Post Your Top Likes & Dislikes of Sony's PS3

The bad at the moment

The constant loss of PS3 exclusives getting into now higher and higher profile games..... :grumpy:
As even Duck says, if you own a PS3, who cares. As long as they don't dumb down the PS3 version, why not let those who only have an XB360 enjoy some of what they have been missing. ;)

In addition, if developers make more money by selling to more customers from multiple formats, it will only mean they will make more money and have larger budgets for making better games... we hope. :)
As even Duck says, if you own a PS3, who cares. As long as they don't dumb down the PS3 version, why not let those who only have an XB360 enjoy some of what they have been missing.

I haven't got any problem sharing with the 360 guys... its just that I hope as you said they are not dumbed down in the PS3 version, my concern is more on quality...

However I would like to see the flow coming the other way aswell... if we are sharing wheres the xbox 360 exclusive titles now not exclusive and coming our way (apart from Saints Row).....

In addition, if developers make more money by selling to more customers from multiple formats, it will only mean they will make more money and have larger budgets for making better games... we hope. :)

Lets hope so! :)
As even Duck says, if you own a PS3, who cares. As long as they don't dumb down the PS3 version, why not let those who only have an XB360 enjoy some of what they have been missing. ;)

In addition, if developers make more money by selling to more customers from multiple formats, it will only mean they will make more money and have larger budgets for making better games... we hope. :)

Wow, are you ever ignorant. I'd assume you would know better than to think developers would pour money into the next title, than keep the profit for themselves. :P

And yes, I to fear the 3rd parties going over the MS. It most likely means they'll make the game for the 360, then port over NOT taking full use of the PS3 development tools.
And yes, I to fear the 3rd parties going over the MS. It most likely means they'll make the game for the 360, then port over NOT taking full use of the PS3 development tools.

Exactly whats I fear aswell! as I said in some of the other threads whats the point in having a machine that can do more if its not taken advantage of... you end up having a £425 "Xbox 360" :lol: ..... with flow and home! (not saying they are bad, actually they are brilliant!)

👍 That I should have mine on Friday

👎 That I then have to go away with work for a week on Sunday


Wow, are you ever ignorant. I'd assume you would know better than to think developers would pour money into the next title, than keep the profit for themselves. :P
Wow, that was certainly insulting… and a tad ignorant.

So let’s see… are you saying there is no competition among game developers to come out with the best selling game? What makes a best selling game? Quality. Quality costs money. How do you get more money? Sell more games. Ignorant? Thanks, but I'll comfortably disagree with your opinion.

Do some companies [AHEM]Electronics Arts[/AHEM] who have micro-monopolies over genres pocket their profits and do not spend more of it developing better games? Sure – and that's the problem with monopolies and exclusive licenses. However, it would be foolish, or perhaps ignorant not to realize that in an open capitalist market, in order to gain greater profits, one must improve their products. How do they do that, often it means having to spend more money.

Exactly whats I fear aswell! as I said in some of the other threads whats the point in having a machine that can do more if its not taken advantage of... you end up having a £425 "Xbox 360" :lol: ..... with flow and home! (not saying they are bad, actually they are brilliant!)
Uh... there’s already a lot more than that for which the XB360 doesn't have. :rolleyes:

Try playing a Blu-ray player in an XB360 drive... and see what happens. Try connecting a digital cable to an XB360 and see what happens. Try finding any game on the XB360 that has 8 GB or more game data on it. And try.. (I think you get the point) ;)

Oh, and as for a £425 XB360, isn't the cheapest Blu-ray player selling on Amazon go for about £550 (retail £750), and that's only for Samsung's 1st gen player... and I'm fairly sure it can't play any Blu-ray games. ;)
Wow, that was certainly insulting… and a tad ignorant.

So let’s see… are you saying there is no competition among game developers to come out with the best selling game?

No, they don't need to come out with "the best selling" game out on the market. That's just it. They all aren't making the same game.

