Project cars 2 bug report Q&A

  • Thread starter TDZdave
PC user. During qualifying, I have been on pole by an interval of 5 seconds, after allowing enough time for AI to set all their laps. If I "skip to end of session", even with one minute remaining, the AI qualifying times suddenly jump 5-10 seconds faster than my time, putting me at the back of the grid.

Earlier I laid down a good time and went to get some groceries while the qualifying ran and I got my pole. Every single other time that I skipped to the end I had my issue with an impossible quali time from all AI drivers.

It would be "ok" for now except changing the race length does not change the qualifying length and I don't want to sit around waiting for 25 minutes for a 10 minute race if I'm done my hot lap. It makes the career mode almost unplayable.

A friend on PS4 reported the same during practice sessions.
As I said in another thread, SMS/Simbin/ @IanBell games have been doing this in GTR/GTR2/RACE/RACE07/Project Cars 1 so it probably can't be described as a bug. Perhaps it's a feature.

Damn you, @NLxAROSA
Ian your team need to patch the skip qualification career mode and the IA asap otherwise we can go to the career mode
The IA when we play with friend and some IA cars is unplayable
Too much agressive with lower agression settings

But the game is great,great,great
But need to be polished
If you guys do that,well than the best racing car game so far
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Bug : Career mode 1st race - Formula Rookie - Sugo - 60% AI strength - Xbox one

Qualifying session - the entire field is in the 1 40 and 1 41's and im sitting in pole and decide to skip to end of the session. Suddenly I'm 30th, 8 seconds behind everyone (1 32). I had to restart the session put in another lap and manually run down the clock to qualify pole.

Bug : Hockenheim and Red bull ring - Turn one in both the tracks is messed up. Invalidates the lap despite being well within the edges and not even close to cutting it.
On Xbox One, driving the 650S GT3 around SUGO, I noticed that at the end of sector two/beginning of sector 3, the game slows down, then speeds up to catch up to itself.

Another problem, though this could just be me using a launch Xbox One, is running a full field of indy cars around the Indianapolis speedway the game goes into slow motion when the lights turn green.
Here are my bugs i have encountered so far:

- The handling is worse then the final patched PC1 handling.
I went back to PC1 after a few hours with PC2 and it felt better actually.. well, i could at least keep the cars on the track without spinning out every corner!
I tried improved settings via a nice YouTube link, it got a bit better.. talked to my engineer and fiddled around with the settings myself. However, i could simply not keep the car on the track and the worse thing of all is that the AI can find grip in corners where i could never find grip at all. I tried warming up the tires, i tried assists on (which makes the car even stiffer and more numb) and the whole physics engine seems off. There are a few cars who i can handle, but most of the cars spin out with ease for no apperent reason it seems.

- The AI is horrible.
What a dissapointment this one is. After PC1 you would have thought that in PC2 the AI would be at least better right? wrong.
The AI is a mess right now. With the famous first corner pileups to just driving into you like you are simply not on the track! Also, AI is way too hard on some tracks, and way too easy on others with the same AI settings (difficulty and agressiveness).. very inconsistent! Once again i tried the AI settings, put them on easy and on non-agressive and they still just drive into the back of me like i am not on the track.. forcing me to go into the pits for a repair. which brings me to my next point.

No pit crew?
Yikes.. again something you would think would have been improved over PC1 where no pitcrew was available right? Nope.. i think i have seen the pit crew once on a track i can't remember, and since then they walked away and never returned. No matter what track i try, auto pistop on or off, announcing that i want to pit or not, they are gone.. gone. Quite a bug.

Dynamic weather is nice.. But the AI has knowledge i don't have
Another bug it seems. Me on Monza, formula C with 16 other cars.. completely dry and no cloud to be seen.
But wait what? The AI cars are equipped with full wet tires. Hah, this time i could win a race because they would not be able to drive well on those compared to my new slicks right?
Wrong.. they set record lap times while i am once again battling my car and not the AI.
Later on it started raining.. how convenient for AI, they needed not to pit and could just carry on at the same pace, on their rain tires, just like they did in the dry.

