Just because i don't build my cars around TOE settings but first springs/dampers and ballast (if needed)to have a well balanced car.
After this i set the LSD / TOE and camber.
Anyway ,there is no rules for this. That's why i don't believe in tuning programs or else.
If you take 2 cars with same power same weight same weight repartition ,same drivetrain................ everything very similar...
You will not have a tune that work good for all. Perhaps with the same model, like Nissan GTR or Ford GT, and even like this not always.
Cars are very differents in the game even if they have the same numbers. Every case is a special case.
For the + front TOE , it's because i like precision in my direction to print my driving line before entring the corner. This,
only if the car support it.
Some cars don't like + front TOE, it can induce to much wheight transfer on the rear. If your car have an oversteer tendency at this moment, it's better to use - TOE. The car will enter easily in the turn without loosing his line, take a good grip mid corner and perform a good powerfull out corner still on a safe fast powerfull line.
So that's it, no rules for me. Of course i have a base to start with every new car after driving it the first time. For 75% of the cars a quick pretune don't take me more than 1 minute. Fine tuning is the hard part.
You have also the others 25% that don't answer to your tuning and you have to explore several radicals directions to find a way to let them better cars.
Simple , but complicate....
