[POLL] United States Presidential Elections 2016

The party nominees are named. Now who do you support?

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One thing I've been kind of wondering about. If Trump was to win, wouldn't he need to divest himself from pretty much everything?
The best answer may be that he should put it in a blind trust, but will probably put it in trust of his children instead.
On the basis of evidence that currently doesn't seem to exist.

If it did then she would have been charged.

Really? How do you know that is true? Here's a talk by a man I admire gretly. He asks some very pertinent questions to some people who should be asking these questions themselves. Very much like yourself. You're an intelligent individual. Do you know the answers to the questions he asks? If not then why not?

Really? How do you know that is true? Here's a talk by a man I admire gretly. He asks some very pertinent questions to some people who should be asking these questions themselves. Very much like yourself. You're an intelligent individual. Do you know the answers to the questions he asks? If not then why not?

I guess you didn't follow any of the preceding discussion. Because you feed yourself a constant diet of conspiracy media - "many people are saying" - you've lost touch with simple evidence-based reality.

Dr. Anne Stevens - the ambassador's sister had this to say:

"I do not blame Hillary Clinton or Leon Panetta. They were balancing security efforts at embassies and missions around the world. And their staffs were doing their best to provide what they could with the resources they had. The Benghazi Mission was understaffed. We know that now. But, again, Chris knew that. It wasn’t a secret to him. He decided to take the risk to go there. It is not something they did to him. It is something he took on himself."

To most people outside the echo chamber of the alt-right media the Benghazi incident is a pretty straightforward matter: the State Department screwed up. Foreign policy miscalculations happen all the time. Benghazi's a blip on the radar compared to other US foreign policy disasters, like the decision to invade Iraq & the dismal failure to plan for the aftermath, for instance.
Dear American Friends,
Would you mind taking all necessary measures in order to prevent this man to access your Nuclear codes.
I must decline your request.
First of all, I would be just as concerned about HRC having access to them if not more so.
I do not want the current corrupt administration being replaced by one even more corrupt, which is what I see happening if Clinton wins.

Since Trump is a master when it comes to corruption of all natures (or if you prefer here, or here), its hard for me to see your stance as more than a convenient partisan absolution.

Anyway, corruption is not the main concern when it comes to holding nuclear weapon use decision (a decision that can't be contested, he/she indeed have this power). My concern has a lot more to do with the fact that his own staff is (rightly) concerned about his capacity to refrain doing something impulsive, and that the situation occurred in the past where the crucial decision, to release or not the nuclear hell, have entered the last few minutes window - and that it occurred at night at an hour Trump pro bully people on Twitter.
Clearly both candidates have issues and are less than ideal. Yet there they are and we now choose. Think it is true that more people distrust Hillary's honesty and integrity that they do for Trump. I think she is a little worried because she is running to shore up Michigan, a blue state stronghold for a long time, which should be a gimme.

This was a hypothetical, specifically in reference to the possibility of Iran using nuclear weapons against Israel. It was during the 2008 primary campaign & before the recent Iran Nuclear Arms deal which was negotiated for the express purpose of forestalling any possibility of Iran attaining nuclear strike capability. A deal derided by Trump & most Republicans, leaving the alternative of ...
Reaffirming the principle of the nuclear deterrence in a context where a foreign leader was publicly threatening to destroy an allied country while pursuing the goal to build nuclear weapons?

The only time a nuclear weapon should be fired is if one is either coming your way or about to. I know it sounds like a dick move but I'm just as sick of the U.S. shoving their nose into everything that goes on in the world as the the rest of the world.

As for that specific incidence, Isreal has had nukes for quite some time, they don't need the U.S.' help.

Well, this is totally off my point. And not by a slight margin.

Now you know how it feels. :cheers:
The only time a nuclear weapon should be fired is if one is either coming your way or about to. I know it sounds like a dick move but I'm just as sick of the U.S. shoving their nose into everything that goes on in the world as the the rest of the world.

As for that specific incidence, Isreal has had nukes for quite some time, they don't need the U.S.' help.