A restart is not really a restart
So by now i must have crashed a Thousand times allready.. if you have car damage on and you restart the game after a crash with damage.
The damage is not undone by the restart.. sigh.

Adjusting the HUD is bugged
Don't even try setting HUD info on or off, some things are now permanently set on my screen and no matter what i try, it will stay there. ("Estimated time" on the left center of the screen).

Sluggish menus

the menus are sluggish and slow.. coming back to the menus from a race i have to wait 5 seconds before i can even do anything. Minor perhaps, but very annoying nevertheless.

the pit engineer can't be set via your tv or soundset

Car flipping over landmines on the track

all the trees on the nurburgring became a white mess following me forcing me to restart

qualifying does not work all the time
Enjoying the game, but I am having a problem on the Logitech G920 wheel on Xbox One. I mapped the 'hand brake' to button 'B', but it fails to hold the car at start & I cannot do a hand brake turn to get around sharp bends. Any others with this issue?
Bug : Career mode 1st race - Formula Rookie - Sugo - 60% AI strength - Xbox one

Qualifying session - the entire field is in the 1 40 and 1 41's and im sitting in pole and decide to skip to end of the session. Suddenly I'm 30th, 8 seconds behind everyone (1 32). I had to restart the session put in another lap and manually run down the clock to qualify pole.

Bug : Hockenheim and Red bull ring - Turn one in both the tracks is messed up. Invalidates the lap despite being well within the edges and not even close to cutting it.

This is the one that is ruining my game. I don't have the time to dedicate to full length qualifying sessions every race, and when I've set a vastly superior pole I should be able to skip to the end of the session safe in the knowledge P1 is mine.
But... no. AI become super machines who can set impossible lap times in that microsecond. Unplayable atm.
Firstly - thanks Ian for the hard work and thought you guys have obviously have put into PC2 - awesome game, and awesome amount of content. :-)

Couple of issues that I haven't seen noted anywhere, and while not game breaking, they are somewhat of an 'experience' breaker. I'm on PS4 using a game pad.

Issues with Saved Setups:
- Continually running into issues with the game intermittently not finding any saved setups (at all) and defaulting to a 'Dallara Chevrolet - Circuit of the Americas' setup regardless of the car you are actually driving. Highly frustrating given the time put in to the get the setup right on a given car. Noticing mostly in Career Mode - and if I jump out to Private Test, the setup suddenly appears again, jump back to Career Mode - no dice.
- At some point can you guys patch the car setup process so that every change doesn't have to be saved before trying out the change first to see if you want to keep it.
- Game occasionally complains of a setup name already being used in a slot for a circuit when it isn't. I think the intention with the setups is to be able to have a setup per car (as a minmum) for each circuit - but not working properly.

Driving Assist:
- With the 'Authentic' setting (and 'Full' for that matter), can you please make it easier to switch on/off TC and ABS through the in-game setup menu - as it is on/off for ASC. Having to press the directional buttons a hundred times to go anywhere from 0 to 100 or 100 to 0 is frustrating.

Given the issues with the Saved Setups, I'm ditching Career Mode for the time being - happy enough to explore cars and circuits in Private Test.
Time Trial in 488 GTE @COTA.
At the first long straight I brake hard and immediatelly Lap time invalidated even before turning? Anyone else has this?
I had like 7-8 laps straight like this and can't put a lap in.

Edit. After testing Ford GTE and then back to 488 GTE managed to get the lap in.
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Setups are not saving, this was working no problems yesterday, seems that after creating a 3rd setup on the same car at the same track, after earning the trophy, this has started to happen.

Clip below shows the problem:

I think I found a really important bug. First of all, I apologize for my English.

