Presidential Election: 2012

  • Thread starter Omnis
After hearing his interviews and thinking on this a bit here is my conclusion. Rand Paul has gone a step further than Ron Paul in working within the system to forward the liberty movement. Ron Paul gave up hoping to achieve change as a Libertarian candidate after rules were designed to try to prevent another Ross Perot. Those rules essentially made it so that a third party has to be a success before they get all the benefits the two main parties get. So, Ron Paul began running as a Republican. He even occasionally endorsed House Republican candidates that agreed with him on key issues and didn't pose hard opposition on others. He also never endorsed a challenger over an incumbent. When he completely disagreed he just didn't give endorsements. Only in presidential elections did he support a third party candidate, and only after it became clear that the two main candidates were promising to overstep their authority. He stubbornly stood by principals before playing heavily in party politics. He did just enough to be disliked but not officially challenged for his office by the party, as the Democrats did to Lieberman.

Rand Paul went a step further. He will endorse the party candidate at all times. He promised to do it if he lost his primary and he promised to do it here months ago, if his father didn't win. He will endorse the party, despite disagreement on key principled issues, like NDAA. This gives him the ability to run in primaries without being accused of passively aiding Obama and not bring a true Republican.

So far, his vote has not been compromised. He has not changed his stances when creating, debating, or voting on policy. As I have countered every disgusting, mud tossing accusation made toward Ron Paul by challenging the accusers to find a single vote of his to back it up, I would be a hypocrite to not judge Rand Paul the same way. So long as his vote is note compromised I will still vote for him as my senator.

But, when I stood next to him on our state capital's steps, walked with him to a speech at Republican headquarters, met him at a local restaurant, wore campaign shirts every time I went out in large crowds and/or public places, put signs in my yard, stickers on my car, and donated my money, it was for a candidate who stood on principle first, no matter the cost. I was willing to lose if it meant that it was done with head held high in pride. But now, I cannot meet him in person without asking him flatly how you can endorse a man that supports many things like drones, NDAA, TSA, and The Patriot Act without giving a at least silent approval of those things, or how you can campaign with and stand behind a man at events where he discusses security, knowing he means even executing American citizens without due process, without somehow standing behind those ideas. When these things become seen as the horrible acts of government gone awry that they are, there will one day be a campaign ad with video of a Romney speech supporting these programs, and highlighted in the background will be an applauding Rand Paul. He can say he is not endorsing those positions, but history and his own silence will say otherwise.

Or as his father put it:
“Let it not be said that no one cared, that no one objected once it’s realized that our liberties and wealth are in jeopardy.”
― Ron Paul

Rand Paul is refusing to object while on the campaign trail. Could this give the liberty movement more power, ultimately? Yes. But just because we agree on the end result does not mean we agree on the methods.

So, when it comes to being a citizen of Kentucky my voting activity will be determined by his voting activity. My campaigning activity will be determined by his campaigning activity.

Rand Paul has so far not betrayed or sold anyone out. He has not been compromised as a legislator. He is not a traitor. But he is paying a hefty price in order to keep himself and our movement in a powerful position. Fortunately, the only thing he is selling is his own soul/conscience/whatever you want to call it. Mine is not for sale.

EDIT: My position on a Rand as VP role is that VP does not make policy. That would actually reduce his influence in Congress and would only be beneficial if Mitt were to die. I will not vote on the hope of a death. I spend every day waiting for the right person to die and that is a weight that is very heavy on my soul. No, Rand Paul as VP will not get my vote.

EDIT2: Carol Paul (Ron's wife) discussing Rand's endorsement on Ron Paul Radio. In short, he didn't talk to them, or at least her, beforehand and some people believe they can create change from inside the system. Rand has had much more success than Ron has at it, so that is the path he is taking.

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Why would Rand want to be VP? I'd expect that fat-ear-lobed grub Rubio to jump at that position first. Gotta get the Hialeah vote, you know.
Why would Rand want to be VP? I'd expect that fat-ear-lobed grub Rubio to jump at that position first. Gotta get the Hialeah vote, you know.

I don't think he would take it. As VP he would be powerless to do anything meaningful, would have to openly cheerlead policy he is opposed to, or he would have to overstep his power to forward his ideals and be purely hypocritical any time he mentions Constitutionality.

I only mentioned it because it has been discussed here.
I understand why Rand did this, I just don't get why he did it before the GOP convention. Wouldn't it be much better for his image to wait until his father was officially off the race before endorsing Romney? Or wouldn't it count if it was after the convention?
I understand why Rand did this, I just don't get why he did it before the GOP convention. Wouldn't it be much better for his image to wait until his father was officially off the race before endorsing Romney? Or wouldn't it count if it was after the convention?
I'm guessing here, but I reckon that it might have been part of the price for a prominent speaking slot at the GOP convention for Ron Paul...
Touring Mars
I'm guessing here, but I reckon that it might have been part of the price for a prominent speaking slot at the GOP convention for Ron Paul...