What makes a best selling game? Quality.
Not all PS2 games that sold like mad were what I would call "quality" games. Some, were pretty frick'n terrible. You seem to forget, not all game developers try, or need to, make a 'best selling game' to make some decent cash.

How do you get more money? Sell more games. Ignorant? Thanks, but I'll comfortably disagree with your opinion.

It's not always an insult to call somebody ignorant. I was just making a point, and insulting you wasn't it. It seems to me you don't completely understand the video game industry. I don't FULLY understand it myself, but you are viewing it like most other types of business, and that's where you've gone wrong.

Ask yourself this, if it's in their best interest to make the 'best game possible' then why do so many top developers make such horrible titles? Especially after making a big hit with the previously title.
That's where you are wrong, but clearly nothing short of you and I starting up our own video game publishing business is going to change our minds.

Ask yourself this, if it's in their best interest to make the 'best game possible' then why do so many top developers make such horrible titles? Especially after making a big hit with the previously title.
Ask yourself why is it that just because you didn’t like it, that it must be a horrible game for everyone. :rolleyes:

Besides, if you had read my post, I clearly gave an explanation on why some best selling games are not exactly pushing the envelope... because they have no competition, either from license agreements, or other reasons.

Competition is good for consumers, especially in the video game industry.
  • Blu-ray!!
  • Games
  • PS Button!
  • Memory Recall
  • Bluetooth Wireless Controllers

Nothing to disagree with there. 👍 to Sony.

  • XMB
  • Sony Store

I think the XMB is simply laid out, but using the controller to navigate (with the square/circle/etc.) can get a bit non-intuitive, but at least moving from section to section is fast & easy. The Store, however, has a few major problems:
- inconsistent data from country to country. Granted, creating a 2nd account is easy enough, but I thought it would be simple enough to at least have the same version of the Casino Royale trailer. :odd:
- downloading: no recovery, no background downloading, and it's slow (well, the last part I can sort of understand). A software update can fix it, if Sony bothers to.

  • No Option to Create Submenus/Folders
  • No Automatic File Checking before Downloading
  • L2 & R2 Trigger Design

The triggers should have been just like the old ones, which I don't think anyone ever complained about in 10+ years of PS existence. To me, it's not the texture, but the fact that it rotates rather than depresses, creating an angle that all too easy to slip right off of, and the angle is not ergonomic - meaning it's not the way your finger wants to pull back toward your palm, so you have even less control and pressure.

  • Front Case Design
  • PS3 Piano Black Polished Finish

Middle Atlantic makes a pretty good rack face for the PS3 (and full-size PS2). It fits well, and there's plenty of space for ventilation, particularly around the sides where you need it most. The only catch is that now you'd be stuck with the USB cable hanging off the front. What I did grind a small notch in the side, filed it smooth, Sharpie'd the edge black, and routed the USB cable through there. You can then run that USB cable to a regular MA shelf like the DVD or CD to hold your controller, memory card reader or whatever else. It's not the most graceful, but it looks good enough. I wish Sony had rear USB ports, but I'm sure they didn't anticipate anyone rack-mounting it. I can post photos if you need.

The silver finish would be nice, but it wouldn't rackmount as well. ;) Well, unless you had MA's silver rackfaces, but that looks way too plasticy. It would look better in regular cabinetry, though.

In general, I think the PS3 (with the upcoming PSHome) is just killer. There's very few problems with it, and the only ones I think are critical are the same that would apply to any computer-like product: data backup (purchased games, videos, etc.), and network integration (being able to access said games, videos, etc.). I would think it's easy enough to copy-protect freely downloaded videos, but if you purchased a game and your hard drive crashes, what recourse do you have? Do you have to buy it again? This is why I prefer having the CD/DVD/BD in-hand. Slightly old-fashioned (but not paper-era old-fashioned), but it makes me feel better that I'm not so reliant on rapidly spinning bits.
The Store, however, has a few major problems:
- inconsistent data from country to country. Granted, creating a 2nd account is easy enough, but I thought it would be simple enough to at least have the same version of the Casino Royale trailer. :odd:
I agree, there are some odd choices as far as different content and different resolutions depending on what regional store you are logged into.

BTW: I could only find one version of the Casino Royale trailer (theatrical version). At least the US & UK versions are the same, only that the UK has it in 1080p & 480p and the US has it in 720p & 480p. At first I thought maybe the UK one was the trailer for the Blu-ray release, as they use the Blu-ray graphics for the file's icon, unlike the US file, which uses the movie poster icon.

That reminds me, I also wish that is they are going to have different content in different regions they should at least use the same icons for the same files so you don’t get fooled into thinking it might be a different version.

For instance, besides the Casino Royale trailer, the UK icons for most of the game demos and trailers are also different, despite being the same ones in the US store.

I actually have even more gripes about the store, which may seem odd as I listed it as one of my top likes so I guess I should preface it by saying its one of my top likes not because of its interface, but rather what it offers in the way of additional content.

I also am very impressed how easy and quickly it is to log in with one account and enter that region's store, and then switch to another account and log into that store. Very quick and seemless, almost as if I never logged off in the first place! 👍

On the other hand, I can think of many ways the PS Store could be improved in terms of navigating, organizing files, and managing downloads could be improved, so maybe this should be on both my likes & dislikes list. :)

The triggers should have been just like the old ones, which I don't think anyone ever complained about in 10+ years of PS existence.
The problem I had with the old L2 & R2 buttons is that they were only buttons, not pressure sensitive triggers. I actually really like have those triggers on the PS3... I just think they did a lousy job of designing them so that your fingers do not accidentally slide off during play. 👎

So maybe I also have to put the triggers on both my likes & dislikes lists? :D

Middle Atlantic makes a pretty good rack face for the PS3 (and full-size PS2). It fits well, and there's plenty of space for ventilation, particularly around the sides where you need it most.
That is great to know, thanks!

The only catch is that now you'd be stuck with the USB cable hanging off the front. What I did grind a small notch in the side, filed it smooth, Sharpie'd the edge black, and routed the USB cable through there. You can then run that USB cable to a regular MA shelf like the DVD or CD to hold your controller, memory card reader or whatever else. It's not the most graceful, but it looks good enough.
What a great idea! 👍

I wish Sony had rear USB ports, but I'm sure they didn't anticipate anyone rack-mounting it. I can post photos if you need.
I agree, they should have given it some thought considering how they designed the PS3 to be more than just a game console. If it's not too much trouble I'd love to see shots of how it looks in the rack with that face plate, as well as the results of your DIY fix to the USB cable issue. Thanks!

In general, I think the PS3 (with the upcoming PSHome) is just killer. There's very few problems with it, and the only ones I think are critical are the same that would apply to any computer-like product: data backup (purchased games, videos, etc.), and network integration (being able to access said games, videos, etc.). I would think it's easy enough to copy-protect freely downloaded videos, but if you purchased a game and your hard drive crashes, what recourse do you have? Do you have to buy it again? This is why I prefer having the CD/DVD/BD in-hand. Slightly old-fashioned (but not paper-era old-fashioned), but it makes me feel better that I'm not so reliant on rapidly spinning bits.
All very good points. I'm not sure yet how I feel about "PS Home" or "LittleBluePlanet"... or whatever its called, but I'll reserve judgment until I see how they work. I do agree though that Sony has done a very good job overall with the PS3, especially with the reliability, and all the software enhancements. 👍

I'm really looking forward to seeing just how much the PS3 is really capable of, as it feels like we are only just barley scratching the surface right now.
I agree, there are some odd choices as far as different content and different resolutions depending on what regional store you are logged into.

That reminds me, I also wish that is they are going to have different content in different regions they should at least use the same icons for the same files so you don’t get fooled into thinking it might be a different version.

Given the various differences between the stores, it seems that there may be different "managers" of each store. It may actually be purposful marketing decisions, though. For example, the store's home page seems to be different between JPN and US; I don't think videos are directly accessible from the main page in the US. It could just be because I can't read Japanese, though.

I also am very impressed how easy and quickly it is to log in with one account and enter that region's store, and then switch to another account and log into that store. Very quick and seemless, almost as if I never logged off in the first place! 👍

Yeah, it may be an unintended consequence, but it almost makes up for the different content. The good thing is that all the downloaded content is available to all users (so far,at least; I haven't purchased anything).

The problem I had with the old L2 & R2 buttons is that they were only buttons, not pressure sensitive triggers. I actually really like have those triggers on the PS3... I just think they did a lousy job of designing them so that your fingers do not accidentally slide off during play. 👎

Then it should have been somewhere inbetween: pressure sensitive triggers in the same angle & location as the previous buttons. Maybe with the revised, rumble controller?

I agree, they should have given it some thought considering how they designed the PS3 to be more than just a game console. If it's not too much trouble I'd love to see shots of how it looks in the rack with that face plate, as well as the results of your DIY fix to the USB cable issue. Thanks!

I'll take a few and post it tomorrow. 👍
Top dislike: Can't continue downloads from where they left off if they fail.
Given the various differences between the stores, it seems that there may be different "managers" of each store.
That would explain a lot. I wonder, now with nearly 50 regions, how many are linked to the same store, or do you think each may have some subtle and maybe not so subtle differences?

Then it should have been somewhere inbetween: pressure sensitive triggers in the same angle & location as the previous buttons. Maybe with the revised, rumble controller?
That would be an opportunity at least for them to do that, but I wonder if they will get more heat by changing the triggers, even if you, I and others would prefer that they do. It may be one of those sticky, damned if you do, damned if you don't kind of scenarios. I think I will want rumble though after all, so when those controllers come out it looks like I’m going to be having to buy new controllers any way.

If I can find or come up with a good DIY mod to the current triggers, I'll be content with that. A few members have posted some ideas, it just hasn't gotten high enough on my priorities list for me to go and try some of them... but I do plan to in the future.

I'll take a few and post it tomorrow. 👍
No rush, but thanks!
  • No Music Videos???
    What is up with that? Sony controls one of the largest libraries of music videos, and they offer movie trailers for download, so bring on the music videos Sony!
You know what would be awesome? Money for Nothing in 1080p. Though I don't think Dire Straight's label is Sony so the idea is mostly irrelavent, just throwing that out there.
You know what would be awesome? Money for Nothing in 1080p. Though I don't think Dire Straight's label is Sony so the idea is mostly irrelavent, just throwing that out there.

Or even The Buggles' "Video Killed the Radio Star" :D

As for organizing photos and videos, I agree! The PS3 also needs to better organize the games stored on the HDD. What is really needed in a software update that gives the user the ability to create and name subfolders so we can organize all the files the way that is most convenient to us.

For instance, I do not like how all the video files are mixed in with each other. I would want separate folders for Movie Trailers, Blu-ray Trailers, Game Trailers, etc. I also do not like how all the games are mixed in together as well. I would like separate folders for Game Demos, Free Games, and Games bought and downloaded from Sony Store.
Digital, at the moment I seperate my movies by what I call them, for example I will begin all trailers with TRAILER then the name. But of course that is very primitive and an update that allows you to create subfolers should cure this for all of us.

I can't believe I didn't realize what you were saying earlier. I didn't know we could rename the video files that we download from the PS Stores.

So basically we can sort them by adding a number in front of each file name that corresponds to that group of videos. Like:

1 = Game Trailers/BHS
2 = Theatrical Movie Trailers/BHS
3 = Blu-ray Movie Trailers/BHS
4 = Home Movies/Clips

Then sort by name, and it’s a done deal. While subfolders would be what I would want the most, this will help me immensely, thanks! 👍

Unfortunately, there is no way of organizing the games and demos on the HDD. 👎

In fact, they are not even organized alphabetically. This wasn't a big deal before, but I now have over 20 games & demos ion my HDD, and it would be nice if at the very least they organized them alphabetically. :grumpy:
That would explain a lot. I wonder, now with nearly 50 regions, how many are linked to the same store, or do you think each may have some subtle and maybe not so subtle differences?

I would expect just three main stores: US, Europe, and Japan. The various regions (all 50) would probably be routed to one of those three stores, just with different languages. It's probably laid out like DVD zoning.

That would be an opportunity at least for them to do that, but I wonder if they will get more heat by changing the triggers, even if you, I and others would prefer that they do. It may be one of those sticky, damned if you do, damned if you don't kind of scenarios. I think I will want rumble though after all, so when those controllers come out it looks like I’m going to be having to buy new controllers any way.

More heat from what? I have a wireless Logitech PS2 (and XBOX) controller and the rumble never seems to creat any heat. Although they're not gyroscopically motion sensitive, they have similar triggers, and the XBOX triggers are pressure sensitive.

If I can find or come up with a good DIY mod to the current triggers, I'll be content with that. A few members have posted some ideas, it just hasn't gotten high enough on my priorities list for me to go and try some of them... but I do plan to in the future.

Rubber cement. Get one with a good application brush and paint it right on. Let it fully dry and it's like you coated it with rubber. When you don't want it on there, just rub it right off.

No rush, but thanks!

Good thing you said "no rush", since I'm only two days late. :)

The dust & scratches don't show up like that without the flash. The rack really isn't that beat up. :) I haven't routed the USB down the shelf below (just out of sight) since it's usually full of other junk. I think I'll do that this week, now that I have a bit more spare time. Once that's done, I'll put up more pictures of that and the rest of the room in the "Post pictures of your PS3 setup" thread.
More heat from what? I have a wireless Logitech PS2 (and XBOX) controller and the rumble never seems to creat any heat. Although they're not gyroscopically motion sensitive, they have similar triggers, and the XBOX triggers are pressure sensitive.
I was referring to "heat" as in criticism. :)

Some people have said they like the design of the triggers, and those that do not may get upset if Sony comes out with a different controller and they are forced to replace theirs. Thus damned if they do, damned if they don't. Personally, I hope they change the design of the triggers, and add rumble. 👍

Rubber cement. Get one with a good application brush and paint it right on. Let it fully dry and it's like you coated it with rubber. When you don't want it on there, just rub it right off.
That sounds like it's worth trying, thanks!

Good thing you said "no rush", since I'm only two days late. :)

That looks so much better than I was afraid it would! I thought too much of the PS3 would have to stick out from the face plate, but that actually looks great with that plate... and great job with the subtle mod for the USB cable! 👍👍

Once that's done, I'll put up more pictures of that and the rest of the room in the "Post pictures of your PS3 setup" thread.
Looking forward to it. Thanks again Harry!

I am really impressed with the quality of the machine. It's leaps and bounds ahead of the 360 - and looks much better too. Just a tad heavy, but it's not like I'm going to be moving it around all the time.

I knew from the PSP that the system browser would be great. Very simple to use. Just it lacks some overall features I love on the 360's, like downloading certain themes from certain games to use for the background. But adding a background from a picture on the hard drive is good enough though (not tried it yet).

I'm pretty impressed with the online so far. MotorStorm did have some technical issues when I first played it, but almost all of those have disappeared now. Resistance: Fall of Man is the absolute best though; 40 players and no lag whatsoever! That's a first on a console...

Internet browsing is cool too. I had network issues at first, where the browser was slow, and I would keep getting disconnected from the internet every 10 minutes or so. But, it's resolved now, so everything is great.

