It's so true. Looking at it on TV just doesn't do it justice. You completely lose the sense of perspective. In fact, even when you're in the car driving up through there, you're concentrating so hard on your line, that you just don't sense the elevation change that prominently (although you obviously feel the compression). But as a spectator or especially while doing a track walk, looking down into T2, it's massive.
(Looking back to T2)
(Looking forward, uphill toward the bus stop chicane)
Even these pictures don't quite give you the proper perspective. It's something you have to experience in person. What's also surprising is how steeply downhill the run is from just before T1, around the corner and then down into T2. It really catches you a bit off guard the first time, realizing you're braking hard, from the 2nd fastest spot on the track and the road is going downhill. And while there is a lot of run off, you also realize that it slopes away from the track.
Anyway, sorry for the O/T discussion.
Here's one more from the paddock, at the end of the day as people were clearing out. The guy in the BRZ stayed an extra day and I heard from him last night that he beat my FL by about 0.5. 👍 (🤬)
I have to say, it makes me smile every time there's a article about FT86 twins online. Hundreds of people come out of the woodwork just to post "If it only had a turbo" or "hah, a mini van is faster".

OK sure. But mount a set of sticky tires, change your brake pads and suddenly things change. The car transforms before your eyes into this amazing track machine: stable, well balanced, light footed and extremely capable. Yes, compared to a lot of modern cars it's under powered. And it's very clear on the uphill run from the Esses up to the Bus Stop that Vipers and Corvettes and Mustangs and Porsches and (...and...and...and, etc) start reeling you in. And disturbingly quickly. But the fun is all in the corners anyway.
EDIT: Maybe this will help: