POLL: If you have a PS4 already, will you buy GTSport

  • Thread starter Jahgee

If you have a PS4 already, do you plan on purchasing GTSport

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Man up and buy a wheel if you need to people, jeez.

I doubt we will have to buy GT sport, most likely a free deal.

We'll see. If we have to buy it, of course, I'll buy one.

Then I will buy GT7 as well!

I think maybe a better poll would be, do you think we will have to pay for GT Sport?
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Man up and buy a wheel if you need to people, jeez.

I doubt we will have to buy GT sport, most likely a free deal.

We'll see. If we have to buy it, of course, I'll buy one.

Then I will buy GT7 as well!

I think maybe a better poll would be, do you think we will have to pay for GT Sport?

First of all, being able to afford a wheel has nothing to do with "manning up". Not everyone has £200 of a disposable cash for a wheel, or whatever the latest ones cost.

Secondly, it's up for pre-order on Amazon. They wouldn't do that unless they were told it's a paid product.
Man up and buy a wheel if you need to people, jeez.

I doubt we will have to buy GT sport, most likely a free deal.

We'll see. If we have to buy it, of course, I'll buy one.

Then I will buy GT7 as well!

I think maybe a better poll would be, do you think we will have to pay for GT Sport?

Man up? What about those of us who own very good wheel set ups that are unsure if they will be compatible with GTS?
I don't know about you, but if I owned a CSW V2 set up, I wouldn't be interested in anything from Thrustmaster or Logitech. Pcars supports a lot of wheels, so I think it would be a huge mistake if PD only supported official PS4 wheels.

With that said, if PD do support a wide variety of wheels, I'll likely buy the game, as you can never have too many racing games.

As for it being free, there's no way it will be. The open beta will likely be free, but PD aren't going to just hand out free copies of a game they've been working on for the last couple of years.
well a 60$ is very, very, very steep for a "prologue" then :D

Maybe Polyphony Digital needs to generate money for GT7 to make it the best Sim on Console, in which case I would support by buying Gran Turismo Sport, plus I miss GT since my PS3 died, I haven't even checked for GT7 since the release of Project CARS, F1 2015 and Forza Motorsport 6, I would like to have a little taste of GT on the PS4, but I must say SMS, Turn 10 and Codemasters have been keeping me too busy to long for GT7 everyday. but since this news 💡 it makes me wonder about the previous forecasted release date of 2016 for GT7, seems like that's out the window now.:(
That price on Amazon is of course, like the rest of the page, just a placeholder at the moment. Amazon have their pre-order price guarantee so it's extremely common for their initial listing of a game to be for the standard price and then adjusted much closer to the release time, usually downwards. In the UK they tend to be even listed for way above the RRP, some as high as £54.99, but by release date they're around the usual £40.

It could of course remain a $60 game, but you could also see that placeholder updated as time goes on and the price lowered to $40. We can only wait and see.

That doesn't look like a free download type game, otherwise Amazon wouldn't have received a listing for it.

Retailers have as much info as you and I. It's probably just a placeholder and doesn't guarantee anything about release date or prices.

GT Sport will have a beta, it's not a beta (of anything) by itself.

I'm expecting the beta to be a free download, and when the full GTS is released it will just be upgraded by an update, without any need for payment. Those who didn't get the beta can still download the full game for free also. GT7 with the full package will come a bit later, and that's gonna be your full $60 game.

And no, GTS is not "officially" a beta for GT7, but for all intents and purposes PD will be stupid not to use it as such. At the very least it will give them feedback on the new graphics/sound/physics/online improvements, while keeping people busy waiting for GT7, and getting the FIA/GTA competitions underway at the same time. Triple win :D

Also, because of the nature of the series, every GT game is somewhat of a "beta" for the next one. It's not like NFS where every game stands on its own.

In any case, this is all still speculation at this point. I'm just writing what I think makes sense. It could be all totally wrong :P
Didn't vote because "HEEEEELLLLLZZZ YEEEEEAAAAHHH" wasn't an option (Neither was "🤬 Yeah!!").

Yeah, I'm doing it. As annoyed as I am about the wheel issue, it hasn't stopped me from enjoying Driveclub and it hasn't dampened my enthusiasm for F1 2015 so this shall be no different.

I won't buy it if the Course Maker requires a Playstation Plus sub to use.

I'm gonna bet you real money Course Maker isn't gonna be in GTS (you know, because FIA) and I have a feeling I'm gonna win that bet ;)
I read in a recent article somewhere I don't remember where, that Gran Turismo Sport will be something bigger than the usual prologue we have been given in the past. And yes Gran Turismo Sport is not Gran Turismo 7. And my answer for this question is, my mind is not made up until I see what the game has to offer first.
Hoping the FIA rights force PD to up the ante on the car damage. .
I want to see real crashes, real tension from cars spinning out and having a safety car come out on a rainy track to bring calm to the chaos. PD, go big or go home. im counting on you to make me feel the reality of motorsport thats 2nd only to the real thing.
I will buy it, because the step forward in graphics, physics and (hopefully) sound will be a good enough reason to pick the game up. Plus I like the look of the new cars shown in the first trailer.

The FIA Online championship is also really interesting and something I look forward to participating in. Plus, if the devs are true to their word about it being "everything you'd expect from a GT", the game itself should have a fair amount of content to enjoy.

Regardless if it's a full release or not, at the end of the day, it's still a Gran Turismo game on PS4. It's an offer I can't refuse.
Only if proper offline mode is included. Otherwise pcars, F1 2016, SEB loeb rally evo and dirt rally should be enough to live in 2016.
They seen to be.

If I remember correctly, there is an Arcade mode, a Campaign mode and a "Sport" mode.

My guess is arcade is the same as it is now, campaign is our offline career mode and Sport mode is the online championship.
I've bought every Gran Turismo game released in the UK. (9). As I've already posted elsewhere. I will not buy this until it's out and I've read real reviews from people I trust to be honest about it and say what is broken is now fixed.

If the answer is not what I'm looking for then goodbye GT.
They seen to be.

If I remember correctly, there is an Arcade mode, a Campaign mode and a "Sport" mode.

My guess is arcade is the same as it is now, campaign is our offline career mode and Sport mode is the online championship.

Yes, in fact i said proper. If they focus is the online you can easily have a 5 hours campaign mode with no love in it.
Assuming it won't be a steaming pile of manure (which I have no reason to assume it will be - the last GT games may have been not up to the high standard set by GT4, but were still enjoyable car games well worth their price), I will.