POLL: Fixed or Adjustable settings in FIA Nations Cup & Manufacturer Series

  • Thread starter JockeP22

Car Settings - Fixed or Adjustable ?

  • Total voters
Round 1 of the FIA Test Season is over with and the cars were all stock across the different manufacturers.

I'd like to see what the majority of people prefer with regards to whether or not being able to tune the cars.

I, for one, was happily surprised that you couldn't, and I hope that this tuning restriction will remain in place into the proper seasons.

Polyphony seem to alter the rules of these championships on a regular basis, appearing to not know what the best way forward is.

If they should see 100+ people vote on this particular poll then maybe they'll have a better understanding of what the people would prefer.
I'd prefer adjustable settings. As it stands I have a car that drives like a stubborn cow and I only get to use half the gears due to poor default ratios.
IMO you need at least two more options in your poll to make it more emcompasing:

No preference
I get that, and besides I'm fairly sure that PD will alternate between the two.
But that remains to be seen.

Right now though I just wanted to see how divided the community is,
and they are the only two options that are currently in the game.
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Adjustable. Many are using assists (which masks setup flaws), so it's only fair I and some others can try and gain as much as possible by making the cars more efficient.
In the nations cup where you are not locked into a brand of car fixed is fine as you can switch cars if need be to match a track, in manufacturers cup gearing changes at minimum and preferably full tuning to get the brand of car you signed with to perform the best at the different types of tracks.

Some cars on some tracks just do not perform as well as others with stock gearing differences and stock suspension settings. No brand of car should be penalized just because of the games factory settings if there is better handling and speed within that vehicle just from a better set up.
Car settings should be adjustable, if you looks at real life racing cars they are often fiddled with to get the most out of them within the confines of the series. If GTS is going to follow the format of a traditional race series, then I see no reason not to allow tuning...even if it's limited to some degree (ie same time must be used).
My opinion is that having the ability and knowledge to tune a car for maximum performance is just as important of a skill as driving itself. Racing is a bond between man and machine and not being able to maximize the potential of both is what separates the greats from everyone else. Drivers should have a profound knowledge of tuning to be the most successful and I feel that disallowing such limits the potential for growth as a driver itself. Engineers can get a car setup close to where it needs to be but without the driver's own aptitude to know what to tweak to what degree, the car will never be completely optimized. Therefore, prohibiting tuning limits driver skill rather than exemplifying it.

Also, I think having prohibited tuning increases the technology gap between players. Typically, wheel users are significantly quicker on fixed setups than controller users and having the option to adjust the car to the liking of each player will decrease that gap. The controller user will be able to rid of most of the excess understeer felt with that input method, thus improving their cornering ability and bringing them closer to their wheel-using competitors.
Since there are currently only 2 championships, I vote for fixed settings.
I would rather see 2 more championships added where settings are adjustable, that way everyone can compete with either or both as they prefer.
Adjustable. This is the headline series and should utilize all the depth the game has. If you don't want to spend the half hour or so it takes to get a usable baseline setup, just stick to the daily races.

And if you're getting "absolutely destroyed" by someone, it's not the setup- it's your skill level. Those people will still probably be much faster than you on default setups. Don't use that an excuse as to why you can't get better.

Finally, most of what a setup does for the average person is just make the car more suited to their driving style, makes you more consistent. It's not like it's hard to find optimal gear ratios for each track- even if you can't do it yourself, there are plenty of resources (GT Planet forums, for instance) you can use to get that information. Everything beyond that is pretty subjective.

Tuning is a very rewarding aspect of sim racing and I'm surprised so many people choose to avoid it.
I don't understand the sheer shortsightedness of the fixed crowd, fixed means one car dominates and there's nothing you can do about it if you're not in that car. The default settings on many cars are so bad that are virtually undriveable which removes them from the pool of viable cars, and the default gear ratios mean most cars can't even get into top gear on most tracks. Wouldn't you rather drive a car that handles great that you can push to the absolute limits of performance?

Plus the skill arguments are invalid to me because setting up a car is a skill, in a racing simulator it's an important skill to have. Just sounds like another excuse people like to use for not being as fast as they think they are.
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Just sounds like another excuse people like to use for not being as fast as they think they are.

This is exactly how I perceive it as well. Some of the arguments in this thread are pretty laughable to say the least.

I'm surprised how many in this poll voted for fixed setups considering how extremely short sighted this view point is. The fixed setup crowd will just use the best car possible anyway because "skill". At least with adjustable setups you can make a worse car more competitive. There are also tons of guides and setups here and youtube for people to use so theres really no excuse.

But imo, PD is only leaving the setups fixed until they get the cars balanced as best as they can. Then we'll see a return of adjustable setups, hopefully.
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I would prefer fixed I think. It's nice to not have to worry about whether or not the tune is optimal.
In the manufacturers cup it comes down to whether the manufacturer that you signed with car has both a base suspension setting and gear ratio that not only suites the track but your driving style as well. You have no choice to race a different car. So is it better to be able to make some adjustments and perhaps be more competitive or know that because of the contract you signed you have one of the worse cars on the track for gearing and suspension set up and will finish near the rear of the field as a result?
I think fixed setups make sense in daily races where you just want to be able to quickly jump in and race but in an official Championship where you race once a week and have a whole week to prepare I think adjustable setups is the right path.
I normally prefer it adjustable. But it's a virtual world series, not real. So it's way fairer as all the players don't have a tech team in their backs like in real racing.
So it's way fairer as all the players don't have a tech team in their backs like in real racing.

There are tons of resources on tuning here and on youtube that every GTS player has access to. It's perfectly fair to have adjustable tuning.
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PD will be watching the participation rates on tuning and no tuning lobbies and I'd guess if one is an overwhelming favourite it'll dominate future racing options. I believe there is room for both though and if they choose an either/or approach to tuning it'll surely demotivate some part of the player base.

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