbase, and yet they have not sold nearly the number's they projected.
Nissan ask's themselves "what's going on?" They do some research and see the the fanbase for GT has dropped by nearly 90% making multi-millions just several hundred thousand. They call PD and have a meeting, sometime through out that meeting it is brought up by PD, "Well we did have a lot of complaints about the Nissan vehicle not being an accurate representation." .. Nissan hears this, a discussion begins, Nissan pulls out of the Gran Turismo series.
Goodbye Nissan, goodbye publicity from Nissan, goodbye Nissan marketing materials, hello Forza Academy.. The loss of a company like Nissan would devastate PD's marketing/income/publicity, a lot of things.. And this is a direct result of "counterfeit" vehicles being made by individuals on Trademark material. ~Fin~