mister dog
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- misterdog
- misterdog7
I'm going to be charitable to them and assume they are still going through the stages of acceptance of loss. If they still feel the same way after the electoral college votes and the 45th president is inaugurated, well then I will marvel at their insane death wish.So the Democrats may try the secession thing again? It didn't go well for them the last time.
If at first you don't secede, try and try again...So the Democrats may try the secession thing again? It didn't go well for them the last time.
It appears that the conflict of interest discussions regarding Trump is now moot. Trump apparently sold his stocks back in June, according to The Washington Post
Chelsea has to do a mandatory couple of terms in the Senate or Congress before she can run. Look for her in 2024 or 2028 most likely.
Is this for real, or is it just wishful thinking? http://www.yescalifornia.org - Interesting to see that they are using artwork directly lifted from the Scottish independence campaign (aka the 'Yes' campaign') as well as pre-empting the referendum question... IMO there was a clear pro-Yes bias in the Scottish independence campaign, since 'Yes' is 'positive', 'happy', 'optimistic' etc. and 'No' is 'negative', 'bad' and 'fear-mongering'... it would be funny if the referendum question turned out to be 'Do you want to remain part of the USA?'...
Why does this remind me of a teenager saying how much better life will be once they move out of their parents house only to realize being an adult is horrible?
Why does this remind me of a teenager saying how much better life will be once they move out of their parents house only to realize being an adult is horrible?
I misread the headline as "Breaking News: Donald Trump has selected Scott Pruitt to ruin the EPA"...
I misread the headline as "Breaking News: Donald Trump has selected Scott Pruitt to ruin the EPA"...
Feel free to use Ontario, Canada as an example of what happens when the climate change agenda gets unfettered access to the public purse for a decade and a half. Massive deficits and ballooning debt levels (15 million people, $300 billion debt), massive spending on expensive and totally unnecessary green energy projects. Massive subsidies to the property owning class to generate electricity at home with solar panels. Electricity rates more than double in just 8 years. And all of this, in a power generation grid that was 85% emission free (nuclear and hydroelectric), before any green tech was introduced.You can't fight climate change without a rich, vigorous economy. But you can't have a rich, vigorous economy without burning massive amounts of fuel. So, a dilemma.
In reality, climate change, assuming it and Chinese industrialization exists, has gone so far down the path that there is no practical way to reverse it. So the pragmatic thing to do is enjoy life while we have it by making and spending money and having as much fun as possible.
I misread the headline as "Breaking News: Donald Trump has selected Scott Pruitt to ruin the EPA"...
Wednesday on CNBC’s “Power Lunch,” the CEO of U.S. Steel Mario Longhi said after the election of Donald Trump, he has “felt an environment of positive optimism where forces are converging to provide for a better environment,” which he hopes means he can rehire up to 10,000 employees. Longhi said, “I have not felt an environment of positive optimism where forces are converging to provide for a better environment in quite a while. And this is pretty widespread. Customer suppliers, you know, throughout the communities.” He added, “I’m more than happy to bring back the employees that we were forced to lay off during the depression … It could be close to 10,000.”
Likely not good for the country
How so? The idea is to reduce regulations inhibiting economic activity and expansion of employment.
How so? The idea is to reduce regulations inhibiting economic activity and expansion of employment.
Do you think that the Trump EPA will roll-back air quality controls to the good old days?
Here's some pictures of Pittsburgh in the 1940's when coal was king:
The streets of Pittsburgh
Some nice cars on the streets:tup:
I mean I understand the worry, I don't like a bought politician and clearly defacto oil baron being given access of the department that tries to keep those groups in check. However, it's been well noted where the EPA over that past years has let the nation down, too bad I wont forget Flint, Michigan any time soon.
Its my understanding that the EPA let down the people of Flint because the EPA didn't do anything to prevent the State of Michigan from switching Flint's water supply from Detroit's water system over to river water from the Flint river which caused lead to leach into everyone's water (the switch was done because it was expected to save money). The EPA now says that it was a mistake to acquiesce to the water supply change without better mitigating strategies.
Do you think that Trump's EPA would over-ride the State of Michigan if the State wanted to use un-treated water in another city to save money? Or would Trump's EPA say its a "state" environmental issue and take a hands-off approach?
I hope he won't roll back key environmental pollution protections, advancements and standards. He has stated he wants "clean" coal. I've come to accept that the "good old days" really weren't all that good in many cases.
Due to his promises to restore economic prosperity, Trump is stocking the cabinet with hard-nosed businessmen and generals rather than squishy politicians and academics. He seems intent on enacting pragmatic policies intended to immediately create jobs,prosperity and continued popularity for himself rather than worrying about theoretical, remote and abstract issues like climate change or regime change in foreign lands. The people voted for personal economic change, and for once they may actually get it. In the process, he bids fair to roll up the working class and the black inner cities into the Republican camp, and leave the Democrat Party stranded high and dry in tiny urban enclaves on the coasts - a small handful of "sanctuary cities" cut off from federal funds, forever and totally ruined as a national party."Clean coal" is just a BS marketing term. There is skepticism over its feasibility when scaled-up, especially on the financial side.
Just harks back on one of my earlier comments about how people with a political static or party do stupid things cause "boo hoo I didn't get my way!"
Its my understanding that the EPA let down the people of Flint because the EPA didn't do anything to prevent the State of Michigan from switching Flint's water supply from Detroit's water system over to river water from the Flint river which caused lead to leach into everyone's water (the switch was done because it was expected to save money). The EPA now says that it was a mistake to acquiesce to the water supply change without better mitigating strategies.
Do you think that Trump's EPA would over-ride the State of Michigan if the State wanted to use un-treated water in another city to save money? Or would Trump's EPA say its a "state" environmental issue and take a hands-off approach?
I wonder if it would have been this way if Trump would have lost and Clinton would have won? I'm sure all liberals aren't like this, but the outspoken ones are sure making it seem like the entire group is a bunch of cry babies that are stomping their feet because their warmonger candidate who doesn't understand the letter C lost to a man who is the embodiment of Biff from Back to the Future mixed with a Cheeto.
I really do think people just need to deal with it and accept Trump is their president, they don't have to like him but one of the signs of growing up is accepting outcomes you don't like and not throwing a tantrum about it. I was too young when Bush the Younger was elected president the first time so I don't really remember what the reaction was, also I guess since the Internet wasn't what it is today, there were less people sharing their views along with less fake news. I know when we was elected the second time around I heard people comparing him to Hitler, but it didn't seems like there was as much outright hate for him, but I could be wrong because I was in high school.
Why does this remind me of a teenager saying how much better life will be once they move out of their parents house only to realize being an adult is horrible?
Due to his promises to restore economic prosperity, Trump is stocking the cabinet with hard-nosed businessmen and generals rather than squishy politicians and academics.
I guess the lesson here is you can't buy love and popularity - it must be given freely. Some have likened Trump to a performance artist, like Lady Gaga. He needs adulation like a fish needs water. Will he do what it takes to continue receiving adoration and reelection?To which, congratulations to Linda McMahon on becoming the head of the Small Businesses Administration.
$100,000,000 spent on two failed senate campaigns.
Just $6,000,000 "donated" to hold a federal office.
Also, that's now two people in Trump's administration who have taken a Stone Cold Stunner. Badly, I might add.
Some have likened Trump to a performance artist