Poll: Would you buy a Tourist Trophy DLC?

  • Thread starter fryercar

Would you buy a Tourist trophy type DLC?

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I'm not saying that it couldn't be fun in it's own way.

The question was "would you buy this?" My answer is "no, I would not." Simply put, Gran Turismo is for cars, and I would rather they focus on improving that aspect of it than jump the shark and include motorcycles.

Whether you like it or not, they're more than likely focusing on GT and TT already as it is; does it really matter to you what "form factor" the next TT arrives in? As already mentioned, Karts can't really be used with anything else (except by exploits), so the framework already exists to exclude certain types of vehicles - it could just be a new button on the main screen: GT Life, TT Life, Arcade (in which it might be possible to mix vehicles, I don't know / care) etc.

It just seems you're reacting based on some pre-supposed definition of what GT "is" and then trying to dress it with some semblance of validity based on concerns about the tricky control schema of two-wheeled vehicles. I suppose I should just say that it might help to think about the bigger picture on this.
Gran Turismo is not just for cars. No were does say that it is just for cars. In fact it says that it's THE REAL DRIVING SIMULATOR.

Well heck, if that's the case I want airplanes too! Lets roll the HAWX series into this while we're at it.

It just seems you're reacting based on some pre-supposed definition of what GT "is" and then trying to dress it with some semblance of validity based on concerns about the tricky control schema of two-wheeled vehicles. I suppose I should just say that it might help to think about the bigger picture on this.

Okay so how about this...

NO. My answer is NO. I do NOT want a TT DLC. I would NOT pay for a TT DLC. It doesn't matter how many times you say "I think your opinion is silly!" in whatever arrangement of words you choose to do it in I'm not going to change my answer to anything other than NO.
Well heck, if that's the case I want airplanes too! Lets roll the HAWX series into this while we're at it.

You so silly. EDIT: maybe not HAWX (which sucks), perhaps Falcon? That would rock...
Okay so how about this...

NO. My answer is NO. I do NOT want a TT DLC. I would NOT pay for a TT DLC. It doesn't matter how many times you say "I think your opinion is silly!" in whatever arrangement of words you choose to do it in I'm not going to change my answer to anything other than NO.

Haha! That's all you had to say; there was no need for all that rubbish about controls etc. was there? Because you're quite wrong, incidentally. :dopey:
Haha! That's all you had to say; there was no need for all that rubbish about controls etc. was there? Because you're quite wrong, incidentally. :dopey:

The height of arrogance: telling somebody that their opinion is wrong on a topic where this is no actual correct answer.
Cars translate well to computer simulation because physical control is mostly limited to what you do with your hands and feet. Controlling a motorcycle is a full body exercise where the difference between good handling and poor handling most often comes down to where you position your body and at what points on the motorcycle you choose to exert pressure when initiating and holding a turn.

Although it's true that a bike sim inherently can't capture the full bike experience in a way a car sim is more suited as it's basically sitting on a couch/seat having a controller/wheel in your arms just like a real car, you may find that the original TT already takes a lot of your arguments into consideration and may be the closest thing to being a bike simulation on a console.
You do control the rider in the original TT, you can change his/your position on the bike when riding using buttons, you could change the basic seating position and the weight and height of the rider in the main menu which did have an immediate effect on the handling of the bike.
Obviously it's limited but not as limited as you make it out to be, to be honest I think they almost nailed it perfectly considering those limitations and can't wait for a sequel or DLC for GT5.
The height of hypocrisy. 👎

Quote me on exactly where I stated you, or anybody else's *opinion* on this subject was wrong. Since you can't do that I'd like to refer you to a dictionary, because I don't think the word "hypocrisy" means what you think it means.

....and with that, I'm done. Congrats, you turned a "I wouldn't want it and here's why" into something more than it was ever meant to be.
Quote me on exactly where I stated you, or anybody else's *opinion* on this subject was wrong. Since you can't do that I'd like to refer you to a dictionary, because I don't think the word "hypocrisy" means what you think it means.

You came into this claiming there was no way the controls could work out, and then when shown information that perhaps that might not be true, you reacted in quite a strange way - like putting your fingers in your ears and saying la-la-la NO. You might not have expressly stated I was talking out of my arse, but the effect is just the same. You didn't come here to discuss opinions, you came here to give yours and not even consider (la-la-la NO) anyone else's. But carry on hiding behind semantics.

EDIT: that's your own fault for reacting like a child. "Congrats" indeed. 👎
Dude seriously, get over it.... or insult me via PM. Either way stop crapping all over the thread and let it move forward.
Dude seriously, get over it.... or insult me via PM. Either way stop crapping all over the thread and let it move forward.

How responsible of you.

I should like to re-iterate at this point, that if a Tourist Trophy sequel were to appear in any form, it will take resources away from GT. People should get used to that idea.
"GT is a game for cars only" is an interesting point of view, but this game is many things to many people, I don't think any individual has any say on what it "is" and what it "isn't".
Somebody please find and upload the video of what I think was E32006 showing Motos and Cars on the Tokyo track..

