Quite true. In fact, I recently asked a friend of mine if they were voting for Ron Paul in the NY state primary. They said, "I'm not really a republican, so I think I'll wait for November and vote for Obama". I then asked, "Haven't you heard about Ron Paul though?". They responded, "I'm subscribed to the NY Times, and I read that Obama has actually done a lot of good, but I don't know much about Ron Paul so I'm not going to bother".
That is the scariest thing I've heard this election cycle.
That is the scariest thing I've heard this election cycle.
He should tell his friends that they're voting with their blinders on, yet if they really think the NYT tells all the facts of Obama that obviously shows they don't care about the election all that much.
Sam48I highly doubt that will make a bit of difference. You have to know the subject, or a far lefty in general, to know that no matter what you throw at them, they simply plug their ears and close their mind up. For some reason, they cannot comprehend that they are wrong. (Dapper would be a good example of this sort of behavior)
That's probably why they read the NY Times, as it suits their set of beliefs most accurately. Therefore, that's all they read. And it's the same for far right wingers as well as they only watch Fox News and what not.
Ron Paul may have won Arizona.Ron Paul suspends active campaigning...
Like Santorum and Gingrich, he has not formally ended his campaign, so effectively it makes no difference as Paul can still chip away at Romney's delegate total... that said, it is still a significant development.
I highly doubt that will make a bit of difference. You have to know the subject, or a far lefty in general, to know that no matter what you throw at them, they simply plug their ears and close their mind up. For some reason, they cannot comprehend that they are wrong. (Dapper would be a good example of this sort of behavior)
That's probably why they read the NY Times, as it suits their set of beliefs most accurately. Therefore, that's all they read. And it's the same for far right wingers as well as they only watch Fox News and what not.
In case anyone wants to check this yourself:Many of President Obama’s fervent devotees are young enough not to have much memory of the political world before the arrival of The One. Coincidentally, Obama himself feels the same way—and the White House’s official website reflects that.
The Heritage Foundation’s Rory Cooper tweeted that Obama had casually dropped his own name into Ronald Reagan’s official biography on www.whitehouse.gov, claiming credit for taking up the mantle of Reagan’s tax reform advocacy with his “Buffett Rule” gimmick. My first thought was, he must be joking. But he wasn’t—it turns out Obama has added bullet points bragging about his own accomplishments to the biographical sketches of every single U.S. president since Calvin Coolidge (except, for some reason, Gerald Ford). Here are a few examples:
On Feb. 22, 1924 Calvin Coolidge became the first president to make a public radio address to the American people. President Coolidge later helped create the Federal Radio Commission, which has now evolved to become the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). President Obama became the first president to hold virtual gatherings and town halls using Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, etc.
In a 1946 letter to the National Urban League, President Truman wrote that the government has “an obligation to see that the civil rights of every citizen are fully and equally protected.” He ended racial segregation in civil service and the armed forces in 1948. Today the Obama administration continues to strive toward upholding the civil rights of its citizens, repealing Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, allowing people of all sexual orientations to serve openly in our armed forces.
President Lyndon Johnson signed Medicare signed (sic) into law in 1965—providing millions of elderly healthcare stability. President Obama’s historic health care reform law, the Affordable Care Act, strengthens Medicare, offers eligible seniors a range of preventive services with no cost-sharing, and provides discounts on drugs when in the coverage gap known as the “donut hole.”
On August 14, 1935, President Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act. Today the Obama administration continues to protect seniors and ensure Social Security will be there for future generations.
In a June 28, 1985 speech Reagan called for a fairer tax code, one where a multi-millionaire did not have a lower tax rate than his secretary. Today, President Obama is calling for the same with the Buffett Rule.
I imagine Bill Clinton will be especially receptive to Obama’s habit of shoehorning himself into the limelight previously occupied by others. As you can see, the bullet points make clear that while each president has done something historic or notable, Obama is carrying forward every one of those accomplishments since Coolidge. No wonder he always seems so proud of himself.
The Presidential biographies on WhiteHouse.gov are from “The Presidents of the United States of America,” by Michael Beschloss and Hugh Sidey. Copyright 2009 by the White House Historical Association.
It appears that President Obama's staff think him as accomplished as all the presidents from Coolidge to today, combined.
In case anyone wants to check this yourself:
Is it cool to insert yourself into the legacy of your predecessors?
He's just saying that everyone is pushing for new jobs, but how can you higher more people to work when no one is buying anything. So to create jobs you need the middle class to buy things. They can buy things when they have more money to spend accomplished by taxed less.
Also upper class should be taxed more since they have a lot more money which they will never be spending. As his example he makes 1000x more than most people and yet still buys the same amount of stuff since one man can only have so much.
Ok, this is slightly OT but I was really sold on creating new green jobs and getting america to be an industry leader with technology and energy.
Can I have that under Ron Paul?
Ok, this is slightly OT but I was really sold on creating new green jobs and getting america to be an industry leader with technology and energy.
Can I have that under Ron Paul?
You're trying to establish a connection between two unrelated outcomes. It's up to the market to decide which technologies make it, and which don't. It's not the government's responsibility to dictate what technologies are to be implemented (Solyndra's a good example of this). If Ron Paul becomes president, we would hopefully have less government intervention in the market place, and therefore, a more prosperous market. When we have a more prosperous market, people become ambitious. And when people become ambitious, new technology becomes more readily available.
So to answer your question, yes, you can I have that under Ron Paul.