Poll: GT5 Sounds so far...

What is your opinion regarding sound quality of the engines?

  • GT5 is substantially better than Forza 2

    Votes: 23 29.9%
  • GT5 is better than Forza 2

    Votes: 15 19.5%
  • GT5 is not noticeably different from Forza 2

    Votes: 8 10.4%
  • GT5 is worse than Forza 2

    Votes: 11 14.3%
  • GT5 is substantially worse than Forza 2

    Votes: 6 7.8%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 14 18.2%

  • Total voters
First, a little background information. I neither own a PS3 nor an XBOX360, although I have played Forza 2 on the latter. I have however watched both games on youtube. I am convinced that Forza's sounds are, allow me, more polyphonic in their texture, while GT5Ps are more flat. Even after the update I can't help thinking that GT5P's sounds could do with some beefing up. Perhaps actually playing the game might change my opinion, but given my limited resources (both financial and chronological) a purchase of a PS3 does not seem likely. Any gamers please leave feedback.

Edit: An example: the F430, which leaves much to be desired in GT5p. My opinion anyway, and I am not trying to start a console-war. Merely to see whether there are people who agree with me and to what extent.

Edit: GT5>GT5P. Sorry the Interceptor; I meant GT5P.
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I stated no opinion, because I personally don't think the two should be compared. They may both be deemed as simulators, but I've always found the Forza games more arcadey than the GT series. I'm not trying to start anything, but the cars and tracks just feel different than their GT counterparts, and while Forza is fun, I don't take it too seriously as a simulator as I do GT.

Edit: Wow, I didn't even read the thread right. I thought it was about how the game sounds in theory, not the literal sounds. In terms of the sounds themselves, I still don't have an opinion, as I haven't heard enough of Forza 2's sounds.
I've played Forza 2 at my friend's house quite a few times, and I think the sounds are a little more raw and realistic as far as tones go. However, the sounds in GT confuse me sometimes. For instance. I think the stock Z06 in GT5p sounds really close to real life...whereas cars such as the 599 are lacking high-end rawness, and some of the tuned cars just sound terrible, while other tuner cars sound amazing...aka the Mine's Skyline GTR.
interesting poll results. ironic that the majority of the people here in the GT Planet forums think that there GT5 is equal to or worse than Forza 2.

In my opinion, GTHD was better than Forza 2. Forza had it's cool features (such as the extensive custom paint jobs and Sebring and Road Atlanta.) but my biggest irritation with Forza is that it tries to steal things from GT and Forza 2 really is a shiner version of Forza 1 with a few more cars and a dash more tracks (although, I think you wind up with the same amount after you add the DLC tracks).

I found it kinda stupid that the first DLC track for Forza 2 was Twin Ring Motegi....in all the same configurations as GT4. and GT's was better looking...a lot better looking.

The AI was far more irritating in Forza as well. I mean, the AI in the GT series can be a handful at time, but at least they actually adjust somewhat when you break a little early instead trying to do their line which, of course, means they slam into the back of you at 180mph and force you to start the race all over.

besides the paint job creator thingy, the only thing Forza had over GT was 1: it was easier to drift (which isn't very realistic at all) and 2: it had Ferrari, Porsche, Lamborghini and Maserati. From what it sounds like, though, Costume paint jobs will be in GT5 in some shape or form and at least Ferrari's in GT5 and we might see Maserati and possibly Porsche and Lamborghini.
Well this thread is really about sound only. As I havent had much seat time with Forza 2 I wont vote, but I will say PD is getting much of it realistic in terms of tone and frequency but lack the punch.
i have played forza1 & 2.. the drifting is cool...... the physics are not as good as the owners think they are.... m osthave never played gt on a high level.

one thing that is accurate is the size of their tracks for example Suzuka.

the sounds... are...imo cool....
So far. It's a Prologue, I put it's bit better.. but not over the top better then Forza2
For me is because it's more High Quality, Real recording of a car, sounds way better on 5.1 setup over the Forza 2
Forza2 on the other hand has more sound effects. I think GT5 will change sound once its full game comes out.. So far its bit better.
still, in terms of sound, GT is better. Forza doesn't have the cool draft noise that GT does. It's helpful to be able to hear when you're in the draft. It even changes when someone slips into your draft.
still, in terms of sound, GT is better. Forza doesn't have the cool draft noise that GT does. It's helpful to be able to hear when you're in the draft. It even changes when someone slips into your draft.

