Pre-release GT5:Prologue Thread Firmware 2.17 mandatory for GT5:P? (and Pictures)

  • Thread starter amar212
Yes, approx. 2 seconds before the end of Amar212's video, you can see the exact spot where I dropped a Spring Roll recently purchased from a take-away in Gerrard Street... (the 10-second rule applied, of course :P )
Hey, hey, hey! Don't patronise my antipodean logic with your thoroughly British sense of sarcasm! I was asking because if the previous GT games are anything to go by, city circuits are based around recognisable landmarks within that city (ie New York takes in Broadway, Central Park and Times Square; Seattle the large stadium at the end of the straight whose name I forget; and Tokyo is probably recogniseable to any locals, though I do believe part of it is around the Imperial Gardens). Following this, it makes sense that London City will do the same. Which is why I was asking, because then maybe we could work out where it is, assuming that it's actually recogniseable. Obviously it's not Hyde Park Corner, but my London geograhy isn't exactly stellar, which makes sense as I've never actually been there.
Im sure it will do the usual going past the houses of parliment, over london bridge, past the london eye and up the mall to buckingham palace stuff like that! Or it could be loosey based on the London F1 track that they did a while ago I want it to go past the gerkin so I can do a photomode shoot outside it!

Yes, approx. 2 seconds before the end of Amar212's video, you can see the exact spot where I dropped a Spring Roll recently purchased from a take-away in Gerrard Street... (the 10-second rule applied, of course :P )
You must have been all thumbs that day.

Hey, hey, hey! Don't patronise my antipodean logic with your thoroughly British sense of sarcasm! I was asking because if the previous GT games are anything to go by, city circuits are based around recognisable landmarks within that city (ie New York takes in Broadway, Central Park and Times Square; Seattle the large stadium at the end of the straight whose name I forget; and Tokyo is probably recogniseable to any locals, though I do believe part of it is around the Imperial Gardens). Following this, it makes sense that London City will do the same. Which is why I was asking, because then maybe we could work out where it is, assuming that it's actually recogniseable. Obviously it's not Hyde Park Corner, but my London geograhy isn't exactly stellar, which makes sense as I've never actually been there.
I don't know where your going with this, he wasn't patronising you in the slightest.
It's been a while since I lived in London, but I'm thinking that the short stretch of the London track shown may be the Strand? Certainly not the most recognisable part of London, but the track could go from there past St Paul's Cathedral in one direction & in the other direction likely through Trafalgar Square & then down the Mall to Buckingham Palace, or Whitehall to the Houses of Parliament etc.
Hey, hey, hey! Don't patronise my antipodean logic with your thoroughly British sense of sarcasm! I was asking because if the previous GT games are anything to go by, city circuits are based around recognisable landmarks within that city (ie New York takes in Broadway, Central Park and Times Square; Seattle the large stadium at the end of the straight whose name I forget; and Tokyo is probably recogniseable to any locals, though I do believe part of it is around the Imperial Gardens). Following this, it makes sense that London City will do the same. Which is why I was asking, because then maybe we could work out where it is, assuming that it's actually recogniseable. Obviously it's not Hyde Park Corner, but my London geograhy isn't exactly stellar, which makes sense as I've never actually been there.

Just a note, but I think that's the Kings Stadium. GT3 and GT4 presented both the old one, and the new one under construction (they are across the street from each other).
It would be great if it goes up the mall and then round the roundabout at Buckingham Palace then back down, I guess it would have to if thats a sight your gonna see on the London track...

Just out interest where does the Enthusia London track go?

A LITTLE info:

It's always a treat to visit Polyphony's offices in Tokyo. Kazunori Yamauchi is a gracious host, the multi-thousand dollar Gran Turismo driving simulator is always running and available for you to try out, and we always get the latest info on the newest Gran Turismo PlayStation offering. During this trip Yamauchi gave a presentation on Gran Turismo 5 Prologue and answered some of our questions about how the game is progressing.

In case you didn't already know, GT5 Prologue is basically a taste of what's to come from Gran Turismo 5. It's not a full game but will showcase a lot of the new features that will be included in Gran Turismo 5. To learn more about the basics of Gran Turismo 5 Prologue you can check out our Leipzig Games Convention write-up. Most of the presentation we saw at TGS was a rehash of what was at Leipzig, but some key bits of new info did show up while other bits were fleshed out.

