POLL: Would you buy GT Sport already? (AFTER v.1.05, change vote available)

  • Thread starter Haitauer

Would you buy Gran Turismo Sport as it is in the beta - just unlocked?

  • Yes

    Votes: 166 53.9%
  • No

    Votes: 142 46.1%

  • Total voters
I don't get much feedback from the controller whenever I'm losing grip or understeering. I get that feeling in basically all of the other racing games I've played recently.

This problem seems to come up quite a lot. It is a true problem - even though i think how ds4 is balanced AFTER losing grip feels quite sweet. (any comments on this from players using more the DS4) Im surpriced if this doesnt get fixed, since i recall one of the PS2 (?)era Gran Turismos was the first game where I noticed the "warning vibration" before loosing grip.

Gr.3 appears to be relatively competitive with all of the cars

This gives me hope they manage balancing the rest. That said GR3 is lot more homogenous group of cars to begin with. Somehow I have an impression, they are trying to avoid the classic "less power and more weight to MR/4WD" solution. Dont know that can be done though. I must say BoP has its moments, but i think i prefer to have the decision between more power and less weight on my own hands. changing the weight for every track makes the setups quite a hazzle.

people who owned GT6 had higher chances of getting into the beta

Is this true? I think pretty much everyone from a correct area was accepted? There might be some issues in registeration and/or messaging? please correct me here if Im wrong.

I love seeing PD's race mods, but I don't like seeing them make up a bulk of the roster, especially when there is a very good supply of real life GT3 & GT4 cars

Ive been wondering this also. The only thing I have come to think since they have FIA license, is that this has something to do with the livery editor. Maybe they are not allowed to mess with the real life liveries. There might be contract issues with players sticking wrong sponsor stickers to recognizable teams. (?)

when Kaz mentioned it was being worked on during GT6

Just something I was thinking earlier - maybe the release / planning for PS4 PRO messed up the production? If they had parts of the code or graphics that they were not able to scale to the level the PRO offers (which would be a managerial fail by either PD or sony)? Somehow I have had a feeling the delays started around the time PS4 PRO was announced - given PD would be among the first to know of such plans. Dont know how quickly the decision was made at Sony to release a mid era device instead of a totally new generation later. Seems like all of the studios were taken by a bit of a surprise.
I had a few races at C. With top 10 fast players with me being one of them for a very few races. It is incredibly competitive, but the ghost is still there, and, surprisingly, there is still a few "do whatever you can to get to the finish first" players.

Would have been nice to see the ghost gone - but then again, as long as theres these bad apples amongst the players, the ghost is pretty much a must. Maybe higher up the ladders?:guilty: Atleast we will have the option to turn it off in the usual online mode i assume. Being realistic - the rammers and exploiters are not going anywhere. :irked: Just have to wait until we have kick/ban in the rooms.
We know less than half of the proposed 27 circuit layouts.

The only mechanic we know of currently is the existing Sport Mode system. All those inaccessible options in the menus? No real idea how any of them are when "unlocked".

Yes it seems my question is bit too vague. In my head im thinking of a game in the lines of GT5/GT6 (which is the best guess of the worst case scenario at this point?) just with the feel and graphics etc we see in the beta. We do have a good guess how the cars might react to tuning if all tuning options would be open instead of BoP. I mean take GT6 and add what we see in beta. no need to speculate on the new feature we dont know for sure.

I made this poll, since I even surpriced my self how much i like the beta. If they would take GT6 and throw in the physics and (even the not finished) graphics from the beta, I would buy it and wanted to see if others felt as assured. People do feel strongly about Gran Turismo I give you that - lets hope PD can answer the demand of the more demanding fans also.

Guess I have just missed GT too much since ps3 that im willing to forgive..:lol:

You seem to misconstrue all criticism as "whining" or "hating". That's problematic, and a little dramatic.

