Praiano's Tunes: Waiting for GT6 & FERRARI ENZO FXX.

  • Thread starter praiano63
I for one am sorry to see this happening amigo.I've learnt alot from this thread and can only say that gtplanet is losing one of it's most valuable resources here.
This is some other black mail ,i've just recieved .
I'm tired of this. I think i'll stop with this garage of fake tune for fake cars. Too much stupid ridiculous people . I have nothing to prove to nobody.

GTPlanet Tuning advice

K Mad
00:34 (27 minutos atrás)

para mim
We all know that you are stealing other people's Tuning theories and Tunes you silly little ****.

You have been warned!
It's just highlandor and/or his butt buddies.

I think you should take a look at all the friends you have, and compare them to "all" the friends others in question have. There you will find who's appreciated and who's not. ;)
Praiano, don't give in, because doing so will just mean they've succeeded. Just dust it off, block that email account and carry on. You've pretty much got the entire GT5 tuning forum backing you on this, a whiny 15 year old sore loser who's tunes haven't quite worked out like yours and is just having a go at you because they are plainly more inferior shouldn't need to worry you. And what does it matter that you used his tuning theory? What works in theory won't necessarily work in practice. A tune, however, is just the theory made into something useful. Just because they couldn't figure out what to do with it and are venting off by having a go at you doesn't mean you should give in. If anything, if you do, it's just proving them right.

So stick at it, dust this off like a little scratch and carry on doing what you do best, the GT5 tuning forum needs people like you. 👍
It's just highlandor and/or his butt buddies.

I think you should take a look at all the friends you have, and compare them to "all" the friends others in question have. There you will find who's appreciated and who's not. ;)

I'm not sure...

From what I've seen of him it's not his type of thing to do... Then again it's a address and the only other UK tuners work with me. So it could be. So he may have a somewhat angry American lobby crashing soon.


Praiano, don't give up. For one, I like having some true competition. Haters gonna hate and not one big garage has gone without some type of drama... But each and every time it eventually blows over. This will be no different.

If we can't convince you to stay, so be it, but the tuning section will be a lonelier place without you. There is no hate or jealousy from anyone here aside from those who do nothing but hate.

Hey I don't blame you one bit. What's the point of playing gt5 if it's not fun.

I for one am sorry to see this happening amigo.I've learnt alot from this thread and can only say that gtplanet is losing one of it's most valuable resources here.

It's just highlandor and/or his butt buddies.

I think you should take a look at all the friends you have, and compare them to "all" the friends others in question have. There you will find who's appreciated and who's not. ;)

I'm not sure...

From what I've seen of him it's not his type of thing to do... Then again it's a address and the only other UK tuners work with me. So it could be. So he may have a somewhat angry American lobby crashing soon.


Praiano, don't give up. For one, I like having some true competition. Haters gonna hate and not one big garage has gone without some type of drama... But each and every time it eventually blows over. This will be no different.

If we can't convince you to stay, so be it, but the tuning section will be a lonelier place without you. There is no hate or jealousy from anyone here aside from those who do nothing but hate.

EDIT: Thanks, don't worry , i'll never stop doing what i love to do really . You'll see my cars around here for sure, just no more blablabla in bad english. ><((((°> °°°°°

Thanks to everybody,i know what i'm doing, i just don't want to be in front of anything, i never run after some fame or something like this. I know i have a lot of friends, thanks god, and i'll never let them down. I just go out of the scene . My PM is still there for anybody, old friends or future news ones that will need some help with tune.
The cars will stay there in the garage for anybody who want to test MY tunes.
I will continue to publish some cars in some friends garage, i just don't want to know about having any big garage , my english is too poor to answer to this kind of agressions and i don't have time and patience to spend doing this. No more fun.

Thanks again for the support.
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I'm not sure...

From what I've seen of him it's not his type of thing to do... Then again it's a address and the only other UK tuners work with me. So it could be. So he may have a somewhat angry American lobby crashing soon.


Praiano, don't give up. For one, I like having some true competition. Haters gonna hate and not one big garage has gone without some type of drama... But each and every time it eventually blows over. This will be no different.

If we can't convince you to stay, so be it, but the tuning section will be a lonelier place without you. There is no hate or jealousy from anyone here aside from those who do nothing but hate.

He's the one who sent the PM before, talking about stolen ideas. Same words (even made clear this was a second warning) new name.

Thanks to everybody,i know what i'm doing, i just don't want to be in front of anything, i never run after some fame or something like this. I know i have a lot of friends, thanks god, and i'll never let them down. I just go out of the scene . My PM is still there for anybody, old friends or future news ones that will need some help with tune.
The cars will stay there in the garage for anybody who want to test MY tunes.
I will continue to publish some cars in some friends garage, i just don't want to know about having any big garage , my english is too poor to answer to this kind of agressions and i don't have time and patience to spend doing this. No more fun.

