POLL: If you have a PS4 already, will you buy GTSport

  • Thread starter Jahgee

If you have a PS4 already, do you plan on purchasing GTSport

  • Total voters
This is a bit of a shameless plug for my own thread*, but also a suggestion not to split up the conversation, my thread now covers all 4 scenarios, with a PS4 or not and, getting the game or not.

If I had a PS4, I would still be on the fence, gun to my head answer would be no right now, don't know enough about it, feel it may be dominated by online play which has been lack-luster to poor in the past (jittery cars, glitches). I also don't know if I like this as a direction for the franchise, the core gameplay and content needs a heap of attention to bring it up to modern standards - I don't know if that will happen with this title.

Still, it may be just a good small game to demonstrate the new engine... I wouldn't buy a console for it in that case if it were though.

* https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/threads/poll-will-you-buy-a-ps4-for-gts.337689/page-3
This is a bit of a shameless plug for my own thread*, but also a suggestion not to split up the conversation, my thread now covers all 4 scenarios, with a PS4 or not and, getting the game or not.

If I had a PS4, I would still be on the fence, gun to my head answer would be no right now, don't know enough about it, feel it may be dominated by online play which has been lack-luster to poor in the past (jittery cars, glitches). I also don't know if I like this as a direction for the franchise, the core gameplay and content needs a heap of attention to bring it up to modern standards - I don't know if that will happen with this title.

Still, it may be just a good small game to demonstrate the new engine... I wouldn't buy a console for it in that case if it were though.

* https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/threads/poll-will-you-buy-a-ps4-for-gts.337689/page-3
You are still missing the most obvious choice in your poll. "Not enough information to decide yet", since we know almost nothing about the game at this point.
This is a bit of a shameless plug for my own thread*, but also a suggestion not to split up the conversation, my thread now covers all 4 scenarios, with a PS4 or not and, getting the game or not.

Your thread is totally different from this one, This thread is polling about only the purchase of GT Sport. Your thread is polling the purchase of a PS4 for GT Sport, but in my opinion GT7 is still the main attraction, and not enough information is given about GT Sport to purchase A PS4 for it alone, but maybe in anticipation of GT7 and a combination of all the other titles released, and scheduled to be released on the PS4 Console: (P-CARS, F1 2015, Driveclub, Asseto Corsa & GT7) now all of this action on PS4 is enough to entice me to buy a PS4 if I didn't already have one. (Project CARS and anticipation of GT7 alone was enough to entice me to buy a PS4:lol: But I'm Car Crazy:D
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I find BOTH polls absolutely USELESS!!!

Half of these new GTS threads should be closed because there is not THAT much to talk about or speculate from one video for God's sakes
I find BOTH polls absolutely USELESS!!!

Half of these new GTS threads should be closed because there is not THAT much to talk about or speculate from one video for God's sakes
So vote Undecided, and when you make a decision you can change your vote as that is an option
Bought ps4. It sits unopened...waiting...

Try Project CARS on PS4, if you like GT6 you will love Project CARS, Not as many cars but really great cars, NEW Car DLC Packs every month, all interior detailed, and really great Physics, Graphics, and Sound and it is only $39.99 now, Just to get your PS4 broke in to test it for defects. Because you never know if it is defect free unless you test it first, and GT Sport isn't released until 2016, and you know how Polyphony Digital delays are:lol: My PS4 was defective out the box, I couldn't play Blu Ray Movies, So I took it back and replaced it, and the new one worked great.
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Bought ps4. It sits unopened...waiting...
I would also second @Haulin_Hebrew 's advice above. The driving and racing experience in Project Cars is very good, several levels of physics beyond GT6 but of course, not without issues (camber...again!). A great range of cars for such a small collection and each car feels and sounds unique. Assuming GTSport comes in with some much better sim physics, Project Cars will be a great training ground for that.
Johnnythough .! post: 11073773
I would also second @Haulin_Hebrew 's advice above. The driving and racing experience in Project Cars is very good, several levels of physics beyond GT6 but of course, not without issues (camber...again!). A great range of cars for such a small collection and each car feels and sounds unique. Assuming GTSport comes in with some much better sim physics, Project Cars will be a great training ground for that.

Maybe - I'll test it soon. Moving house so all boxed up and no tv. I have a PC anyway with i5, 8gb ram, gtx760 which would probably run it better than ps4? Still got the t300 gte ready and waiting too:))
I do like GT thiugh
When PCARS has already shown that it's a lot better than GT6, I'm struggling to find any reason why I would bother with GT again. AC on the horizon is further reason not to buy this game. If they get an AI, I might consider, but, as for now, I'm much more likely to pick up Need For Speed than have Gran Turismo again.
ps4 is entering it's third holiday and all we have is vague info about a new GT game that might just be a spin-off. Whoever is in charge of GT needs to be fired. New blood is needed. Project cars warts and all was better then GT5 or 6..low expectations at this point. Nice to see PD's communication is still horrid.
Well I do not own a PS4 but I voted yes anyway because if I did own one I would definitely be looking to pick up the game for it.