No - not all. What separates "whining" and "hating" from criticism is arguments and constructivity. There is a lot of valid issues, it just seem it sinks to all the general negative comments. I would like to separate (pushing my english here as we have different words for the things:scared:) constructive critical thinking from disparage?/excoriate? - from just a negative stating of ones mind without arguments. Must admit I as any other do that some times in frustration - its normal and it dominates a lot of commenting in the internet as usual. Could we rise above that to give the most accurate feedback possible?:confused:

And what happened to giving positive before negative? Is it really that many of the hardcore fans of Gran Turismo not seeing anything good here? :guilty:
:odd: Back to topic..
Yes. I'd buy with a Prologue price tag.

Yes - now there is a constructive comment. :cheers: ..from a fellow finn - trying my best to be neutral here..:D

Actually i didnt even think about that - with all the eSport hints here, we dont really KNOW the price tag of GTS yet.. hmm:odd:

..and please dont post any game dealer prices here. I work in one of them, and know they are among the last to have that information. We read the release dates from magazines..:D
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Yes - now there is a constructive comment. :cheers: ..from a fellow finn - trying my best to be neutral here..:D

Actually i didnt even think about that - with all the eSport hints here, we dont really KNOW the price tag of GTS yet.. hmm:odd:
Your failing at being neutral.

Oh and stop double posting please.
Your failing at being neutral.

Oh and stop double posting please.

Im trying - and trying.. :embarrassed: Its just that i have this habbit of demanding arguments - and it happens in "real life" conversations also. You can imagine how that goes sometimes even though we have in general a little bit more straight forward way of communicating our thoughts in finland (which is as much a bad as it is a good thing) Look what happens when Räikkönen opens his mouth..:lol:

just that theres always a new message while im answering the ones before - must up my editing game here..:embarrassed:

Can I delete my post totaly somehow to combine them my self? like just the two above..
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Im trying - and trying.. :embarrassed: Its just that i have this habbit of demanding arguments - and it happens in "real life" conversations also. You can imagine how that goes sometimes even though we have in general a little bit more straight forward way of communicating our thoughts in finland (which is as much a bad as it is a good thing) Look what happens when Räikkönen opens his mouth..:lol:

just that theres always a new message while im answering the ones before - must up my editing game here..:embarrassed:

Can I delete my post totaly somehow to combine them my self? like just the two above..
You don't need to.

YOu can use the edit function combined with the ability to highlight text, copy as a quote and then insert the quote into the post you are editing.
Yes it seems my question is bit too vague. In my head im thinking of a game in the lines of GT5/GT6 (which is the best guess of the worst case scenario at this point?) just with the feel and graphics etc we see in the beta. We do have a good guess how the cars might react to tuning if all tuning options would be open instead of BoP. I mean take GT6 and add what we see in beta. no need to speculate on the new feature we dont know for sure.

I made this poll, since I even surpriced my self how much i like the beta. If they would take GT6 and throw in the physics and (even the not finished) graphics from the beta, I would buy it and wanted to see if others felt as assured. People do feel strongly about Gran Turismo I give you that - lets hope PD can answer the demand of the more demanding fans also.

Guess I have just missed GT too much since ps3 that im willing to forgive..:lol:

No - not all. What separates "whining" and "hating" from criticism is arguments and constructivity. There is a lot of valid issues, it just seem it sinks to all the general negative comments. I would like to separate (pushing my english here as we have different words for the things:scared:) constructive critical thinking from disparage?/excoriate? - from just a negative stating of ones mind without arguments. Must admit I as any other do that some times in frustration - its normal and it dominates a lot of commenting in the internet as usual. Could we rise above that to give the most accurate feedback possible?:confused:

And what happened to giving positive before negative? Is it really that many of the hardcore fans of Gran Turismo not seeing anything good here? :guilty:
For a lot of us, no, nothing.
Nothing has changed for a very long time. The amount of times GT has had "brand new physics" to still appear so similar outside of graphics to GT4 is really something.
Every game they say it's new this and that, and every game 90% stays the same.

I would need proof of a change at this point, now that the demo looks so similar to me.
I keep wondering why theres so many comments on how awful GT5&GT6 are. I understand someone might not like them, but the haters are way out of proportion. I post this here just as a reminder. About them expectations..

