👍👍 This. Infotardment is the name of the game. Just as long as we are amused and passive instead of being infuriated, they win.I guess I must not be very American like if I want Ron Paul or Jon Huntsman to be the GOP canidate. I and others on here have stated why they aren't in the lead, go back and read and we wont keep chasing our tails!
It's simple you have a propoganda machine (media) churning out what they want, it is much more news worthy to show Perry as a joke, rather than some of the best clips for arguing on topics that really affect Americans. The media knows who makes sense, but then again the media is owned by companies who have a particular idea in mind and only one person fills that. You have MSNBC acting as if they're OWS's friends when in reality OWS doesn't like Obama they just want honesty and freedom, but MSNBC always has to put that Obama twist in. Why not when they're owned by GE whose chairman works with Obama on a few things that he and his company benefit from at the end of the day. Oh and speaking of dems what about Pelosi and things she did to benefit her husband that had a hand in Visa...a deep hand I should say.
However, I can't be unjust because the Republicans aren't better by a long shot. They promote the idea of letting the big companies do what the want with America yet these same companies make us look like a joke which then hurts the free trade on the rest of the world. Romney will tell you though businesses are people too, I never met a person that is more than one person. Oh and then we have the wars and the military budget, let's not cut it down, if we did the boogie man (terrorism) is gonna get us, even if we're the most powerful and technological.
At the end of the day though the party is more important than the people. The party comes first and John Doe's family comes second. The problem is America eats up the media like a McDonald's quarter pounder with cheese (inhales), they like it but don't see the lies and half truths it gives. It glams up and makes it look nice, but at the end of the day it's still moving you from what is right and honest.
Bush also showed a great deal of intelligence in office. I would argue moreso than Obama. So when establishing that Bush is an idiot, one needs to counteract that evidence as well.
DennischAnd what is the relation to this thread? That piece could use it's own thread.
The rest of your post was true, but this part isn't. The only people who would say this are ignorant or rich. What did Bush do that helped most Americans and wasn't blindly following republican ideology? Disclaimer- I assume intelligence as a country's leader is measured by the standard of living for the people in that country as well as relations with other countries. I think it is fair to say Bush did neither of those.
And subscribing to Regan-trickle down- supply side economics is a good qualifier for being not-so intelligent in my opinion.
You're looking at it wrongly, you're confusing what is right with smart. Just cause someone does the right thing doesn't mean they're smart, and the opposite is true as well. Bush may have not done the right thing, but he wasn't stupid, he made the world believe that Iraq was a threat to not only the U.S. but the world. (Him and his admin of course)
To say the Bush admin is stupid would be wrong cause at the end of the day they screwed America left and right, but came out in the clear. I'm not saying it's right but it takes a clever group to pull it off, but then again that's how politics work. I dislike them but to call them stupid or any admin that gets in the white house would be a silly underestimate of their power.
Also I agree with ChaosStar and I think I already saw that vid.
Granted, Bush was not as thick as he was/is portrayed by many people, but I certainly don't think that he was a genius either.
You're looking at it wrongly, you're confusing what is right with smart. Just cause someone does the right thing doesn't mean they're smart, and the opposite is true as well. Bush may have not done the right thing, but he wasn't stupid, he made the world believe that Iraq was a threat to not only the U.S. but the world. (Him and his admin of course)
To say the Bush admin is stupid would be wrong cause at the end of the day they screwed America left and right, but came out in the clear. I'm not saying it's right but it takes a clever group to pull it off, but then again that's how politics work. I dislike them but to call them stupid or any admin that gets in the white house would be a silly underestimate of their power.
Also I agree with ChaosStar and I think I already saw that vid.
meBush also showed a great deal of intelligence in office. I would argue moreso than Obama. So when establishing that Bush is an idiot, one needs to counteract that evidence as well.
The rest of your post was true, but this part isn't. The only people who would say this are ignorant or rich.
I assume intelligence as a country's leader is measured by the standard of living for the people in that country as well as relations with other countries. I think it is fair to say Bush did neither of those.
And subscribing to Regan-trickle down- supply side economics is a good qualifier for being not-so intelligent in my opinion.
What makes one an intelligent leader if doing what is right for the population isn't it? You said Bush screwed America and you think that qualifies him as an intelligent leader, or showed intelligence in office as Danoff put it?![]()
getting rid of the crooks.
Even as conservative as I am, that just doesn't seem possible![]()
You should spend some time studying economics.
That's right! Why is the size of government always getting tossed around with the amount of power the people in the government have?Because it isn't. That's why you take away as much power as possible-- so that the inside crooks don't have it and the outside crooks can't get it.
DapperThat's right! Why is the size of government always getting tossed around with the amount of power the people in the government have?
Speaking of crooks, did any of you watch my video, which is 60 Minutes's feature on Congress members' insider trading which is routine within Congress but landed Martha Stewart in prison? The story was on 60 Minutes which means it's a pretty big deal.so that the inside crooks don't have it and the outside crooks can't get it.
I'm all for Ron to win, but it's still gonna be super hard to do what he wants. They're are lots of rich people who will persuade him from not going as far as he needs to, to change things. Also all these major networks are owned by insanely rich people who will be screwed with more taxes and less money for them if Ron wins. Something really needs to be done tho because America is really starting to turn to shambles.
An analogy I've heard about corruption in government (I may have read it here, I feel like Danoff or Foolkiller posted it), is that corruption in government is like an angry dog.
Compare an angry, ferocious pit bull, ready to attack. This is like the massive governments we have, since they have so much power (big dog), the corruption (angry dog) can do a lot of damage. A small, limited government would likely still have corrupt people in it, except instea of a pit bull, it would be more akin to an angry Chihuahua. With a small govenment, corruption isn't really a big of a deal, because if the government doesn't control much, there isn't much of importance to corrupt in the first place.
I did. Having a supply means nothing if there is no demand.
Yup. Did you know that tautologies are tautological?
Why the pointless post? I am sure there is some evidence that backs up your thoughts on the economy... Actually I am sure there isn't because it doesn't exist. But keep on with your unsubstantiated thinking and pointless post, they go well together.