- 6,097
- Simcoeace
Yea, nobody likes to stick up for the minority unless it's en vogue, but suspending the rights of the minority is always a human rights offense. At one point in time we thought it was ok to suspend the rights of black people in this country (it wasn't), and that doing so benefited everyone (it didn't). Today we think it's ok to suspend rights based on income (it isn't), and that doing so benefits everyone (it doesn't). Class warfare is about as productive as racial warfare.
The principle is the same, check my signature.
At one point in time we thought it was ok to suspend the rights of black people in this country - well, it really wasn't "one point in time" , was it? It was for a couple of hundred years - most of the history of the United States in fact & the consequences of that 200 year "suspension" are still, not surprisingly, with us.
Sanders rhetoric against the rich reminds me of Hitler demonizing the Jews, pointing to a single small minority group and blaming them for all the ills of the country. Different group and MILLIONAIRES AND BILLIONAIRES (Bernie speak) aren't defenseless like the Jews were, but the principle is the same.
Actually, Sanders doesn't "blame the rich for all the ills of the country". He wants them to pay higher tax rates. And yes, the rich aren't "defenseless", in fact they're living extremely comfortable lives ... nothing at all like the Jews being herded into concentration camps & gassed to death by the millions.
There really is a difference "in principle" between paying higher tax rates because you have more money & being enslaved, beaten or lynched for being black, or sent to the gas chamber for being Jewish.
Danoff your major concern when it comes to "human rights" always seems to be the injustice of progressive taxes while you constantly downplay the significance of other much more egregious human rights abuses. What's with that?
Your signature? Why would you treat Ayn Rand like the fountainhead of some kind of transcendent truth? I am struggling to understand why you, or any thinking person, would base their belief system on the ideas of a third rate, philosopher, mediocre novelist & terrible human being like Ayn Rand. It should be abundantly clear that her ideas are largely a product of the era she lived in, her particular life experiences & her own fundamental misanthropy. That's not to say that there isn't some value in her ideas, but a lot of what she writes is pure, unmitigated rubbish. Step outside, breathe the fresh air, read around, consider other viewpoints, broaden your horizons. Embrace the possibility that the world may contain more variabilities than can be contained in a one sentence aphorism.