Regarding whether Kaz/PD has explicitly stated that they want to emulate real racing or not:
We can bicker about this and go dig up supporting evidence for both sides all night, but no matter the outcome this will still hold true:
1. That we even have two points of view regarding the intentions for GTS is in itself proof of my original point: PD has no vision, or if they do they are unable to communicate it. Had they communicated clearly, we would not be having this discussion.
You'd have a point if you could actually show that they have made such a statement. So far it's looking like it's something that you have imagined.
@eran0004 , you and others are arguing that GTS is *not* intended to emulate RL racing.
Ok, I can respect the opinion
It's not an opinion, it's a fact. That has never been the focus of Gran Turismo and they never implied that it would change with GT Sport.
but frankly looking at the product I would argue that everything points to PD going out of their way to give the appearance of wanting to emulate real racing. Most ingredients of real racing is in there, even driver contracts for factory teams(!). Kaz is an self-described petrol head and has taken part in RL races.
Do you think it is credible to claim that the intent is not to emulate RL racing? No offence, but I think that is just a poor defence of the current lacklustre implementation of motorsport by PD,
Now you're literally moving the goalposts. First you say that because they hit a certain goal it has to mean that they aimed for it. Then you move the goal and say that because they missed the goal, now they missed what they aimed for.
Really mate?
Your argument is that previous games did not have that aim,even though that is what they said they did?
What aim? Real Racing Simulator? The tagline never said that.
And that the title says Real Driving Simulator and not Real Racing Simulator?
That's not the title, that's the tagline. And yes, it says Real Driving - not Real Racing.
It is a simulator or not?PD claims it is.Its in the title.(I never said they actually do that btw).
It depends on what you mean by simulator. It does simulate some aspects of driving, but it doesn't simulate every aspect of driving. When it comes to racing it doesn't simulate much more than the vehicle dynamics. Above all else, it's a racing game.
"Its not a Racing but driving"
In the tagline, yes. There is racing in the game. But you can have racing without having realistic racing, as is evident from all the previous Gran Turismo games.
Yet PD (already posted) :
"The Sport mode is the future of online racing, proposed by the FIA (Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile) and Gran Turismo. The ‘Advanced Matchmaking System’ matches players with the same level of skill and sportsmanship together, and the BoP (Balance of Performance) will equalize the performance of the race machines, creating a fair and exciting motorsport in an online environment."
Racing and realism are not the same word, although at first glance you may be fooled by them starting on the same letter.
So they claim to simulate driving and racing in this product.1+1=2 simple as that.
No. They claim to simulate real driving, and whether or not they do a good job is always up for debate. They don't claim to simulate real racing.
1+1=2, but what you're trying to do is more like apple+pear=orange.
What point is it you’re hoping to make because it’s lost on me...?
You can go to and read their marketing blurb. Or go and check Kaz’s interviews.
The point is that it is not a stated goal of Gran Turismo Sport to emulate real life racing. I'm not surprised that it's lost on you though.
There is no such statement on If you know of an interview where there is, please direct me to it.