Pope puts his papal foot in it - angers Muslim world

While I know it would be difficult, do you honestly think that anybody that attacked Russia from the southwest would last very long when the entire Russian military is already sitting right there anyways?

Would that be the same Russian army that has so far singularly failed to quash the Chechen rebels despite being given an almost free hand by Moscow.

With the nature of these conflicts (i.e. terrorist and guerrilla attacks) force of numbers does not automatically guarantee victory.


Yes, from the religion of "Peace" When the heck are the actual peacful muslims going to stand up to these Islamic-Facists? It's getting really old to hear about the "peace" of islam and their holy war against everyone not islamic. I'm a christian and I don't agree with the muslim faith or any other faith. But I don't blow up people or tell others to blow up people that don't believe in the same kind of Christianity I believe in.(they blow up the "weak" muslims too)

Their whole faith seems ironic to me. This so called religion of "peace." Tell me what is so peaceful about this.

The group, which calls itself the “Army of guidance,” sent an announcement to news agencies based in Gaza saying that “every place relevant to Christians will be a target until the cursed infidel – the Vatican – apologizes to Muslims.”

So, unless the Vatican apologies every place relevant to Christians will be a target. If Muslims do believe in peace and whatnot, why target everyone for one mans remarks on something that was said by another individual from many years ago?

This whole Jihad is crap. I can understand to an extent why they feel the way they do. It's their religion and it does ask for a Jihad but it was also written a long time ago. Hasn't anyone ever taken into consideration the changes of time? Logic needs to overrule religon in some cases. You can still follow basic principles of your religion and still be loyal to it. The American constitution was written a few hundred years ago. We have since then made amendments to it, yet we still follow it's basic princples.
...We have since then made amendments to it, yet we still follow it's basic princples.

HA!! You mean principles like limited government? The power of states? Equal protection? Property ownership?

Bad example.

Ok, points to that, but are they massive terrorist attacks?
Did they kill tons of dozens of folks in those attacks besides the 200? I'm not saying the attacks were worth the losses, but were the attacks on very important people such as leaders of the country? These countries know they could go to war on Al Queda, but would spending the money for hundreds of troops be worth the effort to not guarantee a victory over Al Queda?

The only time I can expect those countries to attack is when an important leader is killed. It may not be right, but it is more likely that those countries would go to war if their leaders were attacked than 200 civilians (it isn't right though).

Again, I'm not saying the deaths should have happened, however, when I mean attack, I mean attack the countries very seriously. This is the mistake I'm waiting for Al Queda to make. These countries can be aggravated, and if Al Queda does it to the point, I can't see the Middle East lasting very long.
The key difference being that Christians (at least nowadays) do not move into foreign countries and demand Christianity becaome the state religion; and neither do Christians adopt the policy of 'convert or die'. Our best 'scare tactic' is letting you know what happens when you die. As for free speech and Islam, I agree with you I suppose.

If the terrorist organizations have been pussies in attacking every other country, surely they wouldn't attack Russia on horseback waving swords. I'm pretty sure a Russian military presence wouldn't do much to stop the Muslims from taking aim at the infrastructure of Russian cities.

How many kids died when they took over the school ?

How many were killed when they took over the theater ?

Russia has its own terrorist IN russia attacking the Russians already...

BTW for the most part they are Islamic. BUT the religion is secondary for IMO most...having a seperate state is first and formost for the majority..IMO .

That is the case all around the world with pretty much all religions. And many of the Islamic nations have no concept of free speech, and it has nothing to do with the religion.

The same thing applies to religion in general. And perhaps the people who tell them the information tell them what they want them to hear. The same thing applies in China, where there is no official religion.
For example, let's say you don't speak Spanish. Now, the President of Mexico says something about the Jewish, saying "The Jews do not and did not deserve to be persecuted." Now imagine I only told you these bold parts: "The Jews do not and did not deserve to be persucuted."
You see? It's not necessarily the fault of the people for having their opinions, nor is it the fault of their religion. It is the fault of the government who told the people what they wanted the people to hear, much like it was over the Danish cartoon scandal.

While I know it would be difficult, do you honestly think that anybody that attacked Russia from the southwest would last very long when the entire Russian military is already sitting right there anyways?