Depending on what it looks like closer to release date I may pick up a PS4. The odds will be much higher if I can use my CSR Elite wheel with it.
I already have a PS4 and thinking about it, I rather wait for further informations.

I might buy it right away if it's really good otherwise I might wait until the game price drops or if I found a used copy of the game for cheap price. (To me, a game over $27 isn't what i call cheap...)

One problem I'm facing with both PS4 and PS3 is that they're running out of HDD space. Not sure if I should upgrade my ps4 hdd to something like 1-2 TB.
Will I purchase GTSport? In a heart beat! My kids pooled their resources last Christmas and gave 'ol Dad the PS4 and included a copy of TheCrew. I gave that game a try - spent maybe 3 or 4 hours and put it away, shut the PS4 off and it sits idle - waiting. As far as I'm concerned if the game is from PD and has GranTurismo in the title,, it is on order as soon as it's available.
Most likely yea. 100 cars with like 10 tracks for like $30 would be perfect in my opinion. They shouldn't charge us $60 with a game that has very little content. But anyway GTS is basically gonna give us a taste of what GT7 is gonna be like probably. I know they said it's not a prologue but im looking at it as a prologue. I just hope it keeps me busy until GT7. Also i still have project cars and also asseto corsa that's coming to consoles next year in 2016.
Most likely yea. 100 cars with like 10 tracks for like $30 would be perfect in my opinion. They shouldn't charge us $60 with a game that has very little content.

Don't hold your breath. GT5P was $40 at release for 37 cars and 6 tracks. GTS is supposed to be more substantial, and will probably be full price.

The downside of them being a powerful brand is that they can charge what they like and people will probably pay it.
Has the price of GT Sport been confirmed?
If not, what are the usual prices for things like this?

Unconfirmed, but given that they're talking about it including everything that you'd expect to find in a normal Gran Turismo game, I'd expect it to be full game price for your country.

As far as cut down games like GT5P or Ground Zeroes, there's very little guideline as those sorts of games are rare. Generally it's whatever the publisher thinks that they can get away with, and it tends to be high.
Most likely yea. 100 cars with like 10 tracks for like $30 would be perfect in my opinion. They shouldn't charge us $60 with a game that has very little content. But anyway GTS is basically gonna give us a taste of what GT7 is gonna be like probably. I know they said it's not a prologue but im looking at it as a prologue. I just hope it keeps me busy until GT7. Also i still have project cars and also asseto corsa that's coming to consoles next year in 2016.

30$ ? yahh not in this industry. Ea is selling Star war that's online only no single player has only 4 maps for 60$ plus a 60$ seasons pass. HAlf a game for 120$.

Ms sold Fora 5 at 60, 80 for special ed and a 50$ seasons pass. So 130$ for the full experience.

But you want GTs for 30 busks, ha, ha, ha.
30$ ? yahh not in this industry. Ea is selling Star war that's online only no single player has only 4 maps for 60$ plus a 60$ seasons pass. HAlf a game for 120$.

Ms sold Fora 5 at 60, 80 for special ed and a 50$ seasons pass. So 130$ for the full experience.

But you want GTs for 30 busks, ha, ha, ha.

I never said that it would be realistic. I said it would be perfect though.
I never said that it would be realistic. I said it would be perfect though.

a 20 years old Supra costing me 10k not 40 would have been perfect to, but lets be realistic in out wants in this world we live in.

Its GT, it will be full price unless its called Prologue. Especially given it will support Vr.
a 20 years old Supra costing me 10k not 40 would have been perfect to, but lets be realistic in out wants in this world we live in.

Its GT, it will be full price unless its called Prologue. Especially given it will support Vr.

Pretty sure it will.
I already bought a T300 for PCARS (awesome wheel, no regrets). I've lost most of my confidence in the GT series, but I'll probably still get the games. Probably won't get it at full price, but I'll pick it up when it goes on sale. Although getting GT6 right at release had its advantages, namely the money glitch. If it wasn't for the money glitch, I would have stopped playing GT6 even sooner than I already did.
I already bought a T300 for PCARS (awesome wheel, no regrets). I've lost most of my confidence in the GT series, but I'll probably still get the games. Probably won't get it at full price, but I'll pick it up when it goes on sale. Although getting GT6 right at release had its advantages, namely the money glitch. If it wasn't for the money glitch, I would have stopped playing GT6 even sooner than I already did.

You all say this yet many of the doubters will be first to get the new GT.

Its easy to deny the shiny new toy till its actually with in reach.
I voted undecided because there's not enough info about the game at this stage. However, based on my previous Gran Turismo purchases it's highly likely that I'll buy it. But I can't say yes right now.