Primus Ortus

Hey Solo! Hope you had a great holidays and new year. My editing skills are barely luke warm, but I have fun with the process. I appreciate the kind words!

Hey thanks :D Still on holiday and all is going super! Now now going on the basis of this stunning 458 set I wish to reinforce my original statement. That editing :bowdown: And the 1st, 6th, 7th, and 10th shots are pure awesomeness and the rest are no letdowns either! One of the best sets I have seen posted up here :drool: 👍
My poor attempt at GT5 photography and editing can't give the car justice, but I had a good time racing it around Nurburgring and taking photos nevertheless.

What are you talking about? Absolutely love the 3rd one. :drool: The rest are good as well.
Well, well, Dave. I think you actually might know already what I think of these. But I'll say it again... Or, wait. I think I won't actually do that. You know I love these, and for god's sake. Use the "cool" filter more often. :lol: Just fantastic, really.

I'm stuck on how you and many others can make the forests look so... Forest like, here for example. As usual, I find your work stunning. And it's always a pleasure to see and comment. 👍 :drool: :drool:
Finally another update - it's only been about 2 weeks since the last one, but I almost made it to page 5 - woot! This set includes my 2.0 entry for the SLR. Funny that I never got that car until that competition, because it's actually a great car with the right tune. Would I buy it in real life if I had the money - nope. There are other cars I'd rather break my bank on, but it was nice to shoot in GT5.







Also, I did some miscellaneous shots for fun with the DB9. I know people don't generally like the look of the modifications on cars in pics, but I couldn't help myself. I really, really, like the look of the Aston Martin GTR (which would be nice if PD added in a DLC! :dopey:), so that was the look I was going for.



Lastly, just a few pics of the BMW M5 for the latest CCCL comp. PD did a great job with the sound of the car in one of the latest updates, it's a beast even when it's just at idle.






Don't know, but this has to be your best update to date!
Pictures 1 and 2 are close to perfection! Paaah, they are!

I really wished mine would've looked like that. So I just released one, but that is nothing comparing to yours!

Outstanding update, Primus!

Wow, thanks. Although, I think yours was better than mine... :)

It's... it's... :drool: ......................... :drool: ................................
Brilliant work !

Thank you my friend.

Amazing 458 pictures, very, very good

Thanks! The 458 doesn't need any help to make it beautiful. It just is.

Sorry for not posting on your gallery lately just not come across it that often.

But back to the set, this has to be one of the best sets from you. Just the mood of the shots alone, and the angle's of the shots are epic. My favorite has to be the first one, that is in my top 10 of the best pictures I have ever seen on :gtplanet:

Thank you Matt! Don't worry about it - there's so many galleries on GTP now with great quality (like yours) that it's hard to visit them consistently. Thanks for stopping by when you can though, that's very nice.

Hey thanks :D Still on holiday and all is going super! Now now going on the basis of this stunning 458 set I wish to reinforce my original statement. That editing :bowdown: And the 1st, 6th, 7th, and 10th shots are pure awesomeness and the rest are no letdowns either! One of the best sets I have seen posted up here :drool: 👍

Glad your holiday went well Solo. There's really not much editing on this one. I used the cool filter in-game and then did some smoothing of textures and color work. No biggy. The 1st shot is my favorite as well.

Primus... Ortus... All I can say is awesome! :drool: 1st and 13th are my favs 👍

Thank you my friend.

What are you talking about? Absolutely love the 3rd one. :drool: The rest are good as well.

Thank you kaede. I used the cool filter in-game on that one, which is probably the first time I've done that. I finally discovered that the cool filter does okay in night shots, as long as you amp the exposure up. The bloom/vignetting effect in GT5 makes it really difficult to get a good unedited shot without alot of color banding.

Well, well, Dave. I think you actually might know already what I think of these. But I'll say it again... Or, wait. I think I won't actually do that. You know I love these, and for god's sake. Use the "cool" filter more often. :lol: Just fantastic, really.


Thank you as always Jacob. I really appreciate the kind words my friend.

I'm stuck on how you and many others can make the forests look so... Forest like, here for example. As usual, I find your work stunning. And it's always a pleasure to see and comment. 👍 :drool: :drool:

Thanks a bunch Skython! It's all in the lighting. The forests, however, take some work - some angles bring out the poor rendering.

Awesome, 1 and 6 are my favourites. 👍

Thank you GP - me too. :)
Just some Rally fun. I'm pretty bad at Rally racing, so I think I'll keep my day job...

Look ma - no solar flare! (I know some of you don't care for solar flares...:ill:)

A little shout out for panning mode 1:

Subaru should pay me for this little advertisement...