Thanks again for the support.
No worries, enjoy doing whatever you do, that's the point, right? :cheers:
Praiano, please don't go my friend. You have been of great help to me in my quest to learn how to tune. Like others have said, don't give in to them, thats exactly what they want. Show them you are much stronger than that, don't give in to their jealousy. Come back my friend. No one can run this garage like you can.
He's the one who sent the PM before, talking about stolen ideas. Same words (even made clear this was a second warning) new name.


No worries, enjoy doing whatever you do, that's the point, right? :cheers:


Praiano, I've never had an issue with understanding what you're trying to say, your "bad English" is still much better than many who have English as their main language.
No Praiano, I can't let you close over haters. Haters is what I used to fuel me to continue and push harder than ever before. When I opened my drift garage I had pages and pages of people telling me how dumb I am for being the only dedicated drift garage and to just put my tunes in the main drift tune thread. I told them to screw off and made sure I made the next tune even better and better. Now I can't go to my inbox or online where someone doesn't mention how they or their friends use them and how much they helped.

Each hater means I am succeeding in getting my tunes across to the masses and that others are jealous of my success. To every 1 hater there is at least 10 people who respect you and the work you do to get these amazing tunes out. You have won lots of competitions and everyone always says how well rounded the car is not to mention are excited when a new tune is released. Almost 120 pages of people loving your tunes, always like 15 people viewing from all over the world at any given time, and non stop comments of how awesome they are. You really going to give up on all those people who believe in you because of a couple of jealous "bad apples" trying to spoil the fun for everyone? With success comes responsibility. You knew there would be people who like the tunes and others not so much. That's all part of the fun of not knowing what others will think of a tune which you took hours out of your life to make just to help others out.

Praiano is now a household GT5 tuning name, if people get a new car they instantly come here to see if you have a tune for it because they already know it will be great. Next time you get some hate mail tell them to visit Shmo's garage and I'll tell them exactly where they can stick there negative attitude. Take a couple days off fine, but think about that 12yr kid who got GT5 for Christmas and knows nothing about tuning and relies on your tunes to allow him to be able to compete online. You can't give up on that one kid. You can't give up on all of us.
Sorry, late to the table again. Praiano, my friend, we've spoken many times and you know how I feel about the good you do around here. I echo all that has been said above, but ultimately, you need to do what's best for you.

Mate. Don't close. I've been through this on another forum, where I was running a GFX shop. I was constantly accused of plagiarizing other peoples stuff and methods (How the **** can you steal a method?). I talked to a mod, who talked to the people involved. No more harassment. But really, mate. It's the internet. People will hate on you because on the internet, there are no real consequences. Just shrug it off. You can block their PM's, and not read them if you suspect what they hold.

Don't give in, or they win. Keep on going.
Dont worry about that loser Priano. I sent that loser to that email address 30 copies of a friendly email ;) that would probably get me banned from GTPlanet....and the internet lol.

Makes me wonder if it was another tuner. Im sure the GTplanet people could do there own investigation into i.p adresses to help you out.
Hi Praiano! Not everyone appreciates a job well done, we do, and I'm sure all of us, your friends, as you always say we want to keep enjoying your tunes.

Have a good day!
Praiano is now a household GT5 tuning name, if people get a new car they instantly come here to see if you have a tune for it because they already know it will be great. Next time you get some hate mail tell them to visit Shmo's garage and I'll tell them exactly where they can stick there negative attitude. Take a couple days off fine, but think about that 12yr kid who got GT5 for Christmas and knows nothing about tuning and relies on your tunes to allow him to be able to compete online. You can't give up on that one kid. You can't give up on all of us.[/QUOTE]

Like it says above. Your a Household name at GTPlanet.
hey Praiano,

As others have already said, just ignore these idiots.

Your time is spent tuning cars and then sharing with others. =EXCELLENT.👍
Their time is spent trolling and criticizing. =LOSERS:tdown:

i know who has the better life.

Your's are always the first tunes i go for, as they suit my driving style.👍

Take a deep breath, count to 10, and then PLEASE continue to add tunes to your fantastic garage.

Kind regards
I love your "fake" tunes for "fake" cars 👍. Please don't close the doors. Where will all of your fans go to get there Praiano fish fix?
Praiano has been stealing my tunes for a while now. Nah kidding.

If your getting hate its normallt because youre doing something right. Report the hate mail and try and rise above it.