This one? Back on page four. ;)
A video to refresh some minds... Cars + bikes on the same track = amazing! (took those links from neogaf forums)


I hate to say this, but I got a little hasty with my vote. I saw "Touri..." in the title and jumped to the conclusion it was about more Touring Cars. My bad. I'm more interested in seeing hundreds of cars in Tourist Trophy II. :D
Hell yea!!! 👍

Just imagine, CBR1000RR vs NSX type-r.
BMW S1000RR vs BMW M3 or M5.
Ducati 1199R vs what ever Italian exotic manufacture.
Or some everyday stuff.
ZX6R vs Subby STI
Gixxer 750 vs Z06
I could go on for days.
Okay... Then use a Ds3...

You're going to love this.
I had my g27 for 30 minutes and I thought "if I mount this with the wheel flat. Could I pull the wheel off, mount my old dirtbike bars on it, re rout the clutch; brake, and gas to the grips and levers, and have a dirtbike/quad setup?"

If I get this to work I'm going to sell a conversion kit. I'm hoping I can get extra cables so I can keep my pedals intact and just plug in the bars. I can't wait to get started on this.
Il make a thread in sim hardware when I do ;)

Edit: I hope that everyone caught on that I voted "I want it so bad I have designated three twenty dollar bills and a five dollar bill behind my eye so I can buy it." I put it all behind my eye because my eyes are going to pop out if this ever really happens.
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The single thought of this ever happening gives me this sense of nostalgia. :') I would easily pay 20 bucks for the best bikes in TT Along with a few tracks and both cars and bikes in the same track would be absolutely awesome! Haha maybe even let cars bump onto bikes and so forth but when the driver falls make it so the cars can't touch the driver. And add female avatars. xD
Where's the poll option for I ride motorbikes but they don't belong in a "DRIVING" simulator, I shall emphasize the word "DRIVING" not "RIDING".
Hell yes!!!! As long as its in the 'arcade only' part of the game! Would love it, The ring Mixed with bikes and cars would be Awsome.
Hell yes!!!! As long as its in the 'arcade only' part of the game! Would love it, The ring Mixed with bikes and cars would be Awsome.

Oh yes, good idea (although I wouldn't have a problem with some GTLife A-Spec events, mixing in with the new & used car dealership). Anything other than serious leagues would be a complete and utter disaster for random online lobbies. It would look something like this:

Only in America! Hell yea!
I voted hell yes to this, and I hardly know squat about bikes. Polyphony already did bikes once and it was the pentultimate bike sim of the time, I don't see how putting them in GT could be that far from possible, nor would it detract from the game.

Certainly kiddies might try to trash your zippy Ducati with Jay Leno's moving house, but they'd have to catch you first. What better place to race bikes and cars together than simulation, where safety regulations and race rules are not required? They made the X2010 on that same principle. I hope TT and GT do merge in GT6 at least.
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didn't play Tourist Trophy, but if it means more tracks and other types of content then yes.

everything is made already. PD should just sell it.

about bikes, it seems to be troublesome and subject to a huge debate, then no. Rather see that effort going into improving the GT series than mixing them.
You know I dont think I picked the right one. I would buy a Tourist Trophy II on the spot. If they made a sequel I would buy three of those babies.
Obviously you keep the games separate. PD has their hands full already keeping up with current cars; no need to involve bikes into a car game.

GT is where the money's at. Not TT. But hell, if they could appease both fans, sure why not?
Obviously you keep the games separate. PD has their hands full already keeping up with current cars; no need to involve bikes into a car game.

GT is where the money's at. Not TT. But hell, if they could appease both fans, sure why not?

And never was that more true than when before TT was actually released. Yet they did it anyway.
I personally think they could make a killing on TT2, especially if they actually market it this time.
Maybe the original was partly to blame for delaying GT5, but I'm pretty sure it was only a small team. Besides, they're expanding.

They can still keep the two games separate, but have them in the same game, if it will upset so many people to have the option to mix. If you don't want bikes, you won't see them unless you join them online.
Oh yes, good idea (although I wouldn't have a problem with some GTLife A-Spec events, mixing in with the new & used car dealership). Anything other than serious leagues would be a complete and utter disaster for random online lobbies. It would look something like this:

Only in America! Hell yea!

Haha that was in a little country hill town about an hour away from me!!

This is inspiration for cars and bikes

I have said before that i would buy it in a heart beat, but with the new X Route track...cars vs bike on a 12km straight? hayabusa drafting an x1? 12km wheelee?
Who doesn't wants that stuff?
I would actually like to buy a new Tourist Trophy. I love bikes, but honestly, I can see why they don't belong in this game. They need their own huge game to themselves. Sign me up for TT2. With more mods and models, more tracks and basically the bike version of GT5, just as expansive as well.