Project cars 2 bug report Q&A

  • Thread starter TDZdave
Wow. 5 "major" bugs, eh.

Add in:

49) penultimate corner at Sugo has a time warp if you drive over the curbing on corner entry

50) starting an offline custom event, if you go right to the race start without loading a tune, sometimes the game assigns completely random and over inflated pressures, with temps dancing around in a range of at least 10C. Restarting the session seems to "fix" the issue.

51) people get stuck at 75% exactly in online loading screens, repeatedly.

52) time trials starting people on tires that are barely warm

53) no way to search the online lobby by connection speed / ping

54) when you filter the search by lobby population, the game counts like this: 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; 1, 1, 1, 1

55) no way to filter the lobby by session, and session length remaining. Why the game thinks I'm interested in seeing a Race lobby that has 1 hour left to go is beyond me.

56). No way to search for multiple classes at once. Ie, all formula rooms, all vintage GT rooms, etc.

57). In online races, if you use the default pit strategy with tires set to "Automatic by Weather," sometimes, the game won't switch you to wet/dry tires, it keeps you on what you were on before. Slicks in a thunderstorm, no big deal.

58). If you create an online, multiclass race, with AI opponents, the split between the "fast" class and "slow" class will be determined by the AI skill rating. The higher the rating, the more cars in the fast class. So if you want to race in the slow class, but against good AI, you'll basically be racing by yourself.

59). The AI in multiclass racing is rather brutal. I did a 1/2 hour race at Daytona with the AI on 80. I was GT3, other classes were GTE and LMP2. I started last, rolling start, almost 20 seconds behind the leader. I finished the race less than 50 seconds behind the lead LMP2, despite having close racing with the GT3 cars. The GTE cars finished less than 10 seconds ahead of the lead GT3 car. Not a single car got lapped by a single LMP2 in 30 minutes of racing.

One LMP2 car crashed, and made its way through the field...barely. In traffic, the AI LMP2 car was slowee than the AI GT3 cars. I couldn't believe disappointing lol.

For now, I use LMP1 as my fast class when doing imsa type least I get lapperagy happening that way.
A lot of those are not bugs, but requests for change.
They're over sites that should have been picked up by any half versed tester. Most of those "requests" are things missing that I noticed in the first hour of playing. Any half decent beta tester would have pointed out all that stuff.

I guess we make some decent beta testers.
Marked it up with Fixed and Feature requests.

Can somebody verify at all these things are fixed in current version?
(Quantum counting 5+20 is hard from these.. Gonna go shopping this title when quantum counting isn't needed and normal math is around 0+1)

Quote from SMS worker web page comments:

1.) There is no way to type and communicate in a room unless you’re driving. This was a bug in PC1 where the online lobby didn’t work. And since there’s a “Timeout” function that automatically puts you back in the pits, you can no longer park on the side of the road for a while to type in the chatbox. (There seems to have been an attempt to fix this, but with all my game time it seems to only work ~10% of the time, and only in the practice session, never the Qualifying Session.)

2.) Replays still broken. Cars stuck on the grid, and still in the pits, even though they were finishing high in the race. Bug possibly has to do with players leaving in the middle of the race.

3.) Silverstone Classic is still broken. Assume that Hockenheim Classic is also broken. They had the same bugs in PC1 as Silverstone Classic. Need to test them out thoroughly. Basically what happened was that we practiced and qualified, and then started the race it literally raced all the way to the finish line, 15 feet in front of us. We didn’t even get 1 lap in. The race went from the starting grid, to the starting line.

4.) Tracks without Pits: There are many tracks in the game that don’t have pits. This inherently means that you can’t have a Practice Session in multiplayer. I don’t care if you have to create unrealistic pits, or if there’s only 2 pit boxes, you have to do it! Otherwise any map without pits either won’t be used, or will only be a short term gimmick.
5.) Invisible Walls are still in Project Cars. This bug has been in Project Cars 1 since day 1.


6.) Rejoining Lobbies: If you rejoin a multiplayer lobby after you quit / get disconnected, your time is wiped out. It needs to have the times saved to Steam Profile on the server. Similarly, you can’t rejoin a lobby you get disconnected from, even if you start from the pits or take a time penalty and restart from the pits. This functionality is vital to have if you want PC2 to be used for Endurance races.

7.) There are certain tracks that give “Cut Track” penalties when you are in the middle of the track. Circuit of the America’s turn 1 is one example. Watkin’s Glenn turn 1 is another. Algarve is another.