Possibly, but again, the real world alternative is a GOP party falling over itself to profess it's unflinching support for pretty much anything Israel wants & condemning the Obama/Clinton foreign policy of only "lukewarm" support for Israel.
That which is presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
Here's something we do know, she destroyed evidence. She should be in prison. Doubt she would enjoy prison as I don't believe they do spirit cooking there.
Not sufficient to bring charges, so what do you know of that is sufficient to make the question laughable?
My posts were never about Clinton being a suspect. She's officially cleared in the email scandal, there is no changing that. However, that doesn't mean that her presidency, should she win, is squeaky clean from illegitimacy either. Huma Abedin is a real weak link in the Clinton machine, and should something happen to her, whether it is foul play or otherwise, will weaken Hillary's perceived position of strength. Heck, I don't think that she has it because of recent polls showing Trump within the margin of error.
She's officially cleared in the email scandal, there is no changing that.
Not officially cleared, but the investigation has twice been stalled at finding intent. Today H.A.Goodman says Wikileaks 34, just out, prove intent to violate the Espionage Act and the Freedom of Information Act. Amongst other things, the leaked emails disclose Cheryl Mills warned Clinton not to run for the presidency because of the private server legality issues. Why? Because Cheryl Mills was the one who first authorized the private server, says John Podesta in the emails. Is this the last-minute "Whopper" the Clinton campaign has been warning us not to believe?
Really? How do you know that is true? Here's a talk by a man I admire gretly. He asks some very pertinent questions to some people who should be asking these questions themselves. Very much like yourself. You're an intelligent individual. Do you know the answers to the questions he asks? If not then why not?

I've not stated a position either way, I've asked what new evidence exists to make it such a certainty she will charged.

To date no one has been able to provide any, despite seeming to be oddly sure it exists.

Here's something we do know, she destroyed evidence. She should be in prison. Doubt she would enjoy prison as I don't believe they do spirit cooking there.
If that's something worth jailing her for you may want to check on Trump's track record of refusing to supply evidence to federal bodies and destroying evidence and lying about the existence of evidence.

My posts were never about Clinton being a suspect. She's officially cleared in the email scandal, there is no changing that. However, that doesn't mean that her presidency, should she win, is squeaky clean from illegitimacy either. Huma Abedin is a real weak link in the Clinton machine, and should something happen to her, whether it is foul play or otherwise, will weaken Hillary's perceived position of strength. Heck, I don't think that she has it because of recent polls showing Trump within the margin of error.
Odd because the entire conversation was about evidence existing to be able to charge her.

Not officially cleared, but the investigation has twice been stalled at finding intent. Today H.A.Goodman says Wikileaks 34, just out, prove intent to violate the Espionage Act and the Freedom of Information Act. Amongst other things, the leaked emails disclose Cheryl Mills warned Clinton not to run for the presidency because of the private server legality issues. Why? Because Cheryl Mills was the one who first authorized the private server, says John Podesta in the emails. Is this the last-minute "Whopper" the Clinton campaign has been warning us not to believe?

You seem to forget that a third of federal employees have been found to do the same, as did the last two holders of the Secretary of State position.

I take it you agree that they all should also be charged.
the entire conversation was about evidence existing to be able to charge her.

You seem to forget that a third of federal employees have been found to do the same, as did the last two holders of the Secretary of State position.

Hillary Clinton was the one who, now with intent, mishandled classified materials to the extent that Top Secret and SAP (Special Access Program) materials fell into the hands of at least 5 foreign intelligence agencies.
Reaffirming the principle of the nuclear deterrence in a context where a foreign leader was publicly threatening to destroy an allied country while pursuing the goal to build nuclear weapons? Well, this is totally off my point. And not by a slight margin.
Any proof of them pursuing to build a nuclear weapon? And I don't remember Iran threatening to destroy an "allied" nation. Asking because this is the back up your claims with the facts thread.
Hillary Clinton was the one who, now with intent, mishandled classified materials to the extent that Top Secret and SAP (Special Access Program) materials fell into the hands of at least 5 foreign intelligence agencies.
Given your previous sources highly dubious nature it would be appreciated if you could cite the exact email on WikiLeaks that proves this along with a link to it.
Hillary Clinton was the one who, now with intent, mishandled classified materials to the extent that Top Secret and SAP (Special Access Program) materials fell into the hands of at least 5 foreign intelligence agencies.

In addition @Scaff's comments you probably need to explain how much safer those emails would have been if kept in-house, the evidence suggests that the risks were pretty much identical.
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