That, and his timing now was only done after Ron Paul sent an email to supporters saying that he will not have the delegates to get the nomination (kind of unofficially conceding) but that if the delegate totals continue to grow that the Liberty Movement's presence at the convention will be too large for the party to ignore.

In 2008 Ron Paul was shut out. He had to have a separate event across the street. This year a large percentage of the floor will be supporting Ron Paul. There will be a presence at the convention. Whether it is peaceful or not depends on the Republicans. Whether the Republicans tried to use noisy delegates to paint the liberty movement as disruptive troublemakers or a welcome second side to a conversation likely depended on Rand. Rand is willing to play party politics and this may very well be the natural next step in creating change in the party. Now, the trick here is who will get to speak, Ron or Rand? Rand is better at painting liberty movement initiatives as a fight against Obama and Democrats. Ron is the movement leader, shows more passion, and honestly feels more personable to me, but he will blame government as a whole and not release any one side off the hook for policies implemented over two administrations now.

I'm be interested in seeing how this plays out. Is the Republican party willing to allow a speech to a retiring congressman with a strong following, at the risk of having the hypocrisy of the two-party system brought to light and possibly change what the voters think, and possibly forcing a change in party message? Are Republican voters willing to accept and admit that what they hate about Obama's policies are just extensions if what they promoted under Bush and true change won't come with just a party change? Or will only the son be allowed to speak and fire up the anti-Obama message with a liberty based speech that dances around the two-party issues?

And more importantly, will the Ron Paul delegates have forgiven Rand enough for what they view as betrayal to allow him to speak uninterrupted? Or will the Internet drag the issues out and paint it all as hypocrisy, leaving Ron Paul as the only preemptive move Republicans have to deflect allegations of hypocrisy?

Or will it all just be boring?
I think really what bothers me about this is that it's an ends-justify-the-means argument. If we can do good within the republican party we have to put up with supporting some things we don't agree with.

The problem is the ends don't justify the means, ever, under any circumstances. I get the argument about the voting record, but I agree with FK above that even supporting these policies (without voting for them) is damaging.

Philosophically this is diverting the trolley onto the track with the 1 guy to save the 5.
I'm taking every chance I can to confront him on the endorsement of opposed views.

Today "he" tweeted:
@SenRandPaul: Don't let drones invade our privacy..My op-ed @CNN.

To which I replied:
@steve_travis: @SenRandPaul @cnn What is Mitt Romney's stance on drones?

I'm gonna keep this kind of thing up. Next time his office or the Campaign for Liberty sends me an email about one of his bills and asks me to contact my representatives I'll email his office asking him to openly stand up to all opposed to his idea, including the presidential nominee.
I can't say anything that hasn't already been said about it. FK, keep us updated on any responses you get back. The man must know how serious many of Ron's supporters are. Perhaps he really isn't what we were looking for but whatever. Time will tell I suppose.
I can't say anything that hasn't already been said about it. FK, keep us updated on any responses you get back. The man must know how serious many of Ron's supporters are. Perhaps he really isn't what we were looking for but whatever. Time will tell I suppose.

He knows. He gave an interview to The Daily Paul and multiple times says things about "what you read on the Internet." Either he is purposely ignoring it or he just disagrees and thinks they are over-reacting. Some are, but lumping raging language filled diatribes and death threats in with calm questions regarding philosophy and idealogical stance is taking an easy way out of addressing tough questions.

Link to the interview I mentioned:
Should the title of this thread be changed to 'The Ron Paul Thread'? I was going to make a comment about Bryan Fischer, his ultra conservative views, and what they mean for the Republican party and Mitt Romney.
Christ this election is still going on??

Just re-elect the slightly less bad guy and be done with it already...

Because that is how it works. If you don't like it turn off the news.
Has Ron Paul officially ended his run for president yet?

I ask because at our local 4th of July parade yesterday there was a "Ron Paul for President" group in the parade. (Ron Paul wasn't there obviously)

First time ever seeing a presidential candidate support group in the parade, usually it is just state rep's and senators.
Isn't the 4th of July in three days? As far as I know, it's not ended but rather he has stopped actively campaigning.
Ron Paul conceded that he will not be able to have enough delegates to win. Campaign for president has shifted to campaigning for the GOP platform.
Campaign for president has shifted to campaigning for the GOP platform.
Now that's a joke if I've ever heard one. Ron Paul campaigns for everything but the party platform. :lol:
Isn't the 4th of July in three days? As far as I know, it's not ended but rather he has stopped actively campaigning.