8.) Cut Track penalty system during passing is broken. If someone spins and / or lets you pass by significantly slowing down, the system thinks the passing car is “cheating”, and forces the passing car to give the spot back. Also, it forces you to give the numerical position back, but not necessarily forces you to give it back to the person you “cheated.” Assume that if / when this system activates at the right time, it’ll still make you give back the position #, not the place to the correct driver.

9.) “Cut Track” penalties are inconsistent, wrong, and illogical. They sometimes occur one lap, but not the next on the same line. Sometimes putting two wheels over the white line gives a cut track, other times going 4 wheels over does not, in the same exact spot.

10.) “Cut Track” penalties give you 30 seconds to slow down and serve the penalty. This is so long that you can brake normally for the next corner and “clear” the penalty. The system either needs to be cut severely in order to serve it (like down to 5 seconds) or needs better coding so that slowing down for a normal corner doesn’t clear the penalty.
11.) In some tracks, the pit crew doesn’t let you leave the pit box. There is a system in the game that prevents you from driving out of your box if there is a car approaching (which is good), but it seems to get tripped up by other cars in their pit boxes just sitting there. Even if the drivers are still in the menu.

12.) Tire System: The tire system is basically broken across all cars. Some cars actually go faster on Wet Tires than slicks in dry weather, and the tires don’t overheat in a reasonable amount of time. Other tires don’t build up any heat at all. Also, like in PC1, it is not justified to use Hard tires at any time over softs because Soft Tires don’t wear off / degrade like they should.

13.) Slight damage to the front causes massive (unproportional) amount of radiator damage in the short and the long term. This is an old PCars 1 bug that was fixed for PCars 1.

14.) Visual Only damage is broken. While it resists damage and doesn’t cause any problems while everything is attached, if you lose a part, that part is removed from the aerodynamic model. I.E. With Visual Only Damage, if you lose a wing or a foil, it should be that you have no handling issues, but it means you can no longer maneuver because the foil is gone from the aero model, too.

15.) The gears sometimes load up incorrectly, and trying to change them causes further bugs. Another Project Cars 1 bug (but not a PC1 day 1 bug).

16.) The functions required to properly steward a race are missing. I.E. We need the ability to assess penalties, and remove penalties. We need the ability to restart the count up and restart the race (in order to get people back in who D/C).
17.) If you accelerate time in Qualifying (in singleplayer), the AI outperform what they should by several seconds per lap.
18.) Double shifting, even TRIPLE SHIFTING is still in game. This is another Project Cars 1 Day 1 bug. Thankfully with down shift protection it has yet to grenade an engine of mine, but earlier today I shifted from 2nd straight to 5th gear.

19.) Hitting the right side mouse button immediately takes you back to the previous menu with no “Are you sure?” prompts. The problem is that there are several places where it’s vital to have the prompt. For example, I was hosting a MP session last night and twice accidentally hit it, which immediately dropped me back to the main menu. Because of this (and the inheriting a lobby bug), I had to restart the lobby several times to get the right options.
20.) Cars still crash and bump into each other in Automatic Rolling Start. The problem is that this gives you both damage (when you can’t control it) AND time penalties.

21.) In no place at the main lobby for the race, or while monitoring, or while bringing up the times while monitoring, does it say what kind of car the person is racing, only the class of car. A small picture isn’t good enough.
22.) Speeding in the pits during the race results in a DQ. It should result in a Stop and Go penalty.

23.) At no place in an online race past the main lobby does it actually show how many laps the race will be. See #1, an attempt was made to show the “Online Lobby” during the race, but it doesn’t show up the majority of the time.
24.) The recent performance of your tires (temperatures, temp gradients, final pressure) should show up in tuning, but doesn’t. You literally can see the spot they are supposed to be in the set up, but it doesn’t actually change.
25.) The pit stop limiter doesn’t default as on when you start from your pitbox. (It does in every single other game. And combined with the fact that speeding in the pits results in DQ’s, this is a bad oversight.)
It works fine/Fixed
26.) There are functions that can’t be changed once a lobby has been created that could be changed in Project Cars 1. For example the selection to have “Car Class”, Multi-Class, or Identical cars to lobby host can not be changed.
27.) Lobbies sometimes get locked up and can’t progress for no apparent reason. Furthermore people get stuck at the “Ready Screen”, unable to click the “Ready” button, and get locked out. Cause still undetermined.

28.) If you get across the start line before the green light on a Rolling Start, it still counts the lap as having completed, but only STARTS the clock for that person’s total race time once they cross for the next lap. Basically, if you jump the start line before the green light, even with the drivethrough penalty you’ll come out ahead of those that did NOT jump the start line.

29.) There is no rewind function when on the “Monitor” race section. I.E. Vital race steward functions are missing. (For example, a race steward needs to be able to rewind to an accident, cut track or other problem, figure out who’s at fault, and assess penalties).
30.) The rating system is nice, but there is NO explanation given as to what points you got, and why you got them, and how to move up or down in the safety classes. There should be a box on the final splash screen that shows you your rating change. Or perhaps another screen that shows the points change for all the drivers.
31.) No matter what you do, the virtual mirror turns itself off everytime you go back to the pits. Also occasionally the HUD disappears, and no matter what you do, you can’t get it back.

32.) When you go to the car selection screen, it reverts to the default screen instead of the last screen you used. I.E. If you want to select a car by class, you make your selection, and then go back, it’s not still on the select by class screen.
33.) The end of race logic and server tracking is entirely broken. I just had a multi-class race where I was clear ahead (but in a slower class), not lapped, and when the leader crossed the starting line, I got a 5 second warning before the AI took over. I got sent to the splash screen, however the other drivers in the class DID NOT get sent to the splash screen, and continued to race. They eventually overtook me, and got the spot on the final leaderboard. Thankfully, when I saw the splash screen, it gave me my rating and didn’t take it away once we went back to lobby.

34.) We’ve discovered another break in “end of session” logic. Basically we were finishing up qualifying, and we got to finish our flying laps. People joined late. The session ended, we went to the qualifying results splash screen, but it didn’t end for everyone. Some people (I assume late joiners, but I couldn’t see because I was stuck on the splash screen) were able to leave the pits and drive out on the track as the rest of us were stuck waiting at the results. The session broke, we got stuck, and it never advanced for anyone.

(The bug may or may not be track related [Algarve], others reported something similar when they played earlier, but it got unstuck for them.)

35.) If you leave a server before you see the final splash screen, you are removed from the final results. This bug has been in since day 1 of Project Cars 1, and needs to be fixed.

36.) Jump start or even a questionable jump start in Rally Cross is immediate DQ. It should be a time penalty.
37.) You are unable to turn off assists in an active Time Trial session, even if it’s unrealistic on a car.

38.) Basically if the lobby host leaves, and someone else takes over, the lobby automatically changes to that person’s default or last settings, changing options that are not even available to change after you’ve started a lobby.

39.) There’s an option that comes up during your cooldown lap that says something like “Exit to pits in the Pause Menu.” But if you hit the escape button, you don’t see the option to go to pits. If you hit the Car Management menu, you don’t see it there, either.

40.) AI behavior is good if you are in front or behind of them while in Multiplayer, but they don’t recognize a car next to them unless they’ve been there for a long while, and often attempt to ram them.
41.) If an AI car gets damaged during the pace lap and “decides” to pit to fix it, they do not hold their position and then enter the pits. Instead they go full speed for the race course to get to the pits, and damn anyone that gets in the way.

42.) Time Trial Leaderboards in game cannot be filtered by “Class.” Instead it shows “All” cars. Also, it’s missing “All Cars” option.
43.) DRS still doesn’t work the way it’s supposed to. (I.E. Only available in certain zones on the track. And during the race it only activates 2-3 laps in AND only if you are within 1 second of the guy ahead of you.) If SMS is unwilling to do it right, it should be removed altogether. Or at least give us an option when creating a server to disable it.
44.) Got a “Pit Box Full” error, but was able to pit and fix damage. Either the message was in error, or I shouldn’t have been allowed to pit.

45.) AI’s behavior isn’t predictive. It’s basically on rails. Let me give you an example. In one race last night I got damage early from AI’s (see #3), and the car was difficult to control. At one point I spun out, and came to a stop right in the middle of the road. I saw an AI coming for me still a decent ways away. So I stayed still to allow the AI to go around me. The AI didn’t brake, move to the left, or to the right. It plowed right into me, even though I was on his path for a good 4 seconds just sitting there. (I’m experimenting with this one. It seems to be a problem with AI in multiplayer sessions only. Still working on it.)

46.) The Formula C is no longer a Formula 3 facsimile, but a Star Mazda (facsimile). It should be renamed to something like Indy Small (Indy Light is already taken by an official and real car) so it isn’t confused for a Formula 3. (Further more, we should get a Formula 3 car some time in the future.)
Lol wut/Feature
47.) Hole in the Track: Doing Sakitto GP it’s possible to fall through the track if you go where the outside (of the pit turn) pit lane sign is.

