I havent have a problem with my 360 since I bought in November of 08. But last week My friend came to my house to play for fun.(it was call of duty night. he dosent have a 360) We played quite a while and had fun(just me and him). But then I got tired. So my friend was playing CoD online by himself(on my gamertag). As I walked out of the room to go to the bathroom he screamed "YO DUDE!!!" So I walked back to see why he called and I saw 3 bright red lights..
. This was the first time seeing my first RROD in person. But then I also noticed the computer was turned off and my cell phone wasnt charging(I had it plugged in). It can only be one thing, a black out. Then the power came back and I tried turning the 360 on. It worked fine.
I just want to make sure that the 3 red lights just came up because of the black out. its normal right? I dont have the RROD?