Project CARS 3 bug reports

  • Thread starter breyzipp
I also am disappointed. I drove 75 miles each way to pick up this game, and it doesn't recognize the Logitech G29. I've tried deleting and reloading it, as well as resetting everything on my PS4 to default. Nothing seems to work. It seems many others are having the same problem. Hope this is resolved soon.
Cadwell park race of the British championship in C class (Home Game championship) the graphics completely break down at the start/finish line. There are a bunch of white pixels everywhere and some kind of lines going across the screen. This is on PS4.
Cadwell park race of the British championship in C class (Home Game championship) the graphics completely break down at the start/finish line. There are a bunch of white pixels everywhere and some kind of lines going across the screen. This is on PS4.
Yeah i'm getting pixelated graphics no matter the settings i use. :crazy:

IHMO pcars 3 is one of the ugliest console games i have ever seen.
Confirmed, my Thrustmaster TGT doesn't work with project cars 3.

sorry to hear....however you’ve joined the elite club of
I also am disappointed. I drove 75 miles each way to pick up this game, and it doesn't recognize the Logitech G29. I've tried deleting and reloading it, as well as resetting everything on my PS4 to default. Nothing seems to work. It seems many others are having the same problem. Hope this is resolved soon.

Yeah I’m done with this crap until a proper update surfaces.... I’ll be wasting my time with ACC!!
Date, time, and/or weather options seem to be restricted if you set a custom event to "practice". Is this intentional?

The radio message that goes something like, "Stay safe out there, let's see if you can knock a few drivers off the grid" at the beginning of a rainy race seems to be bugged. If you have subtitles turned on, the message lingers for a very long time and the engineer has nothing more to say until that first message disappears (or is overridden by a message with a greater "priority" value?).
I also am disappointed. I drove 75 miles each way to pick up this game, and it doesn't recognize the Logitech G29. I've tried deleting and reloading it, as well as resetting everything on my PS4 to default. Nothing seems to work. It seems many others are having the same problem. Hope this is resolved soon.

This a a big deal for racing games. I cannot believe this game doesn't support these wheels on PS4.

What wheels work for the PS4?
Not my video... I don't even own the game.

But to those that do, make use of this while you can.
Doesn't work for me. Funny thing. The guy found another bug.

Yeah not a good one this time. Maybe karma has something to do with it. :)
Doesn't work for me. Funny thing. The guy found another bug.

Yeah not a good one this time. Maybe karma has something to do with it. :)

Hi, I have the same bug the guy in video is talking about, only I reached level 8 and level 4 cars remained locked. I downloaded the deluxe edition of the game on PS4 and then the 2,9 GB patch on August 28 but the issue remained.
Another bug online. At the start of the race all sounds disappeared, except for sometimes your engineer would come on and say something about your lap time.
Every time I win a career championship, my engineer, with great delight, tells me 'well done, you've won your first career championship'. Got boring after the 5th time.

Had the same thing but it never occurred in any other championships apart from road E ones.
The livery on my car and the ai keep flickering and also this weird thing


Watch @ the 6 second mark
The livery on my car and the ai keep flickering and also this weird thing


Watch @ the 6 second mark

I get this too sometimes. Happened a few times at Cadwell and Dubai. Don’t know if it’s track related or what, but it would usually happen at start/finish line there.
This game is the biggest pile of excrement absolute joke this has not been tested at all or if it has its been tested by idiots and morons. So many bugs in it its a absolute joke. Best one ive found so far is the ford stockcar championship on the 3 ovals even if the ai qre on very easy you cant get away from them and can only get a lead of 0.1 secs so 1 mistake over the 10 laps you are chasing. Dont make any difference if u add upgrades to increase the top speed or acceleration or if you set the high speed setup you still can only get a lead of 0.1 secs.
I could list another 20 bugs but im sick of untested rubbish being released last project cars i buy
With a decent amount of hours played, I’ve got growing concerns about the general health of this game. Bugs, glitches, crashes everywhere.

Really wondering if there will be much post launch support being the final game of the console generation, the last with Bandai.

Small graphical issues don’t bother me much, but twice the game froze upon loading, and today the sound just cut out during a race.

I’m starting to feel a little buyer’s remorse. You know, when the general theme color of the game is yellow maybe you should read between the lines. Did I buy a lemon?
For me the most mind-boggling bugs are the ones with accolades. Somehow it's very hard for the game to simply count the number of career objectives I reached, or if I won the road E/D/C championships or not. I wouldn't worry too much but there are some invitational events locked behind those numbers, and some trophies, too.
With a decent amount of hours played, I’ve got growing concerns about the general health of this game. Bugs, glitches, crashes everywhere.

Really wondering if there will be much post launch support being the final game of the console generation, the last with Bandai.

Small graphical issues don’t bother me much, but twice the game froze upon loading, and today the sound just cut out during a race.

I’m starting to feel a little buyer’s remorse. You know, when the general theme color of the game is yellow maybe you should read between the lines. Did I buy a lemon?
Welcome to pCARS :) They usually do fix these issues in the next few months, we’ll see.
Finished the Rivals Weekly challenge, three very nice laps, instead of click "Continue", I select "Save Replay", and the game crashes.

Restarted it, I had to do it again the Rivals Weekly challenge because was not recorded.

Is that Indy. If so Every race I did there did the same as what your experiencing. Didnt notice this in other tracks.
I've had it happen at Donnington as well.

For me the most mind-boggling bugs are the ones with accolades. Somehow it's very hard for the game to simply count the number of career objectives I reached, or if I won the road E/D/C championships or not. I wouldn't worry too much but there are some invitational events locked behind those numbers, and some trophies, too.
Glad it's not just me.
I`m so relieved I never bought this, I did think about it...

I was thinking after reading all over the place, like here, youtube, amazon, how bad it like this should be FREE when they first come out, say for two weeks, then you can buy it or not.....
So if I choose thunderstorm or rainy conditions in a Practice event, the ground will be wet but as soon as I gain control of the car after the little intro thing it does, the ground is no longer wet, it's dry! Even though it's pouring with rain, the ground is dry. And this affects handling, it still feels like driving on dry tarmac rather than wet tarmac, so it's not just a graphical bug, it's also tied to the amount of grip. So weird.

If however you choose to go into a Race instead of Practice, it works fine, the ground stays wet.

Sorry if this has been mentioned before. I really hope to see this fixed, among other things that need to be fixed.
Also, I am not sure if is a bug, or is intentional, or is just me not finding the way.

Is it possible to watch a replay immediately after the race without having to save it?