The only two examples I lifted from the Wiki piece (and I still included the caveat that they are close to the definition) are classed as religious terrorist groups and are currently active.
I made no claim that they operate on anything close to a global scale, but they are both classed as active terrorist groups with a strong (Christian) religious motivation.
That they do not pose a threat to the west I'm sure is little comfort to the victims of there attacks, and while the vast, vast majority of Christians would totally condemn the actions of these groups (if asked about them) that does not change the fact that these groups believe themselves that they are acting for a religious purpose (or using it as a cover).
As I've already said I was simply answering your query about the existence of such groups, the reason I did not use any of the other examples from the Wiki piece was on the grounds that they are either very low level or old.
The final one was the situation in Northern Ireland, and again I stated that this was difficult to clarify, but I can certainly assure you that you would not want to be in the 'wrong part' and declare any religious views even to this day.
That would be the LRA
Source -
Scaff dont take me wrong ..I KNOW there are afew nutty Christians out there..BUT as you so nicely illustrated for me ...NOTHING like the scale or the global aims of our Islamic radicals.
Islam and Judism can be compared as having a vengfull fact the Old Testiment of the Christian faith is largly drawn from Judism .The three faiths are called " Faiths of the book " Because common threads are interwoven between all of them . The big difference is the Vengfull God argument...
An Eye for and Eye trumps forgive the sinner and turn the other cheek .
Western " Christian values " just do not lend themselves as readily to " Jihad " or " crusading" as the Islamic teachings do . Or for that matter the Talmud.
Getting into a pointless argument over igsignificant Christian fanatics like the Ugandans ( Significant for sure to Uganda ) moves the discussion into a circular pattern of " well we do it to , just not as well " .
The whole point is to be able to understand and defeat the " enemy " you must understand what motivates them and the things in the culture that they live in that motivate and drive them to try to force there will upon you .
( And everyone else who doesnt aggree with them ).
Western culture is largly Christian and secular and in a large part ignorant of Islamic culture and the Culture of the middle east in general.
We made the same mistake with Japan before WW II . And we suffered for it .
But...when you talk about the terror we are capable of in response to being attacked savagely and without do not use the Atom Bomb as an example...that was MERCIFULL compared to what was happening and what would have happened to Japan and the Japanese people had the US and its allies Invaded.
We FIREBOMBED Japanese cities unmercifully killing millions of civilians and leaving the rest without food or shelter. Almost every major city in Japan was in ruins the end of the war we had run out of places to bomb..we actually had to " save " hiroshima and Nagasaki for the A bomb. Not to mention the total sea blockade and the actual fighting that had no quater on both sides. Not many Japanese were taken prisoner and allied prisoners if they lived long enough regreted it .
The other example of extremes we are capable of is Russia and Germany . the Eastern front made Attila the Hun and the Mongol Hordes look like a bunch of ponces .
The difference here thats notable is that it was not driven by religion but by racism , both on the Japanese the German and the AMERICAN side and the Russians by revenge .
We are fighting a new enemy with a global reach and converts ready in every country around the world willing to believe in the message of radical Islam . You are seeing your own home grow terrorist in western countries fact the latest spokesman for Al Queda is an American . we are not fighting a country we are fighting an ideal and a belief . We can destroy countries that give shelter and support but we must also destroy or eliminate the reasons for the message being so readily accepted.
We are not used to the concept of waking up in the morning saying goodbye to mom and putting your bomb belt on and boarding a bus as a routine act of a sane person.
Well thats going to have to change because its not just going to go away it is going to get worse before it gets any better.
Well sorry for the long post but my little ones always seem to miss the mark and not make the point .
And I actually used puncation paragraphs , although I still cant find spell office has been very bad and needs to be spanked .