You dirty, dirty Suzuki you...(click on it to see what I'm talkin' about...:))


Very beautiful shots, Primus ! :drool: :drool: :drool:

Thank you my friend. I appreciate the visit and comments.

3, 4 and 10 are the most stunning here. As usual a superb update! 👍 :drool:

Hey Skython - thanks. I like 4 and 10 as well. Three is still growing on me... :sly:

3, 4 and 9 are my favourites. they are epic

Thanks Matt! I was going to use number 9 for the CCCL entry, instead of the one I ended up using. I like the way the red BMW looks better and the white pillars turned out better. I guess its a good thing I didn't though, since my other photo seems to be doing okay in the polls. Go figure. :)
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Beautiful, beautiful photos! :drool:
You may or may not be bad at rally racing but by jingers you're good at rally photography. 👍
The panning mode 1 shot is really good and Subaru might've paid you but they might object to the Subie always trailing the Suzuki. ;)
I like the lens flare!!! I love my lens flare (hence an update that is full of it). :drool: And about the dirty Suzuki. Is it the dirt on the front of the leader or the Suzuki having a dirt lunch behind? ;)
Beautiful, beautiful photos! :drool:
You may or may not be bad at rally racing but by jingers you're good at rally photography. 👍
The panning mode 1 shot is really good and Subaru might've paid you but they might object to the Subie always trailing the Suzuki. ;)

Wow, thanks Nato - that's very kind of you. I kind of like this set as well. The colors came out right nice and shiny. :dopey: I think the panning mode 1 shot is probably my favorite - it makes me feel like I'm sitting on the side watching the action. That said, I'm still not satisfied with the lack of realism of the shots and I wanted to get more out of the lighting, which reminds me that I was going to go back and do an HDRI of that area... Thanks a bunch for the view and comment my friend.

I like the lens flare!!! I love my lens flare (hence an update that is full of it). :drool: And about the dirty Suzuki. Is it the dirt on the front of the leader or the Suzuki having a dirt lunch behind? ;)

Woot! Me too! Not many people like the lens flare, but I think I put that one in the right spot. The dirt on the front and sides of the Subie was added to the photo using the repair/smudge/and dodge tools. I also had to repair the dirt lunch behind. It's still missing a bunch of things, but I'm done with it... :indiff:

Very nice set. I love the bit of Subaru advertisement. :lol:👍

Thanks ashes! Glad you're back to the GT5 galleries. I hope your time playing MW3 was fun. (That's what it was right?)
Thanks ashes! Glad you're back to the GT5 galleries. I hope your time playing MW3 was fun. (That's what it was right?)

:lol: Yeah that was fun but I stopped playing halfway through December. Ever since then I've been playing Ultimate Team on Fifa 12. :D
:/ ohh dear your entry didnt make it , i would have voted for it 100 %

i hope you keep your gallery up to date mate :)

Wow! I wasn't expecting as many comments, but I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth, so to speak. Thanks everyone!

Fantastic rally shots, awesome realism. :drool:

Thanks SVX - I really don't think I've got the hang of realism just yet, but maybe over time I will!

Sweet rally shots. 👍 And I sucked at rally too. :P

HAHA, thanks. Maybe with a little practice I'll actually be able to compete in the Rally special event. Until then, oh well.

Love the rally sets, great action shots and editing. 👍

Thank you c_f! I'm trying!

They are beautiful shots, I love the last one, finally someone else doing rally shots.

That's the irony Matt - I'm terrible at Rally racing, but I love taking Rally shots. Maybe it's because Eiger is so inviting. Wish I were there... :)

:lol: Yeah that was fun but I stopped playing halfway through December. Ever since then I've been playing Ultimate Team on Fifa 12. :D

Nice - soccer/futbol! Is it fun? I'll have to get it so I can play it with my kiddos.

:/ ohh dear your entry didnt make it , i would have voted for it 100 %

i hope you keep your gallery up to date mate :)


Thanks nanabu, and might I say, your shots of late have been (as always) quite amazing! I try to keep my gallery as up to date as possible, which means new pictures about once every two weeks... :indiff: I was a little disappointed I didn't make the comp, but that's okay - there's a lot of good entries in the poll. I think in retrospect, however, that I should have chosen the panning mode 1 picture. I believe it may have made the pole, merely because it's a little bit different. Oh well, there's always next time!

Your rally shot is awesome ... fantastic!!! :)

Hey thanks Loading! I appreciate the kind words my friend.

The rally shots are very good, especially the third

Thanks DarkR - that was my favorite as well. :)

Plain and simple, really, really good. [/thread] :P

Heh, thanks Jacob, but you're too kind. :)

Le Part Un and Deux are very awesome!
Well done, Primus!

Thanks my friend!