POLL: Would you buy GT Sport already? (AFTER v.1.05, change vote available)

  • Thread starter Haitauer

Would you buy Gran Turismo Sport as it is in the beta - just unlocked?

  • Yes

    Votes: 166 53.9%
  • No

    Votes: 142 46.1%

  • Total voters
I read and skimmed most of the thread here. It feels very familiar to how the Polyphony Digital sold Gran Turismo 5: Prolouge and also, don't forget about Gran Turismo: HD Concept, but those were trial versions of Gran Turismo 5. Though, I was not very impressed with their direction towards the upcoming years ahead.

They should allow more people to play their own demos just to see how progressive they really are, just like the four Gran Turismo 2 demos. This would allow people to have more opinions over your game.

My concerns for online are also high because not everyone is going to have a good connection. Also, I'm betting you there will be a thread where everyone will post their own bad experiences online (surprised there has not be one yet).

In other words, it's a waste of money to me since the AI has always been weak in GT, never improved much or it's just getting too stale.
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Are you saying some days you wish you could just put the car on jack stands and put it in drive and tick off 26 miles and then turn it off? I feel the same some days also.

No. I'm saying it's a issue if it reaches the retail version.
I totally believe that you didn't just look for the worst scoring Forza games to try and make your point that PS3 era GT wasn't actually that bad. :rolleyes:

actually I started from GT6 and checked the competition and went from there, GT5 was there as its similar to GT6. Didnt even check the scores of fm3/4. Forza is also a great series. I have played and liked all of them. Every game has its strong and weak points. That score list wasnt about showing worse scores than GT but to show that GT5 and GT6 are at par with other titles instead of being total failures. And i just said Forza H3 wipes the table with GT6 at the moment, so wouldnt go saying im just a fan of GT. :lol:

You should try FM4 or 6. More in depth tuning and customisation options and arguably a better car list.
what i meant by enthusiast is the very diverse carlist (in many parts trivial to the actual game yes) and all that history/museum side. The stuff that an actual racing game player might think is useless. :lol: also things like VGT where the game doesnt just mimic the real world but has interaction with the industry.
It's prologue.
What a good statement with very good argument love it.

I dont have any problem with people not buying or not supporting the game I understand it's far from PC sims but just saying it's a prologue without any argument to back it up is just kinda lame. And people seems to have no problem with AC which has very few content as well if you exclude mods (or had at least it's been a while since I last played it, I prefer RRRE atm).
What a good statement with very good argument love it.

I dont have any problem with people not buying or not supporting the game I understand it's far from PC sims but just saying it's a prologue without any argument to back it up is just kinda lame. And people seems to have no problem with AC which has very few content as well if you exclude mods (or had at least it's been a while since I last played it, I prefer RRRE atm).
Possibly because AC doesn't have 6 full mainline previous versions to show against. I loaded GTS for the first time in a couple of days yesterday. I only did the 26 miles needed to get a new car. I don't want to play it anymore. I think I'll do 26 miles this evening, to get the 36th car, then I'll be done with it.
I've bought everything GT since the start, so yes, I would buy GT Sport as described in the first post ;)
And like everybody here, I wish PD would get their freak on and release the game :banghead:
And I'm still not happy about not getting picked for the beta :irked:
*Sigh* Not really impressed with GTS at all, and even though they have Porsche (which I commented positive on btw) I'm still lacking to have any interest on the title. It's one of those games you can get bored of after a couple of days or weeks.
*Sigh* Not really impressed with GTS at all, and even though they have Porsche (which I commented positive on btw) I'm still lacking to have any interest on the title. It's one of those games you can get bored of after a couple of days or weeks.
You don't race competitively?

I don't. When the game was first revealed, I found the concept to be a little iffy. I thought they were forced into making this type of game due to the small amount of content they would be able to produce within the timeframe of three long years. Since then, I feel optimistic. That's it. I'm surprised.