48.) The weather system is great, but it’s a little funky session to session. For example, I’m assuming that Practice, Qualifying, and the Race does not happen back to back to back. I’m assuming that they happen on “different” days. I.E. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The problem is that when you start a new session with new weather, it is assumed to be back to back. If you start qualifying with light rain, when it was dry before, the track is assumed to be dry, and thus skew the qualifying results. With the total control server admins now have, if they want it to be dry to begin with, they should set it that way in the weather settings. So if a session starts with a setting, it must assume to be that setting for a period of time. I.E. Start with light rain, assume the track is wet, not dry (but getting wet).
^ Wow. I've been lucky so far!

I can't even remember all the bugs I've encountered. There's over 40 I've uploaded evidence of on my YT channel, so just have a look at that to discover more. That will easily add another 20 or so to this list.

Speaking of bugs, textures go missing with grass as well as track surfaces. I think trackside objects have gone missing here too.

And I simply have no idea what happened here! Neither did anyone else!

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Just... WOW! Thank you for taking the time to document all this. So many of these have happened to me on console, but only once or twice. My tendency is to disregard and forget about it. But to see it all articulated, I'm like, "yeah, I remember that happening to me too!" (5) (7) (8) (9) and (20) are probably the most frequent and frustrating to me.

He put some serious work in there. They should hire him.
^ Wow. I've been lucky so far!

I can't even remember all the bugs I've encountered. There's over 40 I've uploaded evidence of on my YT channel, so just have a look at that to discover more. That will easily add another 20 or so to this list.

Speaking of bugs, textures go missing with grass as well as track surfaces. I think trackside objects have gone missing here too.

And I simply have no idea what happened here! Neither did anyone else!

That second one, I've had the exact same thing happen online. TC cars at Watkins Glen. Cost me 20 something points on my license.
I love Project Cars for many reasons: great physics, car selection, track selection and dynamic weather, but I cannot envision investing into the future of the series (P Cars 3) until they have a beta period or something similar.

There's a lot to look forward to once the many bugs are squashed...but the exterminator is still not available apparently.:scared:

SMS is good at fan interaction so I have high hopes.
I really needed a new sim worth playing (IMO) after a decade of waiting, so I don't regret my pre-order of PCARS2 even if you want to call it a beta in its current state. I knew there was a chance it would turn out this way but I chose not to wait another year.

However, now that I have PCARS2 to fill the role of my go-to sim, PCARS3 won't necessarily earn any such leniency. In that sense, this game's accomplishments will put additional pressure on SMS to do better with the next game's launch.
I really needed a new sim worth playing (IMO) after a decade of waiting, so I don't regret my pre-order of PCARS2 even if you want to call it a beta in its current state. I knew there was a chance it would turn out this way but I chose not to wait another year.

However, now that I have PCARS2 to fill the role of my go-to sim, PCARS3 won't necessarily earn any such leniency. In that sense, this game's accomplishments will put additional pressure on SMS to do better with the next game's launch.

I bought P cars and P Cars 2 on day one. P Cars 3, I don't care how good it looks or how many features it adds, it will have to pass the forum test haha.

For real, though.
"... fool me twice." pCARS2 is 2017 version of GT6 for me. After GT6, I was done believing anything PD stated/marketed. I will now have the same approach to SMS and pCARS3. Maybe I'll purchase pCARS3 6-12 months after release. Maybe not.
Oh oh... what do I see here. Bugs in a game that has been delayed by a year, had a huge budget, Sony’s backing, all the while lacking content. Can’t be real, can it? Shifting problems? Throttle problems? FFB not good enough? Issues with the driver ratings? Pitting issues? Stuck trying to connect to the servers? PS4 freezing? HDR not working? Maybe SMS paid a visit and wrote part of the code, right?

Just trying to say that modern games have become immensely complex pieces of software and it’s not the same games we had back in the 80s and 90s, where it was a lot of the time a 2-3 man job on the complete game. Trying to push boundaries does come at a cost, so just hope that people keep that in mind and not get themselves too worked up over a video game. That $60 you paid in 2017 would buy you half the game ($31) back in the 1990, just in terms of what value we get nowadays for our money.
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Oh oh... what do I see here. Bugs in a game that has been delayed by a year, had a huge budget, Sony’s backing, all the while lacking content. Can’t be real, can it? Shifting problems? Throttle problems? FFB not good enough? Issues with the driver ratings? Pitting issues? Stuck trying to connect to the servers? PS4 freezing? HDR not working? Maybe SMS paid a visit and wrote part of the code, right?