Gran Turismo.. What a failure by PD:odd:


GT6 81/7.9
GT5 84/7.7
Forza 6 87/7.7
Forza 5 79/6.9
Forza H2 86/8.3
Pcars 83/6.7
Assetto Corsa 73/6.1
Logic fail. One person's opinion of a game does not mean someone else can't have a different opinion.

I would score each main GT game as follows.

GT = 5/5
GT2 = 5/5
GT3 = 5/5
GT4 = 4/5
GT5 = 3/5
GT6 = 1/5

That is MY opinion. It does not mean and never will mean anyone else is wrong if they differ from my opinion.
You don't need to.

YOu can use the edit function combined with the ability to highlight text, copy as a quote and then insert the quote into the post you are editing.
Ill try - still didnt quite get how i can combine my posts (delete one of them) AFTER i have posted them both, but ill try.👍

Wondered to your "Youtube ramblings" as you call them. Great great stuff there on those like/dont like videos. Cant say I agree 100% on physics and sounds, but its not that i dont notice the issues you brought up - rather just down to my lower requirements on those. :D Physics and sounds are not amazing, but good enough to me. Then again you have every right to expect amazing things from a studio with the resourses PD has.👍 And I gladly take all improvement they can achieve on physics and sound.. those are not far from being great. On the online performance side there seems to be huge differences from server to server at the moment, as i have had very little problem with cars jumping. The ghosting is what it is - maybe partly intentionaly for the beta to smooth out the ping issues.

What I once again started to wonder, are the things we seem to agree on. The Graphics, the sport mode, the ds4 controls (exluding the need for warning signal for traction loss). Espesially the first two. Theres HUGE differenses on the opinions here and i really cant quite see where all that negative reaction come from aside from comparing to PC graphics. :confused:

Then i happened to tumble on your rambling on audio comparision between GTS, AC and Pcars. Made me realize one big difference there. The GTS is overwhelming and smothering all other sounds to the whining from drivetrain (correct me here if im wrong about the source) where as Pcars leaves it very much behind the "roar" (which has made me rip my headphones off quite few times leaving the pits in AMG GTR GT3 or R8 GT3 :scared::lol:). Assetto Corsa is some where in the middle. I think they all have pretty much all the same basic sounds, its just in the mixing levels the difference. 💡:odd:

Is there anyone here with actual experience of driving one? Since I have noticed in some real life (are we allowed to use "irl":confused::embarrassed:) videos that the drivetrain noise can be quite overwhelming. I would ask Kaz but I think hes not quite objective here.:lol:
I had a few races at C. With top 10 fast players with me being one of them for a very few races. It is incredibly competitive, but the ghost is still there, and, surprisingly, there is still a few "do whatever you can to get to the finish first" players.
Well with how unballanced drivetrains are, you didnt need that much skill to be a front runner and get to C. If you had a GT-R and good N300 cars you could climb up rank pretty easely even if you're a "dirty" player.
Well with how unballanced drivetrains are, you didnt need that much skill to be a front runner and get to C. If you had a GT-R and good N300 cars you could climb up rank pretty easely even if you're a "dirty" player.

There should be "im dirty" tick box in the driver options for the sport mode to match together the ones looking for dirty racing. :)
There should be "im dirty" tick box in the driver options for the sport mode to match together the ones looking for dirty racing. :)

What I found out is that usually those dirty but fast drivers will put mistake on others and find excuse on why it wasnt there fault.
What I found out is that usually those dirty but fast drivers will put mistake on others and find excuse on why it wasnt there fault.

i have even grown to like the honest dirty rooms in GT6 online - especially the nascar rooms. but ruining others races in clean rooms - not cool.

On topic
Looks like the poll stays steady 50-50 as expected. Very mixed opinions.
I keep wondering why theres so many comments on how awful GT5&GT6 are.

Comparing to previous Gran Turismo games, they aren't that good. GT3 and 4 were well designed and polished games compared to the sprawling and incomplete 5 and 6.

Also, let's remember that the contemporaries of GT5 and 6 were Forza Motorsport 3 (92/8.0) and FM4 (91/8.2). By the standards of the time, Gran Turismo was not even close to being the best game in the space even though it continued to dominate sales.