GTS seems like it will allow me the capacity (through its structure) to stick to a competitive spirit. It's not how I felt with GT5 and GT6. The structure wasn't there, although the GT6 community section was a push into that direction. It didn't work for me, because personally, I need a strict type of outline to maintain motivation and to feel like I'm working toward something meaningful.

The GT6 career mode was soooo bad. I didn't even get past the IB license. I've gotten halfway to getting the IA license with no motivation to finish. I JUST completed A-Spec in GT5 this past month even though I logged in at least 30,000 miles, approximately. I used Practice and Arcade mode often, which I don't believe kept track of distance traveled. So much of it spent learning how to be an average drifter. I rarely initiate drifts with the handbrake though.

Anyway, I'm comfortable with what Kaz wants to do for this iteration in the series. In the back of my mind, I can't see how GT won't go back to having that varied roster of cars. I gotsta have that. I wants it back! And for all that is holy, Kaz has to reintroduce a track maker soon, or for the love of the wheel, I will make him!!! RAWR!!!
It felt so comfortable and familiar when i started the Beta. I like it.

The biggest letdown for me is online racing limited to 18 drivers. I really thought in a world where we have 60 players battling for supremasy in WW1, we could at least have more cars racing online then the +2 we have now.

Maybe they will increase that number for release ...
You don't race competitively?
Sometimes, though most of the time I just like to chill and build cars nowadays. In the past I would spend mostly in the free run rooms (my most favorite thing in GT btw). I'm kinda in between hardcore and casual.

I don't. When the game was first revealed, I found the concept to be a little iffy. I thought they were forced into making this type of game due to the small amount of content they would be able to produce within the timeframe of three long years. Since then, I feel optimistic. That's it. I'm surprised.

GTS seems like it will allow me the capacity (through its structure) to stick to a competitive spirit. It's not how I felt with GT5 and GT6. The structure wasn't there, although the GT6 community section was a push into that direction. It didn't work for me, because personally, I need a strict type of outline to maintain motivation and to feel like I'm working toward something meaningful.

The GT6 career mode was soooo bad. I didn't even get past the IB license. I've gotten halfway to getting the IA license with no motivation to finish. I JUST completed A-Spec in GT5 this past month even though I logged in at least 30,000 miles, approximately. I used Practice and Arcade mode often, which I don't believe kept track of distance traveled. So much of it spent learning how to be an average drifter. I rarely initiate drifts with the handbrake though.

Anyway, I'm comfortable with what Kaz wants to do for this iteration in the series. In the back of my mind, I can't see how GT won't go back to having that varied roster of cars. I gotsta have that. I wants it back! And for all that is holy, Kaz has to reintroduce a track maker soon, or for the love of the wheel, I will make him!!! RAWR!!!
Don't get my wrong, I'm okay with how Kaz is going about with GTS. But based on the game's direction, it's not really for me (same as Pcars). If GTS were, say GT7, I would've probably liked it, maybe a lot if PD had just gotten some things right.

I'm not doubting it will turn out bad or anything, because I'm sure it'll turn out to be the better GT than GT5/6 as long as they keep fixing this, adding premium content, etc etc.
what i meant by enthusiast is the very diverse carlist
You haven't even viewed the carlists. :lol:

It's not even a contest. I've spent at least 100 hours playing and haven't gotten 30% through using all the different cars.

Not all games carlists are made up of duplicate model and every possible year to pad the car count.

In all seriousness, there's 3x as many DIFFERENT cars in FH3 as GT6, and that includes old and new, fast and slow, trucks, vans, open wheeled, everything.
More of it and more diversity in it. You wanna drive a classic? There's probably twice as many. Anything almost.

Just fyi
PD has fooled me 2 times after gt4, actually 3 because gt4 sucked too. I'll wait till this game is a bargain bin game, and that's only if the game is at least a 9.0 of 10.

