Project CARS 2 General Discussion Thread - Out Now on PS4/XB1/PC

  • Thread starter jake2013guy
Maybe it's time to upgrade my tmx to a tx.
It's done me well but the old dog just can't handle the ffb of vintage race cars.
It does well on current day machines with power steering & good suspension but on the old machines it clips so much I have to dial everything back just to cope.

I can sell the tmx for £70 & use the £30 voucher I got & upgrade to the tx (ferrari) for an extra £60, or the (leather edition) for an extra £160 through CEX so at least it comes with a 1 year warranty.
Had a bit of a result today, decided to trade in the TMX for the TX (Ferrari) @cex.

So £73 for my TMX + £26 voucher = £99, the tx was £160 so £61 to pay.

Handed over my wheel & voucher, they handed me the TX, (without the clamp) I said "knock a bit of money off & I'll have it without" knowing full well I can hard mount it.

So the guy knocked off £15, now with only £46 extra to pay, I pay the difference & the deal is done.

While I'm putting my wheel in the bag the guy who dealt with me is now dealing with other customers & then another guy comes out of the store room with the box containing the clamp & instructions & says here you go these belong to that wheel, not realising I've already got £15 off because the 1st guy couldn't find it.

So I've upgraded to a TX for £46 with a 2 year warranty, bonus :)
Hmmm, my AV has blocked this page saying the site's unsafe, if anybody wants to risk it can they copy/paste the details please.

“Project Cars 2 update 7.10 for PS4 is now rolling out for players. According to the official Project Cars 2 7.10 patch notes, the new patch has added stability and performance improvements. Apart from this, the latest Project Cars 2 version 7.10 also contains minor fixes for server performance, game crashing, and stuttering/lag, and more. WMR headset support is now enabled in the game.

Previously, a big update was released with new cars and other gameplay changes. Unfortunately, since the last patch, many players are experiencing a number of issues when trying to play. Today’s Project Cars 2 version 7.10 is expected to fix all these issues. Check out more details below.”

Project Cars 2 Update 7.10 Patch Notes
  • Fixed various stability issues.
  • Project Cars 2 patch 7.10 has improved the usability of in-game tools.
  • Improved AI ability at various tracks.
  • Project Cars 2 version 7.10 improved the penalty system.
  • Various other minor fixes added with Project Cars 2 7.10.
  • Various bug fixes and improvements.
Hmm looks good. Maybe now that they are freed from creating the promised DLC they'll have more time to polish and fine tune the rest of the game. Perhaps we'll see further small tweaks and enhancements to what is already a great game.
Me: "Oh version 7.1! Goodie, goodie, maybe they fixed that thing I pointed out a couple of times"

a few minutes later...

"bahahahahaa, the cars still max out around 270 or 280 kmh on the straights under rain conditions!"

zzzz I bet they will never fix this.... somehow I seem to be the only that cares... great...
Project Cars 2 Update 7.10 Patch Notes
  • Fixed various stability issues.
  • Project Cars 2 patch 7.10 has improved the usability of in-game tools.
  • Improved AI ability at various tracks.
  • Project Cars 2 version 7.10 improved the penalty system.
  • Various other minor fixes added with Project Cars 2 7.10.
  • Various bug fixes and improvements.

I don't know where you got those notes from but they're wrong/the 7.0 ones. These are the correct ones:

  • Adjusted issue with the number of drivers in an online game to allow for private broadcaster/director games without a broadcaster role being assigned.
  • Resolved a problem where custom setups would be reverted to defaults when pitting.
  • Fixed an issue where qualifying penalties were only applied to the host in an online game.
  • Fixed a problem with loading the "Loose" tuning setup when the game language was not set to English.
I don't know where you got those notes from but they're wrong/the 7.0 ones. These are the correct ones:

  • Adjusted issue with the number of drivers in an online game to allow for private broadcaster/director games without a broadcaster role being assigned.
  • Resolved a problem where custom setups would be reverted to defaults when pitting.
  • Fixed an issue where qualifying penalties were only applied to the host in an online game.
  • Fixed a problem with loading the "Loose" tuning setup when the game language was not set to English.
Dunno man, there was a link couple posts above mine but they seem to be deleted? I simply cut and pasted from the link provided after @Yellowbeard requested what it stated.

Btw it is 7.10 not 7.0.
I know it's 7.1 mate, I just meant your notes were the one from the 7.0 patch. :P
Oh.... well there you go lol. As I said I just copied the page as someone requested but seems to have been deleted anyways, probably why...
Quick question. I've noticed that there's a lot of available apps regarding telemetry & other racing info but what about an app so you can use your tablet/phone as a button box?

I've seen someone using a mobile app for truck simulator on youtube for this very same purpose & wondered if there was one for PC2.