Why are they sitting there ? perhaps to fight their own terrorist ? You think ??
Ok, points to that, but are they massive terrorist attacks?
Did they kill tons of dozens of folks in those attacks besides the 200? I'm not saying the attacks were worth the losses, but were the attacks on very important people such as leaders of the country? These countries know they could go to war on Al Queda, but would spending the money for hundreds of troops be worth the effort to not guarantee a victory over Al Queda?

The only time I can expect those countries to attack is when an important leader is killed. It may not be right, but it is more likely that those countries would go to war if their leaders were attacked than 200 civilians (it isn't right though).

Again, I'm not saying the deaths should have happened, however, when I mean attack, I mean attack the countries very seriously. This is the mistake I'm waiting for Al Queda to make. These countries can be aggravated, and if Al Queda does it to the point, I can't see the Middle East lasting very long.

OK lets take a look at India

India has suffered sectarian violence for as long as Muslims have lived in India (which is as long as Islam has existed as a religion) and terrorist violence associated with it for far longer than the west and the current war on terror.

A brief detailed history can be found here


The following extract is a good sample

Since 1988, India has suffered total of 45,182 terrorist incidents in J&K alone. Though in many incidents security forces were targeted but majority involved attacks on civilians.

Pakistan supported terrorists are also responsible for 2,466 kidnappings and 791 cases of extortion since 1989 .

Pakistan supported terrorism also resulted in extensive destruction of property in J&K. There were targeted attacks on educational institutions (780) in a bid to destroy the modem education system, which the fundamentalist ideology of the terrorists did not approve.

Since 1988, security forces have recovered very large number of weapons from terrorists in J&K. This included 889 rocket launchers, 347 rockets, 1525 rocket boosters, 1124 machine guns, 20,193 AK series rifles, 34,141 grenades, 21,332 kilograms of explosives and 1970 bombs. The range and sophistication of weapons show the intensity of terrorist campaign, which cannot be sustained without the support of Pakistan (or neighbouring country) in violation of all bilateral and international commitments.

As far as direct attacks on government figures India has had numerous local government heads injured or killed over the years, it has also been the victim of a direct attack on its parliament.


India is the worlds biggest democracy and has always been a major player in fighting terror in the region, and for a time period long before the west got involved.

Moving on to Russia, as Ledhed has already said they have suffered a barrage of attacks from Islamic groups over the years (some linked to politics, some to regional control and most wrapped up in a cloak of religion), with many hitting the Russian capitol. While the numbers of dead in these attacks on Moscow may be lower than that suffered on 9/11, the number of attacks is higher.

Prior to the Moscow theatre siege the follow had occurred

Moscow has increasingly become a target of terrorist attacks, allegedly linked to militants who continue to press for Chechen independence from the Russian Federation. Two housing blocks on the outskirts of Moscow were bombed in September of 1999, killing a total of 213 people. In July of 2003, two female suicide bombers detonated themselves in the midst of a crowd at a Moscow rock concert, killing 15 people. Several days after the parliamentary elections on December 7, another allegedly Chechen female suicide bomber killed six people in an explosion outside the National Hotel in central Moscow.

On February 6, 2004, up to forty people were killed, and dozens of others were injured, when an alleged suicide bomber detonated himself in a subway car as it sped between two subway stations in south-eastern Moscow.

Source - http://www.mosnews.com/mn-files/dubrovka.shtml

The above is without even looking at human losses and money spent by the Russians in a decade of fighting in Afghanistan, which is arguably part of the birth of the modern war on terror.

China is a much more difficult subject as it is such a closed society, with very little press freedom that credible independent news is almost impossible to come by, however given the money, time and human resources the Chinese government puts into suppressing religion I would be surprised if they had not suffered a number of attacks that simply have not been reported or admitted.

The only one I would agree with you has not been a long term target is Korea, mainly because until recently it has been a low key player in world politics.

However as far as Russia and certainly India go, to say that these two countries have no expended time, money and man-power in the 'war on terror' is simply not true. As far as India goes they have been doing so for far longer than most western government's have.

I believe that this is more a case that stories of this nature simply are not widely reported in a lot of western countries, I have an advantage as far as India goes as my mother-in-law is Anglo-Indian and was born in madras and lived in India before moving to the UK, she has spoken of sectarian violence and terror attacks occurring when she was a young girl in India and she left in 1952.


How many kids died when they took over the school ?

How many were killed when they took over the theater ?

Russia has its own terrorist IN russia attacking the Russians already...