Made the switch to forza back in 2011, those who haven't I feel sorry for you. Well not really, lol. It's like people who haven't experience SSD drives, one day they'll get it. Then they'll realize "why didn't I do this sooner?"
I voted no. There is some obvious polishing still left to do. Here are some details that I think should be sorted out before it is released.

- Vehicle distance rendering
- Tone down the transmission noise and bump up the engine noise (I realize it may be less realistic)
- Allow cars to actually stall
- Smoke/Tire debris
- The re-hashed tire screech (You know what I mean)
- That weird thing where the car pivots you in the right direction when you hit a wall. I think it is meant to make the game more casual friendly.
I've voted no.

Before anyone starts the below is my opinion, you may disagree but it's how I see and have seen the game for a while now. You may disagree with me, but that doesn't mean I am wrong as this is how I feel and have experienced the game over the last few variants.

I was one of the people who didn't like GT6, it's one of the very few times I've bought a game and actually felt like I'd been robbed. Like an idiot I had even sprung for one of the special editions, can't remember the name off the top of my head but you got things like the Quattro S1 in a blue livery, only to find a bloated mess which just felt uninvolving to me.

For me the game in general had just become very unfocused and despite the huge car numbers felt a bit lacking in content, I think mainly from my perspective because it felt very repetitive and even as I built up hundreds of cars it didn't feel like I was actually progressing at all.

The offline mode just always seemed the same, start at back of grid, force way through horrendous AI to try and win, there was never any variety to it and as someone who is at best average at the game finding that balance of getting the right car so it was possible to progress but without just demolishing the AI in it's was a bit dull for me. Add to that the fact stuff like the Red Bull was pretty much un driveable with a DS4.

I'd love to have seen some qualifying or something just to vary things up, I don't know, for example if we have a lot of British classic cars, why don't we have a British Historics so I can chuck a Mini on pole but then be trying to fight off some more powerful stuff which blasts past me on the straights but can't corner as quickly. Just to mix it up and make it feel a bit more real and involved.

Then I tried AC on PC with a wheel for a while and then tried a wheel on GT for the first time on the PS4 after that, GT felt absolutely horrendous in comparison and that was really the point GT6 died completely for me.

So from that standpoint even pre Beta I was in the no camp.

That said I have moved on from that, personally I like the feel of the game now a lot better but I'm not seeing enough that makes me want to rush out and buy on launch, a bit further down the line when there are offers and it's down in price I would buy it though.

I really, really want to love the game again but it just isn't at the level I feel it could or should be at.

It's not a case of expecting some really tough ultra realistic thing, as much as I enjoy AC it's nice to have something you can jump on and not have to wrestle to keep things under control as the game needs to cater to different mind sets that games like AC probably don't have to.

On the positive side I do hope that a smaller game which is maybe more focused and structured, although potentially a step back in the amount of cars etc. can maybe be the one step back to take two steps forward that the series needs.

TLDR: Really want to love the game, at this stage I like it but not enough to buy it immediately.

Once it's about £20 I'd probably buy it as that's the value I would put the game at based on what I see.
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No, I'm not convinced.

-invisible walls (as seen in demos of rally stages)
-bad collision with other cars and with the guard rail
-cars lagging all over the place
-difficulty to control the throttle (this is mainly an issue with no solution because of the range of DS4 triggers)

These are some of the many things that ruin the racing experience for me.

And don't say things like "the game isn't out yet". It's been like this since the beginning.
No, I'm not convinced.

-invisible walls (as seen in demos of rally stages)
-bad collision with other cars and with the guard rail
-cars lagging all over the place
-difficulty to control the throttle (this is mainly an issue with no solution because of the range of DS4 triggers)

These are some of the many things that ruin the racing experience for me.

And don't say things like "the game isn't out yet". It's been like this since the beginning.
How do invisible walls "ruin the racing experience" for you?
How do invisible walls "ruin the racing experience" for you?
How wouldn't they?

There are no invisible walls on Willow Springs. That's realistic. It's up to you to bring the car back on track if you miss a corner.

