[POLL] United States Presidential Elections 2016

The party nominees are named. Now who do you support?

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The coin flip didn't determine the number of delegates, at least not those delegates.

The flips were for county delegates rather than state ones, so at most it could have amounted to maybe 1 delegate difference and wouldn't have given Sanders the lead.

It's still a bizzarely obtuse system and the fact that no one understands it enough to explain it clearly is evidence that it's actually stupid.
At least they didn't have the ref from the one NFL game flipping the coin. There would have been no flip.
So Ted "Awaken the body of Christ!" Cruz has won Iowa
I found his victory speech unintentionally hilarious - he offered congratulations to courageous conservatives. What's so courageous about saying "in a time of widespread social change, we want everything to stay exactly as it is because that's what we're comfortable with!"?
Has anyone tried going to loser.com since this morning? :sly:
Perhaps Mr Trump is thinking of withdrawing from the campaign? Maybe he is retooling his message to make it more conservative? His results did not match the polls, so the wind has gone out of his sails.
Perhaps Mr Trump is thinking of withdrawing from the campaign? Maybe he is retooling his message to make it more conservative? His results did not match the polls, so the wind has gone out of his sails.

Did his bold move in side-stepping the Iowa debate backfire?
Democracy: so stupid that things are literally left to a flip of a coin. It really is the god that failed.
Democracy: so brilliant that even when things are left to the flip of a coin it still works out better than every other system. It really is the God that succeeded:)
I think folks are making too much of a relatively narrow loss by Trump. In a single state.

In other news, Rand Paul pulls out of the race.

It really is the god that failed.

Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. But what other choice could be made, under a "winner take all scenario". Folks are upset that anything gets divided, so this is how it goes.

That said, if any other sporting event came down to that sort of decision, there would be equal parts elation and double-you tee-eff. In any case, see above.
Rand Paul pulls out of the race.
Good move... it will be interesting to see who Rand Paul chooses to endorse, if anybody...

Meanwhile, Trump has accused Cruz of 'stealing' Iowa, and points to misleading comments from the Cruz campaign about Carson withdrawing from the race, and sending 'voter violation certificates' to scare people into voting this time around.
Democracy: so brilliant that even when things are left to the flip of a coin it still works out better than every other system. It really is the God that succeeded:)

Technically (and as well all know, anything that follows technically can be ignored), democracy failed bigtime, hence why America is not a democracy but a constitutionally-limited republic. The bits of American politics that are still democratic in nature (such as the way some of our political parties decide on which candidate to put in the race), have been struggling lately as the voters tend to be split evenly. I would argue that it is the other aspects of our government structure that saves us in that circumstance.
Even so. He doesn't exactly have grounds to call the whole thing illegal.

It's not about the percentage difference, Trump's campaign claims that Cruz's campaign distributed leaflets warning of "voting violations". How that prompted a panic vote for Cruz I'm not sure, Trump is just shooting a breeze I think.
What was the difference? 3% or something?
In terms of delegates won, the difference is precisely 0 (Cruz and Trump both get the same number of delegates from Iowa, apparently). However, Iowa is one such state where delegates are assigned proportionally according to the % of the popular vote - but many other states are Winner Takes All, hence any nefarious activity in those states would have a bigger effect.

Trump is also accusing the Cruz campaign of misleading voters about Carson's apparent withdrawal from the race, urging Carson voters to opt for Cruz in his stead, even though Carson has not withdrawn.
In terms of delegates won, the difference is precisely 0 (Cruz and Trump both get the same number of delegates from Iowa, apparently). However, Iowa is one such state where delegates are assigned proportionally according to the % of the popular vote - but many other states are Winner Takes All, hence any nefarious activity in those states would have a bigger effect.

Trump is also accusing the Cruz campaign of misleading voters about Carson's apparent withdrawal from the race, urging Carson voters to opt for Cruz in his stead, even though Carson has not withdrawn.
Nope. Cruz enjoys a one delegate lead over Trump according to Real Clear Politics.
I don't think Paul is going endorse anybody. In fact he shouldn't if he doesn't want to lose anymore credibility in the liberty movement.

Other than that Paul dropping out is a blow for the liberty movement because in the end it was basically him who was calling out both the Federal Reserve and the neoconservative/humanitarian interventionist Clinton and her stupidity but overall Paul did himself in by siding with the hawks on Iran.
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