- 8,433
- Auckland
- Lazer0pz
Gays.This is the part I can't wait for either...but who will you blame when some of those things don't come true? At that point there's nobody else to blame.
Gays.This is the part I can't wait for either...but who will you blame when some of those things don't come true? At that point there's nobody else to blame.
Damn those gays and their agenda.Gays.
rather than just come for the benefits...
...and send their tax-free income home.
Not according to the PISA rankings. America is falling further and further behind in literacy, numeracy and the sciences. Part of this is explained by the rise of Asian education systems, but America is falling further and faster than other Western countries (some of which are actually pretty stable, like Finland), and it's not explained by the rise of Asia alone.Their educational system might be falling behind, but this appears to be the case for many western countries
Bro, put the pipe down and show some sources. Russia 13th is .1 ahead of the US at 14th in education based on 2014 statistics.You live in Sweden correct? Your behind the US and Russia at 24th.So I guess that free education ain't doing so well.
The top Universities in the world, which would mean education. Didn't notice any Russian ones on the list.Quite a few American ones.
There I posted some resources for you.
Wish you would do the same.
No. It's not just the "rapist" bit - the whole statement is despicable.
"isn't sending their best and instead sending people with lots of problems ... drug runners, criminals, and rapists ..."
Can you not see that all you have to do is substitute whatever nationality/ethnic group - Irish, Germans, Italians, Jews Puerto Ricans etc. and it could be something said by any racist or xenophobic "nativist" at any particular point in the history of American immigration?
Why don't you make the same wish for Tobacco industry?Bye-bye oil, gas and coal industry destroying regulations.
The above immigration actions where not ILLEGAL - they where part of an active and legally promoted and controlled process or immigration.
And the above listed folks immigrated LEGALLY to the USA with the intent to assimilate and become PART of United States, rather than just come for the benefits and send their tax-free income home.
You are trying to compare apples to lead wheel weights here.
Why don't you make the same wish for Tobacco industry?
You are entirely missing the point here. What I am talking about is the (racist) language that Trump chose to use. It is identical to the kinds of despicable things said about LEGAL immigrants in the past. And ... most of the present day illegal immigrants would be happy for the opportunity to work in the US legally, get paid legally, pay taxes, assimilate & become part of the United States ... just like immigrants in the past. The vast majority of them are not rapists, or murderers, or drug dealers, but poor people looking to improve their lives ... just like immigrants in the past.
It's perfectly possible to be concerned about the issue of illegal immigration without demonizing & degrading the people, but Trump - a person who has never had to face economic hardship himself - chose to use insulting, racist language instead. That's the kind of person he is.
What a lot of tripe.Wait...people aren't allowed to make decisions that are best for themselves? Self-determination? Personal responsibility? Personal greed is not good?
Sounds awfully communist and tyrannical to me.
No - it is better to not even allow illegal border jumpers to stay.That can be solved by not employing them for lack of verification and paying them "under the table" (i.e. for cash and without tax records for employees and employers).
I live in Canada,can't say anything for the US. My son went to a college to be a Millwright. My daughter is enrolled at Western University for Psychology.There are 1000's of students from around the world that attend Western. In my home town of Guelph there are 1000's who attend here too. Why? The education system is better in most North American institutions. There is an old saying,you can't teach stupid.Making kids sit down, behave and having respect for your teacher does not make that the education is really bad. You know I am a "Pole" and I know that the education was really harsh/hard in grade school in Poland. You learn to write cursive from the very begging and you learn very hard mathematic that kids in Sweden start to learn in highschool, but then it is reversed and then when it is higher education Sweden actually catches up and surpasses Poland.
Because a Universety is highly prestigious does not mean it have better education then a lesser school, they both must meet same criteria or the education is non valid. If the students fail a test/course there is next semester/course to try it again. No rush. And you should look how many Europeans are working in USA, so by your viewpoint it must mean that the american companies want to hire second or third tier employees because the first rate ones ie the American ones wanted to work as window cleanershehe
But anyway, I do not say that american higher education is bad, only that it costs money and that few have afford with it even though it is an investment. But grade school is probably way better in Russia if they have similar system as in Poland.
I highlighted the only valid part of your post.
They are illegal - they are ALL criminals. Some worse than others, but the moment they crawled over the border they became criminals and shoudl be either put in jail or deported.
http://www.mediaite.com/online/watch-big-anti-trump-protests-break-out-across-the-country/As expected the ever so tolerant left have descended upon Trump Tower chanting in support of the terrorist group Black Lives Matter whilst seething out various verbal threats and insults as a form of peaceful protest. Democracy is democracy until you lose, and as for that Mexican flag...
RC45I highlighted the only valid part of your post.
They are illegal - they are ALL criminals. Some worse than others, but the moment they crawled over the border they became criminals and shoudl be either put in jail or deported.
I highlighted the telling part of your post.
According to Sam Harris who knew him better than any of us here, there is no doubt that Hitchens would have voted against Trump. Above all, these persons, along with other atheist figures, place truth seeking and analytic approaches over emotional, short sighted ones. Trump is the negation of these values, without speaking of his running mate, a creationist.Also it's funny who likes your post, but also likes a certain atheist, doesn't realize Hitchens would have probably stood for Trump
He's not anti-elite per se, but anti-establishment politics. He's not a political insider or career politician. People feel so strongly that his outsiderness will bring change that they'll vote for him despite his being a quasi-fascist egomaniac.What seems strange today is that Trump's victory is being called "anti-elite"... if a lobbying billionaire businessman isn't the elite then who the bloody hell is?
Ah, you beloved left wingers. Love trumps hate amiright? Unless you lose the election and then it's smashing windows, spray painting graffiti, profanity laced chants. I'm sure it won't be long before the fighting starts, maybe a few fires for good measure. Tolerance on display.
My bad, I was not inclusive enough for you.
They have in common that they are about Islam, that's pretty much all.Also Trump's talk about Islam doesn't fall vastly far from Harris's talk about Islamic workings
I did not violate any TOS, so why the personal attack?And you don't wonder how you got banned temporarily from our site?
Again, I am making a clear distinction between legal, organized and welcome immigration (both mass and individual) and blatant illegal entry in violation of law.What about my ancestors that boarded a ship? Or is that only okay if they came with a land grant signed by a Lord or Crowned Person of Peerage?
Interesting - do you have this angry disposition towards all immigrants or only those that gave up everything and followed the legal process to enter the country?Jeebus, get over yourself already: Not everyone gets a visa signed and secured with thousands of dollars in backing for the dodgy immigration system, which nobody on either side of the aisle has done anything about in decades.
That's funny - I haven't seen any government recognise the BLM movement as a terrorist organisation.in support of the terrorist group Black Lives Matte
But it would be totally okay if Clinton won and Trump's supporters picketed her headquarters, right?Sore losers. They picked Hillary,carefull what you wish for
"He's not my president".Ah, you beloved left wingers. Love trumps hate amiright? Unless you lose the election and then it's smashing windows, spray painting graffiti, profanity laced chants. I'm sure it won't be long before the fighting starts, maybe a few fires for good measure. Tolerance on display.