I notice that you also chose to ignore on your list what's been called (probably rightly so) the best racing game of the generation in Forza Horizon 3 (91/8.0).

I have also been wondering about the physics. Is it possible, that todays games tend to exaggerate the physics? Ragdoll bouncing where it should be more subtle?

Perhaps, but that's not the case with AC. The physics are highly accurate, arguably the best consumer grade simulation available. It's basically either AC or iRacing for that title, with maybe rFactor2 getting an outside shot.

In my head im thinking of a game in the lines of GT5/GT6 (which is the best guess of the worst case scenario at this point?) just with the feel and graphics etc we see in the beta. We do have a good guess how the cars might react to tuning if all tuning options would be open instead of BoP. I mean take GT6 and add what we see in beta. no need to speculate on the new feature we dont know for sure.

But that's not what we're getting. Polyphony have been very clear that this is not a game like traditional Gran Turismos. No upgrade tuning. Small car and track list. Very online focused. Basically, you're getting something like the love child of iRacing and Project CARS with a very fancy photomode.

If you're expecting GT6 with nice graphics and less cars, you're going to be disappointed.
Ill try - still didnt quite get how i can combine my posts (delete one of them) AFTER i have posted them both, but ill try.👍

Wondered to your "Youtube ramblings" as you call them. Great great stuff there on those like/dont like videos. Cant say I agree 100% on physics and sounds, but its not that i dont notice the issues you brought up - rather just down to my lower requirements on those. :D Physics and sounds are not amazing, but good enough to me. Then again you have every right to expect amazing things from a studio with the resourses PD has.👍 And I gladly take all improvement they can achieve on physics and sound.. those are not far from being great. On the online performance side there seems to be huge differences from server to server at the moment, as i have had very little problem with cars jumping. The ghosting is what it is - maybe partly intentionaly for the beta to smooth out the ping issues.
That's why its important that both sides of a discussion are given equal air.

Take physics for example. Now objectively the GTS beta has some major issues in this area, that's not hating or just being negative, its simply the reality of the situation.

Now what is subjective is how acceptable that is. If someone has stuck with the GT series then a good chance stands that the improvements over GT6 may be good enough for them and they see it subjectively as a positive (and I suspect this will be the case for many who buy it). However for others (and I put myself in this category) its subjectively a negative, as in comparison to other titles on the market GT is still lagging behind (and arguably has lost further ground).

What I once again started to wonder, are the things we seem to agree on. The Graphics, the sport mode, the ds4 controls (exluding the need for warning signal for traction loss). Espesially the first two. Theres HUGE differenses on the opinions here and i really cant quite see where all that negative reaction come from aside from comparing to PC graphics. :confused:
Once again it can be down to subjective needs of the player.

While I really do like the graphics of GTS I would still take the lower graphics of the likes of AC or Project Cars if it then means I get a better physics engine, greater car count on track or dynamic weather and time of day. Once again its down to the needs of the individual.

Then i happened to tumble on your rambling on audio comparision between GTS, AC and Pcars. Made me realize one big difference there. The GTS is overwhelming and smothering all other sounds to the whining from drivetrain (correct me here if im wrong about the source) where as Pcars leaves it very much behind the "roar" (which has made me rip my headphones off quite few times leaving the pits in AMG GTR GT3 or R8 GT3 :scared::lol:). Assetto Corsa is some where in the middle. I think they all have pretty much all the same basic sounds, its just in the mixing levels the difference. 💡:odd:
It is the drivetrain you are hearing and while it is true that in some race prep'd cars it certainly is the dominant sound, its not true in all of them. I have to be honest and say that I've been around enough tracks to say that the feeling of wanted to tear headphones off in those circumstances is accurate. I always have a set of earplugs in my pocket for a reason!

It was suggested in a post (I don't recall by who or in which thread) that only a few race cars are actually that loud; that simply is not true, not even close and a visit to just about any track will soon bring that one home. Motorsport is very, very loud; which is exactly why so many tracks are having issues with noise limits (my nearest track lost its round of the British GT championship for that exact reason, GT cars are loud).

