For people who understand statistics a little bit one should know that it is not important how many people are voting. It is important that you have a mixed group of people that represent the community. I think GT planet is perfect for this as one of the worlds biggest forum.
People that understand statistics and the use of a poll also fully understand that the demographics of the pool of individuals responding to any such poll can also drastically influence the results of the poll.
For that reason most polls are really not a dependable indication of realistic opinion or accurate results except that of the actual people that responded to the poll and the general opinion of those outside of that limited base could be drastically different.
At the time of this post less than 200 have posted an answer on this poll, at such a low response number the poll in my opinion does not accurately have the numbers to represent even a reasonable percentage of just the members of this forum much less the 100's of thousands or millions of PS4 owners that also own the GTS game.
So trying to use the results of this poll to justify this is the opinion of the entire GTS player base can in no way be taken seriously.
I think the more casual the gamer or the more a player views this as a game and does not try to blur the lines of this being an accurate representation of real world racing the less they will care or object to what aids the game has in place and allows to be used to play the game.
I really have reached the position that I do not care what others do or what aids they use, what track limits they do or do not find acceptable or even how some game the penalty system or do not race with as little contact as I would like to see.
At the end of the day it is a game, as long as it can be played and enjoyed it will be played by most, when the enjoyment is gone it will not be played , pretty simple actually.
Sure I would like to see some things different within the game but at the end of the day I get what the product gives, no more or no less.
There in my opinion is no moral high ground either way, we all have our opinion and how any one person chooses to play their game as long as it is within the rules and allowed by the game is that individuals right period.