Presidential Debates

  • Thread starter Danoff
I've said Bush won the previous two debates and Cheney won his. In each case logic was on their side.

Tonight logic was still on their side but Bush lost that debate bigtime. His views were mostly right and there was good reasoning behind them but it didn't come out of his mouth.

Bush was asked about affirmative action, minimum wage, and outsourcing. He replied to each by saying we should educate people. That's the right response (actually believe it or not) but it sure isn't clear why. It looked like he dodged the questions.

It was sad... very sad. I pretty much feel like Bush deserves to lose this election after the way he's botched the campaign. I think he may have convinced me not to vote for him. Don't get me wrong, I won't be voting for Kerry either. Go Michael Badnarik!!

Kerry definitely won tonight - it wasn't really even close.
Bush was on the offense tonight, which is a total opposite from the first debate. Kerry was very defensive, as you could see in his replies. I thought Bush was very forward thinking on reforming healthcare and education in this debate, while Kerry could only state the problems. The candidates were asked about tax relief. Bush, of course, has the tax refunds putting money back into tax payer's pockets. But, Kerry totally avoided the question and did not go back to it, maybe because he voted against it... I think that will hurt Kerry in the up coming weeks.

I nearly spat my drink halfway across the room when I heard Kerry lie about Bush slashing funding for the Pell Grant. In fact, it has increased to $4,050. Do you know why I know? It's because I am a recipient of the Pell Grant. It is beyond me that Kerry actually sat there with a straight face.

As if I wasn't pissed off at Kerry already, I thought Kerry (and Edwards) attack on Cheney's lesbian daughter was uncalled for. It's one thing to debate each other on issues, but to tactically attack a candidate's personal family is downright disgraceful, and Kerry and Edwards should be ashamed of themselves.
The "advisory polls" say that it may hurt Bush at his base that Chenys daughter is gay. So from that you get them bringing it up when ever they can. He did everything but say " but he has a gay daughter I do not ". It will only backfire against them among swing voters because in this election the tree huggers and radical liberals were cheering "go get him" they would cheer if Kerry started saying "yo mamma". Bush did well last night although all the polls I see are saying it was a tie. I thought bush nailed him but then again I was not expecting much.
Viper Zero
As if I wasn't pissed off at Kerry already, I thought Kerry (and Edwards) attack on Cheney's lesbian daughter was uncalled for. It's one thing to debate each other on issues, but to tactically attack a candidate's personal family is downright disgraceful, and Kerry and Edwards should be ashamed of themselves.

Is it just me, or has kerry's entire campaign been about attacking bush? I haven't seen a shadow of an explanation for a plan in iraq.
Kerry's entire campaign has been about lying through his teeth and about how he has three purple hearts. It gets a little old seeing him say whatever the popular opinion is at the time, and blatantly lying about everything else.
Is it just me, or has kerry's entire campaign been about attacking bush? I haven't seen a shadow of an explanation for a plan in iraq.

It's not just you. He has no plan. Or he has a different one every day. Take your pick.
:lol: haha.. Interviewer :"mister edwards, what are your runningmate's plans for gun control?"

John Edwards: "well, let me see.... yesterday john said that guncontrol is wrong, the day before he said bush lied, today he says we need more gun control, tomorrow he said he was going to say the lancia scorpion was the best car ever made, but that's all subject to change."