Just trying to say that modern games have become immensely complex pieces of software and it’s not the same games we had back in the 80s and 90s, where it was a lot of the time a 2-3 man job on the complete game. Trying to push boundaries does come at a cost, so just hope that people keep that in mind and not get themselves too worked up over a video game. That $60 you paid in 2017 would buy you half the game ($31) back in the 1990, just in terms of what value we get nowadays for our money.
I understand all modern AAA games have bugs, but to be fair this is the 2nd time in a row the PC version has been much more polished with less bugs than the console versions.
I understand all modern AAA games have bugs, but to be fair this is the 2nd time in a row the PC version has been much more polished with less bugs than the console versions.
Yep, I feel the pain of console users, but GT games show that even having a single platform to develop for doesn’t guarantee bug free games. Anyway, I hope most people will eventually be able to enjoy the game as it’s meant to be, cause it’s pretty great.
Btw. Above list seemed to hurt feelings of mentioned SMS worker and he cleaned?(deleted?) that out from comments section, there's only answer on leftover: (*language warning*) just link coz text too rude for pasting here.

Orginal list creator list on Reddit: (*language warning, just for safety*)

I commended SMS on fixing bugs and not denying them. I hope this is just a miscommunication. I really hope SMS will address these issues. I hope to see my friend Andy on the beach in Mexico and shake his hand again... I hope...
I commended SMS on fixing bugs and not denying them. I hope this is just a miscommunication. I really hope SMS will address these issues. I hope to see my friend Andy on the beach in Mexico and shake his hand again... I hope...
Closing eyes and denying problems isn't good solution..

Danneskjold updates list more polite way, updated etc.

@IanBell any changes to share some timetable when these are done?

-Quote starts-

Danneskjold's running list of bugs, big and small. Week 4 Polite Edition.

Hi Drivers! Here we are, at the start of Week 4 of Project Cars 2! We are up to 50 bugs so far, but the good news is that 2 of them were fixed! They'll be listed after everything, and mainly maintained until I am absolutely sure they've been fixed.

My computer is an i5-4690K with Windows 10 64 Bit and 16 gigs of ram. I'm running Project Cars 2 off of a SSD, with a GTX 760. I host many races through the P2P multiplayer option.

This list is organized by severity. #1 = Most game breaking bug. #5000 = Minor Inconvenience.

Big 1.) Cut Track penalty system during passing is broken. If someone spins and / or lets you pass by significantly slowing down, the system thinks the passing car is "cheating", and forces the passing car to give the spot back. Also, it forces you to give the numerical position back, but not necessarily forces you to give it back to the person you "cheated." Assume that if / when this system activates at the right time, it'll still make you give back the position #, not the place to the correct driver. (Edit: This bug occurred no less than 6 separate times in the League race we had yesterday. This bug is so massive and so game breaking that we'll be turning off penalties for all league races moving forward until this is fixed.)

1.) There is no way to type and communicate in a room unless you're driving. This was a bug in PC1 where the online lobby didn't work. And since there's a "Timeout" function that automatically puts you back in the pits, you can no longer park on the side of the road for a while to type in the chatbox. (There seems to have been an attempt to fix this, but with all my game time it seems to only work ~10% of the time, and only in the practice session, never the Qualifying Session.)

2.) Replays still broken. Cars stuck on the grid, and still in the pits, even though they were finishing high in the race. Bug possibly has to do with players leaving in the middle of the race.

3.) Silverstone Classic is still broken. Assume that Hockenheim Classic is also broken. They had the same bugs in PC1 as Silverstone Classic. Need to test them out thoroughly. Basically what happened was that we practiced and qualified, and then started the race it literally raced all the way to the finish line, 15 feet in front of us. We didn't even get 1 lap in. The race went from the starting grid, to the starting line.

4.) Tracks without Pits: There are many tracks in the game that don't have pits. This inherently means that you can't have a Practice Session in multiplayer. I don't care if you have to create unrealistic pits, or if there's only 2 pit boxes, you have to do it! Otherwise any map without pits either won't be used, or will only be a short term gimmick.

5.) Invisible Walls are still in Project Cars. This bug has been in Project Cars 1 since day 1.
6.) Rejoining Lobbies: If you rejoin a multiplayer lobby after you quit / get disconnected, your time is wiped out. It needs to have the times saved to Steam Profile on the server. Similarly, you can't rejoin a lobby you get disconnected from, even if you start from the pits or take a time penalty and restart from the pits. This functionality is vital to have if you want PC2 to be used for Endurance races.

7.) There are certain tracks that give "Cut Track" penalties when you are in the middle of the track. Circuit of the America's turn 1 is one example. Watkin's Glenn turn 1 is another. Algarve is another.

8.) Not FIXED.) Set ups change by themselves, sometimes don't actually save, and sometimes don't activate despite being saved. Trying to determine the cause. Furthermore, it shows no error when set ups fail to save or activate. (Edit: Apparently this is NOT FIXED. A new screen shows up when you save a set up, but this screen is window dressing. It's not verifying if you successfully saved or activated a set up, but only shows up because you hit the save button.)

