Poll: Would you buy a Tourist Trophy DLC?

  • Thread starter fryercar

Would you buy a Tourist trophy type DLC?

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Well, look at PGR 4, burnout, or midnight club, they somehow made it work, when it comes to cars vs. bikes, same with crashes, rider falls off, spawns back on track, no madder what. And some people are forgetting that, yes its a simulation, but its also a game, we've got cars that run on "human power" and can exceed 210 MPH, 5 second oil changes, but we can't have bike riders getting ran over, and just getting up pretending like nothing happened? (other than damage to the bike itself)

And furthermore, its a DLC, its not like Kaz is pointing a gun to your head screaming "BUY IT NOW!" and if you don't want to race them online, then don't, I'm pretty sure there would be an option that would allow you to filter them out, seriously whats the big deal?
A video to refresh some minds... Cars + bikes on the same track = amazing! (took those links from neogaf forums)


Not really interested in Bikes, they've just never appealed ... but voted perhaps, because if more circuits became available .... then perhaps I'd get.
I voted maybe. It would depend on how much it cost, and how well bikes were integrated into the game i.e. would they have their own tuning options, A-spec events and would we have new tracks. I think it would be pretty hard to integrate bikes properly into GT5 just by means of a DLC. The only realistic option is that we would see a DLC pack with a few bikes that have properties similar to the karts, in that they can only race against each other and in online lobbies specifically chosen for them.

I do think bikes would be an amazing idea as the next big DLC. If PD wanted bikes at all, I would much rather urge them to integrate bikes into GT6 from the ground up. Think of how much of an edge over the competition it would give GT6 if it included motorbikes! Everybody would be talking about it, and other games (like Forza or NFS) would probably shove bikes in at the last minute to try and keep up, and would no doubt end up doing it badly. Allowing GT to keep it's crown as the greatest console driving sim.
Honestly, I'd rather PD blend the two together, than to work on them on separate projects. So yes, I've always supported this idea. Having bikes in the GT series is gonna change the franchise, but not in a way that they're gonna sag on the driving physics portion on the cars, so it can't really hurt it. Plus, Bikes are probably much faster to model. Also, we have the chance to have bike tracks, like we do with kart tracks.
I guess games with multiple parts to them are just too much for some people to comprehend or handle.

Have you ever witnessed a properly sanctioned race with Motorcycles in the mix?

I agree with Sporkafife, in order for this to work there would have to be an overhaul to the entire game to incorporate bike use in a reasonable way.
As of now, PD have enough to do in this regard already, for much more organized Online and Offline events.

I don't want this game turning into "anything goes", it should be keeping boundaries, which is why I voted perhaps, because on one hand I could see the "fun" in it for the kicks, on the other though, just like in real life, it could never be called a race.
Not really interested in Bikes, they've just never appealed ... but voted perhaps, because if more circuits became available .... then perhaps I'd get.

You voted perhaps because voting "no motorcycles are dangerous" is way too nerdy. OP didn't add the "no motorcycles because I don't care" option on purpose because he want those bikes in the game. Silly psycological games :)
My ideal DLC would be the idea (and circuits) from the PS2 game TT Superbikes Legends modelled with GT5 graphics and as realistic bike-handling as PD can manage.

The Isle of Man TT, Dundrod and Northwest 200 tracks would also be great for cars, it would give some of us a chance of getting round them without ending up in the hedges.
I just look at the fact that if Karts can be in the game, then there shouldn't be a problem with motorbikes, as karts are as dangerous when you mix it with cars. How they make karts work with the game shouldn't be too different than the bikes other than modeling drivers falling off the bike or something.

But I would probably agree that it would be best if they save it for GT6. That way, there's even more incentive to look forward to the game, as the success of a new entry is more important than the success of a DLC pack.
Have you ever witnessed a properly sanctioned race with Motorcycles in the mix?

I agree with Sporkafife, in order for this to work there would have to be an overhaul to the entire game to incorporate bike use in a reasonable way.
As of now, PD have enough to do in this regard already, for much more organized Online and Offline events.

I don't want this game turning into "anything goes", it should be keeping boundaries, which is why I voted perhaps, because on one hand I could see the "fun" in it for the kicks, on the other though, just like in real life, it could never be called a race.

No but then again I haven't witnessed a properly sanctioned race with the majority of cars in the game either.

Why would it turn into anything goes? You would have the choice whether to use a bike or not in both offline and online play just like you have the choice of whether you use an overpowered car and win by miles or choose sensibly and make a decent race out of it.
You voted perhaps because voting "no motorcycles are dangerous" is way too nerdy. OP didn't add the "no motorcycles because I don't care" option on purpose because he want those bikes in the game. Silly psycological games :)


I didn't vote "no" because motorcycles are "too dangerous." I voted "no" because it seems like a bad idea and I would prefer that PD focus their resources on other things.

The inherent challenge of riding a motorcycle fast is essentially impossible to emulate using the hardware we have available to use anyway. The best they could do is make it control like a poor handling car with an obscenely good power to weight ratio.
No but then again I haven't witnessed a properly sanctioned race with the majority of cars in the game either.