BTW for the most part they are Islamic. BUT the religion is secondary for IMO most...having a seperate state is first and formost for the majority..IMO .

What was your point in quoting me??

My two points are that (1) Christians are not terrorists on a modern large-scale and (2) Al Queda would fight Russia through guerrilla or terrorist tactics, just as it has to the rest of the world.

Your main point appears to be shooting down someone else's point that Russia doesn't have terrorists to deal with. I'm not sure why you quoted me on this, or if anyone even said that in this thread.
What was your point in quoting me??

My two points are that (1) Christians are not terrorists on a modern large-scale and (2) Al Queda would fight Russia through guerrilla or terrorist tactics, just as it has to the rest of the world.

Your main point appears to be shooting down someone else's point that Russia doesn't have terrorists to deal with. I'm not sure why you quoted me on this, or if anyone even said that in this thread.

The jihadist on horseback waving swords bit ? You recall that do you not ?
My point is that russia already is and has been fighting terrorist on Russian soil for years , they need not invade they are already there. Al-queda has its share of Checzen membership. As do the Taliban . There are still Afghan Jihadist that wish to destroy Russia and convert whats left to Islam . They have been fighting in Russia since the eighty's .

If the terrorist organizations have been pussies in attacking every other country, surely they wouldn't attack Russia on horseback waving swords. I'm pretty sure a Russian military presence wouldn't do much to stop the Muslims from taking aim at the infrastructure of Russian cities.

Now if you read what I posted you will find that if anything I actually buttressed YOUR point . In effect I added to it and strengthened it .

I pointed out the infastructure..school ...that was attacked..already .
And the city under attack..being the theatre .
And yes you are right they did not attack the Russians on horseback waving schools so the military served no purpose .

So what is your point again ?

And BTW I can't recall a Christian terrorist act in the last ten years or more can you ? In fact is there a Christian terrorist organization on earth ?

The Islamic radicals would say its the US miltary .And the other western nations military organization..but they are as nutty as fruit cake...can ANYONE think of a Christian terrorist organization on the line of Al Queda ?

I don't think Christianity lends itself to martydom..unless you count being lion food..as does the radical version of Islam .
The jihadist on horseback waving swords bit ? You recall that do you not ?
My point is that russia already is and has been fighting terrorist on Russian soil for years , they need not invade they are already there. Al-queda has its share of Checzen membership. As do the Taliban . There are still Afghan Jihadist that wish to destroy Russia and convert whats left to Islam . They have been fighting in Russia since the eighty's .

Now if you read what I posted you will find that if anything I actually buttressed YOUR point . In effect I added to it and strengthened it .

I pointed out the infastructure..school ...that was attacked..already .
And the city under attack..being the theatre .
And yes you are right they did not attack the Russians on horseback waving schools so the military served no purpose .

Alright, I see what you were trying to say now. I was not aware before reading this thread that Al Queda and Taliban had ties to the gunmen that seized control of that school where many kids died.
And BTW I can't recall a Christian terrorist act in the last ten years or more can you ? In fact is there a Christian terrorist organization on earth ?

What wiki has to say


I'd certainly say these guys come very close (edited to add they are classed as a religious terrorist group by the US Government)

as do these

From my own perspective I have to say that the troubles in Northern Ireland certainly came very close to what I would class as Christian terrorism. While the main stated goal of each side was union (with the UK) or nationalism (independence) a large amount of the violence aimed at each other was principally based on religious divides.

When I was managing training for Renault UK we had to take great care in Northern Ireland to ensure that training was offered separately for each community and while it was rarely openly discussed dealerships were either Catholic and Protestant and mixing the two on a training course was not a good idea and travel from one area to another (certainly in Belfast) was not a good move.

Certainly its never been on the scale of Islamic terrorism, but we did manage to breed our own brand of ideological and/or nationalistic terrorism in its place, such as ETA and Bader Meinhoff.

The following is also of interest in the general nature of this discussion.


as is this



Scaff, you make good points, as always. But the going's on in Ireland aren't effecting people in say the USA. You don't have angry catholics from Ireland bombing places in the USA. I don't agree with what they are doing, but at the very least they're keeping it local.

This blasted jihadist morons declare war on anyone that isn't in their little group. As seen by the attacks around the globe.