9.) "Cut Track" penalties are inconsistent, wrong, and illogical. They sometimes occur one lap, but not the next on the same line. Sometimes putting two wheels over the white line gives a cut track, other times going 4 wheels over does not, in the same exact spot.

10.) "Cut Track" penalties give you 30 seconds to slow down and serve the penalty. This is so long that you can brake normally for the next corner and "clear" the penalty. The system either needs to be cut severely in order to serve it (like down to 5 seconds) or needs better coding so that slowing down for a normal corner doesn't clear the penalty.

11.) In some tracks, the pit crew doesn't let you leave the pit box. There is a system in the game that prevents you from driving out of your box if there is a car approaching (which is good), but it seems to get tripped up by other cars in their pit boxes just sitting there. Even if the drivers are still in the menu.

12.) Tire System: The tire system is basically broken across all cars. Some cars actually go faster on Wet Tires than slicks in dry weather, and the tires don't overheat in a reasonable amount of time. Other tires don't build up any heat at all. Also, like in PC1, it is not justified to use Hard tires at any time over softs because Soft Tires don't wear off / degrade like they should.

13.) Slight damage to the front causes massive (unproportional) amount of radiator damage in the short and the long term. This is an old PCars 1 bug that was fixed for PCars 1.

14.) Visual Only damage is broken. While it resists damage and doesn't cause any problems while everything is attached, if you lose a part, that part is removed from the aerodynamic model. I.E. With Visual Only Damage, if you lose a wing or a foil, it should be that you have no handling issues, but it means you can no longer maneuver because the foil is gone from the aero model, too.

15.) The gears sometimes load up incorrectly, and trying to change them causes further bugs. Another Project Cars 1 bug (but not a PC1 day 1 bug).

16.) The functions required to properly steward a race are missing. I.E. We need the ability to assess penalties, and remove penalties. We need the ability to restart the count up and restart the race (in order to get people back in who D/C).

17.) If you accelerate time in Qualifying (in singleplayer), the AI outperform what they should by several seconds per lap.

18.) Double shifting, even TRIPLE SHIFTING is still in game. This is another Project Cars 1 Day 1 bug. Thankfully with down shift protection it has yet to grenade an engine of mine, but earlier today I shifted from 2nd straight to 5th gear.

19.) Hitting the right side mouse button immediately takes you back to the previous menu with no "Are you sure?" prompts. The problem is that there are several places where it's vital to have the prompt. For example, I was hosting a MP session last night and twice accidentally hit it, which immediately dropped me back to the main menu. Because of this (and the inheriting a lobby bug), I had to restart the lobby several times to get the right options.

20.) Cars still crash and bump into each other in Automatic Rolling Start. The problem is that this gives you both damage (when you can't control it) AND time penalties.

21.) In no place at the main lobby for the race, or while monitoring, or while bringing up the times while monitoring, does it say what kind of car the person is racing, only the class of car. A small picture isn't good enough.

22.) Speeding in the pits during the race results in a DQ. It should result in a Stop and Go penalty.

23.) At no place in an online race past the main lobby does it actually show how many laps the race will be. See #1, an attempt was made to show the "Online Lobby" during the race, but it doesn't show up the majority of the time.

24.) The recent performance of your tires (temperatures, temp gradients, final pressure) should show up in tuning, but doesn't. You literally can see the spot they are supposed to be in the set up, but it doesn't actually change.

25.) The pit stop limiter doesn't default as on when you start from your pitbox. (It does in every single other game. And combined with the fact that speeding in the pits results in DQ's, this is a bad oversight.)

26.) There are functions that can't be changed once a lobby has been created that could be changed in Project Cars 1. For example the selection to have "Car Class", Multi-Class, or Identical cars to lobby host can not be changed.

27.) Lobbies sometimes get locked up and can't progress for no apparent reason. Furthermore people get stuck at the "Ready Screen", unable to click the "Ready" button, and get locked out. Cause still undetermined.

28.) If you get across the start line before the green light on a Rolling Start, it still counts the lap as having completed, but only STARTS the clock for that person's total race time once they cross for the next lap. Basically, if you jump the start line before the green light, even with the drivethrough penalty you'll come out ahead of those that did NOT jump the start line.

29.) There is no rewind function when on the "Monitor" race section. I.E. Vital race steward functions are missing. (For example, a race steward needs to be able to rewind to an accident, cut track or other problem, figure out who's at fault, and assess penalties).