Just want to say you've got this outlaws support for what it's worth, whatever your decision amigo.👍👍

The forum won't be the same without the Brazilian surferboy and his fish though so I hope you can find it in you to keep up the good fight here and continue with your excellent tunes.:gtpflag:

Remember as Harvey Wallbanger always says...
Drive hard and have fun!:cheers::gtpflag:
Screw the haters Praiano, they're just jealous that they're not considered one of the big guns around here. Stay open, keep tuning and rub your success in the troll's faces. :D:tup: If you want to take a break though that's understandable, but don't close. :)

It should work&#8230;I think.
Hi Praiano, don't close!!! ignore these stupid words and stay open!!!! some idiot is simply jealous of your good work. If you don't close, you win against them stupidity....
Praiano, you have my greatest respect, which is saying a lot coming from a 65 year old grandfather of 15 who has already lived a lot of life. I appreciate all the work you have done to help all of us enjoy GT5 even more, and I start each day by coming here to see if you have posted another gem of a tune.

Please, let your fans and friends deal with the riff-raff haters that are bothering you with their jealousy. And don't worry about your English - I can't speak ANY of your language, which is Portugese, I believe. All I knew about Brazil before is that you have some of the world's most beautiful women who wear the greatest bikinis! You have helped me see some of the personality of the Brazilian people, and I appreciate both your helpfulness and generosity!


Please, please, please don't give in to these idiots!! If you give in, they win. For every idiot out there that would write a stupid email like that about a silly game that most of us just enjoy and have fun with, there are probably hundreds of people out there who have used and enjoyed your tunes tremendously. Idiots like this have no life at all if they are writing to you about something as silly as stealing a "tuning theory" that belongs to no one and that nobody cares about. 99.9% of us just want to drive fast cars fast. This isn't F1 here, there are no tuning theories to steal and I could give a rat's a$$ about them anyway. If someone has a theory let them open their own garage and take their own valuable time to make up dozens of tunes like you have. If not they should just shut up and go away.

What you have done here is a wonderful thing. A garage chock full of solid tunes that anyone can use and enjoy. I bet hundreds upon hundreds of GT5ers have used some or many of your tunes. This is such an invaluable resource, you cannot let it die because of some idiots without a life. I know it's hard but I think the best thing to do is just what you have done...expose them. They are like little trolls who live in a cave and they don't want to see the light of day. Bring the trolls out into the light and they wither and die.

No matter what, do not give up on this garage. You enjoy this game as much or more than anyone I know, I know this to be true, it's written in every post you ever made on here and in the care and time you spent on each and every tune.

Don't give up, don't let the trolls win!!!!

What he said sums it up perfectly. I may not post here alot but I started using your tunes back in april and look foward to new ones daily! Block the a$$holes who send you the negative emails.
Hey, Praiano my friend. :) It's really, really sad to see how a few idiots can ruin such a great thing, through their own inadequacy (uselessness :) ) & jealousy. This forum will be a poorer place without your contribution, GREAT English & wonderful Brazilian personality & sense of humour...

I urge you PLEASE to think about it. Take a break, chill out with a couple of beers & take some time for yourself & then re-think it. As many have said above, you have SO many friends & fans. Don't let a couple of worthless haters spoil all of that.

But whatever you do, all I can say to you is... Obrigado! :)

I wish you only good things

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Praiano don't go! Honestly, whatever tasks/challenges you uptake in life your always going to get haters, but take a look at your following, you have a huge following, its just a minority who wish they could be as successful.

What you've done here is brilliant for the community, when I need a tune I come straight here and its very rarely you don't have what I'm looking for, and if you don't your always to happy to help, and I'm sure its the same for the majority of the community. Just ignore the pathetic comments, there probably 10 year olds just stirring the wooden spoon.

Chin up fella, we love you Praiano :D
Praiano is now a household GT5 tuning name, if people get a new car they instantly come here to see if you have a tune for it because they already know it will be great. Next time you get some hate mail tell them to visit Shmo's garage and I'll tell them exactly where they can stick there negative attitude. Take a couple days off fine, but think about that 12yr kid who got GT5 for Christmas and knows nothing about tuning and relies on your tunes to allow him to be able to compete online. You can't give up on that one kid. You can't give up on all of us.

Or that 42yr old who has ALL of your tunes on the cars in his garage and checks daily(even on vacation like now) for new ones. Now to mention how you taught me how too tune my own gearboxes with your grid system:tup:
Wow this is sad news. With the DLC and Praiano's tunes, is what keeps this game interesting for me. I follow this thread by the day waiting for a new invention by Praiano. Please don't go.