Is there anyone here with actual experience of driving one? Since I have noticed in some real life (are we allowed to use "irl":confused::embarrassed:) videos that the drivetrain noise can be quite overwhelming. I would ask Kaz but I think hes not quite objective here.:lol:
I've driven a few car prep'd cars and been in quite a few more, in some the dog-box does dominate, in others it doesn't. Rear engine cars are actually remarkably quiet when your inside, with a helmet on, at speed.

On topic
Looks like the poll stays steady 50-50 as expected. Very mixed opinions.
50-50 isn't what I would expect given past GT related polls. Those in a dedicated GT sub-forum are normally around 70-80% in favour of GT (not surprising given this is GT Planet - a degree of bias will always exist in that regard).

This is quite a shift in those terms.
I notice that you also chose to ignore on your list what's been called (probably rightly so) the best racing game of the generation in Forza Horizon 3 (91/8.0).

Yes it was intentionaly so as theres so much time and hardware between them. Forza Horizon 3 is the game to beat at the moment, atleast when counting in the actual diversity outside racing simulation. It is also the game that has made me very closely think about getting off Sony and buy Xbox one instead. So yes Forza H3 does trash GT6 out of the competition, but they are products of different eras. :) This also prooves im not a so called "GT fanboy" - more of an enthusiast.

But that's not what we're getting. Polyphony have been very clear that this is not a game like traditional Gran Turismos. No upgrade tuning. Small car and track list. Very online focused. Basically, you're getting something like the love child of iRacing and Project CARS with a very fancy photomode.

If you're expecting GT6 with nice graphics and less cars, you're going to be disappointed.

I might not be totally on the page here, but is it possible they are talking about completely different game because they are adding so much online and eSports features to the game, not so much leaving the old stuff out? Or has it been Confirmed by PD there isnt any of the old GT tuning and building features included? I take it anyway - Online racing has been 95% of my game, but i would LOVE to also have the car collecting / building. :dopey:

If the game is indeed completely online based, i would expect it to be at the price range of max 19-29$/€, or even included in PsPlus as a promotion to sell PS4. I hope they dont go to the free to play - buy the cars -business.:nervous: edit: on a second thought - would that be so bad..:odd:
If the game is indeed completely online based, i would expect it to be at the price range of max 19-29$/€, or even included in PsPlus as a promotion to sell PS4. I hope they dont go to the free to play - buy the cars -business.:nervous: edit: on a second thought - would that be so bad..:odd:

There will be a collectors (currently sitting at 150€ on Amazon) and a Steelbook version (currently 80€), this is without a doubt a full price title with very limited offline (There was a picture off all offline events somewhere on GTP...). I've been following this thread the last days, and I pretty much agree on everything @Scaff said so far.
While I really do like the graphics of GTS I would still take the lower graphics of the likes of AC or Project Cars if it then means I get a better physics engine, greater car count on track or dynamic weather and time of day. Once again its down to the needs of the individual.

Couldnt agree more. The Graphics for me are usually a first impression WOW -thing - when actually racing, graphics serve more of a purpose build than artistic/realistic need. Frame rate is multiple times more important. I usually forget the graphics fidelity entering the first corner of the race. Maybe just put all the detail to the start/finish straight? :lol:

That's why its important that both sides of a discussion are given equal air.

Thats why i would like to hear more comment from the side of players not so simulation oriented should i say. Cant quite find the words here. Maybe the Simulation side has been so well fulfilled even on consoles by the likes of Pcars and Assetto Corsa, that hardcore simulation really isnt the cup for Gran Turismo anymore? Maybe more of a product for the masses - a sort of a track race sibling of Drive Club? I think PD would like to keep all the old fans, but if the reality is that they cant quite reach the physics of Assetto Corsa, they have to find another approach.

For a while I have had this dream. Sony bosses buying the engine from Assetto Corsa, slapping that to Kazunoris desk and telling PD to build a Gran Turismo game on that..:drool: Guess PD is a bit too proud to do something like that..:guilty: I do believe PD has nailed the car enthusiast part better that others in GT5/GT6 - if only the mechanics would have be as great.