30.) The rating system is nice, but there is NO explanation given as to what points you got, and why you got them, and how to move up or down in the safety classes. There should be a box on the final splash screen that shows you your rating change. Or perhaps another screen that shows the points change for all the drivers.

31.) No matter what you do, the virtual mirror turns itself off everytime you go back to the pits. Also occasionally the HUD disappears, and no matter what you do, you can't get it back.

32.) When you go to the car selection screen, it reverts to the default screen instead of the last screen you used. I.E. If you want to select a car by class, you make your selection, and then go back, it's not still on the select by class screen.

33.) The end of race logic and server tracking is entirely broken. I just had a multi-class race where I was clear ahead (but in a slower class), not lapped, and when the leader crossed the starting line, I got a 5 second warning before the AI took over. I got sent to the splash screen, however the other drivers in the class DID NOT get sent to the splash screen, and continued to race. They eventually overtook me, and got the spot on the final leaderboard. Thankfully, when I saw the splash screen, it gave me my rating and didn't take it away once we went back to lobby.

34.) We've discovered another break in "end of session" logic. Basically we were finishing up qualifying, and we got to finish our flying laps. People joined late. The session ended, we went to the qualifying results splash screen, but it didn't end for everyone. Some people (I assume late joiners, but I couldn't see because I was stuck on the splash screen) were able to leave the pits and drive out on the track as the rest of us were stuck waiting at the results. The session broke, we got stuck, and it never advanced for anyone. (The bug may or may not be track related [Algarve], others reported something similar when they played earlier, but it got unstuck for them.)

35.) If you leave a server before you see the final splash screen, you are removed from the final results. This bug has been in since day 1 of Project Cars 1, and needs to be fixed.

36.) Jump start or even a questionable jump start in Rally Cross is immediate DQ. It should be a time penalty.

37.) You are unable to turn off assists in an active Time Trial session, even if it's unrealistic on a car.

38.) Basically if the lobby host leaves, and someone else takes over, the lobby automatically changes to that person's default or last settings, changing options that are not even available to change after you've started a lobby.

39.) There's an option that comes up during your cooldown lap that says something like "Exit to pits in the Pause Menu." But if you hit the escape button, you don't see the option to go to pits. If you hit the Car Management menu, you don't see it there, either.

40.) AI behavior is good if you are in front or behind of them while in Multiplayer, but they don't recognize a car next to them unless they've been there for a long while, and often attempt to ram them.

41.) If an AI car gets damaged during the pace lap and "decides" to pit to fix it, they do not hold their position and then enter the pits. Instead they go full speed for the race course to get to the pits, and damn anyone that gets in the way.

42.) Time Trial Leaderboards in game cannot be filtered by "Class." Instead it shows "All" cars. Also, it's missing "All Cars" option. Furthermore with the broken class feature, it doesn't show your time trial result if you register a second time with a slower car. I.E. Do a GT1 car and get a good time. Then do a GT3 car and it doesn't show.

43.) DRS still doesn't work the way it's supposed to. (I.E. Only available in certain zones on the track. And during the race it only activates 2-3 laps in AND only if you are within 1 second of the guy ahead of you.) If SMS is unwilling to do it right, it should be removed altogether. Or at least give us an option when creating a server to disable it.

44.) Got a "Pit Box Full" error, but was able to pit and fix damage. Either the message was in error, or I shouldn't have been allowed to pit.

45.) AI's behavior isn't predictive. It's basically on rails. Let me give you an example. In one race last night I got damage early from AI's (see #3), and the car was difficult to control. At one point I spun out, and came to a stop right in the middle of the road. I saw an AI coming for me still a decent ways away. So I stayed still to allow the AI to go around me. The AI didn't brake, move to the left, or to the right. It plowed right into me, even though I was on his path for a good 4 seconds just sitting there. (I'm experimenting with this one. It seems to be a problem with AI in multiplayer sessions only. Still working on it.)

46.) The Formula C is no longer a Formula 3 facsimile, but a Star Mazda (facsimile). It should be renamed to something like Indy Small (Indy Light is already taken by an official and real car) so it isn't confused for a Formula 3. (Further more, we should get a Formula 3 car some time in the future.)

47.) Hole in the Track: Doing Sakitto GP it's possible to fall through the track if you go where the outside (of the pit turn) pit lane sign is.

48.) The weather system is great, but it's a little funky session to session. For example, I'm assuming that Practice, Qualifying, and the Race does not happen back to back to back. I'm assuming that they happen on "different" days. I.E. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The problem is that when you start a new session with new weather, it is assumed to be back to back. If you start qualifying with light rain, when it was dry before, the track is assumed to be dry, and thus skew the qualifying results. With the total control server admins now have, if they want it to be dry to begin with, they should set it that way in the weather settings. So if a session starts with a setting, it must assume to be that setting for a period of time. I.E. Start with light rain, assume the track is wet, not dry (but getting wet).

