[POLL] United States Presidential Elections 2016

The party nominees are named. Now who do you support?

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Status quo is the deal, there is little difference between Hillary and say .. an elephant.

Jub would have been the other side, so what, we have an establishment and Bernie is nart a part of that :lol:

You can mock me latter on 👍
I think Hillary will win as well, because she is the only establishment supported candidate, Bernie will have to pummel her out of existence before the convention as all the Democrate super delegates will be going to her regardless of where her vote is at.

The two party system has things in place to ensure the one party system stays the way it is.

What ever I mean in this doesn't mean I don't support Sanders because he Has to win for this **** to crumble.
If Hillary doesn't take herself out first with her constant email problems. I cannot believe that's not hurting her chances.
Bush's departure will certainly make things a bit brighter for someone - his endorsement could be make ir break for Cruz or Rubio - I can't see him going for Trump...
Bush's departure will certainly make things a bit brighter for someone - his endorsement could be make ir break for Cruz or Rubio - I can't see him going for Trump...
I imagine a substantial percentage of Jeb's dwindled numbers will go to Kasich.
I doubt Kasich will even run in a few days, all of the establishment will back Rubio imo, Cruz is not favorable for them.
How can she still run seriously:

Surely the democrat establishment will find someone else to win the rigged election because she is not going to win if she goes up against Trump.
Sanders is polling better against Trump than Hillary has been. Yet they continue to ignore any facts and march on waving her flag.
Should Hillary develop serious medical or legal problems, there are ways to usher Biden or Kerry into the nomination process.

But in general, most liberals are probably hoping for luck, and for women to vote with their vaginas.

Should Bernie get the shaft by the DNC, I imagine more than a few of his populists to switch to Trump.

Should Trump get the shaft by the RNC, I'm quite sure many of his populists will switch to Bernie.
Incidentally, did Trump actually support the execution of all-but-one Muslims with bullets dipped in pig's blood, then sending the survivor back to tell the others about it?

It might have been a made-up story on a spoof website, but he's so far over the Poe's Law event horizon now that I can't tell.
Incidentally, did Trump actually support the execution of all-but-one Muslims with bullets dipped in pig's blood, then sending the survivor back to tell the others about it?

It might have been a made-up story on a spoof website, but he's so far over the Poe's Law event horizon now that I can't tell.
He talked about it:

"I read a story, it's a terrible story, but I'll tell you," Trump said. "Early in the century, last century, General Pershing--did you ever hear--rough guy, rough guy. And they had a terrorism problem. And there's a whole thing with swine and animals and pigs, and you know the story. They don't like that. They were having a tremendous problem with terrorism."

After Pershing caught 50 terrorists, "he took 50 bullets, and he dipped them in pig's blood," Trump said. "And he had his men load his rifles and he lined up the 50 people, and they shot 49 of those people. And the 50th person, he said, 'You go back to your people and you tell them what happened.' And for 25 years there wasn't a problem, okay?"

"We better start getting tough and we better start getting vigilant, and we better start using our heads or we're not gonna have a country, folks," Trump added.
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So he disproves it, whilst hinting he approves it.

Sanders is polling better against Trump than Hillary has been. Yet they continue to ignore any facts and march on waving her flag.

Pretty scary how effective they can whipe out the peoples vote with Super delgates, New Hampshire for example. Bernie won with a 22 point advantage and out of the 24 Delegates that go to candidates just from the vote Bernie got 15 to Hillarys 9, however the state also has 8 Super Delegates and 6 of them went to Hillary instantly to make her equal at 15 with the other 2 waiting to decide later.

This is the kind of thing that suggests Bernie can't win the Nomination as Hillary can even make up a massive Loss just from establishment support.
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The crazy thing as well to consider is Hillary has definitely won New Hampshire, the only reason those 2 Delegates didn't vote is because if they do it now everyone will know what a sham this is, when they can just do it in the convention when no one will notice as much.

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Pretty scary how effective they can whipe out the peoples vote with Super delgates
Super delegates being a thing is a complete mockery of democracy.

Then you've got caucuses that can be decided by coin flips or card draws.

The crazy thing as well to consider is Hillary has definitely won New Hampshire, the only reason those 2 Delegates didn't vote is because if they do it now everyone will know what a sham this is, when they can just do it in the convention when no one will notice as much.

Voting in a democracy is entirely too important to be left to the people.

"The big print giveth but the fine print taketh away"
In the '60 victory of Kennedy over Nixon, it is well acknowledged that the dead voted in Texas and mafia fixed Illinois. Nobody breathed a word of complaint.
In the '60 victory of Kennedy over Nixon, it is well acknowledged that the dead voted in Texas and mafia fixed Illinois. Nobody breathed a word of complaint.
Now that we have the Internet and more people are understanding how it all works it's going to be harder and harder to push things like this and get away with it.

The Ron Paul Campaign in 2012 got alot of people educated into this rigged system and now with Sanders its hitting people more.

Whilst i don't think the majority Ron Paul Supporters would support Bernie(atleast Fiscally) they would certainly be involved in some way knowing he is the best candidate out there today that can break this system, as the Corporate interests are the biggest barrier between who the voters want and who actually gets nominated/elected.
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OP Updated with the Bush withdraw. Delegate counts from yesterday's contests will be updated when I am actually conscious.
We're not a democracy thus the electoral college, think for a moment about our populous...

Can't really leave important decisions to them can we?
Yes, best leave them important decisions to the Corporate world who think more about the people then the people, and definitely not their own interests, definitely!
If I was American at current Sanders would be the only person I would vote for, best case Scenario though imo would be for Sanders to lose the Democrat nomination but purely from Super Delegate Support yet having Vast Majority Vote, this would give him a Massive Run as an independent, with a solid chance to win.

The Frustration this would cause at how the Nomination Process is run would change things for ever.
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More shady Activity by Hillary Voters.

The Caucus System is soo outdated anyway, I can't believe a first world country uses it for voting in 2016.
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I am going to ignore the issues with your post and just ask you this:
Do you have any factual information that is not produced by Fox News, other conservative media outlets, and conservative think tanks that supports your claim?

First of all I don't subscribe to conservatism let alone the neoconservative outlet Fox New, but what I do subscribe to though is common sense economics e.g. Austrian Economics.

Anyhow economist of the Austrian School(and those associated with it) have always made the case that government interventions(e.g. taxation and the regulatory state) as oppose to racism is the primary cause of black underdevelopment and guess? They've always been right about it. For a primer though, a piece form the awesome Mark Thornton:


I highly you recommend you read also Race and Economics(Walter Williams) and The Politically Correct Guide to Capitalism(Robert P. Murphy)

Looking at Trump's win though it looks like Ron Paul's revenge continues
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