Project cars 2 bug report Q&A

  • Thread starter TDZdave
PC user. During qualifying, I have been on pole by an interval of 5 seconds, after allowing enough time for AI to set all their laps. If I "skip to end of session", even with one minute remaining, the AI qualifying times suddenly jump 5-10 seconds faster than my time, putting me at the back of the grid.

Earlier I laid down a good time and went to get some groceries while the qualifying ran and I got my pole. Every single other time that I skipped to the end I had my issue with an impossible quali time from all AI drivers.

It would be "ok" for now except changing the race length does not change the qualifying length and I don't want to sit around waiting for 25 minutes for a 10 minute race if I'm done my hot lap. It makes the career mode almost unplayable.

A friend on PS4 reported the same during practice sessions.
I got around this in PCars1 by accelerating time to finish qualifying, never skipping to end. I don't think accelerating time is an option in PCars 2 now.
The UI has so many quality issues. I've stopped counting all the UI bugs and design flaws, especially in multiplayer, and can't be bothered reporting them anymore, because it seems like there wasn't any professional QA done, or the product was released in a big rush. The core of the game is absolutely amazing, but it seems like SMS had some juniors work on the UI.
GT4 Championship
Oscherleben in the Cayman GT4.
Windscreen Wipers aren't clearing the screen , almost like the water is on the inside .
I dont have wipers allocated to a button on my wheel as I've used it for the pit limiter so they come in automatically. Was working before on this car elsewhere but on a plus note ........ the pit crew have returned
Can't hear Race engineer or spotter at all when using headphones unless I use the "output all audio to headphones" option which kind of sucks cause then I won't be able to adjust chat volume separately anymore.

Also the hud problems are kind of annoying but I think everyone knows that already. Other than that pretty satisfied with the game so far.
Sometimes during a rolling start it seems like the AI in control of my car is drunk as the car wildly moves left and right all the way until I get control. Was crazy at Nords, I was swaying all over the place, knocked all the cones over on the left of the track and started with my left wheels on the kerbing. Happens elsewhere too but not all tracks are affected.
- No collision noises on some tracks.
- No splash sound when you go through puddles on some tracks.
- No tyre skidding noise on a wet track (not sure if this is correct?)

These issues might be down to specific cars/tracks - havnt had time to try out all combos hehe.
I've had a few online races now where I've won the race on track, but the results screen shows I didn't, and either myself or others are credited with a wrong time for no apparent reason. The win isn't reflected in my driver profile either. Eg. here's the outcome at the end of this particular race:


But the result afterwards:


(also note the wrong nationality beside my rating, should be British)

Is this a common/known issue?

Also @IanBell @The_American would you prefer I took stuff like this to the official forums or are you happy for it to just be posted here?
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On the XBOX One, it feels like the game is in slow motion (although the people I race with aren't experiencing it, suggesting it's a an issue on my end). It only occurs when there is AI on track as well (haven't tried online).

Any ideas what I can do to fix this?
I've had a few online races now where I've won the race on track, but the results screen shows I didn't, and I'm credited with a wrong time for no apparent reason. The win isn't reflected in my driver profile either. Eg. here's the outcome at the end of this particular race:


But the result afterwards:


(also note the wrong nationality beside my rating, should be British)

Is this a common/known issue?

Also @IanBell @The_American would you prefer I took stuff like this to the official forums or are you happy for it to just be posted here?
Your race time looks ballpark correct.
But there's no way 2nd could have done 4 laps with a best of 1:18 in under 4 mins.
So somehow possibly his first lap time was not included in his total race time, but at the same time he still had his first lap counted.
Standard PS4 user here. After spending the time getting my controller settings fine-tuned, quite enjoying the game overall.

