Viper Zero
ABC News and the Washington Post isn't exactly right leaning. They should have weighted the poll numbers or picked a better base. If CNN is willing to run with this poll, it's good enough for me. 👍
It's not? Anyway, I read the CNN article as that's what led me to the ABC News poll. CNN writes this:
"According to an ABC poll, 43 percent of registered voters said Cheney won, 35 percent gave the win to Edwards, and 19 percent called it a tie.
Thirty-eight percent of the viewers were Republicans, 31 percent Democrats, the rest independents. The phone survey was conducted among a random sample of 509 registered voters who watched the debate."
They also wrote this, btw:
"CBS News' poll specifically focused on
uncommitted voters and found 41 percent deemed Edwards the winner, 28 percent chose Cheney, and 31 percent said it was a tie. CBS based its poll on a "nationally representative sample of 178 debate watchers ... who are either undecided about who to vote for or who have a preference but say they could still change their minds."
But these poll numbers are being based on such small numbers that their validity should be questioned even if they'd been run here in The Netherlands (16.5 million inhabitants), let alone in the US.
But ok, enough with the stats. I watched the first bit of the first debate on the web yesterday and fell asleep. This thread is threatening to become even less interesting ...

It's just that if we were to evaluate the debate based on our own points of view of who won, this thread becomes completely pointless as we all know what we think on all the issues discussed thanks to the other threads in the Opinion forum. Or am I wrong?