One new bit of info that American racing fans will be happy to hear about is the inclusion of the Daytona Speedway in GT5P. This is the first time for the distinctly American track to be featured in a GT title. Yamauchi says it will be a track where you'll need to race strategically and take advantage of slip streams by drafting. There will also be a masked car that has yet to be officially unveiled by its manufacturer. It will appear in the game but will have its key features masked so that you won't be able to see its full body. The company wanted the car to appear in GT5P before it is officially unveiled. It may be slightly gimmicky, but it's still a cool idea and something we haven't seen done before.

By now it's a given that any game with the "Gran Turismo" title will be beautiful and each time we see GT5P we can't help but to be impressed with its incredible visual fidelity. Competitors like Forza 2 may look good, but Gran Turismo always manages to somehow look better. We asked Yamauchi if he could tell us what it is about Polyphony's games that makes them look so much better than all the other racers, his reply was, "One thing we don't do is look at our competitors and say 'okay, this is what we need to do.' Gran Turismo has always been the 'Gran Turismo way' and it always probably will be that way. It always comes back to the attention to detail and the passion for the cars. The original team members that built the first Gran Turismo are still with us now. This family tie is another factor that keeps us going and keeps us on track."

Yamauchi also gave us a much more detailed look at the upcoming Gran Turismo TV feature that will be part of GT5P. When you go into this mode you'll get to watch a number of car- and racing-related videos on demand. These videos are high-quality and you get to select which ones you wish to download and watch. He showed us a few examples of videos showing off various racing events from all around the world. Part of the reason Yamauchi wanted to include this feature is because he likes to watch car- and racing-related videos himself but is limited to what he can see because he lives in Japan. He sees GTTV as being another delivery medium for car enthusiasts like himself to view the kind of videos they want to see, and maybe bring more of a lifestyle aspect to the Gran Turismo experience.
Video clips are also incorporated into the in-game car shop. For example, if you're at the BMW dealership in GT5P you'll be able to watch a short video showing off the car you're looking at. You can manually choose to watch the video, but it will also play automatically if you leave the controller alone for a while. This idea reminds us a lot of the videos integrated into the original Need for Speed. We think this feature really helps to push the whole "car enthusiast" angle of GT, but at the same time we can see how some gamers would see it as in-game advertising. Then again, if you have that point of view you could say the entire game is one big ad for cars.

We asked Yamauchi if the planned add-on downloads for GT5P were still in the works and he assured us that they were. There will eventually be downloadable add-ons to add aftermarket parts, real-time damage to the cars and real-time weather changes. He also reiterated that he sees GT5P as a test bed for features that will make up the final version of GT5, so there may be more than just the add-ons announced so far.

It's obvious that there is a lot of cooperation between Polyphony and all the car manufacturers in this iteration of Gran Turismo, but how far will it go? Yamauchi says, "Ultimately, the last step before a person wants to buy a car, he'll most likely want to see it in person. I'm sure I would, but for the step before that maybe there's the possibility we could get to the point where, for example, we could set up a virtual test drive in a car. A salesman could come, log in and talk to you via voice chat and talk to you about sales points of that car and that would really motivate you to go to the dealership and see it yourself." While all this talk is theoretical it does give you an idea of what types of possibilities exist for the future of the Gran Turismo series.

We could easily have talked cars and racing with Yamauchi all day, but he's a busy man and he's got a game to deliver. GT5P is looking right on track and what's incredible is that this is only a small taste of what's to come in the full version of GT5. This is definitely a unique way to release a game, hopefully GT5P will become a successful tech test bed for Polphony because it will only serve to make the final version of GT5 that much better. You could say that GT5P players will be Polyphony's guinea pigs, but you know what? We don't mind that at all.
A LITTLE info:


Next time you might want to consider posting the source and link as well for those that might not know where it came.

GameSpy: Gran Turismo 5 Prologue Preview
We took a trip to Polyphony to get you the latest goods on Sony's flagship racing game.
Posted Sept. 21, 2007 by Li C. Kuo

Nice article... but how on Earth did they not even think to ask about an official NA release? Not that I'm the least bit worried about it, but come on. If you are interviewing Yamauchi and you're an American game site... how could you not ask that question? Oh well.
Good call nitrate... Both on posting the source and link, as well as the question at hand.
The source is essential since what cudadude did amounts to plaguarism (yet with the source and link it amounts to a great post :dopey: ).

