[POLL] United States Presidential Elections 2016

The party nominees are named. Now who do you support?

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I sure am glad Ted Cruz is around. Without him I wouldn't have ever known that a slightly left leaning Supreme Court has the judicial power to allow UNLIMITED ABORTIONS.

Obfuscation means worrying about nobody's business like it's nobody's business.
Trump's constituents are US voters. The Pope's constituents are the world's Catholics.

The walled city state of the Vatican
The hypocrisy of the Pope's comments on walls are laughable. Typical leftist "do as I say not as I do" propoganda. The Pope should stick to tending his own flock and stay out of world politics.
The hypocrisy of the Pope's comments on walls are laughable. Typical leftist "do as I say not as I do" propoganda. The Pope should stick to tending his own flock and stay out of world politics.
Have you been to the Vatican? The other side of the Vatican opposite St. Peter's Basilica (maybe 800m away) has decorative fencing that's a meter tall and gaps to walk through. You can walk straight into St. Peter's square from the street, it's not a fortress.

Leftist propaganda? What are you on about? For Christ's sake, we're talking about the Pope!
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What numbers? I bolded the important part.

I'm not at all concerned about the "distribution" of wealth, and neither should anyone else be. The only reason one might concern themselves with that is if one were under the mistaken impression that there was a limited amount of wealth to go around - that one person's wealth affected another's. But of course anyone with a passing understanding of economics would realize immediately that that's a silly proposal.

Your post strongly implies that wealth comes from a gobbling of natural resources - almost as though whoever got to those resources first would be the wealthy person. It implies two incorrect things about economics. First - that wealth is limited. Wealth, unlike natural resources, is not limited. Second - that wealth is not earned, that it is instead taken (from nature). Wealth is created (earned) from nothing - which means it's earned and not limited. I'm sure you didn't mean to imply any of that because you understand economics.

You constantly get the wrong end of the stick. Yes, we get it, when you were at a tender & impressionable age you read Ayn Rand - a third rate philosopher - & this led you to the "Austrians". You have convinced yourself that this represents everything that there is to know about economics, which leads you to repeat the same, predictable statements over & over again.

If you made the effort to read a little more widely you might arrive at a somewhat broader understanding. If you would like to actually learn something about the history of wealth creation you could try Thomas Picketty's "Capital in the Twenty First Century". It's a lengthy book, but very interesting (if not exactly a page-turner) & represents the most detailed study of the subject ever attempted. As a professor of economics at the LSE, MIT & the Paris School of Economics it's reasonable to suppose Piketty has a "passing understanding of economics" - although possibly not at your advanced level.

“If you interact with things in your life, everything is constantly changing. And if nothing changes, you’re an idiot.”
–Umberto Eco (RIP)
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Have you been to the Vatican? The other side of the Vatican opposite St. Peter's Basilica (maybe 800m away) has decorative fencing that's a meter tall and gaps to walk through. You can walk straight into St. Peter's square from the street, it's not a fortress.

Leftist propaganda? What are you on about? For Christ's sake, we're talking about the Pope!
So they dont have to smuggle in fresh alter boys through a small gate lol. In all seriousness though trumps wall is fine by me, problem i have is his pro torture, pro big government NSA, FBI, CIA, IRS, %#$, !=%, etc to infinity. Trump is always tapping into people's insanity abit too much and not enough realism. Anybody can see we have gone far enough at home. Why cant he just be for sealing borders and not spying, torture, etc. Jesse ventura knows better. Not heard from ventura for ages but hes a clever cat...
A follow-up to Apple being ordered to implement a back door into iOS for the FBI: Donald Trump has called on supporters to boycott Apple until they comply with the order.
Or just don't let what Trump says bother you because it most likely wont bother them that he's against their "unpatriotic" way of conducting business. It's funny for a big business guy that touts freedom for the corporations yet puts one to the wayside cause it wont fall to big governments wishes, this alone contradicts his a portion of his platform.
A follow-up to Apple being ordered to implement a back door into iOS for the FBI: Donald Trump has called on supporters to boycott Apple until they comply with the order.
Oddly, John McAfee has offered to crack iPhone encryption. He says he can do it in three weeks.
I would eat my shoe on the Neil Cavuto show if we could not break the encryption on the San Bernardino phone
It's odd - and relevant - as John McAfee is running for the nomination for the Libertarian Party...
It should also be pointed out that John McAfee is completely insane and has been for 20 years now.

His plans include "social engineering" of the perp's password. As pointed out by several security bloggers already; that's quite hard to do with dead people, even if you're John McAfee.
You constantly get the wrong end of the stick. Yes, we get it, when you were at a tender & impressionable age you read Ayn Rand - a third rate philosopher - & this led you to the "Austrians". You have convinced yourself that this represents everything that there is to know about economics, which leads you to repeat the same, predictable statements over & over again.

If you made the effort to read a little more widely you might arrive at a somewhat broader understanding. If you would like to actually learn something about the history of wealth creation you could try Thomas Picketty's "Capital in the Twenty First Century". It's a lengthy book, but very interesting (if not exactly a page-turner) & represents the most detailed study of the subject ever attempted. As a professor of economics at the LSE, MIT & the Paris School of Economics it's reasonable to suppose Piketty has a "passing understanding of economics" - although possibly not at your advanced level.

“If you interact with things in your life, everything is constantly changing. And if nothing changes, you’re an idiot.”
–Umberto Eco (RIP)

Major cop-out. Usually your posts a bit better than that. "I don't get it, read this other book" is one of the worst responses going on the opinions thread.
I can't believe that so many people think that she would be better than Sanders. I would think that democrats would support Sanders because he wants to further expand on Obama's policies, not just stay on Obama's level like Clinton.

Trump is right...truth is Obama haven't done nothing for blacks(other than continue to get us hooked on the welfare state) other than continue to put up more barriers to economic opportunities via overwhelming taxation, spending and regulations. The sadly its going to more worst under any administration that comes after Obama

I am going to ignore the issues with your post and just ask you this:
Do you have any factual information that is not produced by Fox News, other conservative media outlets, and conservative think tanks that supports your claim?
lol Hillary just mentioned that Wall Street shouldn't be involved in politics, in her victory speech.

Surely we can get a 20 min Video of her lies.
She has a campaign ad where it boasts about her race relations and whatnots.

I've yet to see her in a photo getting arrested while participating in the civil rights movement, or stories about how she's been a force for racial equality in America like Bernie Sanders has been.
I can't believe that so many people think that she would be better than Sanders. I would think that democrats would support Sanders because he wants to further expand on Obama's policies, not just stay on Obama's level like Clinton.
Sanders has been an independent for his political career, so most people don't see him as a democrat party politician, which hurts his chances because people would rather vote based on party politics rather than actual social issues.
She has a campaign ad where it boasts about her race relations and whatnots.

I've yet to see her in a photo getting arrested while participating in the civil rights movement, or stories about how she's been a force for racial equality in America like Bernie Sanders has been.

To be fair if History matters in this, Hillary would be wiped out instantly.

The Video above is all you need to see.
To be fair if History matters in this, Hillary would be wiped out instantly.

The Video above is all you need to see.
I haven't looked at the video yet, but I'm hoping it includes the clip where she's asked how her presidency will be different from Obama, and her answer is that she's a woman.
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