There will be a collectors (currently sitting at 150€ on Amazon) and a Steelbook version (currently 80€), this is without a doubt a full price title with very limited offline (There was a picture off all offline events somewhere on GTP...). I've been following this thread the last days, and I pretty much agree on everything @Scaff said so far.

Dont know if someone has more reliable information, but from working for over a decade in one of the chains selling also games, I can pretty surely say, the stores are well capable of taking fantasy title pre-orders without any clue of the final lineup or prices of the titles. They just re-direct or return funds when needed. That is to get as big of a share of the sales before anyone else comes to the market. Call me a cynic, but we see that happening a year before any AAA launch. :guilty:

50-50 isn't what I would expect given past GT related polls. Those in a dedicated GT sub-forum are normally around 70-80% in favour of GT (not surprising given this is GT Planet - a degree of bias will always exist in that regard).

This is quite a shift in those terms.

Given all the controversy surrounding Gran Turismo past few years and all changes and still uncertanties 50-50 is really what i expected. Still I believe some 80% of the old fans will eventually buy the game. Closer to GT5 than Gt6 sales figures due to generation change i believe.
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Generally speaking, I do not like online games - and I'm not keen on games that depend upon online connectivity either.

At the moment, I can put any game from the original Gran Turismo through to GT4 into my console and play it. I can play it how I want to play it - if that means destroying feeble AI with overpowered cars or challenging myself with less capable machinery - and it's my own gaming experience.

If I put GT5 Prologue in, I can't. It isn't even the final version of the game (actually, I do have a Spec 3 disc, but few people do) and most of it doesn't work any more because there's nothing for the game to connect to. If I put GT5 in, I can't. It isn't even the final version of the game and some bits of it doesn't work any more because there's nothing for the game to connect to - and that notwithstanding, imagine GT5's economy and XP system with no login bonus, and imagine having to rely on the 2 billion day long used car dealership to find a Formula GT car at just the right time...

For now, I can put in GT6 and, for the most part, play it how I want to play it. There will come a time when, like GT5, its connectivity-dependent features (like the login bonus, any updates, seasonal events) will be turned off - but fortunately GT6's economy isn't fundamentally broken or constrained by a ridiculous XP system, so it'll likely remain more playable.

GT Sport is a return to GT5 Prologue (and at the moment has a similar car and track count!), with an overwhelmingly online-biased setup. That means that, in a decade or less, it will be unplayable but crucially, while it is still supported, your entire gaming experience is defined by other people and other people are :censored:wits - as anyone who's played literally any game online in a public lobby will know, it's full of people who are incompetent, deliberately griefing, cheating or - in online racing games - ruthless and totally unenjoyable to drive against.

Now, call me mad, but buying a game for £40 for the privilege of being annoyed every time you play it, right up until the point it's rendered useless, isn't my idea of fun.

But I'll buy the finished product (not the 'unlocked Beta', whatever that's supposed to actually mean) because I like Gran Turismo games and have enough sensible people around me to play against in closed lobbies and have fun.
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Dont know if someone has more reliable information, but from working for over a decade in one of the chains selling also games, I can pretty surely say, the stores are well capable of taking fantasy title pre-orders without any clue of the final lineup or prices of the titles. They just re-direct or return funds when needed. That is to get as big of a share of the sales before anyone else comes to the market. Call me a cynic, but we see that happening a year before any AAA launch. :guilty:

Go to the Gran Turismo Website. The deals I mentioned (For Amazon as well as Gamestop) are linked on their very own website. There is even a special Standard Edition+, exclusively for Gamestop, created by PD itself. In the past, there were different special offers for different countries, what I mention here is at least for Germany.
I have been around long enough to differ between fake Pre-orders with made up release dates from what PD is already offering with Amazon/Gamestop.
That means that, in a decade, it will be unplayable but crucially, while it is still supported, your entire gaming experience is defined by other people and other people are :censored:wits - as anyone who's played literally any game online in a public lobby will know, it's full of people who are incompetent, deliberately griefing, cheating or - in online racing games - ruthless and totally unenjoyable to drive against.