No, it's not the 4th yet, but streets had to be closed of in the middle of town for the parade, much easier to do on a weekend.
I would like to point out why I will never vote for any politician who supports The Patriot Act, the TSA, NDAA, drones in our skies, and do forth. Here is what is supposed to be, and as it once was, from the mouth of the late, great Andy Griffith.

Obama and Romney should take note. A sitcom about a backwoods North Carolina town understood it. Why can't they?
LOL FK, we are no longer concerned with justice :rolleyes: hehe

So I had a few thoughts after seeing the morning news, pretty funny neither one will discuss healthcare, both avoid the question when confronted like the plague. Obama was asked his greatest mistake in first term "I did not communicate how awesome I am" (ok, I paraphrased that, but not exactly made up).

Pawlenty is what I wanted to post about, first off, vp is not a big deal but could sway votes, any thought on this guy?

Personally I don't care for him one bit, always seems to be saying how current gov is not working and he has solutions. That equates to me even larger fed tbh.

Conclusions? these guys have egos bigger then ever, boo and 👎 to all that is offered.

Oh yeah, there was some gathering yesterday? Romney appeared at the naacp, no Obama which is weak imo, sure they will support him no mater what, but ffs he could not show?

Oh dear, what a joke this has become, beam me up scotty.
Ok, this hasn't been brought up yet and I honestly can't believe it.

This is from Obama's speech on Friday, July 13th as he defends his rich-only tax increases (not counting healthcare of course).

Now I won't go on some ignorant rant about socialists and communists. I get that Obama means that if it weren't for our American society you wouldn't be able to be successful or operate a successful business, so the rich should pay their "fair share."

There is one problem with that. Within the frame of our society the successful succeed while others fail. People build businesses while others go bankrupt. Individual success is earned within the same framework that others fail. Not just any American could be Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. I can't just put in the effort to invent something as popular as the iPod. I have to be exceptional to do that. I have to earn it in a way no other can. I would have done that on my own and built that business myself, within the framework of the same society that we all live in. I attended school with 115 other students my age. Same school, same teachers, same graduation date. I was ranked 6th in my class. I have gone on to earn a college degree and work in jobs that I have been promoted to management in, all while dealing with medical issues that none of the others had. Yet, some of those I graduated with have kids already in high school and work in Walmart. Others are doctors or small business owners. The differences were in our individuality, our exceptionalism, and were earned. And by God, a lot of us might have worked hard, but some of us worked a hell of a lot harder.

Now, as for this fair share crap. The rich don't pay their fair share? What is fair? They pay far more dollars than the rest of us. I will be taxed on having too good of a health plan. You want fair share? Let's find a way to tally how many government services we each use and tax based on that. That will be paying your fair share. Somehow, I believe that the rich wouldn't be paying nearly as much.

They pay their fair share and then some. To state that they don't and then claim their advantages aren't earned is nothing short of creating friction between the classes for political gain.
Just watched Romney make an ass out of himself on his tour through England, Poland and Israel. :lol:
Ok, this hasn't been brought up yet and I honestly can't believe it.

This is from Obama's speech on Friday, July 13th as he defends his rich-only tax increases (not counting healthcare of course).

Now I won't go on some ignorant rant about socialists and communists. I get that Obama means that if it weren't for our American society you wouldn't be able to be successful or operate a successful business, so the rich should pay their "fair share."

There is one problem with that. Within the frame of our society the successful succeed while others fail. People build businesses while others go bankrupt. Individual success is earned within the same framework that others fail. Not just any American could be Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. I can't just put in the effort to invent something as popular as the iPod. I have to be exceptional to do that. I have to earn it in a way no other can. I would have done that on my own and built that business myself, within the framework of the same society that we all live in. I attended school with 115 other students my age. Same school, same teachers, same graduation date. I was ranked 6th in my class. I have gone on to earn a college degree and work in jobs that I have been promoted to management in, all while dealing with medical issues that none of the others had. Yet, some of those I graduated with have kids already in high school and work in Walmart. Others are doctors or small business owners. The differences were in our individuality, our exceptionalism, and were earned. And by God, a lot of us might have worked hard, but some of us worked a hell of a lot harder.

Now, as for this fair share crap. The rich don't pay their fair share? What is fair? They pay far more dollars than the rest of us. I will be taxed on having too good of a health plan. You want fair share? Let's find a way to tally how many government services we each use and tax based on that. That will be paying your fair share. Somehow, I believe that the rich wouldn't be paying nearly as much.

They pay their fair share and then some. To state that they don't and then claim their advantages aren't earned is nothing short of creating friction between the classes for political gain.

Well said.
Just watched Romney make an ass out of himself on his tour through England, Poland and Israel. :lol:

Someone should warn him those nations don't have any electorates in November. Extensive foreign travel didn't work so well for Michael Dukakis, although the tank was a really lousy way to get around town.

(Obviously, he's going for the heartstrings of traditionally-Democratic voters, foreign policy strengthening training, etc.)