I've been playing the original AC and feel the physics are better but PC2 feels more immersive
You got this right here. My feeling too. AC just has a stagnant feel with the 2D crowds and people and the X-Wing fighter trees. Lack of dynamic objects on track. However, it feels better through the physics driven FFB. Hard to complain with 3000 cars and 1500 tracks though. No lack of content, that's for sure.
PC2 can have an immersion level that makes you feel like you're more in a real race. With everything in the highest graphical settings and if you adjust some parameters in the graphicsconfigdx11.xml, PC2 looks really really good. It has a sense of space and dimension that draws you in. Same with AMS2 for that matter. Same Madness Engine.
Taken from reddit:
<prop name="SharpeningStrength" sharpeningstrength="0.100000" />
<prop name="SharpeningClamp" sharpeningclamp="0.08000" /> (these are the values I run)
<prop name="OffsetBias" offsetbias="1.000000" />
The values are used as follows (apologies for the somewhat technical explanations - the only value most people will want to change probably is the first one, strength):
Strength (0.0->3.0, default 0.0) - the strength of the sharpening, zero being off. I find a subtle amount like 0.6 to be a good starting point. Too high a value will cause shimmering effects and a generally unnatural look to the image. Note that having sharpening on at all will have a small performance cost, but the size of that hit doesn't vary with the amount of sharpening. Clamp (0.0->1.0, default 0.045) - limits the amount of sharpening at the local pixel level (if you have a large continuity difference between the original pixel and blurred pixel it limits the amount of offset applied). Offset (0.0->6.0, default 1.0) - the offset from the current pixel for the sampling pattern (so if it's 1 it will sample neighboring pixels, any less and it will bias towards the central pixel, any more and it will start sampling pixels outside the normal kernel).
Couple that with the Custum FFB through a DD2 and it's funny to listen to people complain about PC2.
My personal feeling is it was designed to be run on a high end PC through a DD wheel. All other avenues seem to be more of an after thought but achievable. PC2 still has quirks but it is an easy go to if you know the races you like and what you like using in it.