Project CARS 3: General Discussion Thread - Out August 28th, 2020 on XB1/PS4/PC

  • Thread starter jake2013guy
I'm hopeful for a slight global gravitational increase of maybe 0.2g across the board (not quite sure how to describe this), while I enjoy PC2 immensely I do think the overall game feels lighter than it could be.

I'd like my cars to land with a thud after hitting a curb, it just feels like all cars are about 50-100kg lighter than they should be.

Maybe adding/improving the thud sound effect could be the solution :) The car weights are correct and every schoolboy knows gravity = 9.81 m/s/s so I'm sure SMS knows this too. Of course if you are talking about when car actually leaves the ground then aerodynamics play a big role and it may be the problem lies here.
Maybe adding/improving the thud sound effect could be the solution :) The car weights are correct and every schoolboy knows gravity = 9.81 m/s/s so I'm sure SMS knows this too. Of course if you are talking about when car actually leaves the ground then aerodynamics play a big role and it may be the problem lies here.
I did say "I'm not sure if this is the best way to describe it".

I'm not saying that the weights are wrong or that SMS got anything wrong & I don't think it's aero related as once you're going some it's not to bad in high df cars.

I just think regardless of right or wrong it could do with being a tad more planted, I've not played ACC but when I watch videos the cars do look like they're bit more weighted.

You can witness this when you have a big crash in PC2 & cars going pinging off into the stratosphere (slight exaggeration) :)
I'm hopeful for a slight global gravitational increase of maybe 0.2g
Nice one! That's the first time I've seen that request. It's usually I want this car, that track etc. Thinking much bigger than that you want to change the mass of the Earth. :lol:

I think I know what you mean though.

cars going pinging off into the stratosphere (slight exaggeration)
Not necessarily. ;)
Project CARS 2_20200115140051.jpg

The latest SpaceX launch. Courtesy of @John Wells
I hardly can imagine them releasing with less content, so let's guess 80 tracks and 250 cars
I'll say more like 300 cars, at least. With DLC in PC2 the car count is already around 232..I'm sure they will add more than 18 additional cars going to the next game. Track number seems about right but I also wouldn't be surprised if they added slightly less, maybe around 72-75 tracks.
I'll say more like 300 cars, at least. With DLC in PC2 the car count is already around 232..I'm sure they will add more than 18 additional cars going to the next game. Track number seems about right but I also wouldn't be surprised if they added slightly less, maybe around 72-75 tracks.

You might be right, my prediction is a bit biased about my preference for tracks over cars. For me a track can create new joy for 200+ cars. A new car can create joy for 60 tracks
I am not sure if I have mentioned this before but one of the things I most like to see, and am very skeptical if it will be an option, is to BOP car classes you race. As much as I appreciate the car classes I would just enjoy them so much more if I could race them better. Preferably being able to expend this to multiclass races where you can pick the field and BOP both the class and between the classes.

Realistically i don't see this happening but one can only hope as is for so many little and major aspects of the game. If only we had a release date and a little leaked content / features drop once in a while. On the other hand, releasing a very polished game is way more important
I am not sure if I have mentioned this before but one of the things I most like to see, and am very skeptical if it will be an option, is to BOP car classes you race. As much as I appreciate the car classes I would just enjoy them so much more if I could race them better. Preferably being able to expend this to multiclass races where you can pick the field and BOP both the class and between the classes.

Realistically i don't see this happening but one can only hope as is for so many little and major aspects of the game. If only we had a release date and a little leaked content / features drop once in a while. On the other hand, releasing a very polished game is way more important

This, combined with being able to enable/disable specific cars in a class, on top of customizable user-created championships, would've made pCARS 2 amazingly better.

We already have the ability to adjust the restrictor(not sure about ballast) but only as a part of your own setup. Full-field BoP adjustments and restricting individual cars would be a great thing for both online and offline players.
Maybe this was mentioned before, but I just found out this morning Codemasters bought SMS....

My favorite racing game ever, or at least in close competition with GT2, is Toca Race Driver 3. I have strongly felt that Project Cars is basically a sequel to that game. It has some very similar qualities. So to see Codemasters buying SMS sort of boggles my mind. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't some who worked on Toca also work on PCars?

