I play with a controller and I don't think it's much fun when I know others are spending hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on these high tech devices that the game did not ship with. They must have an unfair advantage. Ban wheels.
Playing with any other controller configuration than the one I prefer should be banned. PD should take my controller config and enforce it on everyone.
Also, everyone should be naked. It's way more fun for me to play when I am naked and everyone else should be naked too.
The rooms should be divided into male and female rooms. It's not fun to be beaten by a girl. Keep them out of my rooms.
Also, I don't like people from Latin countries. They ruin the fun for me. They should all be banned.
Also, my dog farts while I play. He loves dried chicken treats but the protein gives him awful gas. I find this fun. All players should be forced to have farting dogs at their side.
It ruins my fun (seriously, it does) when people have ugly liveries on their cars. PD should force all liveries to be reviewed by qualified artists and ban ugly liveries.
Or, here's an idea - go practice so everyone else is behind you. You won't care what they are using when you are winning.