[POLL] United States Presidential Elections 2016

The party nominees are named. Now who do you support?

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Interesting that you removed the second part of that sentence when you quoted me, given that you said.
Ok, lets quote the whole sentence.
Bush did not speak to the President of Taiwan and that article doesn't say that he did.
You said at some point:
You will have no problem providing evidence of that then.

Tell you what I will make it even more open than that, any US President (elect or sitting) in discussion with any Presented of Taiwan since 1979.
You have as much evidence as I do to prove your original claim. Which questioned my comment:
I bet Obama talked to the president of Taiwan a number of times.
They are leaders of countries. They talk to each other... Stop putting words in my mouth.
That's not nearly as bad as a person with no power, not telling the media he was going out to eat. Which showed potential closed transparency between media and their fundamental first amendment rights.
God forbid he doesn't do like the Kardashians and call the paparazzi to follow him. If they were doing their job, they'd have known where he was./s
Here is where a major hole in her story forms. She claims that the voting machines were hacked by the Russians, despite there being no evidence of the machines ever connecting to the internet once they were certified.
I hear Yakov Smirnoff was tweeting from Michigan on election day. Maybe the whole Russian Comedian thing is a big act and he's secretly KGB:sly:
I hear Yakov Smirnoff was tweeting from Michigan on election day. Maybe the whole Russian Comedian thing is a big act and he's secretly KGB:sly:

It's so perfect only Stein could make said connection. If there was one thing Oliver did right during the cycle it was exposing how bad a candidate she was. Then again he also did an okay good job with Johnson, but the crux was making him look goofy not so much politically inept like Stein.
The American people didn't hire Trump for his go along, to get along, qualities.

Maybe he does want to change the 1979, Jimmy Carter state department policy. Jimmy Carter, the man that was thrown out of office by the American people in a landslide the following year.

The fact is, the vast majority of Americans (and Europeans, for that matter), don't believe in 'one China'. When I was a kid the label on my toy said 'made in Taiwan' not China. China was closed.

Taiwan has not declared their Independence. It is not even clear that they want too.

As far as China is concerned, I don't mind seeing them get a little butthurt. They are not going to risk losing their ties with the US and the West.

Image source
No what I am suggesting is we ignore China's crying about this phone call because that's all it was a congratulatory phone call no more no less.

No, it wasn't.

This was Taiwan seeing an opportunity to stick it to China, and figuring that Trump was ignorant enough to help them do it. Which he was.

This is just China flinging crap and seeing what sticks.

Looks to me like Taiwan was the one "flinging crap," and we're the wall it stuck to.
I'm inclined to agree that this was not simply a 'misunderstanding' - if it was, then why did the Taiwanese take photos of their president on the phone with Trump and immediately post them on the internet? Given that Taiwan and the US have not had formal contact since ca. 1979, it certainly appears very much like a deliberate act/provocation by the Taiwanese in this instance. The fact that Trump took the call is, however, a bit troubling. He has advisors who knew perfectly well that taking a call from the Taiwanese president would cause ructions diplomatically, yet they went ahead and did it anyway - Trump can say all he likes about the supposedly innocent nature of the call, but either he deliberately went along with something that he knew would cause offence to the Chinese, or his advisors did. Either way, it is not a great way for Trump to kickstart his relationship with China.
It was all deliberate. Trump is deliberately tweaking China. The signal is that it is not business as usual, and that he, Trump, is going to be a much tougher hombre to negotiate with than Obama.
I guess the Chinese must be scratching their heads now thinking "what's the diplomatic relevance of a couple of tweets? Should we open an account, something like @therealXiJinping"?

They should ask Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio for advice on the prospect of a tweet war. Oh, wait, they lost! :lol:
No, it wasn't.

This was Taiwan seeing an opportunity to stick it to China, and figuring that Trump was ignorant enough to help them do it. Which he was.

Looks to me like Taiwan was the one "flinging crap," and we're the wall it stuck to.
So you actually Agree with China trying to make Taiwan a non country to the world?

Taiwan didnt fling anything they want to be recognized and you can't blame them for that, America on the other hand needs to be careful from their perspective.
So you actually Agree with China trying to make Taiwan a non country to the world?

I didn't even come close to saying that.

Taiwan didnt fling anything they want to be recognized and you can't blame them for that

I don't blame them for it. If I was any other country in the world, I'd be trying to take advantage of Trump's relative inexperience with, and lack of understanding about diplomacy as well.

You don't think they knew that talking to him would irk China? And that they didn't want that to happen?
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I didn't even come close to saying that.
Never said you did, it was a question if you see the Question mark at the end that is.

I don't blame them for it. If I was any other country in the world, I'd be trying to take advantage of Trump's relative inexperience with, and lack of understanding about diplomacy as well.

You don't think they knew that talking to him would irk China? And that they didn't want that to happen?
Why should they care what China thinks, as they are the ones pressing them in this hard situation in the first place.
Never said you did, it was a question if you see the Question mark at the end that is.

Then, no, I do not agree with China's stance on Taiwan.

Why should they care what China thinks, as they are the ones pressing them in this hard situation in the first place.

If China throws a fit about this, it brings international attention to the ROC and their agenda.
To be fair, Taiwan also consider PRC to be part of theirs. Its two way really.
Depends on the party, you have two main parties, both support the status Quo but one wants PRC under them and the other wants Independence.

The majority of Taiwanese want to keep status quo as China has claimed it will go for invasion if they try to go for independence, but independence is above unification(keeping in mind their unification means ROC controls china not PRC) in opinion polls.
In reality they are independent Countries, as neither side has government in the other Territories.
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Wasn't the party line that he didn't run because he didn't think he did it soon enough to offset Hillary's... "popularity"?
Wasn't the party line that he didn't run because he didn't think he did it soon enough to offset Hillary's... "popularity"?
I thought he was depressed over his brother's passing.
I can't see a thin-skinned self-absorbed millionaire twitter troll making it as President, I have to say.

Oh, wait... :D
But he's not a millionaire, ask Jay Z how much he owes him for his failed clothing line. I predict Kim is going to divorce him and drain him.

It was his son. @Dotini
Although maybe, just maybe, the Democrats won't be stupid anymore and try to rig a primary.

Democrats not stupid? They are even now strongly considering forcing a constitutional convention so that the electoral college may be abolished and/or that their states may secede from the union.
I just hope if he runs he doesn't pick Chelsea Clinton to be his running mate.

Although maybe, just maybe, the Democrats won't be stupid anymore and try to rig a primary.
Chelsea has to do a mandatory couple of terms in the Senate or Congress before she can run. Look for her in 2024 or 2028 most likely.
Democrats not stupid? They are even now strongly considering forcing a constitutional convention so that the electoral college may be abolished and/or that their states may secede from the union.
So the Democrats may try the secession thing again? It didn't go well for them the last time.
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