Anyway, this whole thing is a bit funny to me, in a good way
Toca Race Driver 3. I have strongly felt that Project Cars is basically a sequel to that game.
I've always thought Pcars was at least a distant cousin to TOCA. There are many qualities that are similar.

but I just found out this morning Codemasters bought SMS....
You're a little late to the show, but yep they have. Seems like an auspicious deal to.

didn't some who worked on Toca also work on PCars?
Possibly perhaps maybe. Someone else will probably know.
My favorite racing game ever, or at least in close competition with GT2, is Toca Race Driver 3. I have strongly felt that Project Cars is basically a sequel to that game. It has some very similar qualities. So to see Codemasters buying SMS sort of boggles my mind. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't some who worked on Toca also work on PCars?

Anyway, this whole thing is a bit funny to me, in a good way

SMS first game was GTR. Back then they were known as Simbin and were originally a group of modders. GTR was followed by GT Legends and GTR2. They then worked on Ferrari Racing Legends (though this was finished by another studio), Shift, and Shift 2.
I am not sure if I have mentioned this before but one of the things I most like to see, and am very skeptical if it will be an option, is to BOP car classes you race. As much as I appreciate the car classes I would just enjoy them so much more if I could race them better. Preferably being able to expend this to multiclass races where you can pick the field and BOP both the class and between the classes.

Realistically i don't see this happening but one can only hope as is for so many little and major aspects of the game. If only we had a release date and a little leaked content / features drop once in a while. On the other hand, releasing a very polished game is way more important

Are you talking about the classes where there is a very dominant one or two cars? If you are then that is one of the things I would really like to see taken care of as well. I just started playing PC2 again for the first time in close to a year and ran into that again Sunday in whatever the class that the Momo Porsche 935 runs in. 15 lap single player race and the two lead 935's finished over 20 seconds ahead of 3rd place with me only 4 or 5 car lengths behind (driving a 935) but when the leaderboard came up at the end of the race I had the fastest lap by about .5 sec. How did they get that far ahead not turning any faster laps than I did?

Maybe this was mentioned before, but I just found out this morning Codemasters bought SMS....

My favorite racing game ever, or at least in close competition with GT2, is Toca Race Driver 3. I have strongly felt that Project Cars is basically a sequel to that game. It has some very similar qualities. So to see Codemasters buying SMS sort of boggles my mind. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't some who worked on Toca also work on PCars?

Anyway, this whole thing is a bit funny to me, in a good way

I LOVED Toca Race Driver 3. That game was my first introduction to Bathurst, Brands Hatch, and numerous other tracks around the world.
@Jezza, that is exactly what I mean. Some cars are just not fun to drive in their class because you can't be competitive in them.
And yes I know that's realistic, but since we've heard the more fun quote this could be fun.

Hack if someone wants to overtake LMP1 cars with GT4's I wouldn't mind that either.

I was thinking something in the trend of two sliders: one that could seperate classes and one within the class, both starting at realistic.
Want to bring them closer or further apart go ahead and have fun. Both should then have a negative value to make the faster car slower.
Thinking about it after bringing this up in another thread, one thing SMS really ought to improve in PCARSR/3 is to better inform players of the effects of LiveTrack and the variables going into a session, particularly custom sessions as used for tweaking options/settings and becoming familiar with the game. It really is too easy to inadvertently begin a race that is (or will become) too cold or too wet.

I know better and it still sometimes happens to me. "Oops, it's too cloudy for this time of year." "Oops, this track is colder than I expected for this date." "Oops, I thought this car's tires could cope better with a little water."
Thinking about it after bringing this up in another thread, one thing SMS really ought to improve in PCARSR/3 is to better inform players of the effects of LiveTrack and the variables going into a session, particularly custom sessions as used for tweaking options/settings and becoming familiar with the game. It really is too easy to inadvertently begin a race that is (or will become) too cold or too wet.
I think better informing players in general would be great. Improving the descriptions for a setup component and having a visual model would be a better visual option to show where it affects and directly how it affects the car.

I don't know how well it's done but I've heard of a system in AC which shows what your ride height after a run and AC Competizione does a similar thing with aero.
I think a more pro-active engineer that gives you advise would be great (so without your own input) both on setup and conditions but I am afraid that would be too difficult to implement
If they are going to keep all the short tracks or short track versions then I would say need quite a few more cars with top speeds of 150 mph or less.

