Post your GT5 set up and man cave

  • Thread starter Hurricane43

Hurricane43 set up

  • Awesome

    Votes: 85 21.0%
  • Good

    Votes: 165 40.8%
  • not bad

    Votes: 110 27.2%
  • I've seen better set ups at walmart

    Votes: 73 18.1%

  • Total voters
Cheers, I actually didn't have any plans as such, just had a couple of sketches and ideas to go along with. I bought the seat first so I could measure out distances from me to the pedals, steering wheel etc, and measured up lengths of pipe as I went along and built up the frame in a sort of loop. Doing it this way was slower than if I had measurements ready, but it ensured that it was the perfect size for me.
what was the total length of PVC that you bought and what thickness?
Hi everyone.. Some great set ups here. Here's mine. Bit of a mess at moment buy I'm hopping to finish it off after christmas


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here is an update to mine.. swapped the DFGT out for the Thrustmaster.. finally got everything all ziptied and neat over the weekend

That's beautiful. Everything around it is so clean as well! Now all you need to add is a PC so you can get on some iRacing!
I can't hold a candle to the amazing setups in this thread, but here's a little setup I threw together out of an old Ikea end table and about $25 worth of hardware yesterday. Aside from being cheap, it's about as much as I have room for in my little studio apartment.

Wheel Stand 1.0 Main
by maximstensel, on Flickr

I've had this table for years and had been using it for PC sims by sliding it halfway under my desk and wedging some wood coasters between the two to stabilize the table, but there was nowhere good to put the shifter once I got my G27 and it wasn't anywhere near rigid enough to use on its own for GT6.

The rigidity issue was largely solved with some lumber joining brackets from the hardware store:

Wheel stand 1.0 bracing.
by maximstensel, on Flickr

And an inexpensive shelf, two steel L-Brackets, and some bolts and washers solved the shifter issue.

Wheel Stand 1.0 Bare
by maximstensel, on Flickr

The relative positioning of the shifter and wheel came out quite well, and actually feels very much like my real car. The arm of my desk chair doesn't get in the way either, and in fact is in just the place where a car's armrest would be.

Wheel Stand 1.0 Positioning
by maximstensel, on Flickr

So overall it's a pretty usable setup for very little money and doesn't take up too much space. It's solid enough to not be an issue while driving and the only complaint I have is that it's a tiny bit front-heavy when loaded up with gear. I plan to fix that and make a better setup while I'm at it by adding a folding pedal shelf to the back. I haven't decided exactly how it works but I'm currently thinking gate hinges at the bottom of the legs and steel cables attached to the top of the table and far end of the board would work pretty well.

I'm also going to paint it later this week, just need to go to the store at a time when there isn't a 45 minute wait for service in the paint section.
Is it height adjustable? As is looks like you can't even see your TV. Really cool idea though, I like the fact that you can just put it away when you aren't using it.
Is it height adjustable? As is looks like you can't even see your TV. Really cool idea though, I like the fact that you can just put it away when you aren't using it.
Yeah, totally height adjustable, though I now use a folding "REI Comfort Low Chair" for a lower, sportier driving position. I set wheel height so that my wheel "matches up" with the wheel in the cockpit view of GT5/6.
Wish I had a bigger apartment so that I could have a dedicated rig that doesn't have to be folded/unfolded every time, but aside from that inconvenience, I don't feel I'm giving up much with the SteadiPlay.
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That Steadiplay seems really cool. The only issue I see is that it doesn't look like there's a good place to mount a shifter, but otherwise it'd be perfect for my needs. I may have to think of getting one.
I just received a 100 x 100 to 200 x 400 adapter today to put an old 32" lcd on my Playseat tv stand. I'm loving the bigger screen! I'll have to get an LED screen later but the LCD is great for now.
Here's the whole living room with the old 26" tv. the PS3 is in the media cabinet with a splitter going to the main tv and the playseat. I've never needed to but I could display the ps3 on both screens

and the new adapter

and the 32" tv

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So I decided to finally go ahead and upload and post a few photos I took of my rig. It doesn't compare to some rigs I've seen, but it does the trick, and I have plans to add to it gradually.
do those buttons on the mini plate work on ps3? that rig of yours looks pretty sweet btw
MrDavid: Thanks, and yes, all the buttons work for the PS3, including the red buttons on the wheel and the paddle shifters, you just have to re-map the buttons to what function you want them to do.

Carson: The Obutto R3volution is great. It's as stable as they come. The footprint is less than 2 1/2 x 5 1/2 feet. So it's probably smaller than you think as far as footprint.
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Ultimate setup. Every guys wet dream. Wish I had one of these. Mine is a custom built red frame with a Napier Racing Concept Seat. Dfgt with 200 Dps shifter pedals on order


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Just getting into racing here is my current gear and setup. Basically it consists of a DFGT on a Wheel Stand Pro with a DX Racer office chair. This allows me to race using my monitor stand with a Sony 24 inch 3D display or a projector and 110 inch screen. My latest addition is the Buttkicker Gamer 2 attached to the DX Racer.
My Obutto Ozone setup....finally finished hard mounting the T500RS with an adapter plate to avoid the platform tubes under it...