I'll have to agree with ledhed and say that while there certainly are christain/hebrew related attacks, the scale isn't even remotely close to what the saddistic,evil,murderous Islamic Facists are doing.
ledhead, pretty much every group of people has extremists and "terrorists". We just don't see ourselves as terrorists because we are ourselves. I be Middle Eastern people see our governement as causing terror, while we see their governement (you get the idea) as causing terrorism. In fact, some of them do.
Scaff, you make good points, as always. But the going's on in Ireland aren't effecting people in say the USA. You don't have angry catholics from Ireland bombing places in the USA. I don't agree with what they are doing, but at the very least they're keeping it local.

This blasted jihadist morons declare war on anyone that isn't in their little group. As seen by the attacks around the globe.

I'll have to agree with ledhed and say that while there certainly are christain/hebrew related attacks, the scale isn't even remotely close to what the saddistic,evil,murderous Islamic Facists are doing.

Don't get me wrong I agree with you that in terms of scale its a different matter , which is why I said "Certainly its never been on the scale of Islamic terrorism".

It can however be a tricky one to judge, as based on number of deaths and attacks Islamic terrorism (to date) has posed a far lower risk to someone living in the UK that the IRA did (and of course the exact opposite is true for the US). However we then get into the question of timescales which will always make it difficult to compare, as does the question of risk levels.

My main point was in reply to ledhed's question about if Christian groups of this nature existed, and it would certainly seem they do, but on a far smaller scale than Islamic groups.


Don't get me wrong I agree with you that in terms of scale its a different matter , which is why I said "Certainly its never been on the scale of Islamic terrorism".

It can however be a tricky one to judge, as based on number of deaths and attacks Islamic terrorism (to date) has posed a far lower risk to someone living in the UK that the IRA did (and of course the exact opposite is true for the US). However we then get into the question of timescales which will always make it difficult to compare, as does teh question of risk levels.

My main point was in reply to ledhed's question about if Christian groups of this nature existed, and it would certainly seem they do, but on a far smaller scale than Islamic groups.



Ah, good deal.

Regards ;)

ledhead, pretty much every group of people has extremists and "terrorists". We just don't see ourselves as terrorists because we are ourselves. I be Middle Eastern people see our governement as causing terror, while we see their governement (you get the idea) as causing terrorism. In fact, some of them do.

You must have missed my point . And some of the examples Scaff gave from wiki really have to stretch the point to say the organizations are " Christian terrorist groups "

Where is the Christian terrorist group that has declared a holy war against the heritics and unbelievers and bases its actions on the Bible and Christian teachings ..or even presumed Christian teachings ..or WARPED Christian teachings ..aside from the KKK ...but when did the KKK in the last ten years commit an act of terrorism ? aside from the fact they even exist.

I am not saying there are NO christian terrorist or other nuts ... BUT I am making a distiction between Radical Islamic terrorism that seeks and end to the western world and the emegence of a new world order ruled by Islamic law and a few abortion clinic bombers ..a couple nuts in Uganda etc ?

There is a HUGE diffence in the culture that has spawned Islamic radical terrorist and the western world . The sooner we recognize this fact the better off we all will be .

Again I will say the only christian martyyrs I heard of lately are the ones fedd to the lions in the roman coloseums...the rest seem to want to live ..

On the other hand the Islamic radical culture of death as a reward , is a hard one for the average " Cristian to except " Even those waiting for the "rapture" and those that aggree 100 percent with " revelations " are in so big HURRY to meet Jesus .

I can't say the same about Islamic radicals and their desire to see paradise .

Keef the western world has provided us and the world with more terror than is almost imaginable in any sick twisted mind...so I wouldn't assume I would think that way at all..in fact as japan once found out ..along with other cultures and countries ..we can make the terrorist look like pansies if we get our blood boiling enough..as they may find out to their own and the world s horror if they keep pressing with the" WMDS lets end the western world crap agenda " How many more bombings with mass casualties do you THINK it will take before the gloves come off and we lose our civilsed veneer ?
And some of the examples Scaff gave from wiki really have to stretch the point to say the organizations are " Christian terrorist groups "

The only two examples I lifted from the Wiki piece (and I still included the caveat that they are close to the definition) are classed as religious terrorist groups and are currently active.

I made no claim that they operate on anything close to a global scale, but they are both classed as active terrorist groups with a strong (Christian) religious motivation.

That they do not pose a threat to the west I'm sure is little comfort to the victims of there attacks, and while the vast, vast majority of Christians would totally condemn the actions of these groups (if asked about them) that does not change the fact that these groups believe themselves that they are acting for a religious purpose (or using it as a cover).

As I've already said I was simply answering your query about the existence of such groups, the reason I did not use any of the other examples from the Wiki piece was on the grounds that they are either very low level or old.

The final one was the situation in Northern Ireland, and again I stated that this was difficult to clarify, but I can certainly assure you that you would not want to be in the 'wrong part' and declare any religious views even to this day.

Where is the Christian terrorist group that has declared a holy war against the heritics and unbelievers and bases its actions on the Bible and Christian teachings ..or even presumed Christian teachings ..or WARPED Christian teachings ..aside from the KKK ...but when did the KKK in the last ten years commit an act of terrorism ? aside from the fact they even exist.

That would be the LRA

...the group promotes a radical form of Christianity which it wants to make the foundation of a new Ugandan government.

Source - http://www.tkb.org/Group.jsp?groupID=3513


The only two examples I lifted from the Wiki piece (and I still included the caveat that they are close to the definition) are classed as religious terrorist groups and are currently active.

I made no claim that they operate on anything close to a global scale, but they are both classed as active terrorist groups with a strong (Christian) religious motivation.

That they do not pose a threat to the west I'm sure is little comfort to the victims of there attacks, and while the vast, vast majority of Christians would totally condemn the actions of these groups (if asked about them) that does not change the fact that these groups believe themselves that they are acting for a religious purpose (or using it as a cover).

As I've already said I was simply answering your query about the existence of such groups, the reason I did not use any of the other examples from the Wiki piece was on the grounds that they are either very low level or old.

The final one was the situation in Northern Ireland, and again I stated that this was difficult to clarify, but I can certainly assure you that you would not want to be in the 'wrong part' and declare any religious views even to this day.

That would be the LRA

Source - http://www.tkb.org/Group.jsp?groupID=3513



Scaff dont take me wrong ..I KNOW there are afew nutty Christians out there..BUT as you so nicely illustrated for me ...NOTHING like the scale or the global aims of our Islamic radicals.

Islam and Judism can be compared as having a vengfull God..in fact the Old Testiment of the Christian faith is largly drawn from Judism .The three faiths are called " Faiths of the book " Because common threads are interwoven between all of them . The big difference is the Vengfull God argument...
An Eye for and Eye trumps forgive the sinner and turn the other cheek .

Western " Christian values " just do not lend themselves as readily to " Jihad " or " crusading" as the Islamic teachings do . Or for that matter the Talmud.

Getting into a pointless argument over igsignificant Christian fanatics like the Ugandans ( Significant for sure to Uganda ) moves the discussion into a circular pattern of " well we do it to , just not as well " .

The whole point is to be able to understand and defeat the " enemy " you must understand what motivates them and the things in the culture that they live in that motivate and drive them to try to force there will upon you .
( And everyone else who doesnt aggree with them ).

Western culture is largly Christian and secular and in a large part ignorant of Islamic culture and the Culture of the middle east in general.
We made the same mistake with Japan before WW II . And we suffered for it .

But...when you talk about the terror we are capable of in response to being attacked savagely and without mercy...you do not use the Atom Bomb as an example...that was MERCIFULL compared to what was happening and what would have happened to Japan and the Japanese people had the US and its allies Invaded.

We FIREBOMBED Japanese cities unmercifully killing millions of civilians and leaving the rest without food or shelter. Almost every major city in Japan was in ruins ..by the end of the war we had run out of places to bomb..we actually had to " save " hiroshima and Nagasaki for the A bomb. Not to mention the total sea blockade and the actual fighting that had no quater on both sides. Not many Japanese were taken prisoner and allied prisoners if they lived long enough regreted it .

The other example of extremes we are capable of is Russia and Germany . the Eastern front made Attila the Hun and the Mongol Hordes look like a bunch of ponces .

The difference here thats notable is that it was not driven by religion but by racism , both on the Japanese the German and the AMERICAN side and the Russians by revenge .

We are fighting a new enemy with a global reach and converts ready in every country around the world willing to believe in the message of radical Islam . You are seeing your own home grow terrorist in western countries ..in fact the latest spokesman for Al Queda is an American . we are not fighting a country we are fighting an ideal and a belief . We can destroy countries that give shelter and support but we must also destroy or eliminate the reasons for the message being so readily accepted.