With 60 to 70 percent of the cars having top speeds 180 mph or more, personally do not see the need for that many short tracks.

Maybe more tire wear settings. I am still very much novice at PC2 and really just starting to enjoy it after just messing around with it every now an then. Just did 15 laps in Group C car and would imagine they go 20 to 24 laps even with advanced tire wear?
Will the next game add TCR/BTCC/ EETCR type cars? More drift, rally, vintage production race cars? Current GT3, GT4, Super Formula, Formula Mazda, Formula Toyota, Super GT? There are easily 30 cars from that short list. More modern sports road cars, EVs, etc.
How about a master game settings save feature or at least ability to save some other screen settings pages to different configuration settings. It would be nice to be able to save what you currently like to say setting A and then fiddle around with settings and save it to B etc. Maybe a person wants different settings such as FOV, world moment, sense of speed for road cars or even other settings like how much break peddle is applied for road cars verses open cockpit cars etc.

Basically an easier way to try different settings while not having to remember or right down the settings that you like.
If they are going to keep all the short tracks or short track versions then I would say need quite a few more cars with top speeds of 150 mph or less.

With 60 to 70 percent of the cars having top speeds 180 mph or more, personally do not see the need for that many short tracks.
You had it right in the first line. :)
After codies bought SMS i hope some things could carry over to PC3. For example i really love the idea of Race Director from GRID. Offcourse just tune it down to more realistic levels, but being witness to random motorsport moments during races is really great and adds emotions to the racing. Imagine seeing cars with tire blows, engine blows etc. etc. I would love to see that in Project Cars 3. Also i love codemasters racers AI, I hope they will help tinker Project Cars AI in the future to be more realistic.
Some kind of Nemesis/Rivals system would be nice addition too. But less aggressive because of more realistic driving model ;)
Imagine seeing cars with tire blows, engine blows etc. etc.
I'm not sure about the tyres but with the mechanical damage option on engine wear certainly occurs. I've had one pop on me.

Some kind of Nemesis/Rivals system would be nice addition too.
Yes. If they could get that to carry over from race to race and season to season it would be good. And yes Codemasters AI is pretty competitive. It'd be nice for that to be incorporated into PCr.
Also i love codemasters racers AI, I hope they will help tinker Project Cars AI in the future to be more realistic.
Some kind of Nemesis/Rivals system would be nice addition too. But less aggressive because of more realistic driving model ;)
So long as it isn't "chase the rabbit" like with Ravenwest, and championship points still mean something instead of leaning even harder into "1st place or nothing".
I just wish that the merger with Codemasters would bring back some V8 Supercars 3 memories, because that game was great fun. It would be good if this game did have a few more Australian circuits and the current Supercars, but that's probably wishful thinking. They could at least revive the car selection screen:
I'm not sure about the tyres but with the mechanical damage option on engine wear certainly occurs. I've had one pop on me.

Yeah engine wears occurs but i meant something much more dramatic happening to AI most of the times + some more spectacular crashes of AI they should make bigger mistakes than going off grass.
I'm not sure about the tyres but with the mechanical damage option on engine wear certainly occurs. I've had one pop on me.

Yes. If they could get that to carry over from race to race and season to season it would be good. And yes Codemasters AI is pretty competitive. It'd be nice for that to be incorporated into PCr.

Does any current race sim have tire blow outs, flat spot of tires, low tires etc. I think thru out real race history tire damage would be the #1 issue that has ended many a drivers race. Usually tire damage that cause you to spin out and crash etc. Electrical issues are also starting to become more common in real races.

I did see one time in PC2 when I pulled in pits that it said they had to fix an electrical issue.
Does any current race sim have tire blow outs, flat spot of tires, low tires etc.
I'm not sure but I would think that one of them must do it all. Flat spots I believe are modeled in PC2 but only subtly for playability reasons. We're not all race drivers so would probably end up changing tyres quite frequently. :)
Possibly playability over full simulation might be the reason for the lack of blow outs to.

I did see one time in PC2 when I pulled in pits that it said they had to fix an electrical issue.
I've not seen this. Good to know it exists when damage is enabled.