[POLL] United States Presidential Elections 2016

The party nominees are named. Now who do you support?

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I don't know, perhaps because some are responsible or at least capable. It is the reason we are NOT a democracy despite what some might think 👍
Today I learned that being rich and being Muslim are practically the same thing!

...in that they're minorities yes. Same with black, asian, hispanic, gay, transgender, blonde, Jewish, Texan, Californian, Alaskan, blue-eyed, tall, short, blah blah blah.
Tell that to the people who are currently ntly working in GM or Chrysler factories. Or the people still living in homes financed by one of the investment banks. They didn't give that money out so the company owners could line their own pockets. Some of the bank owners did anyway, but it's a bit tenuous to claim that that was why it was done.

And what about those that lost their jobs to overseas workers?
A Company has no obligation to anything other then it sees fit, Also a Job isn't a right and I don't think anyone has ever Claimed that.

What criminal activity?l

This can answer your question.


Artificially inflating subprime mortgage bond prices is actually a Crime and to date only one person has be jailed from it for the 2008 Financial crisis even though all the major banks where in on it: http://www.reuters.com/article/creditsuisse-serageldin-idUSL2N0J71BG20131122

There is plenty more, but ill stick to the main point in the matter here, that is atleast related to what sanders was arguing.
Today I learned that everything is a minority!

I don't think you are a minority until you demand special rights ;)

You're a minority if you're a member of a group that makes up less than half of the population. You're a persecuted minority if someone is advocating a removal of your rights. You're a supremacist if you advocate special rights for your own group (for example, affirmative action is a form of supremacy). And you're immoral if you advocate for the removal of the rights of a minority.
I was joking of course.

The first principle of republicanism is that the lex majoris partis is the fundamental law of every society of individuals of equal rights; to consider the will of the society enounced by the majority of a single vote as sacred as if unanimous is the first of all lessons in importance, yet the last which is thoroughly learnt. This law once disregarded, no other remains but that of force, which ends necessarily in military despotism.

It takes a while to sink in, at least for me.
And what about those that lost their jobs to overseas workers?
A Company has no obligation to anything other then it sees fit, Also a Job isn't a right and I don't think anyone has ever Claimed that.

Oh yes they have, but not recently in this thread, which I think is your point.

This can answer your question.


Artificially inflating subprime mortgage bond prices is actually a Crime and to date only one person has be jailed from it for the 2008 Financial crisis even though all the major banks where in on it: http://www.reuters.com/article/creditsuisse-serageldin-idUSL2N0J71BG20131122

There is plenty more, but ill stick to the main point in the matter here, that is atleast related to what sanders was arguing.

I don't see how that precludes bringing charges against an individual. It's a bit weird bringing charges against a company anyway. I don't pretend to fully understand how that's supposed to work, but surely the factory worker in the company says "hey, what gives, I didn't break any laws". It seems likely that it's a symptom of lack of evidence more than anything. They don't know who to charge so they charge the company (including innocent people) and hope to sort it out later. Sloppy legal work.
Give me an example of someone who was guilty of a crime in the US and who was not prosecuted and was instead rewarded. I'm not suggesting you can't, I'm asking that you be concrete.
Crime: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/prosecuting-wall-street/

Reward: https://projects.propublica.org/bailout/entities/96-citigroup

Ofcourse you have worded your question in a way which isn't possible to prove otherwise, but i'll just use reality here.

This sums up basically the whole cause of the crash in the first place and every Major bank at the time was in on it.

Then you get this nonsense: http://www.minnesotalawreview.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Nagy_MLR.pdf

As long as a Non living thing is given Human rights it's trampling on others, laws in place to stop this criminal activity defended by it's ability to claim something is human when it clearly isn't.
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I'll admit I have no intention of reading the links, are the bankers crooks? Most likely, I might not have minded them failing until I seriously considered the alternative :lol:

This does very much relate to the election, like I said before, the establishment is the ticket 👍
You're a minority if you're a member of a group that makes up less than half of the population. You're a persecuted minority if someone is advocating a removal of your rights. You're a supremacist if you advocate special rights for your own group (for example, affirmative action is a form of supremacy). And you're immoral if you advocate for the removal of the rights of a minority.
Nice generalizations.
Oh yes they have, but not recently in this thread, which I think is your point.

I don't see how that precludes bringing charges against an individual. It's a bit weird bringing charges against a company anyway. I don't pretend to fully understand how that's supposed to work, but surely the factory worker in the company says "hey, what gives, I didn't break any laws". It seems likely that it's a symptom of lack of evidence more than anything. They don't know who to charge so they charge the company (including innocent people) and hope to sort it out later. Sloppy legal work.
Corporations are people in America remember?
Does he wish to be Trump's vp? I hate to say it, but The United States does not accept Mormons. Might sound lame but it is true, I remember when he ran and such, I heard it from many people.
Fox is reporting that Mitt Romney will make a major announcement in Utah tomorrow.
Likely he and the donor class will mount a tardy attempt to remove Trump from the campaign. Politics is war by other means.
I'll admit I have no intention of reading the links, are the bankers crooks? Most likely, I might not have minded them failing until I seriously considered the alternative :lol:

This does very much relate to the election, like I said before, the establishment is the ticket 👍
Well lets look at the one i used in my Example, lets see who they fund?

Hillary Clinton = Yes
Bernie Sanders = No

Donald Trump = No
Ted Cruz = No(Although other Banks)
Marco Rubio = No(Other Banks though)

Oh look we are back to Sanders and Trump again.
They're groups of people. What's Apple's social security number? Who did they vote for in the last election? Did Apple register for the draft?
So you admit to trying to get down to specifics to avoid your original point?

Give me an example of someone who was guilty of a crime in the US and who was not prosecuted and was instead rewarded. I'm not suggesting you can't, I'm asking that you be concrete.

As long as this exists my point stands
Heard this morning the Ricketts family (owners of the Cubs & Wrigley Field) are supposed to start airing anti-Trump ads in Illinois soon.
And what about those that lost their jobs to overseas workers?
A Company has no obligation to anything other then it sees fit, Also a Job isn't a right and I don't think anyone Claimed that

That's fantastic and all, but what dies that have to do with the insinuation that only the people at the top of the company ladder benefited from the various bailouts?
Quite serious.
No. Too narrow and too arbitrary.

There's millions of apartment dwellers and such who pay someone else's taxes indirectly through rent, and disenfranchising millions because of their lack of wealth is pure suck.

Don't like how the unfortunate, poor, working-class, and indigent vote? Come up with better platforms.
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That's fantastic and all, but what dies that have to do with the insinuation that only the people at the top of the company ladder benefited from the various bailouts?
In that case I would say otherwise, but that fully relies on them doing something they are not forced to do, and that there lies the problem.

It also takes natural market share that would of been swallowed by opponents that they then would require employees to deal with increased demand.
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