As for the question... I wouldn't be suprised if we didn't get everything from the event out of that article. It could be possible that they did ask and the answer wasn't something they cared to make known. Of course, that's just me with conspiracy theories again. :sly:

I just hope they get the game right.
Nothing would make me more disappointed than waiting all this time to get a game that's not really finished (in the name of being able to use downloadable content to patch the problems).
Add-on after market parts and car damage may be DLC? That makes me worry that PD is really taking their time. :indiff:
I'd love to see the DLC come to us but I'd hate to see a GT4 style GT5 simply because improvements can be made through DLC.
Who knows, maybe PD will get it right on the first go-round and the DLC will be what it most would expect it to be- more tracks and cars (not basic gameplay elements added to an incomplete game).

Next time you might want to consider posting the source and link as well for those that might not know where it came.

GameSpy: Gran Turismo 5 Prologue Preview
We took a trip to Polyphony to get you the latest goods on Sony's flagship racing game.
Posted Sept. 21, 2007 by Li C. Kuo

Nice article... but how on Earth did they not even think to ask about an official NA release? Not that I'm the least bit worried about it, but come on. If you are interviewing Yamauchi and you're an American game site... how could you not ask that question? Oh well.

I wish someone with real car racing experience, or at least deep simulation knowledge did these interviews, we would've learned a lot from the simulation itself, as oposed to things that are allready all over the web. or things that are obvious, such as:

"you make your game look pretty! explain!"
"Internet support! COOL!"
"GT TV! IS COOL!", Etc.

It would've been really nice to see questions about how their physics engine works compared to the old one, meaning.
Does it use four tyres for the simulation, as oposed to just the chasis?
Why is it that if there's a new physics engine cars can't turnover still, (not even taking into account damage here yet.)
Is the internet Options just "arcade" like racing, or will se see multiplayer Carreer modes?
Is there any support for the eye toy to work as a headtracking system so you could change the cockpit view accordingly as you move your head?
Is there plans for clutch support at this point, and if not is it because the game is based on old assets?
Why was so much attention paid to the cars themselves if it meant sacrificing track quality so much that the contrast between cars and the track detail is bigger than even in Gran Turismo 3, and is there plans to make tracks in the future that look on par with the cars, even if it means less cars at the same time?

My point is, there's a million far more intresting questions a real sim critic can come up with, but instead they send in your typical "master chief is cool, and you can buy drinks of it now!" player, which really doesn't ask anything useful.
Good points Kent, although for me personally, I'm fine not having to wait for all the features in a game to be available as long as they make them available for download later. 👍

After all, some people may not even care about using some features, so for them that's even more of a reason to not want to have to wait for "everything" to get done, and add only the new features they have an interest in.

My point is, there's a million far more intresting questions a real sim critic can come up with, but instead they send in your typical "master chief is cool, and you can buy drinks of it now!" player, which really doesn't ask anything useful.
Agreed! That's how I felt when I read that article as well.

Regarding one of your proposed questions though:
Why is it that if there's a new physics engine cars can't turnover still, (not even taking into account damage here yet.)
I believe this has already been answered many times before, and that's because in order to get a licensed car, certainly a production car, at least in the last, car manufacturers would not allow for their cars to be rolled over or damaged as they want "potential customers" to believe their cars are "safe".

Clearly car manufacturers are beginning to back down on this stance, as shown in Forza 2, but I still suspect we are a long way away from seeing a video game that will have truly realistic cosmetic & performance damage for licensed production cars, but I will be more than pleased if it happens sooner rather than later.
now the only thing that can make or break this game in my opinion is how PD does on the car sounds, if its teh same old **** as before then im gonna be hugely dissapointed.
now the only thing that can make or break this game in my opinion is how PD does on the car sounds, if its teh same old **** as before then im gonna be hugely dissapointed.
And how would you do the "car sounds" if you were in control?

I know for a fact that PD flew a team out all the way to Midland, Texas to get specs, digitally capture images, and record sounds of the Chaparral cars for GT4. If that's what you mean by the same old ****, then I guess I hope it is the same old ****. :)

Instead of repeating the same thought over though...

As far as sound, this is always going to be a sticky issue. Not only because there will be a ton of subjective differences of opinion/preferences. Some people like exaggerated engine and exhaust noises often found in arcade style driving games like NFS, other do not.

Also, there are soooo many variables that effect how a real car sounds in the real world. You can take a car and record its sound on a track, come back a month later and depending on the condition of the car, temperature, etc, it can sound very different.

Adding to the variables, there can, and often are differences in engine, and particularly exhaust sounds from two of the same model cars. Who's to say which is "accurate"?

It only gets more complicated when you start comparing "car sounds" of older and especially classic cars, where differences can be quite noticeable.

