POLL: If you have a PS4 already, will you buy GTSport

  • Thread starter Jahgee

If you have a PS4 already, do you plan on purchasing GTSport

  • Total voters
GTS? No. GT7? Maybe. Although I'm more disappointed with the whole wheel thing. If the G27 was compatible, I would buy both in a heartbeat. This whole sim racing with wheel and stuff has really spoiled me.
Welp, now that I've got the system...

Maybe. Maybe not. It depends on two things:
  • What PD shows up leading up to release.
  • How much of it is actually in the game at release.
It's way too early to decide on a game I've seen a single 90s trailer for.
Heck yeahhh!

I believe Gran Turismo Sport will be a great experience for everyone who takes part.

I just hope they take a step forward in all aspects of the game, that passes expectations of the current generation of gaming.
GsaTS? No. GT7? Maybe. Although I'm more disappointed with the whole wheel thing. If the G27 was compatible, I would buy both in a heartbeat. This whole sim racing with wheel and stuff has really spoiled me.
save up for the new wheel as that OLD tech and we in NEW tech now. on topic yes i will get the game as in my case 1st GT on new console
save up for the new wheel as that OLD tech and we in NEW tech now.

I see you've bought into the marketing.

A G27 is perfectly capable, as capable as a G29 which is almost the exact same wheel with the buttons in different places.

There's no reason (apart from Sony wants money) that anyone with a wheel that worked on PS3 should have to buy a new one. They work fine.
Buy, at full price? No way. Sorry, but GT6's massive disappointments, false promises and delays have dented my confidence in the series in a big way.

Will I get it at some point? Undoubtedly
I ticked yes because I do plan on buying GTS. I wouldn't even be in here if I didn't have an interest in the game because I don't waste my life reading and discussing things I have little to no interest in. As of right now I have interest in this game. That may change and if it does I'll walk away. No fuss, grudges or anger against the people who do have interest because that is just weird. I'll state my reasons and get on with life.
I ticked yes because I do plan on buying GTS. I wouldn't even be in here if I didn't have an interest in the game because I don't waste my life reading and discussing things I have little to no interest in. As of right now I have interest in this game. That may change and if it does I'll walk away. No fuss, grudges or anger against the people who do have interest because that is just weird. I'll state my reasons and get on with life.

I bet you can't wait for Passive Aggressive Simulator 2016.
I voted "no" only because it seems that PD just don't give a 🤬 what fans want, and the fact they don't listen to them why should I support them? I've supported GT since GT2, but due to how GT5/GT6 were handled, they're enough prove that screams out "it's all about PD and only PD".

I can understand why many lost interest in GT recently, and one shouldn't pretend to know why they did by saying "they're just ungrateful" or "they're whiners" without actually understanding the reasoning and/or meaning behind their posts. Also saying that you won't post "negative" related thoughts because it's a waste of time doesn't make or make you look smart either, instead you'll come off sounding like a ass to those who do have time to post constructive criticism to said title, nuff said.

So again, voted no for the reasons explained above. Will not respond further after this.
Me either but companies LOVE those people. It must be the backbone of most of Apples sales forecasts.

Haha I totally agree, and if you take a look at the poll, that right there is the reason why PD don't need to (and probaby won't) really improve their game much. They can just keep doing the same thing every time, over hype, under deliver, and blind fans will gobble it up every time. How many people have committed to buying GTS without knowing anything about it? It's insanity!
Haha I totally agree, and if you take a look at the poll, that right there is the reason why PD don't need to (and probaby won't) really improve their game much. They can just keep doing the same thing every time, over hype, under deliver, and blind fans will gobble it up every time. How many people have committed to buying GTS without knowing anything about it? It's insanity!

I hate to say it, but there's a decent argument that the cheapest way to make the most money is to make some really, really good products, and then milk your brand name for all it's worth. Then when you hit rock bottom you can decide whether it's worth it to rebuild that brand or start all over with something new.

Companies these days don't seem to like leaving value tied up in goodwill, they want to monetise that. And unfortunately the easiest way to monetise goodwill is to have people buy substandard products that they otherwise wouldn't have if it didn't have your brand name on it.

I don't think GT is doing this, at least not intentionally. They still seem to be trying to legitimately make good games. But intentionally or not, it does mean that they continue getting value out of the brand name with little regard for how good the actual product is.
I have no intention of preparing for another wheel. I'll play something else instead.

And i bought my g25 used for 60 bucks anyway :P

Build one of those GIMX thingys, your G25 should work with a bit of effort setting it up.
I actually expect PS4 emulators to be a reality within 2020. Then I can play GT7/sports on my PC with whatever peripheral I want :P
I see you've bought into the marketing.

A G27 is perfectly capable, as capable as a G29 which is almost the exact same wheel with the buttons in different places.

There's no reason (apart from Sony wants money) that anyone with a wheel that worked on PS3 should have to buy a new one. They work fine.

If there is a way that doesn't require a tedious amount of work or spending money, then I'd love to make use of that immediately.
I voted "no" only because it seems that PD just don't give a 🤬 what fans want, and the fact they don't listen to them why should I support them? I've supported GT since GT2, but due to how GT5/GT6 were handled, they're enough prove that screams out "it's all about PD and only PD".

I can understand why many lost interest in GT recently, and one shouldn't pretend to know why they did by saying "they're just ungrateful" or "they're whiners" without actually understanding the reasoning and/or meaning behind their posts. Also saying that you won't post "negative" related thoughts because it's a waste of time doesn't make or make you look smart either, instead you'll come off sounding like a ass to those who do have time to post constructive criticism to said title, nuff said.

So again, voted no for the reasons explained above. Will not respond further after this.

Gran Turismo Sport is a completely separate title from Gran Turismo 7, which is a game that was not necessarily developed to host a fan's wishes for the next GT title. Sport is what Polyphony and the FiA want - Not what us fans want.

I am going to be an optimist here and say Polyphony will make some of your wishes come true in Gran Turismo 7. Sure, Polyphony has not updated GT6 to unlock the Vision Gran Turismo's for an unknown reason in the past couple of months. But, that does not justify any statement stating Polyphony will never, or take forever to, deliver our awaited content (not solely cars) to Gran Turismo 7 - Or perhaps, Gran Turismo Sport.
I've been a huge fan of the GT series since day 1 (still have copies of every GT made). I was really disappointed with the launch of GT6 with so many bugs and glitches (like not being able to adjust any gearing in any car for several months) but still played it religously every day until I finally broke down and bought a PS4. In the past, I always bought every GT on launch day (pre-ordered of course) but no longer. PD has to earn my trust and loyalty since I can't help but feel that they've lost touch with caring what I need in a racing game. First and foremost, I need to be able to hear my car sounds in chase view and not just the cars around me. I need to have more than 12 cars in the field. I need more racing focus as compared to just a "driving simulator". I need AI that actually races you as you would expect and an offline mode that is as entertaining as online (without the jackholes). I need engine sounds that don't sound like vacuum cleaners. I need a racing game primarily without a bunch of crap I definitely don't need like helmets and suits in a closet. I need a racing game made for me (as a consumer) and not exclusively for the creator and his needs. If GTS and/or GT7 can provide these things, I will certainly buy it, but I won't be pre-ordering it blindly like I did in the past.