Bugs I've encountered so far:
-Visual damage not being fixed when restarting sessions.
-The RPM displayed on the car’s dash in cockpit view, as a number above your speed, and as the white ring going around the edge of the HUD tachometer all tend to show different numbers.
-Very noticable pop-in from low-resolution to high-resolution vehicle geometry/textures at a pretty close distance, maybe when vehicles come within ~50 metres from you or so (noticed it even more in replays). Might just be a measure to get the game to run smooth on the standard PS4 rather than a 'bug'..but yeah it looks pretty nasty at times.
-When I start a session from the pits, or unpause the game, my car will downshift a gear by itself. (I should mention, I'm not using a normal DualShock 4 controller, I'm using a Nacon Revolution Pro PS4 controller, so maybe DS4 users aren't encountering this issue. Edit: Figured out this was caused by me mapping ‘X’ as my downshift button. So I’ve changed that for now as a temp fix).
-Washed out looking colours in videos.
-The rest of the field staying frozen on the starting grid for the first ~10 seconds or so of replays occasionally.
-HUD messages rapidly flickering occasionally.
-In Photomode the 'Filter intensity' 0-100% slider doesn't seem to do anything (seems like the filter just stays on 100%).
-Your pit crew/opponents pit crews sometimes not appearing. Found it didn’t change anything if I requested a pit stop or not.
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Your race time looks ballpark correct.
But there's no way 2nd could have done 4 laps with a best of 1:18 in under 4 mins.
So somehow possibly his first lap time was not included in his total race time, but at the same time he still had his first lap counted.

Ah yes you're right, good spot.

Isn’t that flag the car manufacturers home flag?

That would make more sense, although it would sill mean my flag is incorrect as we were both in Lancers.
Back button is hard coded to X on the Thrustmaster TX 458 on PC instead of B. This means you can't change liveries or access any menu options that require pressing X.
Career mode:
-hud disappears
-sound disappears
-tyre temperature not working (this kills the game). Tyres stay always blue even pushing temperatures to the limit. Once in pit or telemetry are Green. 4 friends, all' with the same problem.
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Not sure if this info was mentioned before but I have played about two days worth of PCars 2 and experience quite a few bugs. That said, I think the game is pretty good for what it's worth but here are some of the things I've noticed

(Disclaimer I play on PC not console so information may vary).

Kart racing:
1. AI extremely horrible within kart races. Wrecking almost every race to the point where they are unable to finish the race and there is debris all over the track causing full track cautions at times.

2. Every time I start the race I have severe damage from just starting the race (No incidents occur for this to happen) does not seem like it affects the kart at all though just a warning on the side of the screen stays up

General complaints:
1. debris stays on track the entire race
2. caution never ends onces started in kart races

GT3 racing.
When one car wrecks every car wrecks (full track pile up) and they go nowhere for about 30secs to a minute sometimes, and we all know that's a long time in the racing world when your rival was not caught in the incident and is down the track.

1. VR glitches in and out while in the middle of races
2. Strobes of lights in the background when using VR. (Could be my less powerful PC but I doubt it seeing as that it was built to run with the Oculus Rift)
When saving a setup for a specific track if you just tell it to save over the existing setup it will not save the changes. You have to save to a new slot and then save over the current setup for it to save the changes.

The tire temperature and pressure diagrams in the car setup never change.

488 GT3, I was able to change the final drive one time and haven't been able to change it since. Is it supposed to have only one gear set?
Good thing I rarely change setups and enjoy trying cars as is right out of the box. Haven't had an issue yet. If anything lower brake pressure in a car without ABS but that's about it
Good thing I rarely change setups and enjoy trying cars as is right out of the box. Haven't had an issue yet. If anything lower brake pressure in a car without ABS but that's about it
I always at least have a fiddle with the gear ratios if possible. For example I couldn't even get the Ferrari 333 into 6th gear at Monza without adjusting it. Worth looking at IMO.
1. There's times the onscreen data will turn off and can not be turned back on.

2. After you hit ready for a lobby and head out for practice or qualifying you can no longer invite anyone.

3. Not a bug but a request. Can we have a mirror at the top for cockpit view. I use a smaller tv so I don't have easy access to the mirrors.

The game is incredible. Can't wait to start league racing!
Hello Guys,

saw 3 bugs today on my ps4 Pro (only play private test session)

- when i cam back in the box on some tracks the Lollypop is transparent.

- if i´m on the road and change the controllersettings, go back to the pits, go out of the box, i have an E-Car cause there is no engine noise. I have the problem with different cars.

- i deactivate the rules but if i drive over the curbs the time was delete.

Please excused my english i´m german :)

HUD Issues
Moving elements, minimizing them or turning them off are simply not saving, no matter the car.

Manufacturers Events
I'm working multiple careers. In one, I was invited to Nissan's Proving Ground, which I won, and earned some trophies and accolades. After, it showed three dots on the event which I assumed were other Nissan races. I turn of PCARS2 for the night. Now, no matter which career I'm in, I'm invited to Nissan's Proving Ground still, no matter how many times I win it in any career.

Set Ups
In career, when you move on to another series, it still shows the previous car's set-up name when you tune. Once you save, however, it switches back.