We are not used to the concept of waking up in the morning saying goodbye to mom and putting your bomb belt on and boarding a bus as a routine act of a sane person.

Well thats going to have to change because its not just going to go away it is going to get worse before it gets any better.

Well sorry for the long post but my little ones always seem to miss the mark and not make the point .

And I actually used puncation paragraphs , although I still cant find spell check...microsoft office has been very bad and needs to be spanked .
Scaff dont take me wrong ..I KNOW there are afew nutty Christians out there..BUT as you so nicely illutrated for me ...NOTHING like the scale or the global aims of our Islamic radicals.
Don't worry I'm not taking you in a wrong way at all (but that does sound so dodgy), I quite agree with you, that's the reason I put such massive caveats in about scale.

The only point I would make in regard to it is that many radical Islamic groups have little interest in global influence, the majority being interested in more local activity. They do however 'travel' to various conflict zones as they serve an ideal (in there eyes) training ground for local conflicts. One of the key strengths that Al-Qaeda has, is its ability to assist these 'local' groups and facilitate the funding and movement of them around the globe (to meet Al-Qaeda's own aims), it could however be argued that Al-Qaeda themselves are the only 'real' global force among them.

It could almost be possible to describe Al-Qaeda as a recruitment agency for global terrorism, nurturing fighters in local conflicts, sending them to the 'best' places to train and then 'headhunting' the most suitable candidates for there own aims.

Just a thought.

And I actually used puncation paragraphs , although I still cant find spell check...microsoft office has been very bad and needs to be spanked .
Have you tried the Google toolbar spell-check, that's what I use and its both quick and easy.


And I actually used puncation paragraphs , although I still cant find spell check...microsoft office has been very bad and needs to be spanked .
Um, there is a spellchecker built into GTP. In the upper right-hand corner, while you are creating/advanced editing a post, there are three buttons and the spell checker looks like this:

It requires an IE plug-in to be installed but after that it works great. I can't use it at work, which is where I spend 99% of my GTP time.

Or, if you are using Office F7 is the spell check hot key. When I have a big post I copy and paste into Word, hit F7, and then copy and paste back.
Um, there is a spellchecker built into GTP. In the upper right-hand corner, while you are creating/advanced editing a post, there are three buttons and the spell checker looks like this:

It requires an IE plug-in to be installed but after that it works great. I can't use it at work, which is where I spend 99% of my GTP time.

Or, if you are using Office F7 is the spell check hot key. When I have a big post I copy and paste into Word, hit F7, and then copy and paste back.

Um, there is a spellchecker built into GTP. In the upper right-hand corner, while you are creating/advanced editing a post, there are three buttons and the spell checker looks like this:

It requires an IE plug-in to be installed but after that it works great. I can't use it at work, which is where I spend 99% of my GTP time.

Or, if you are using Office F7 is the spell check hot key. When I have a big post I copy and paste into Word, hit F7, and then copy and paste back.

You lost me as soon as you mentioned IE plug I hate the way they look in your head . Reminds me of a horror movie by Clive Barker .

But the F 7 is worth a shot , although I only have word pad running , as I said I , although I didn't elaborate , I built a gaming rig and somehow I ended up with Office , I was just learning how to use word after three years...office has me boggled , it doesn't seem to do anything that word did for me..I want my word perfect back !

I don't use a google tool bar I use MSN as a browser and kept the TB ..when I add Tool bars I get conflicts with my firewall and security that freak me out so I end up disabling them . My computer is here to shoot things or build civilizations or to run around hacking and slashing or even using tank formations to flank the infantry and crush them under their treads.
All the other programs are taking up valuable space on my hard drive .:)

You want irony ? I downloaded IE spell check and ran it on this post..it did the spell checking all over foolkillers quoted post and left mine alone .

I am a spelling GOD .:sly:

Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahaha...spell check that !
Signs of hope?


Pope Benedict will meet Muslim ambassadors to the Vatican and Italian Islamic leaders on Monday to try to calm lingering anger over his use of a medieval text saying their religion was spread by violence.

"The purpose of this meeting is to relaunch dialogue with the Islamic world," said a senior Vatican official on Friday.

"We welcome it and are definitely going to participate," said Iran's deputy ambassador to the Holy See, Ahmad Faihma.