When changing your set-ups, make sure the default name of the set-up is the same as your car (or a name you wrote yourself). Why do I say this? Because after driving different cars like Formula C, LMP3 and many others and noticing that I could not even complete a single clean lap since the tarmac felt like ice, I found out that it was because almost all of my set-ups were automatically named like "Dallara IR-12", meaning that your set-up was the same as the default Dallara IR-12 (I noticed it since both my Formula C and LMP3 cars had really long gears, except for the 4th, 5th and 6th that were almost the same (like in Indycar), although when you enter to see the set-up, it is a default Formula C/LMP3/whatever set-up. So what I did is restore the set-up and everything improved, no more icy tarmac and I could take corners, plus the gear relation was also solved.
I'm really enjoying the driving, but I have this feeling of disappointment over all the issues I'm encountering, or hearing about. My T300 has gone crazy on me several times already and I've only played for about 6 or 7 hours. I can't even play one particular game mode as the wheel goes mental every time i try... Just so frustrating as there's potentially another great game in here.
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Enjoying the game, but I am having a problem on the Logitech G920 wheel on Xbox One. I mapped the 'hand brake' to button 'B', but it fails to hold the car at start & I cannot do a hand brake turn to get around sharp bends. Any others with this issue?
You now that there are cars that doesn't have hand brake in real life and so they don't have them in the game either...

Try an RX car and you will find out that the handbrake work as intended
My big worry is that a lot of people will try it and think it's rubbish because of the issues , then it will suffer the same fate as PCars 1 . If you look on the comments on Facebook for Project Cars it does get a hammering which is unfair as it was fantastic after a few patches . PCars 2 will be great if SMS keep at it but people need to give it time .
I feel like a beta tester if you like and I don't mind as long as things are improved in the coming weeks / months.
My first race had me finish second in the Ginetta Juniors. The race results were reflected correctly but the 'Podium' screen completely omitted me and just showed the top 3 drivers that were CPU machines. :lol:

What a ting. LOL. Cracking me up just visualising it. haha
This is the one that is ruining my game. I don't have the time to dedicate to full length qualifying sessions every race, and when I've set a vastly superior pole I should be able to skip to the end of the session safe in the knowledge P1 is mine.
But... no. AI become super machines who can set impossible lap times in that microsecond. Unplayable atm.
"Funny", this was happening in Codemasters F12017 too, though I believe a patch has sorted it out in that title. I'm confident that SMS will patch it successfully, Ian Bell has said they will do so.
You now that there are cars that doesn't have hand brake in real life and so they don't have them in the game either...

Try an RX car and you will find out that the handbrake work as intended
Tried RX & same issue. Hand brake not working on G920 for some reason.
I spent 6/7 hours in career mode. Really enjoyed it.

Knockhill though in the rally cross. I was getting credit for doing my joker Lap when I hadn't taken the route, I'd then get a +5 sec pen for taking it again ( though again joker lap not taken)

Sure this will get ironed out soon though
I had to play with the feedback settings quite a bit before I found some that felt good on my T500rs. My main issue is the names of the parameters, they seem to relate more to audio that FFB which is confusing. Is see many people putting the gain hi and the volume low, to my mind (if it relates to wave forms like audio) that will cause clipping and loss of dynamic range? In short if you do that with an audio amp you get overdrive / distortion. I tried it with hi gain low volume but found that I got a better feeling with less gain and more volume. The tone? I'm not sure exactly what's going on there but I'm I've got that set in the 30's. Has anyone else tried this approach and am I going in the right direction?
Several times when in an online race I have gone to take the car on track and the game has swapped the primary controls from my G29 to the dualshock. You then have to quit the entire game and restart it for it to re-recognise the wheel again.
Same Bugs than Project Cars 1 + New Bugs :banghead: ON PS4

Project CARS 2_20170923153630.jpg
Running a full field at Fuji, it seems like the game goes into slo-mo, it's really awkward.

Also, ran into an issue where I couldn't change cameras or look behind me until I restarted the game.
The "race director" is a total a:censored:e sometimes. I can start my lap on the straight, not be anywhere near any cars, or off track, or near the pit exit, and all of the sudden my time is instantly deleted, ruining Online qualifying sessions. This has been a constant recurring factor and it's pissing me off.
Still downloading the Day 1 Patch on XB1 :/

It says 'Ready to Start', shouldnt i be able to do the demo race with the 720S? I can only change the settings
Textures on Bannochbrae are transparent in Blizzard conditions, means you can see the track through the environment for a fair bit of the circuit.

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