...":censored:wits"... :lol: (couldnt find the crylaugh emoji)

Im affraid - sadly, the times have changed and the industry has moved away from collecting games. The games serve a purpose for 2-5 years (sadly closer to 2) of lifetime to be replaced by the next iteration. Even I as a child of the 90's games have moved to digital purchases. :( The games are no exeption to the ever changing network world we have. I see your concern - i even agree to a point, but the good old days are fading away. :(;)

But I'll buy the finished product (not the 'unlocked Beta', whatever that's supposed to actually mean) because I like Gran Turismo games and have enough sensible people around me to play against in closed lobbies and have fun.

Yes the online gaming is heavily based on how one is able to control the company online. So far I have been mostly able to find some reliable online friends to find working clean lobbies. It is crucial to enjoy online games. It is also part of the "learning curve" i spoke earlier. It takes some time of tolerating the rammers and trolls to work out those friends and lobbies, but its all worth it. theres also a big part of online players there between "rammers" and "alienforce" where one can have a pretty even competition after a while. Im one of those. Just has to be found.

The problem I have had with Pcars and Assetto Corsa is the lack of online players/lobbies.
It takes some time of tolerating the rammers and trolls to work out those friends and lobbies, but its all worth it.
Nah - this is where GTPlanet (and sites like us) are so useful to anyone who actually enjoys online racing.

I don't need to tolerate bell ends online when I can go onto an internet forum, find out who people I like racing with enjoy racing with and join them. Others can do the same, whether it's serious, competitive racing, fun, tight racing or demolition derbies.
Yes it was intentionaly so as theres so much time and hardware between them. Forza Horizon 3 is the game to beat at the moment, atleast when counting in the actual diversity outside racing simulation. It is also the game that has made me very closely think about getting off Sony and buy Xbox one instead. So yes Forza H3 does trash GT6 out of the competition, but they are products of different eras. :) This also prooves im not a so called "GT fanboy" - more of an enthusiast.

Uh huh. Yet you talked about FM5, 6, and FH2, products of a different time and hardware, and yet not FM3 and 4 which were released at the same time and on similar hardware. Totally non-biased. I totally believe that you didn't just look for the worst scoring Forza games to try and make your point that PS3 era GT wasn't actually that bad. :rolleyes:

As far as proving what you are, we can all read your posts and come to our own conclusions about that. I think you've demonstrated just fine how objective you are.

I do believe PD has nailed the car enthusiast part better that others in GT5/GT6 - if only the mechanics would have be as great.

You should try FM4 or 6. More in depth tuning and customisation options and arguably a better car list.
Generally speaking, I do not like online games - and I'm not keen on games that depend upon online connectivity either.

At the moment, I can put any game from the original Gran Turismo through to GT4 into my console and play it. I can play it how I want to play it - if that means destroying feeble AI with overpowered cars or challenging myself with less capable machinery - and it's my own gaming experience.

I respect that but, for what it's worth, I'm the opposite. Online racing has transformed my experience with racing games and, despite the obvious :censored:wits that are out there, over the years I have met a large number of people with a common interest and formed long lasting friendships because of it. I will never become friends with an AI driver! :lol:
Ive been wondering this also. The only thing I have come to think since they have FIA license, is that this has something to do with the livery editor. Maybe they are not allowed to mess with the real life liveries. There might be contract issues with players sticking wrong sponsor stickers to recognizable teams. (?)
If that is an issue they can resolve it through game design, not sure why it would necessitate limiting much of the car list to fantasy cars. I can think of several other reasons why there are so many VGT's. Might be a contractual arrangement with the manufacturers. They were already modeled and ready to go. May not have any licensing fees associated with them, making them much cheaper to work with. Easier to work with fake car dynamics and just make them up so they fit well in BoP class racing than it is to try and match real car dynamics. Lots of reasons.
I respect that but, for what it's worth, I'm the opposite. Online racing has transformed my experience with racing games and, despite the obvious :censored:wits that are out there, over the years I have met a large number of people with a common interest and formed long lasting friendships because of it. I will never become friends with an AI driver! :lol:
I'm terribly antisocial like that :D