I would say yes, because you will be hard found to find anything that even challenges Hillary.More than CNN?
I think you can credit (or discredit as the case may be) Ronald Reagan for that. When the FCC rolled back the Fairness Doctrine during Reagan's second term, it paved the way for media networks presenting a narrow focus in presenting news and information to the public.Because they have a moral obligation to be unbiased. The fact people have allowed them to do things and make such grotesque networks as Fox and NBC be so politically divided is an issue.
I won't arg against the grotesque word here, but that wasn't my point at all.Because they have a moral obligation to be unbiased. The fact people have allowed them to do things and make such grotesque networks as Fox and NBC be so politically divided is an issue.
I won't arg against the grotesque word here, but that wasn't my point at all.
"moral obligation to be unbiased"? Certainly not. The ethical obligation to pursue objectivity, yes.
The fact that Fox News has brought ethic lower than any mainstream media before doesn't change the idea that a human being is biased by nature because of culture, personal life and own moral. Hence, even the media with the best intentions should be read with a critical mind.
No, because they basically pursue a goal of disinformation.People just like to complain about Fox News because historically Fox News has supported the Republican Party
I won't arg against the grotesque word here, but that wasn't my point at all.
"moral obligation to be unbiased"? Certainly not. The ethical obligation to pursue objectivity, yes.
The fact that Fox News has brought ethic lower than any mainstream media before doesn't change the idea that a human being is biased by nature because of culture, personal life and own moral. Hence, even the media with the best intentions should be read with a critical mind.
The subject was CNN in the first place, and we slipped to Fox News and dishonesty.just because people are human with "opinions" doesn't grant them immunity from the lies and division they help set
I wouldn't call it betrayed, He was able to change alot of Hillarys Policys going forward and was able to get the super Hillary Bias DNC chairman sacked for someone more friendly to his stance, all of which only came at the cost of Endorsing Satan.Its quite amazing how Sanders all but betrayed his followers by endorsing and supporting an individual that goes against his beliefs. Then again I'm not surprised giving the fact that Sanders was never principled to begin with.
That's your view. I would have been angry at Sanders if he'd take more time to endorse Clinton.Its quite amazing how Sanders all but betrayed his followers by endorsing and supporting an individual that goes against his beliefs. Then again I'm not surprised giving the fact that Sanders was never principled to begin with.
I wouldn't call it betrayed, He was able to change alot of Hillarys Policys going forward and was able to get the super Hillary Bias DNC chairman sacked for someone more friendly to his stance, all of which only came at the cost of Endorsing Satan.
Clinton is way too high on your list.That's your view. I would have been angry at Sanders if he'd take more time to endorse Clinton.
It's just the application of a logical order:
1. Sanders
2. Clinton
3. Trying to wake up
4. Looking for a rope
5. Trump
See, Clinton is P2, Trump P5.
Not a thing about Hillary let alone the where the party stands has changed. As for the chairman being being sacked it's nothing but trying to save face.
On another note:
Trump must be having the last laugh now
Trump must be having the last laugh now
No, because they basically pursue a goal of disinformation.
With Trump, Republicans reap what they sow for decades.
Note: This was the headline story about 2 hours ago on CNN, now it's not even linked on the front page. Instead, the second leading story is, "Is there an unfair Hillary Standard?", while at the same time running a headline linking the recent email Wikileak to Trump and the Russians on the say so of a Hillary campaign staffer whose evidence is un-named experts and his reasoning is, "it's not a coincidence". No unfair Trump standard there.Donald Trump comes out of his convention ahead of Hillary Clinton in the race for the White House, topping her 44% to 39% in a four-way matchup including Gary Johnson (9%) and Jill Stein (3%) and by three points in a two-way head-to-head, 48% to 45%. That latter finding represents a 6-point convention bounce for Trump, which are traditionally measured in two-way matchups.
Its quite amazing how Sanders all but betrayed his followers by endorsing and supporting an individual that goes against his beliefs. Then again I'm not surprised giving the fact that Sanders was never principled to begin with.
Here is where I think that he explained it wrong, and that is throughout his entire campaign, Sanders attacked Wall Street. Hillary, by taking thousands of dollars from there as speaking fees, became a convenient target for the socialist left.I didn't understand this sentiment when Johnnypenso said it two weeks ago, and I don't understand it now. Yes, Bernie disagrees with Hillary on some things. But he disagrees with Trump on almost everything.
By what logic should he be expected to do anything other than endorse the remaining candidate who most closely aligns with his views?
Here is where I think that he explained it wrong, and that is throughout his entire campaign, Sanders attacked Wall Street. Hillary, by taking thousands of dollars from there as speaking fees, became a convenient target for the socialist left.
By endorsing Clinton, Sanders basically betrayed everything he stood for.
Yes, Bernie disagrees with Hillary on some things.
But he disagrees with Trump on almost everything.
By what logic should he be expected to do anything other than endorse the remaining candidate who most closely aligns with his views?
By endorsing Clinton, Sanders basically betrayed everything he stood for.
I don't think endorsing Trump was ever on the cards to begin with.Yes, Bernie disagrees with Hillary on some things. But he disagrees with Trump on almost everything.
I don't think endorsing Trump was ever on the cards to begin with.
That's a very good question for people who supported Bernie before he threw in with Hilary, instead of someone like Sanji Himura or Johnnypenso (or Joey D) who are just commenting on the very real disillusionment that followed. It seems at least a vocal portion of Sanders' supporters wanted him to drag it out to the end, since they didn't seem to think that he was like any previous candidate.It's what nearly every notable candidate has ever done, why is Bernie suddenly being expected to act any differently? Especially when doing so could have ramifications that undermine his own views?
Just a general question.. It seems to me that this whole election thing has been dragging on for quite some time, has this been a protracted election so far? Or, is it about normal?
Here is where I think that he explained it wrong, and that is throughout his entire campaign, Sanders attacked Wall Street. Hillary, by taking thousands of dollars from there as speaking fees, became a convenient target for the socialist left.
By endorsing Clinton, Sanders basically betrayed everything he stood for.