I know a lot of folks using consoles like to see games issued every year or so. For example as a Canadian kid growing up playing hockey we loved seeing EA's NHL issued every year and each iteration was not always an improvement over the previous version. Started from around 1992 or so and soon enough I had more copy's then my youngest son at 21 years of age.
Love it or hate it I feel iRacings model is far superior as a PC racing service. 12 weeks of racing followed by 1 week of engineers updating the software. At $49 per year it is a bargain, sure there is a large investment up front, all depending on what you want to race, what you want to drive. If you want it all there is some large amounts of money invested but it's yours forever even if you take a year or two or three off of the service.
I'm going on 6 years at iRacing and I am a 100% content owner and any new content I get an automatic 30% off. So now I don't have six disc for six years of racing, much like EA's NHL game with over 20 cartridges and disc's, which are not always an improvement, iRacing continues to evolve with improvements every 3 months (12 weeks).
I am willing to bet that pCars will follow EA's business model, it will not improve each year, some years new features will be a bust. They will chase a feature set that will pan & bust cycle just like EA sport has done. This is inherent in console based games. I personally would love to see pCars follow an iRacing business model where it evolves in a positive fashion every 12 weeks and at $49 per year it is a win-win situation. You can opt out any time you want and rejoin to a current version which is very robust.