anyone want to try my tune on the chrome line Lambo with fully upgraded stuff?
One guy said his 700 hp mustang will only do 148 mph as a result of this. I guess that's just a bunch of "shenanigans" too, right?
Well, to give an update: since the differential settings seem to have absolutely no effect on my evo x's understeer (despite a 90% rear torque bias), I decided to see if anything in the suspension settings would enact some kind of change. So, I stiffened the rear more, and still nothing. Back and forth I went, from practice to tuning, and then, I started to notice a trend - no matter what I did, I could not tell a difference in how the car drove!
It was at this point that I began to develop a sinister theory, so to prove it, I decided to run absurd settings that would be a disaster in real life - I set the suspension to MAX stiffness on EVERYTHING in the rear, the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM on EVERYTHING in the front, MAX toe out in the rear, and... (drum roll)... NOTHING! The car drives EXACTLY THE SAME! I set the front diff to full open and the rear to full lock - nothing. I reverse it - nothing. THE TUNING DOESN'T WORK IN THIS GAME! It's just there for show! Absolutely disgraceful, this game.
lol, just install change Gears ratio. AND DONT SAY THAT YOU CAN't Because my Mustag goes 350kmh because i changed Gears ratios.
Oversteerin you dont know nothin xD
ABS is for noobs even at level 1.
Someone else mentioned that their mustang couldn't have the gear ratios adjusted, and a bunch of people popped in and said that they were having the same problems. I have not done that mod to any of my cars yet, so I cannot confirm, but the issues that I have experienced with the EVO X are as legitimate as they come. So please, educate yourself on the issues at hand instead of running your mouth like some fanboy kid who can't accept that this game isn't perfect.
I'll buy'd the TORQUE splitter and FULLY LSD to my EVO VI T-M-E.
And it certainly works fine.
I could have horrible understeering, with my front tires go up in smoke, and truly the opposit way when i changed the FRONT/REAR bias.
BUT, with the LSD at its maximum, its still possible to make just one skidmark on the tarmac, thats kinda odd.
lol, just install change Gears ratio. AND DONT SAY THAT YOU CAN't Because my Mustag goes 350kmh because i changed Gears ratios.
Oversteerin you dont know nothin xD
Can you change ALL the gear ratios (1st-6th), or just the final ratio?. There is a big difference you know... I'll appreciate if you can confirm this.
Its level based thing, you unlock the ability to change all ratios at a higher level, someone already mentioned this.
lol, just install change Gears ratio. AND DONT SAY THAT YOU CAN't Because my Mustag goes 350kmh because i changed Gears ratios.
Oversteerin you dont know nothin xD
Hey Mate, i would love to try that Beast !
Add me: MAidioPT
See you in a Lobby![]()
Well, my friend, I am going to respond to this a second time to tell you that you are wrong. I just bought the fully customizable racing tranny for the X, and guess what? You can NOT adjust the individual gears, just the top speed setting. All the individual gears are all shadowed out and cannot be adjusted - period. So, clearly, you just adjusted the max speed setting on your mustang and have no idea what it means to be able to adjust individual gears. I think it's you who "don't know nothin," pal.
Anyone break 1000hp yet? over 800 in my chromeline lamborghini and comming up on 700hp soon in the challenger srt-8