Yes it seems my question is bit too vague. In my head im thinking of a game in the lines of GT5/GT6 (which is the best guess of the worst case scenario at this point?) just with the feel and graphics etc we see in the beta. We do have a good guess how the cars might react to tuning if all tuning options would be open instead of BoP. I mean take GT6 and add what we see in beta. no need to speculate on the new feature we dont know for sure.
I made this poll, since I even surpriced my self how much i like the beta. If they would take GT6 and throw in the physics and (even the not finished) graphics from the beta, I would buy it and wanted to see if others felt as assured. People do feel strongly about Gran Turismo I give you that - lets hope PD can answer the demand of the more demanding fans also.
Guess I have just missed GT too much since ps3 that im willing to forgive..
No - not all. What separates "whining" and "hating" from criticism is arguments and constructivity. There is a lot of valid issues, it just seem it sinks to all the general negative comments. I would like to separate (pushing my english here as we have different words for the things

) constructive critical thinking from disparage?/excoriate? - from just a negative stating of ones mind without arguments. Must admit I as any other do that some times in frustration - its normal and it dominates a lot of commenting in the internet as usual. Could we rise above that to give the most accurate feedback possible?
And what happened to giving positive before negative? Is it really that many of the hardcore fans of Gran Turismo not seeing anything good here?