Very true.. which is why I included this in the same comment:

"As of now, PD have enough to do in this regard already, for much more organized Online and Offline events."

Trust me, I find it a little ridicules PD hasn't really improved much in this way.

The best they could do is make it control like a poor handling car with an obscenely good power to weight ratio.

That statement is COMPLETELY wrong. Tourist Trophy on Simulation mode on the controller settings was awesome.

Any other bike game has been like this, but tourist trophy by PD was a whole different story.
A new PD TT game alone for the PS3 would be most gratifying, TT content dlc for GT5 even better. For me this would be more of a priority than standards to premium.
That statement is COMPLETELY wrong. Tourist Trophy on Simulation mode on the controller settings was awesome.

Any other bike game has been like this, but tourist trophy by PD was a whole different story.

Sorry man, I don't agree.... and using all caps on select words isn't going to easily convert me to your side.

Cars translate well to computer simulation because physical control is mostly limited to what you do with your hands and feet. Controlling a motorcycle is a full body exercise where the difference between good handling and poor handling most often comes down to where you position your body and at what points on the motorcycle you choose to exert pressure when initiating and holding a turn.

Again, if they want to make a motorcycle game, then they should make a motorcycle game. This is Gran Turismo and I'd appreciate it if they focused on cars.
Assuming the price point was reasonable I'd buy it. I wouldn't overly care but I'd prefer during races that it'd be bikes or cars but not both, in a free run room or something like that I wouldn't mind there being a mix. Though as far as the debate going on above this post, I cold see the physics being a bit wonky when on a bike, considering the physics for this game were not designed for motorcycles, so if they were to do it right it would be a massive update + dlc.
Also I agree with a lot of you that there are other things I would prefer as DLC before a TT pack, but to be honest I'd still buy the TT pack as soon as it became available (in this hypothetical scenario.)
I probably would get it mainly for any new tracks that would be added but also because it would be fun to try something different once in a while, it would be a challenge to learn how to go fast with bikes but I'd rather they focus on more car DLCs.
Problem with Motorocylces is they don't have proper simulation devices yet, lot of people wont get exited to use a pad when they can simulate cars with steering wheels gearbox and pedals.
I'd play it, but I'd rather they do a Motocross simulation. But that is less popular and would require a new game rather than DLC.
I'd play it, but I'd rather they do a Motocross simulation. But that is less popular and would require a new game rather than DLC.

The original TT had a few crossbikes and dirtbikes (road legal ones, no raceversions) yet no dirt tracks which made them a bit irrelevant.
I'm betting a new TT game will include dirt tracks too though, and if TT DLC will be added (which I hope there will be but am afraid it won't) you can run them on GT5's dirt tracks or course maker ones.
Sorry man, I don't agree.... and using all caps on select words isn't going to easily convert me to your side.

Cars translate well to computer simulation because physical control is mostly limited to what you do with your hands and feet. Controlling a motorcycle is a full body exercise where the difference between good handling and poor handling most often comes down to where you position your body and at what points on the motorcycle you choose to exert pressure when initiating and holding a turn.

Again, if they want to make a motorcycle game, then they should make a motorcycle game. This is Gran Turismo and I'd appreciate it if they focused on cars.

Tourist Trophy accounted for that in a way with the "riding form" adjustment. It makes a difference; realistic or not, you could probably find a setting that matches your own style, either visually or dynamically. The game and "simulation" had its flaws, but I'd agree that it's the best I've played for feel.

Just try it, you might like it. ;)
Very true.. which is why I included this in the same comment:

"As of now, PD have enough to do in this regard already, for much more organized Online and Offline events."

Trust me, I find it a little ridicules PD hasn't really improved much in this way.

One thing that GT games have over most other racing games is freedom to play the way you want and the ability to really customise the difficulty yourself by the vast amount of cars and combination of tuning options, not to mention the return of PP which makes race organisation a million times easier. I really don't see much of an issue although room for improvement is always going to be there. I suppose what I'm saying is if bikes were included it wouldn't be a problem, if you don't want to have bikes vs cars you'll have that option and if you do then you can.
Wouldn't want a Tourist Trophy DLC, it would feel out of place in GT5 in my opinion. HOWEVER I would be overly excited for a full on Tourist Trophy 2.
Tourist Trophy accounted for that in a way with the "riding form" adjustment. It makes a difference; realistic or not, you could probably find a setting that matches your own style, either visually or dynamically. The game and "simulation" had its flaws, but I'd agree that it's the best I've played for feel.

Just try it, you might like it. ;)

I'm not saying that it couldn't be fun in it's own way.

The question was "would you buy this?" My answer is "no, I would not." Simply put, Gran Turismo is for cars, and I would rather they focus on improving that aspect of it than jump the shark and include motorcycles.
Gran Turismo is not just for cars. No were does say that it is just for cars. In fact it says that it's THE REAL DRIVING SIMULATOR.