But no...on rally stages like Tuscany, and new stages we've seen in demos, you hear that "bonk" sound and see your car stop/shake/change direction for hitting something that is simply not there. You get the same even for touching a plastic orange web that is supposed to delimit the track.
(In Dirt games for example you break through it. Simple)

How is this not annoying and not ruining the racing experience?

That weird thing where the car pivots you in the right direction when you hit a wall.
This also. There should be an option to turn it off.
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How wouldn't they?

There are no invisible walls on Willow Springs. That's realistic. It's up to you to bring the car back on track if you miss a corner.

But no...on rally stages like Tuscany, and new stages we've seen in demos, you hear that "bonk" sound and see your car stop/shake/change direction for hitting something that is simply not there. You get the same even for touching a plastic orange web that is supposed to delimit the track.
(In Dirt games for example you break through it. Simple)

How is this not annoying and not ruining the racing experience?

This also. There should be an option to turn it off.
Gotcha. 👍

Yep, agreed.
The hard barricades around the rally course certainly detract from the racing realism.

Sorry, I had the wrong picture in my head when you mentioned invisible walls.
Some interesting reading ^^

I haven't posted on here for a long while...

Drove GT4, and got sucked in to the hype for GT5P and GT5 - until work, young family and a cooked PS3 stopped play.

Excitedly bought a PS4 not long after launch, certain that the next iteration of GT would be THE exclusive Sony title to show off the new console's magic... So I haven't driven GT6 :x

Registered for the GT Sport beta, but didn't get access, so have read all of above with both interest, and sadly, a heavy heart :-(

GT5 seemed (at the time) a bit of a turning point - very keenly awaited and VERY late. The more negative feedback, including constructive criticism / concern was largely drowned out by (on here) an overwhelmingly loyal support.

We seem to be at a similar point today, but my reading of these comments is that there is far less appetite to praise GTnext irrespective of how it may turn out.

Shame, really
Let's just get it off my chest...
Been playing GT series since GT1 and never missed any one of them along the way. Can't keep track of how many PS were broken till today.
My old fat 60 GB PS3 broke while running GT5 and guess what i went and bought another one because i could not live without GT probably because of the music, online races, replays...etc.
GT is probably the best overall racing game experience on PS. Then NFS shift was released (by Slightly mad studios; the developer of Project Cars!), the physics was quite good but the game was beyond buggy (unplayable at times like Project cars 1 at the end at its days) so yeah back to GT back then.
Have no idea about Forza series because Xbox was/is not my cup of tea (blame Microsoft for that i guess).
Anyways, with GT5 released i got myself a logitech DFGT and the experience was just too good to be true and it continued with GT6 (still no reference or benchmark to refer to with any other racing games expect the usual arcade games like NFS, burnout and motorstorm :lol:...(no comparison i know).
However, with project cars release back in 2015, it handled so good with a thrustmaster T300rs; really liked it till the point of buying a second PS4 just for it...but the bugs introduced with every patch released ruined the experience till i gave up on racing on PS4 :boggled: :ill: Went back to ps3 and GT6 for a while.
But then i thought GT sport will give project cars 2 a run for its money since both will be released more or less at the same time so i signed for GT sport beta to see what the future of GT holds for us and was lucky to get the beta code and i wish i did not :indiff:....
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I loaded GTS for the first time in a couple of days yesterday. I only did the 26 miles needed to get a new car. I don't want to play it anymore. I think I'll do 26 miles this evening, to get the 36th car, then I'll be done with it.

Care to share your reasoning why.??
Count me as a yes. The core driving (and sound) in GTS has impressed me in a way that I haven't been since GT3. For context I've dabbled a little with iRacing, tho have sunk proper time into Forza 3-6. Whilst I'm not particularly fond of the online emphasis, just hustling the GR4 Corvette around the ring could keep me entertained for a long while. Pre-ordered.