It would be very helpful to us console users if there was, considering the lack of support for button mapping.
what about an app so you can use your tablet/phone as a button box?
I'm not sure if that would be possible with PC2 since it would require it to receive information whereas at the moment it only transmits (I think), the apps you mentioned picking up on the data.

considering the lack of support for button mapping.
You can plug any usb keyboard or keypad into your PS4 and PC2 will recognise it. I have every option mapped to my pad. ;)
I'm not sure if that would be possible with PC2 since it would require it to receive information whereas at the moment it only transmits (I think), the apps you mentioned picking up on the data.

You can plug any usb keyboard or keypad into your PS4 and PC2 will recognise it. I have every option mapped to my pad. ;)
Yeh I know it's possible with a usb keyboard/numpad but considering you can control/type on an Xbox one with your phone via the smart glass app I wondered if there was a PC2 app that kind of worked in the same way (sort of)
Yeh I know it's possible with a usb keyboard/numpad but considering you can control/type on an Xbox one with your phone via the smart glass app I wondered if there was a PC2 app that kind of worked in the same way (sort of)
Neat idea... I have no idea if possible, but cool sounding nonetheless. Now, if there were only an App that would take your good ideas, and turn them into Apps.
I think there is an app that makes your phone act like a second screen for your ps4. No idea if this can solve your problem
Apparently not, all PC2 apps only display telemetry/split times, things like that.

I tried to use the smart glass app yesterday to see if the keyboard on my phone would work but it only works for chat or on dashboard.

I know we can use wireless keypads to get around it but I think I'll try my luck with an email to Thrustmaster & Microsoft regarding missing L3/R3 buttons on the TX & possibly see if a patch can be arranged so we can do multiple button pressing (as in hold 1 button & press another).

I don't know it'll probably fall on deaf ears.
@Mr Grumpy - After a quick read up I can now see your problem with the TX. A nice wheel but it is a bit limited on it's buttons on the Xbox. So yes a PC2 button box app for a tablet would be a good idea.

On my G29 on the PS4 there are 19 buttons that can be mapped into PC2!
@Mr Grumpy - After a quick read up I can now see your problem with the TX. A nice wheel but it is a bit limited on it's buttons on the Xbox. So yes a PC2 button box app for a tablet would be a good idea.

On my G29 on the PS4 there are 19 buttons that can be mapped into PC2!
I'm using the stock Ferrari 458 tx wheel, it's got plenty of buttons but a lot of them are duplicate for some stupid reason, take a look.

Screenshot_20181010-200335_Samsung Internet.jpg

If you think what's missing.
No L3/R3 (stick clicks).
No right stick protocol as in up/down/left/right.
No left stick protocol for up/down (left & right are obviously steering with wheel).

That's 8x control protocols that are on a basic controller but not included in the wheel.

Also why can't we do duel button presses as in hold down button 1 then push button 2 to activate headlights or pit limiter? I mean this type of configuration has been around for years in fps/rts & even fighting games.

It would make things so much better if they just thought about it.

Edit: another pain in arse is the fact that we can't even assign different buttons to do different things in the Xbox control panel (like you can with a pad) because the damn thing isn't recognised, although you can control the system with the wheel itself through default configuration.

I'm sure SMS could implement the duel button configuration quite easily, but it would take MS & TM to sort out this silly duplicate button nonsense.

This is the link to see what the truck simulator button box app looks like.
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If you think what's missing.
You can't complain about the lack of an A button though. You've got plenty of those. :)

It is odd that you've got plenty of buttons you could use, but can't! There's 6 duplicate buttons that could be freed up.
Can you use a controller at the same time to gain extra buttons? It's not ideal I know.

I could pretend that I understood everything he said in that video, but I won't. I got the gist of it though.
You can't complain about the lack of an A button though. You've got plenty of those. :)

It is odd that you've got plenty of buttons you could use, but can't! There's 6 duplicate buttons that could be freed up.
Can you use a controller at the same time to gain extra buttons? It's not ideal I know.

I could pretend that I understood everything he said in that video, but I won't. I got the gist of it though.
It's easier to use a wireless keypad until/if any of the above gets sorted.
Hopefully picking up my Ferrari gte wheel on Wednesday from CEX (2nd hand, 1 year warranty, £50), god I hate the stock tx 458 wheel.

Then I'm going to buy a cheap wireless numeric keypad from Amazon & sticky velcro it to the centre of the wheel to solve all my button needs :)
Hopefully picking up my Ferrari gte wheel on Wednesday from CEX (2nd hand, 1 year warranty, £50), god I hate the stock tx 458 wheel.

Then I'm going to buy a cheap wireless numeric keypad from Amazon & sticky velcro it to the centre of the wheel to solve all my button needs :)
Console or PC?