I was surprised at the quality of the controller. They analog sticks are well weighted now, so you can be very precise with them. With the DS2, it was very hard, so I kept making jerky movements in racing games. Much easier with the new controller. The only niggle is, but probably is a software issue, is that some games, like GTHD, have the buttons set way too sensitively. I press the trigger 30% down and you're at full throttle. I want 100% and full throttle... Much easier. Using the X-button the problem is worse.

Picture Quality
Superior to the 360's. It's clearer overall, especially in the distance. I'm not sure if this is due to the slightly better TV than we have for the 360, but I presume it's down to the HDMI. Good move by Sony. 👍

I'll just add that the graphics are great in the games too. R:FOM is a little simple to me, but being able to handle all those players running around is enough to compensate. MotorStorm is truly amazing though. :drool:

Oh, and HD movies. Very impressive. 👍


Game line-up
Not many games I want out there at the moment. Not until the big ones like Killzone 2 and MGS come along. The 360 is superior in that aspect IMO.

I kept on hearing the fans are quieter than the 360's. I don't think so. Yes, the console is much quieter during games, because it hasn't got that fast spinning DVD drive in it, but it's still as audio-able, especially running the folding@home at night... It's quiet when you first turn it on, at least.

And inbetween:

I sleep in a rather small room, so leaving it on for a long time generate a lot of heat, even with the TV off all night. Nice in the Winter, but summer is coming, so I'll have to use it less if I want to sleep at night...

That's everything I currently remember to say.
Got the console home on Friday evening and set about exploring it for myself approximately 10 seconds later. Here's a few of my impressions:

  • The PS button - as if I weren't lazy enough already, the PS Button on the Sixaxis controller is great.... listening to music? Turn off the controller for a while... going to sleep? Turn off the whole system without having to move from your bed... (the famous cross-room stretch to switch off the PS2 is now a thing of the past)
  • XMB - easy to use and nicely set out... I like the way that the games show up and have their own wallpaper etc. when they are selected...
  • Audio ripper and player - a lovely change from the PS2 which had a silly rotating box to accompany any music you played, the PS3 music player is much better looking and you can even rip mp3's at your chosen bit-rate. Very handy indeed.
  • DVD player (A->B Repeat) - Something that was missing from the PS2 again, one or two nice additions to the DVD player software includes the ability of point-to-point repeat.

  • Looks - I'm still not convinced that the PS3 is very pretty, especially in black. I reckon the silver model will be 1000 times more comely than the black one, esp. since it won't show the dust as much.
  • Downloadable stuff - not enough of it! Folding@home is all well and good, but I would like a few more things to be able to experiment with, esp. while there is a dearth of games for the system.

Sure there are plenty of things I could mention but they've probably been mentioned somewhere in this thread already. I actually did something I swore I wouldn't do yesterday, which was to rush out and impulse-buy another game... I enjoyed the free demo of MotorStorm so much, I bought the game - it's great, though, and I look forward to giving it a bash online later.

GTHD was also a pleasant surprise, the handling and physics seem different, and you really need to pay attention when driving the Ferrari, otherwise you can easily over-cook it. The Ferrari 599 is achingly beautiful, and I will never tire of gazing at it :eek:
I kept on hearing the fans are quieter than the 360's. I don't think so. Yes, the console is much quieter during games, because it hasn't got that fast spinning DVD drive in it, but it's still as audio-able, especially running the folding@home at night... It's quiet when you first turn it on, at least.
Really? Some are speculating that the PAL PS3 is louder than the NTSC versions... but whatever. I find the PS3 when playing games to be quieter than the 360 when idling.

Also, it's audible, not audio-able. ;)
[*]Reading from external HDD Drive - I plugged my 500GB external HDD into the console hoping to be able to browse and transfer a range of different files to the PS3 HDD, but alas it wasn't to be. I could see the folders in my 'Music' folder, but couldn't access any files (presumably because there are more layers of folders...?). As for pictures and other types of files, they were completely unaccessible.

