POLL: Graphics GT5 vs GT6

  • Thread starter TomBrady

What has better graphics?

  • GT5, it's graphics are clearer overall with less aliasing

    Votes: 26 14.9%
  • GT6, the lighting and lack of screen tearing wins it for me

    Votes: 130 74.7%
  • Tie

    Votes: 18 10.3%

  • Total voters
I'll take jagged shadows over jumpy frame rates any day of the week. I'm extremely disappointed in the GTA 2013 cockpit cam view. For an official competition, it should be rock steady. Slow AI, placeholder sounds I can live with in a "demo", but if my track view is compromised, I lose my faith and patience. Hopefully this will be rectified.
The graphics are fresh with small tidbits of detail het and there, like the sub shining in the GTRs tachometer gauges.
So we can't compare the demo to GT5? Why not?

I'm only asking which looks better.
Look at what you said:
Obviously. No one has played the final game.

We're comparing the demo to GT5.
You are, apparently many are not. Some people here like to have the irrational imagination of the demo being state of the art. Or probably that's the wrong term... ehm... being final if you want so.

I'll take jagged shadows over jumpy frame rates any day of the week. I'm extremely disappointed in the GTA 2013 cockpit cam view. For an official competition, it should be rock steady. Slow AI, placeholder sounds I can live with in a "demo", but if my track view is compromised, I lose my faith and patience. Hopefully this will be rectified.


For a competition that is looking for the best, where thousands of a second mean the difference between sitting on your couch or sitting in a GT3 GTR and a complete change of life, having poor framerates is a very bad thing.
If it can be better, why isn't it?
Why would they not wait till a 60fps version is available if its possible?
A demo is a showcase afterall, i'm not saying it can't be improved, i am saying it is highly unlikely to be improved by a significant amount and i'm afraid to say that a solid 60fps will not happen when it should be top of the list!

Get the game running with those physics at solid 60fps is the number 1 priority.
When/if thats done add better sounds.

Graphics make you want to play the game, Gameplay keeps you playing the game!

Thats what we want PD!
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I circled too promising changes:

-The Track background

Looks like all tracks will be of the same level as Spa, 'ring, and la Sarthe...

GT6 looks way better in this pic
It's a demo, not a full game. It's got issues, lots of demos do. Wait for the full game and vote.

Here's the GT Academy Demo from 2010. Oh no!!!! GT5 won't have tire smoke or skid marks!!!! What a terrible game!! Kaz and PD suck!!!

Ading in effects like smoke and skid marks is far, far easier than optimising the whole game to run at 60fps! Remember, they haven't even added AA yet which is a huge strain, so it is more than likely it will be left out unless Sonys own MLAA is extremely light on resourses but even then its still adding to it.

This is with only 1 -6 cars on track and the game being read from the faster HDD only!
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Its been pared back a hell of a lot because it doesn't look like it has any at all.

So thats even more disapointing then as this will more than likely be the final image quality.

The framerate is terrible, a 20fps difference in places and they didn't even test Silverstone which is by far the worst offender!

With another 10 cars to be added and the reading of some data from blu-ray it is not looking good!
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I'm not really sure how to go with this GT5 versus GT6 subject. I find it difficult because in some ways it's better and others worse. I know this just echoes previously-posted sentiments, but it's true for me as it is with others. In a way it's nice to have the visual updates that we got, but not at the cost of framerate and aliasing. The graphic bugs take more away from me than what the additions bring. It's like one step forward and two steps back.

I think at the bottom line I would prefer a game that didn't sprinkle jaggies all over my screen or that doesn't choke while rendering.

As it stands, cosmetically:
GT5 > GT6