So there's the standing list. Some 50 bugs, and 2 of them have been fixed so far. What do you think?

FIXED.) When you click "Ready" for the race, the timer disappears. Edit: Now sometimes it never appears to begin with. (Fixed: Tentative)

Edit New Bugs) Just noticed that the end of the pit lights don't seem to be working. So far I've seen it on New Monza, and on all the other tracks (though I'll have to check to make sure).

-Quote ends-
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I bought P cars and P Cars 2 on day one. P Cars 3, I don't care how good it looks or how many features it adds, it will have to pass the forum test haha.

For real, though.

haha I'm doing the same thing with PC2 now and so far it's failing ... but still on my shopping list.

After patch 2.0 I wanted to wait until setup saving/loading is sorted but now I know the start/finish collisions are in, I'm not sure how long I'll wait, they were not able to patch it out in PC1 so they (probably) have no idea what is causing it.
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More daft bugs


We should have a competition to see who can find the most unique bugs in PC2. It could take a long time to conclude but it sure as hell beats your rating taking a hammering...
haha even the race director function is bugged beyond usability.

Gavra have started their season and PC2 let them down.

30 mins onwards if you're bored. It is pretty funny how "EvilDragonxxi" the commentator had to improvise. The lobby seemed to hang for ages, then the race director got booted. What a massive bag of fail.

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@IanBell, today my time was ruined about the game. First of all, this afternoon my Kaspersky antivirus decided that my OFFICIAL Project CARS 2 launcher was a malware, so the antivirus eliminated it once, twice, etc.
Okey, i uninstall the game and install it again... Nope, the lanuncher didn't work yet. Okey, i uninstall the Kaspersky and try again... Bingo! The game works, BUT....... Now, when i start the game and do alt+tab to see other window, the game don't open again, and crash. More than 8 hours trying to fix the game and still broken. I pay 90€ for it and today is october's 21, it means less than 1 month with the game ok................ Yesterday the game runs perfectly, and now is imposible to play it properly...

PLEASE, PLEASE... Give me a solution. I don't know what more i can do.

I tryed to update the drivers and it was all updated. I tryed to open the launcher in compatibility mode and didn't works. I try to deleted the launcher and verify local files in Steam to download it again and it has the same issue every time... Same with full game. Or i have an corrupted launcher or i don't konw what's the problem...
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@IanBell, today my time was ruined about the game. First of all, this afternoon my Kaspersky antivirus decided that my OFFICIAL Project CARS 2 launcher was a malware, so the antivirus eliminated it once, twice, etc.
Okey, i uninstall the game and install it again... Nope, the lanuncher didn't work yet. Okey, i uninstall the Kaspersky and try again... Bingo! The game works, BUT....... Now, when i start the game and do alt+tab to see other window, the game don't open again, and crash. More than 8 hours trying to fix the game and still broken. I pay 90€ for it and today is october's 21, it means less than 1 month with the game ok................ Yesterday the game runs perfectly, and now is imposible to play it properly...

PLEASE, PLEASE... Give me a solution. I don't know what more i can do.

I tryed to update the drivers and it was all updated. I tryed to open the launcher in compatibility mode and didn't works. I try to deleted the launcher and verify local files in Steam to download it again and it has the same issue every time... Same with full game. Or i have an corrupted launcher or i don't konw what's the problem...

Kaspersky set you up.
@IanBell, today my time was ruined about the game. First of all, this afternoon my Kaspersky antivirus decided that my OFFICIAL Project CARS 2 launcher was a malware, so the antivirus eliminated it once, twice, etc.
Okey, i uninstall the game and install it again... Nope, the lanuncher didn't work yet. Okey, i uninstall the Kaspersky and try again... Bingo! The game works, BUT....... Now, when i start the game and do alt+tab to see other window, the game don't open again, and crash. More than 8 hours trying to fix the game and still broken. I pay 90€ for it and today is october's 21, it means less than 1 month with the game ok................ Yesterday the game runs perfectly, and now is imposible to play it properly...

PLEASE, PLEASE... Give me a solution. I don't know what more i can do.

I tryed to update the drivers and it was all updated. I tryed to open the launcher in compatibility mode and didn't works. I try to deleted the launcher and verify local files in Steam to download it again and it has the same issue every time... Same with full game. Or i have an corrupted launcher or i don't konw what's the problem...

Please check the official forum on this issue with your antivirus. You can shift+tab in Steam and use the windows key for a workaround reported at the official forum.

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