Did you enter event that allowed tuning but without using a tuned car? If you did, are you now 2-5 seconds closer to the pole now that tuning is disallowed?
Also, I think 2-5 seconds gain per lap is incredibly optimistic. I mentioned before that setups are more for making you more consistent. Faster laptops is a side effect of that as you are able to drive your line more regularly.
It's not that I can verify this in any way and I totally admit I might be wrong, but as I said, it's my generell impression that these are the kind of gains you get from a good tune, reading the forums. Maybe 5 seconds is a bit too optimistic though.
Also, I don't think "master" is the word you're looking for if you aren't willing to spend time actually learning anything. You're just playing. And to me, a sanctioned points series is the wrong place for that. Call me elitist but literally every other place in the game accommodates that. This shouldn't.
You are right, "master" is the wrong word. More correct is "keep it on the track and get nice steady laps without going off". But your assumption is wrong that I am not willing to learn. I am willing to learn, I am willing to spend time learning, and I do learn and spend time with it, but the time I have to play the game is usually very limited during the week, so I have to make a decision, do I put in as many miles as possible to learn a car/track combo and find a decent race line, or do I spend the time testing different tunes. Unfortunately, I can't do both most of the time. Still I enjoy the game, and I enjoy the good racing I get in FIA series, so no I don't think the FIA series is the wrong place for me. Maybe I come across as a wreckless driver who can't keep a racing line and takes other cars out. I can assure you this is not the case. In the Monday races I finished 2nd and 3rd, and I really enjoyed those races.
You said it yourself- it's probably not true. That's an excuse that I learned long ago wasn't valid, along with the fact that there will always be people faster and better than me at anything I try. I would rather lose to them knowing I tried to the best of my abilities than win knowing they were handicapped from doing their best.
Not an excuse, realistically it would be a combination of both. If the tune of the faster driver didn't make him faster and or more consistent, then why tune the car in the first place? I rather lose to someone knowing they beat me purely with their driving skills, nothing else. Not having the ability to tune isn't a handicap for a fast driver. It levels the playing field. The ability to tune would give him a further advantage over me. Nothing wrong with that, it is racing, but calling fixed tunes a "handicap" is the wrong word. A good driver will kick my ass even with a fixed tune (otherwise he wouldn't be that good). But with a fixed tune, I might have a better chance to keep up with him and give him a bit of a fight. Which makes for better racing for all involved.
I am not sure where I'm going with this, I'm not actually complaining about anything. If tuning becomes available I'll be happily racing as I have been now. My preference would be just tuning disabled. As long as I can have good racers with other players, I don't mind if they use tuning or not.