True, not many games have wind noises. I don't remeber having wind noises in rFactor, Forza1,2. GTR2 etc... LFS has them.. I do not know about iRacing .. too expensive to find out lol

Besides GT5 vs forza sounds... both have their own highs and lows... but for me I car less. I prefer Physics more over sound.
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GT5p, you can hear alot more of whats going on under the hood, and the idle sounds are spot on to there real life counterparts.
its getting better, each car nolonger sounds like a hoover vacum cleaner.
Still playing both, Forza2's better in both engine & and tires. However, i think GRID's better then both of them in all counts. :)
Still playing both, Forza2's better in both engine & and tires. However, i think GRID's better then both of them in all counts. :)

But both game are unrealistic.. so how are they better?
I actually do think those games can sound better than Prologue. I even think NFS sounds better than Prologue. The reason is the question of how you define good or bad sound.

I'm pretty much only referring to engine sounds. Obviously, they have to sound like they belong to the respective engine, as they do in Prologue. But there's no life in those sounds. When I sit in an F430, I want to rev it at standstill, and it must give me a shiver down my spine. In Prologue, it doesn't. It sounds real, but there's no drama. It's like a meal without spice. The substance is there, but the small things that make it tasty are missing. Prologue engine sounds need more life, they need to get snortier and change more with the situation.
Interesting that more people think that gt5>forza 2. It must be that youtube vids are a poor indicator of actual sound quality. But just for me, the Ferraris in GT5P sound rather flat, and monotonous. After having heard them on youtube (again, my only means of hearing the game) there really doesn't seem to be much change in the voice (excl. pitch, obviously) as the revs rise. The California in particular is hard to discern from the F430 and leaves me a little cold; anyone agrees with me?
There should be another poll as well. What are you using. 2 speakers, 5.1 or 7.1 Surround sound does make a difference my friends. Thats why GT5P sounds way better in High Deff over Forza2 on 5.1

I remeber I recorded a Mustang GT from GT5P with crappy camera, and on you tube it sounds way different *worst* then on my 5.1 .. so do not believe you tube.
There should be another poll as well. What are you using. 2 speakers, 5.1 or 7.1 Surround sound does make a difference my friends. Thats why GT5P sounds way better in High Deff over Forza2 on 5.1

I remeber I recorded a Mustang GT from GT5P with crappy camera, and on you tube it sounds way different *worst* then on my 5.1 .. so do not believe you tube.

That explains a lot. Thanks for your comment. But don't 5.1 speakers tend to be quite expensive? Could you describe the sound? How is it similar to real life?
The California in particular is hard to discern from the F430 and leaves me a little cold; anyone agrees with me?

They are slightly different in sound but not by all that much. Which makes sense because they both share the same base engine, biggest difference is the California's cylinder head and pistons has been changed for direct injection, but otherwise there is no reason for the to sound completely different.
Are they starting to record on the dyno near the exhaust, i noticed the cars sound more raw now.?
That explains a lot. Thanks for your comment. But don't 5.1 speakers tend to be quite expensive? Could you describe the sound? How is it similar to real life?

Well. Base for wind is bit upscale and bit overrated. I was going 75 MPH on a High way last night (within speed limits of course ;) ) and Engine was at only 3500 RPM, all you could hear is wind and just bit of engine noise. In GT going that fast seems similar but just too much BASE in wind, and at 8000 RPM engine is just TOO low. The wind should be able to hear, but the Engine should be SCRAMMING! I know most cars are STOCK cars with street mufflers in GT5P but they should be LOUDER at high RPMs

I also Crank up my 5.1 to full VOLUME. The Engine sound on Audi TT was perfect.. I think all car GT5P at HIGH volume sound real, all you need is just CRANK up the Sound.. but the problem with Gran Turismo is.. that you can not ONLY crank eninge sound.. all you can do is turn everything at the same time UP or down.. same with Music..

Once at full volume. car on N, cars sounds perfect... you hear engines scream, growl, etc.. but the wind noises are just too loud with much base. GT5 full game should have slider for each, just like PC games...

-Eninge sound 0-150
-Wind sound 0-150
-Tire sound 0-150
-People (fans) 0-150
etc. etc.

As well GT5P still needs better sounds like when you switch gear, you should hear the CLICKing sounds... (transmission sounds) better blow off sounds.. etc.. As well when you life off throttle, some cars should have distinctive sound..

Overall car sounds are Realistic in GT5P, but they are underscored and with not too many miscellaneous objects.

I didn't know you had to have the best physics to have good sounds. :rolleyes:
haha I was thinking he talk about PHYSICS! lol! my mistake. Im just Polish ;)
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