Then to top it all off... trying to evaluate "car sounds" from internet video clips that who knows how badly they have been compressed or altered, and then listened to through a typical PC sound system, is like trying to judge the quality of different vodkas by tasting them after they have been made into mixed drinks. Really pointless, in my opinion.

Judging on the documented amount of effort and detail PD has shown that they used to record and capture the sounds of many of the cars in GT4 and from what I have heard, GT5 as well, at least we know they aren't just "making it up", unlike the often highly exaggerated car noises found in many other driving games.... but then again, it's also a personal choice, and I completely understand that for many, they may very well prefer those types of car sounds.

These are just many of the variables that exist between cars... now consider all the variables that exist when you try and record all these sounds. The way equipment, locations, environment, etc, that effects the recordings.

While individuals will obviously have their "preference", considering all the variables and differences involved in replicating so-called real car sounds, in the end it's still just going to be a subjective opinion on what each person likes no matter how meticulous a game developer is in capturing car sounds.
I'm amazed at how these guys from Gamespot took another tour of PD's HQ and what they show us is exactly the same they had shown us a couple of years ago - the board, the hotel, the leisure room, the conference room... come on! If you're there, give us something new and don't waste your and our time!

The sound isn't all about preference.. I don't think anyone "prefers" the way the cars currently sound. The problem is the way they do it.. simply upping the pitch of a recorded car sound. I've done this myself in an audio editor.. sounds just like GT4. Sounds like crap. It's not about how the sound is captured, or what sounds they use.. it's about the proper transfer between sounds as RPM increases, it's about how those "real" sounds are processed in-game. You can't just pitch it up anymore. Practically every other developer out there has come up with a better way of doing car audio, and PD is getting left in the dust because they're still doing it "the old way". EA did it on the PS2, for Pete's sake. Electronic Frikkin' ARTS, the laziest developer on the damn planet, figured it out, and Polyphony couldn't. Dubya-Tee-Eff.

So I'm going to agree with MX.. I'm going to be HIGHLY disappointed if the sound isn't improved. I mean, they go to such huge extremes to bump the graphics up to near-insane levels of realism, and yet that realism is totally destroyed when it sounds like you're driving a vaccuum cleaner or an electric razor instead of a Ferrari or a Quattro.

Hopefully they'll release the demo here in the States. If the sound is still GT4-ish, I'm probably not going to bother with the full Prologue, and just wait until GT5.
Practically every other developer out there has come up with a better way of doing car audio, and PD is getting left in the dust because they're still doing it "the old way".
You obviously have a lot more factual data than I then. So would you please list for us practically every other developer out there that has come up with a better way of doing car audio than PD and the proof that shows their method is indeed superior and who's results are more realistic.

It sounds very much like you are expressing a great deal of personal preference, opinion, and speculation - but if you have actual facts to back up your statement I'm all to happy to see it. 👍
There will also be a masked car that has yet to be officially unveiled by its manufacturer.
lol, it doesn't really mystify me seeing as there was a picture of this car right next to the previous similarly designed GT-R proto. Nissan can't hide that from me:D

By now it's a given that any game with the "Gran Turismo" title will be beautiful and each time we see GT5P we can't help but to be impressed with its incredible visual fidelity. Competitors like Forza 2 may look good, but Gran Turismo always manages to somehow look better. We asked Yamauchi if he could tell us what it is about Polyphony's games that makes them look so much better than all the other racers, his reply was, "One thing we don't do is look at our competitors and say 'okay, this is what we need to do.' Gran Turismo has always been the 'Gran Turismo way' and it always probably will be that way. It always comes back to the attention to detail and the passion for the cars. The original team members that built the first Gran Turismo are still with us now. This family tie is another factor that keeps us going and keeps us on track."

Well, it appears my point about "GT will never be Forza" stands valid.

Part of the reason Yamauchi wanted to include this feature is because he likes to watch car- and racing-related videos himself but is limited to what he can see because he lives in Japan. He sees GTTV as being another delivery medium for car enthusiasts like himself to view the kind of videos they want to see, and maybe bring more of a lifestyle aspect to the Gran Turismo experience.
I welcome this to GT as it could make a more immersive experience.
We asked Yamauchi if the planned add-on downloads for GT5P were still in the works and he assured us that they were. There will eventually be downloadable add-ons to add aftermarket parts, real-time damage to the cars and real-time weather changes. He also reiterated that he sees GT5P as a test bed for features that will make up the final version of GT5, so there may be more than just the add-ons announced so far.
Hmmm, This will be something interesting.