"This is a positive signal from the Vatican. I know that this will improve relations with the Islamic world," he said.

Iraq's Vatican envoy, Albert Edward Ishmail Yelda, said he hoped there would be an "exchange of views" at the meeting on Monday rather than just a papal speech.

"I hope we'll be able to put an end to the misunderstanding between the Vatican and Islamic and Arab nations," he said.

In Turkey, Mehmet Ali Agca, who tried to kill Pope John Paul II in 1981, has warned Benedict not to make a planned visit to the country in November, saying his life would be in danger.

One of the few signs that the crisis may have peaked came from Iran's hardline president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who told U.S. television this week that since the Pope had expressed his regrets "there is no problem."

The thought-provoking part for me is what I bolded. That pretty much spells certain death for the Pope (to me) if he visits Turkey, as planned.

Here's a tidbit from this article that caught my eye.

statement issued by the clerics and scholars at the end of their one-day convention
Benedict "should be removed from his position immediately for encouraging war and fanning hostility between various faiths" and "making insulting remarks" against Islam. The "pope, and all infidels, should know that no Muslim, under any circumstances, can tolerate an insult to the Prophet (Muhammad). ... If the West does not change its stance regarding Islam, it will face severe consequences,"

Encouraging war?!?! Are they serious?

So a Muslim cannot, under any circumstance, tolerate an insult to Muhammed? What must be their way of intolerance towards the remark?
Signs of hope?


The thought-provoking part for me is what I bolded. That pretty much spells certain death for the Pope (to me) if he visits Turkey, as planned.

Here's a tidbit from this article that caught my eye.

Encouraging war?!?! Are they serious?

So a Muslim cannot, under any circumstance, tolerate an insult to Muhammed? What must be their way of intolerance towards the remark?

Islam is supposed to be one of the most tolerant religions . In fact " if God wills it " extends to conversions , if a country was invaded by an Islamic army for the most part they were just absorbed into the empire and left to choose the way they wanted to live , as long as they paid the proper respect to their masters everything was fine ...quite different in fact from the western way of " converting " all the heathens or killing them .
Things got a bit dicey though during the Crusades when they gave Christians a choice to convert to Islam or be killed in some instances..but they were fighting a war of extermination at the time instead of conquest , if that makes sense to you . The Holy land was quite the brutal place..the more things change the more they stay the same it seems ..:)
Islam is supposed to be one of the most tolerant religions . In fact " if God wills it " extends to conversions , if a country was invaded by an Islamic army for the most part they were just absorbed into the empire and left to choose the way they wanted to live , as long as they paid the proper respect to their masters everything was fine ...quite different in fact from the western way of " converting " all the heathens or killing them .
Things got a bit dicey though during the Crusades when they gave Christians a choice to convert to Islam or be killed in some instances..but they were fighting a war of extermination at the time instead of conquest , if that makes sense to you . The Holy land was quite the brutal place..the more things change the more they stay the same it seems ..:)

As is well demonstrated by this piece on Iran's Jewish population.



So Islam is entirely tolerant of other faiths practicing in the same country as them... okay, I understand and respect that. I find the fact that 25,000 Jews are openly practicing in Iran a pleasant surprise.

However it seems they are extremely intolerant of accusations made of their faith.

You attack my beliefs, and I shrug you off and decide not to talk with you anymore. You insult the prophet, and then most Arabs seem to want you dead.
So Islam is entirely tolerant of other faiths practicing in the same country as them... okay, I understand and respect that. I find the fact that 25,000 Jews are openly practicing in Iran a pleasant surprise.

However it seems they are extremely intolerant of accusations made of their faith.

You attack my beliefs, and I shrug you off and decide not to talk with you anymore. You insult the prophet, and then most Arabs seem to want you dead.

Actually they prefer you show the proper respect so they do not have to kill you . They are not he only religion that demands that type of response but it is quite a contrast to the " turn the other cheek " stuff most Christians claim to live by .
Actually they prefer you show the proper respect so they do not have to kill you . They are not he only religion that demands that type of response but it is quite a contrast to the " turn the other cheek " stuff most Christians claim to live by .

Was the Pope not showing proper respect?

I understand the cartoons at least were purposely poking fun at the prophet and Islam.

But the Pope honestly did not mean any harm, and he even apologized a few times.

Why is the strongest voice of Islamic non-western people that of demanding a stern apology or else off with his head?

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