So I take it you haven't yet explored the wonderful world of the triangle button? ;)

[*]Looks - I'm still not convinced that the PS3 is very pretty, especially in black. I reckon the silver model will be 1000 times more comely than the black one, esp. since it won't show the dust as much.

I love. But yes, I can imagine other colors would look even better. I do think you can take off the front relatively easily and put a poster behind it though.

it's great, though, and I look forward to giving it a bash online later.

You won't regret it. Motorstorm is awesome and with the online updates just getting better.

GTHD was also a pleasant surprise, the handling and physics seem different, and you really need to pay attention when driving the Ferrari, otherwise you can easily over-cook it. The Ferrari 599 is achingly beautiful, and I will never tire of gazing at it :eek:

Agreed again. The colors just jump off the screen. If you have a new TV, this is the perfect showcase.

And the online rankings are cool too, including being able to watch the replays of the top 5 times.
Tell me if I wanted to play a PS3 game at a friends with my save how would I go about it? Removal of the entire HDD? Can you save PS3 saves to an SD or Memory Stick like the PS2 ones? I dont have a PS3 personally and plan on getting one down the line. But this has been bugging me and neither my friend, with one, nor I can find any help on it.

Other than that it seems like a well put together system, the glossy finish and monolithic feel when on its side is more eyecatching than the 360 which is more middle of the road. This thing looks money which is good for something that cost $600

I love the sixaxis, see through smoke plastic and the redesigned psuedo-triggers. Hopefully now that they settled with Immersion we can see rumble back in them. GTHD 2.0 has rumble programming for the logitech wheels now, but I would love it in the controller as well.

XMB is slick, PSN is meh but Home should change that.

And yeah new to the forums, long time lurker. See all of you around.
Tell me if I wanted to play a PS3 game at a friends with my save how would I go about it? Removal of the entire HDD? Can you save PS3 saves to an SD or Memory Stick like the PS2 ones? I dont have a PS3 personally and plan on getting one down the line. But this has been bugging me and neither my friend, with one, nor I can find any help on it.
The only way I would think be possible is if you transferred your PS3 save onto a USB stick, copy your save onto your friend's HDD, and replace his save or something. I know some games (Fight Night 3 for example) allow you to choose which save you want, and that could help...
The only way I would think be possible is if you transferred your PS3 save onto a USB stick, copy your save onto your friend's HDD, and replace his save or something.
It not only is possible, but you have a choice of how you want to go about doing this... as discussed earlier in the PS3 mega thread.

If you want to save your friend's game save, simply copy it to the USB stick first, or copy it to a different user on that PS3. Then afterwards, you can replace the game save.

These methods allow you to have an unlimited number of game saves per game.
Top like: As much as the emulation of older games is compromised for the PAL regions, WipEout 2097 however, runs like a charm. It is finally back to the original (slightly smoother) framerate of the old PS1. :)

Top Dislike: GT4 doesn't run. And getting the thing connected to a wireless network with WEP security keys can drive you to spontaneously combust from sheer hope - that it will finally connect this time.
It not only is possible, but you have a choice of how you want to go about doing this... as discussed earlier in the PS3 mega thread.

If you want to save your friend's game save, simply copy it to the USB stick first, or copy it to a different user on that PS3. Then afterwards, you can replace the game save.

These methods allow you to have an unlimited number of game saves per game.
OK, thanks for clarifying.
Top like: As much as the emulation of older games is compromised for the PAL regions, WipEout 2097 however, runs like a charm. It is finally back to the original (slightly smoother) framerate of the old PS1. :)

Top Dislike: GT4 doesn't run. And getting the thing connected to a wireless network with WEP security keys can drive you to spontaneously combust from sheer hope - that it will finally connect this time.
I had the same WEP issues with my PSP... I wonder what's up.