You could say that GT5P players will be Polyphony's guinea pigs, but you know what? We don't mind that at all.
If it ends up with PD making better titles in the future, neither do I.
I'm Impressed with all the PD apology staff that strives to keep these topics straight........
A Real Life Chevelle 454 sounds NOTHING like the **** sounds that GT4 MADE it sound like.
And i've been in and around a highly modified Chevelle that had a factual 700+ horsepower and it DID NOT sound anything like what PD DID make a highly modified Chevelle sound like.
It was LOUD and Rumbled and the windows vibrated in buildings it was parked next to, and it DID NOT sound like a industrial vacuum cleaner.
I won't even mention some of the other American cars i've been around that are in GT4 that also sound nothing like what GT4 had them sounding like.
Heck i got some ford mustang neighbors, that have modified their Stangs, and damn do they sound GOOD.
There are plently of example's of the real world difference compared to what PD FAILED to get right.
As for Daytona being included? well that's one down, more to go.
It's gonna be awful empty and dull tho with only 16 cars on track tho.....
this vid also had the infield section of daytona as well.

No, it doesn't. All the shots are from the Daytona Oval or Suzuka. We can see the entrance and exit to the road course modeled of course, but no proof that they are actually in the game.
Seattle the large stadium at the end of the straight whose name I forget;
Just a note, but I think that's the Kings Stadium. GT3 and GT4 presented both the old one, and the new one under construction (they are across the street from each other).
I believe it's the Kingdome that you're looking for. And the stadium across the street from there is Safeco Field.

Also, if Seattle Circuit is included in GT5 will the Kingdome be in it again, or will the new stadium the Seahawks now play in be shown in it's place? And will the shorter version of the course originally seen in GT2 be included with it?
Good points Kent, although for me personally, I'm fine not having to wait for all the features in a game to be available as long as they make them available for download later. 👍

After all, some people may not even care about using some features, so for them that's even more of a reason to not want to have to wait for "everything" to get done, and add only the new features they have an interest in.

While I appreciate the positive outlook, I'm not entirely in the same frame of mind.
When I see PD saying that said DLC will be availible, it makes me worry because of all the delays we already recieve. What's to happen in the future when we get a GT5 without aftermarket add-ons or damage, then PD settles our stomachs with claims of DLC, only to end up providing DLC on the same slacker schedule we've dealt with over the last few years.
Fact is, I have no reason to believe PD's tendancy to delay and run behind schedule will change regarding their ability to provide DLC.

Basically, it leaves me worried that GT5 will not be the complete game it should be and the DLC needed to complete the game will not be availible until some time in '09. :ouch: (that's assuming GT5 gets out before June '08... If GT5 is later than that, I wouldn't expect DLC until late '09 if we were all lucky). :(
While I appreciate the positive outlook, I'm not entirely in the same frame of mind.
When I see PD saying that said DLC will be availible, it makes me worry because of all the delays we already recieve. What's to happen in the future when we get a GT5 without aftermarket add-ons or damage, then PD settles our stomachs with claims of DLC, only to end up providing DLC on the same slacker schedule we've dealt with over the last few years.
Fact is, I have no reason to believe PD's tendancy to delay and run behind schedule will change regarding their ability to provide DLC.

Basically, it leaves me worried that GT5 will not be the complete game it should be and the DLC needed to complete the game will not be availible until some time in '09. :ouch: (that's assuming GT5 gets out before June '08... If GT5 is later than that, I wouldn't expect DLC until late '09 if we were all lucky). :(

You're just being disresepctful. If you think that these features will take less time if they include it before release, then that's stupid. Would you rather have the game sooner and miss out on damage etc, which will come in late 09. Or just have the full game out in 09?
That depends on having to pay for downaloads that should have been in the game in the first place or not.
You're just being disresepctful. If you think that these features will take less time if they include it before release, then that's stupid. Would you rather have the game sooner and miss out on damage etc, which will come in late 09. Or just have the full game out in 09?

It's not disrespectful, it's the truth - hell look at what they're already saying about online in Prologue.
It's not disrespectful, it's the truth - hell look at what they're already saying about online in Prologue.

Yeah be he is being disrespectful to the developers because he is speaking like they are being lazy and that they don't want to do it. They may not have the budget to do it, or the time.

And I don't get what you mean about online in prologue? I might have missed some news ?

EDIT: We're talking about paying for this stuff? That's a whole different story. Traditionally these types of upgrades do not entail a price -- but I'd be willing to pay 5 dollars for all two things (damage, real time weather)