What is the truth about that caboose?
Johnson had 13% in the latest poll. 15% is the number the election commission currently required to be in the debates. He's getting close to becoming a wild card. It's like a Ross Perot that appeals to undecided voters on both sides.I really do hope Gary Johnson or Jill Stein make a big push and that one of them is somehow successful because at this point the US needs a third party and I don't even care which one it is.
Johnson had 13% in the latest poll. 15% is the number the election commission currently required to be in the debates. He's getting close to becoming a wild card. It's like a Ross Perot that appeals to undecided voters on both sides.
Abc news has been a disgrace ever since Peter Jennings died, horrible reporters and a bunch of fluff for news pieces.The more I think about George Stephanopoulos. The madder I get. How this guy could go from being a Democrat party operative to the "unbiased" Chief Political Correspondent for ABC News, is beyond me.
Monday night he and his panel of airheads chatted about nonsense all through Rudy Giuliani's great speech.
Doesn't he know that Rudy Giuliani in a rock star among Republicans? Doesn't he think that a speech by Rudy Giuliani is something that his audience would want to watch?
Of course he knows these things. Make no mistake, he was doing his part to protect Clinton. He put his bias above his job as the "unbiased" Chief Political Correspondent for ABC News. Just disgraceful!
Despite their obvious charms, I'm afraid to say that I doubt either Michelle or Melania will stand much of a chance in the 2020 Presidential Election race against Kanye West.
The more I think about George Stephanopoulos. The madder I get. How this guy could go from being a Democrat party operative to the "unbiased" Chief Political Correspondent for ABC News, is beyond me.
Monday night he and his panel of airheads chatted about nonsense all through Rudy Giuliani's great speech.
Doesn't he know that Rudy Giuliani in a rock star among Republicans? Doesn't he think that a speech by Rudy Giuliani is something that his audience would want to watch?
Of course he knows these things. Make no mistake, he was doing his part to protect Clinton. He put his bias above his job as the "unbiased" Chief Political Correspondent for ABC News. Just disgraceful!
Way to miss the point entirely.Rudy Giuliani used to be a half decent fella back when he was too liberal for a Republican party that still had some credibility. Now he just spews nonsense and compliments the current Republican party very well.
Apparently the best way to "defend the constitution" is to "attack anyone who disagrees with you".
Yes, I believe it's the first time in political history that two sides in disagreement attacked each other. Lot of firsts at this Republican convention. Next up, someone says something stupid and becomes a meme.Apparently the best way to "defend the constitution" is to "attack anyone who disagrees with you".
In Cruz's defense (although I strongly disagree with his political views), why should he endorse a man who trashed his wife
In Cruz's defense (although I strongly disagree with his political views), why should he endorse a man who trashed his wife
View attachment 569392
Discussed his father being linked to the JFK assassination
Supported the birther controversy
Calls him an unstable person:
Oops, did I trigger Trump supporters?
This is embarrassing
To be fair, I've been hearing on Glenn Beck this morning that the booing was staged by Trump insiders. If I didn't know any better, I would dare say that Trump is the anti-christ.I agree, with you but that doesn't give privilege, also I feel part of his bitterness is one of "you'll vote for his brand of crazy but not mine?"
To be fair, I've been hearing on Glenn Beck this morning that the booing was staged by Trump insiders. If I didn't know any better, I would dare say that Trump is the anti-christ.
I think that it has some doubts, but I think twitter should have some weight here. Trump knew that Cruz wasn't going to endorse him, why else do you think that Trump threw a hissy fit over the speakers issue before the convention?The fact you use Glenn Beck as the reference...the guy makes up stuff all the time to churn the pot. Also I think both him and Hilary are neck and neck in that race.
I think that it has some doubts, but I think twitter should have some weight here. Trump knew that Cruz wasn't going to endorse him, why else do you think that Trump threw a hissy fit over the speakers issue before the convention?
Then how about this from a contributor of Fox News?Cause as you said Trump is a loon, and any bit more press he can get especially at a volatile event where a good amount wanted to see him ousted only helps him rise above, when he "wins" in spite of it. In reality Trump loosely makes the leap to being "right" because of what Cruz and co had happen at said event, thus he was validated in doing such. But this doesn't mean that it was a full on conspiracy has Beck tends to try and paint the entire world, he sees through is glasses of paranoia.
Then how about this from a contributor of Fox News?